Ormus (Ormus) le Guidon is geboren vóór 1062, zoon van Ricardus (Ricardus)
Forestarius. Hij is gedoopt in Stowe. Ormus is overleden vóór 1141.
Notitie bij Ormus: Nog twee kinderen; Aline en Margaretae. Known as Ormele Gulden,
also called de Darleston, from a lordship near Stone.
This name and family claims a Saxon origin and derivation
such as few now extant in England can boast.
Biddulph , variously written Bydulf , Bradulf , &c. is
a word purely Saxon, compounded of Bid , Biedw , and Ulf , or Wulf , literally
the wolf-killer. The latter entered into the composition of a vast number of
names during the Heptarch , as Ethelwulf , Ceolwulf , &c. when skill and
courage in the chase of the hordes of this ferocious animal must have been held
in high estimation. (A different origin of the name is suggested in our
Baronetage, but as this is confirmed by the arms, and was adopted by the late
learned antiquary, the Rev. John Whitaker , a connexion of the family, it is
probably correct. We trace the same in other languages, as Hugh Lupus ,
Canteloupe , &c. and even in the heroic ages we have ’avri??eov ??, in the
Catalogue of Homer ’s Chieftains.)
That a family of this name existed in the Saxon times in
the northern parts, we have evidence in the early chronicles, in which we find
"A.D. 790, Beadulfus , or Baldulf , consecrated Bishop of Whitern , on the
16 day before the Calends of Aug , by Archbishop Eanbald , of York , and Bishop
Ethelbert . Whitern was the capital of the kingdom of Galloway , on the other
side of the Solway Frith , then recently subdued from the Strath-cluyd Britons
, under Walwein , nephew of the great Arthur , and becoming a province of the
potent Northumbrian kingdom of the Heptarchy , received both its civil and
spiritual governors from York .
The date of Bishop Beadulf ’s death is not recorded, but
it appears that he visited his native province on solemn occasions, as we find
him on the death of Ethelred , assisting Archbishop Eanbald , and other
bishops, by whom Erdulf , the successor in the Northumbrian kingdom, "was
consecrated and raised to his throne at York , on the 07 day before the Calends
of Jun , A.D. 795."
Biddulph (Bidulf , or Beadulf according to the old Saxon orthography)
is a village and lordship in the north part of the county of Stafford , or
"the Moorlands," on the very borders of Cheshire , which either
acquired its name from its possessors, or conferred it on them. It had fallen
to the crown by their resistance to the Norman invasion, like the greater part
of the lands in England , and, not having been granted out, was recorded among
the "Terra regis," in the Domesday Survey, and unlike the most part
of it, appears to have been restored, through a female representative, to the
line of its ancient owners.
"The Biddulphs do derive themselves (says Erdeswick )
from one Ormus le Guidon, the son of Ricardus Forestarius " of Norman
race, who held, as appears by Domesday, ten lordships in the county of Stafford
, which were conferred upon him in reward of his services. Biddulph , and other
large possessions were not included in these.
The tradition is that Richard the Forester was only
sixteen years of age when he came in, and that subsequently, having the Saxon
heiress given to him in marriage, these latter were restored either to him or
to his son, in whose possession we find them in the succeeding reign. A great
part of these estates lay in a wild country bordered by the river Trent , and
much covered with wood,-he thence probably derived the designation of
Forestarius, for, he may Rufus , Beauclerc ; or by their office or employment,
as Forestarius, and his neighbour de Ferrarius , or Ferrers . Thus Ormus
"le Guidon" must have been a Standard-bearer to the king, or to one
of the great barons de Toni , (Stafford ) Ferrers , Chester , or Shrewsbury ,
whose territories lay in the same neighbourhood as his own, and with whom it
seems Richard and his son were joined, when the chivalry of Cheshire and
Stafford were led against the Welch in the reigns of William the First, and
William Rufus , to the end of which latter, the Forrester, having survived his
master the Conqueror, seems to have lived.
Ormus le Guidon , his only son, succeeded him in all his
possessions. He was also called de Darleston , from a Lordship near Stone , the
seat of his principal residence. He wedded . . . . the daughter of Nicolas de
Beauchamp , (In a later age, there has been another intermarriage between one
branch of the Biddulphs , and the female representative of one line of the
Beauchamps .) Vice Com. de Stafford , by Emmeline , daughter and heir of Urso
de Abitot , both great and powerful nobles. Ormus , it should seem, lived
through the reigns of the William II. Henry I. and Stephen. What part he took
in the affairs of those stirring times is not precisely stated, nor under whose
banner he acquired his honourable cognomen. As large possessions were conferred
upon him, in addition to those which he inherited from his father Richard the
Forester, and those he held as predatory to the church of Burton , (A series of
documents is extant, taken from the Registers of Burton Abbey, exhibiting the
nature of the connexion between the convent, and successive heads of this
powerful family, and not only establishing several points of its history, but
curious, as throwing light upon the manners and habits of the age.
The first of these is a "Convention" made
between Godfrey Abbot, of Burton , and Ormus de Darlaveston (as he is called)
done in a chapter held of the monks, who were assenting to the grant. "The
abbot granted Darlweston to Ormus , himself, and to his son Robert , born of
the dau. of Nicholas , the Viscount, for nine-pence yearly rent. The said Ormus
, and his son, on their part, were to entertain hospitably the abbot, whenever
he would, and to aid and assist him, with his followers and vassals, whenever
he had need; and, upon their death, their bodies were to be carried to Burton ,
to be buried, where they were to be very honorably received by the monks. And,
with them was to be brought the whole of their chattels, whatever they had in
all places. In like manner concerning the wife of Ormus , when she died; her
body was to be received with great honour, and buried at Burton ." Other
sunilar "conventions" with their descendants appear.
Such was the nature of the relations established in those
times between the church and the great land-owners, involving on the part of
the latter, protection and aid of the strong arm, for the weaker party, whose
lands they held at an easy rate; hospitality and mutual good offices on the
part of both; and, on that of the church, what might best tend to soften the
rude habits and dispositions of these military tenants, and their followers-a
kindly provision of the offices of religion, following them, as we have seen,
to the last solemn rites of the tomb.
There is documentary evidence of connection with Ranulph ,
Earl of Chester , one of the most accomplished nobles of his time, and
son-in-law to Robert Earl of Gloucester , which probably determined the line
which Ormus and his son Robert took in the contest for the succession between
Stephen and the Empress Maud , and her son Henry II. into whose reign a
comparison of the dates in the Burton Abbey Register, leads us to suppose that
he lived to see the establishment of the line of Plantagenet on the throne.
Ormus had four sons by the daughter of Nicholas Beauchamp
, Vice com. de Stafford ; Robert , Edward , Thomas , and Alured . His eldest
son, Robert , succeeded him at Darleston , as predatory to the Abbey of Burton
, as well as to the greater part of his lay possessions.
Robert ’s son, Ralph de Darleston , dying s. p. his sister
Alina , m. to Ingenulfus de Gresley , was his heir. She divided the family
possessions as follows:-
Darleston , Fenton , and part of Biddulph , to Avisia ,
her daughter, the wife of Henry de Verdon , which, after three descents came to
Alicia de Verdon , who m. Edward Manwaring , third brother of Sir Ranulf
Manwaring , knt. of Pever , in Cheshire , in which family part of Biddulph
remains to this day. Tunstall , Chattersly , and Chell , to her other daughter
Petronella , m. to Henry de Audeley (Aldithelegh ) founder of the ancient and
noble line of Audley . To Roger , the son of Edward , her uncle, Middle-Biddulph
. To Thomas , her other uncle, she gave Over-Biddulph, and Normanscote . And to
Alured , her third uncle, Knipersly ; his descendants taking their name from
the place from temp. Hen. III. till 2nd Rich. II. when Katherine , the heiress
of Knippersly , carried the estate into the family of Bowyer , in which a
Baronetcy (since extinct) was created in 1660 . The male line of the Bowyers ,
however, failed, and the representation passed, through female heirs, to Sir
Nigel Bowyer Gresley , bart. and Charles Bowyer Adderly , esq. of Hams , in the
county of Warwick .
Of the descendants of Ormus , the descent is thus shortly
traced, of the female elder branch, through the Verdons , Manwarings , and
Audleys , and of his fourth son, Alured , to the Bowyers , &c.
The descendants of Thomas , the third son, took the name
of Overton , from inheriting Over-Biddulph , and after five descents merged in
the second branch, by the marriage of Cicily , the daughter and heir of Thomas
Overton , with John de Biddulph .
But the lineal male representative of Ormus le Guidon (on
failure of the male line of Robert de Darleston , his eldest son) and the
direct line of Biddulph come from Edward , his second son, who first took the
name of Biddulph from that part of the family possessions, which has continued
in the same line in direct uninterrupted dedescent for twenty generations,
during a period of more than seven hundred years.
The seat of their residence was on or near the same scite
on which the noble edifice, now in ruins, was afterwards erected; but, like the
Norman buildings in general, of far different character, rude and massive,
affording little accommodation but a strong hold, such as the times required,
and to which its situation, placed high, and on the very verge of the Moorlands
, must have greatly contributed.
Edward ’s son, Roger de Biddulph , succeeded to these
possessions in the division made of the great estates of his grandfather Ormus
, between his male representatives and the Audleys and Verdons , in right of
the female branches.
It should seem that the whole kindred adhered to King John
, being of the number of "those Lords who (as the Chronicle says) were
constant to him with all his faults."
17 Henry III. , A.D. 1223 , Henry de Audley , founded
Hilton Abbey, near his Castle of Helegh , and endowed it with lands in puram.
et perpet. eleemosynam. Of these, Normanscote was derived from the gift or
confirmation of his cousin, Sir Henry Biddulph , knt., son of Thomas de Overton
, or Over-Biddulph , it having been part of the family possessions from the
Conquest. It appears that other parts of the territories of the Barons of
Audley were derived from the same stock, as in the Charter of Confirmation of
King Henry III. in addition to those by grant from the great Ranulf , Earl of
Chester , and Hugh de Lacy , Constable of Chester (with both of whom all this
Staffordshire kindred seem to have been strictly allied) there are comprised,
"Ex dono Nic. de Verdon, Aldithlegh cum omnibus
pertinent, et libert. suis." "Ex. dono Engenulfi de Gresley, et Alivæ
ux. ejus Tunstall, &c." And lands "Ex dono Margaretæ de extraneo,
filiæ Guidonis extranei;" a dau. it is presumed of Ormus .
Hilton Abbey was, according to the custom of those times,
the burial-place of the founders and their kindred, but its ruins afford no
trace of their tombs.
The family which had been thus "constant to the
father, were more tender of the son," and continued their devotion to the
race of Plantagenet, in the person of Henry III. They were particularly
attached to his brother Richard , Earl of Cornwall , whom James de Audley
attended when he was crowned King of the Romans, at Aix la Chapelle, in 1257 .
In the great Barons’ wars, headed by the powerful Simon de
Montfort , the Earl of Leicester , they were loyal to their king, (the Earl of
Cornwall , and many of the northern lords, being drawn over to his side,) and
aided Prince Edward in the battle of Evesham , where the defeat and death of
Mountfort ultimately broke the power of the confederate Barons. An antient
seal, bearing the impress of the Arms of Biddulph , was lately dug up in the
The race of Ormus , however, became allied to that
powerful family, and through that connection to Llewellyn , the last and
gallant Prince of Wales , Felicia , fourth in descent from the founder of the
Biddulphs , having married Robert , youngest son of Simon de Montfort , who,
after the discomfiture and death of the Earl, remained privately in England ,
and changed his name to Wellesborne , while his elder brothers, Simon and Grey
, being banished, became the respective founders of the foreign lines of
Mountfort , Earl of Bigorre , in France , and then of the Mountfords , of
Tuscany , and the Earls of Campo-Bacchi in Naples .
In the 54th Henry III. 1270 , it seems that Thomas de
Biddulph , with his kinsman James de Audley , attended Prince Edward in the
Crusade to the Holy Land, which he undertook, accompanied by Elinor ,
afterwards his Queen, when Acon was gallantly rescued from the infidels. There
is a tradition to this day in the neighbourhood of Biddulph , that certain
families, whose lineaments betray their Eastern origin, are descendants of some
Saracen followers, who attended their master on his return from this crusade.
Robert de Biddulph was, with his kinsman, James de Audley
, at the battle of Poictiers , when the French king was taken under Edward III.
The Staffordshire vassals of The Forester
They formed the right wing of the English army under Henry
V. , and particulars are given of a skirmish near Amiens , some days before the
battle of Agincourt , when, being charged by the French, they recovered the
Standard of Hugh Stafford , Lord Bouchier , and completely routed their
In the wars between the Houses of York and Lancaster ,
this Staffordshire kindred adhered to the fortunes of the latter, and fought
under the cognizance of the Red Rose. They suffered severely early in this
lamentable contest at the battle of Bloreheath , A.D. 1459 , in their own
neighbourhood, at which Lord Audley , who commanded, with most of the gentlemen
who gallantly fought in that cause, were slain.
In the reign of Henry VIII. the family of Biddulph became
divided into two branches. The elder line, represented by Sir Richard Biddulph
, knt., who succeeded to the estates, adhered steadily to the principles and
faith of their ancestors during all the religious revolutions of that and the
succeeding reigns, with many of the ancient families in the northern parts of
England .
Richard Biddulph , of Biddulph , son of William of
Biddulph , and the direct descendant of Ormus le Guidon , had two sons,
I. Richard (Sir), his heir.
II. Symon , who settled at Elmhurst , embraced the
established forms of the Protestant faith, and married Joyce , dau. of Sir Robert
Weston , sprung from a common ancestor with the Earls of Portland . Being the
father of a numerous offspring, the hive sent forth its swarms, and, as has
been often the case in the cadets of ancient houses, some of them devoting
themselves to the higher branches of commerce, laid the foundations of future
opulence, and became the parent stocks of flourishing branches, destined to
carry on, and maintain the family name, when, after many generations, the elder
line should become gradually extinct. Symon was father of another
Symon Biddulph , esq. of Elmburst , whose son,
Symon Biddulph , esq. (A house near Lichfield , since
taken down, of which a print is given in Plot , who dedicates it to "the
worshipful, the generous, the much honoured gentleman, Michael Biddulph , esq.
of Elmhurst .") of Elmhurst , d. in 1632 , leaving by Joyce , his wife,
dau. of Richard Floyer , esq., of Uttoxeter , several sons and daughters, of
1. Michael , of Elmhurst , m. Elizabeth , dau. of Sir W.
Skeffington , bart. of Fisherwick , and had issue,
Michael , of Elmhurst , who d. s. p. in 1666 .
Theophilus , of Westcombe , in Kent , who was created a
Baronet in 1664 . (We may here mention an anecdote relative to the Baronet’s
line-that Farqubar , who wrote his "Beaux Stratagem," at Litchfield ,
took the character of his Lady Bountiful from Lady Biddulph , then residing at
the Palace there, as he did his Boniface from the Landlord of the George , and
Cherry , from his daughter.) (See Burke’s Peerage & Baronetage.)
2. George , a merchant in London , died unm.
3. Anthony , founder of the lines of Polesworth , Ledbury
, Amroth Castle , &c. which see.
4. John , 5. Humphrey , one of these gentlemen entered
into the service of the East India Company, and was of those enterprizing men
who laid the foundation of its splendid empire. He was agent to the company at
Surat in 1616 .
6. William , in holy orders: this gentleman seems likewise
to have been no way deficient in spirit and talents. He was Chaplain to the
English Factory, at Aleppo , in the reign of James I. Of his travels there is a
most curious account in "the Collection of Voyages from the library of the
Earl of Oxford ." (It is entitled "The Preacher’s Travels," and
purports to be, "The ten years’ travels of four Englishmen and a Preacher,
into Africa , Asia , Troy , Bithynia , Thracia , the Black Sea, Syria , Cilicia
, Pisidia , Mesopotamia , Damascus , Canaan , Galilee , Samaria , Judæa ,
Palæstina , Jerusalem , Jericho , and to the Red Sea, and divers other places,
very useful to travellers, and no less delightful to all persons who take
pleasure to hear of the manners, government, religion, and customs, of foreign
and heathen countries." The Editor describes Mr. William Biddulph , as
"Preacher to the Company of English Merchants residing in Aleppo ,"
and testifies to his "learning, sound judgment, and veracity, and, as not
having delivered every thing that was told for a truth, but examined every
particular with judgment and reason."
In one of his letters "he relateth his travels from
Aleppo to Jernsalem , by the Sea of Galilee , or Tiberias , and the Lake of
Gennesareth , and so through the whole land of Canaan , which way was never
travelled by any Englishman before. And this journey," he quaintly
observes, in conclusion, "may be called Jacob ’s journey, because all the
whole way which they travelled thither, is the way which Jacob travelled from
Bethel to Beersheba , to his uncle Laban ’s house, at Padanaran , in
Mesopotamia ."
He appears to have been at Jerusalem at Easter , 1611 .
His admonition to his "loving countrymen, that either
shall hereafter serve in the wars of Hungary , against the Turks , or trade in
those places. utterly to detest the Turkish religion, is very characteristic
and becoming his sacred profession. He compares heathenism and mahometanism to
glass,-"touch not glass, for though it be bright, yet it is brittle; it
cannot endure the hammer;" and christianism to gold; "do you melt it,
or do you rub it, or do you beat it, it shineth still more orient."
The eldest son,
Sir Richard Biddulph , knt. succeeded to the family
estates, temp. Henry VIII. He m. Petronilla , dau. of Sir Robert Aston , of an
ancient family, seated in the counties of Stafford and Chester , and had a son
and successor,
Richard Biddulph , of Biddulph , who wedded Margaret ,
dau. and co-heir of Sir John Salwey , by Margaret , his wife, dau. of Hugh
Erdeswick , (see, vol. i. p. 153,) and was succeeded by his son,
Francis Biddulph , esq. of Biddulph , who m. Isabel , dau.
of Sir Thomas Giffard , of Chillington , and had a son Richard , his heir. The
reigu of Elizabeth was distinguished by the noble mansions which the
representatives of the ancient families erected on their domains, in the style
which is called the "Tudor architecture." The house which Francis
Biddulph built at Biddulph , appears, from the noble ruins still extant, to
have all the best features of this style. (Its date A. D. 1558 , appears on the
arched entrance which, opening in the southern front, is enriched with
pilasters and other ornaments, well carved and modelled in the Italian style.
then blended (by the encouragement given to Italian architects) with the
features of English architecture, which, borrowed both from the ecclesiastical
and castellated style, mixed with a revival of Roman forms. The pilasters and
ornaments are renewed on the second story, accompanying a gallery, or balcony,
over the gate, surmounted by a sort of battlemented pyramid, while the
principal apartments on this side end in two noble bays, or oriels, also
carried up to the same height. On the other side are similar bays, of noble
proportions, and on the north rises a lofty tower, ending in a dome, which is
vaulted with stone, moulded into the shape of scales, in a singular, but most
effective manner. The whole is of beautiful grey stone, and does credit to the
spirit and magnificence of the founder, who little thought that an edifice,
calculated to be the residence of his family for ages, would, within less than
a century, fall a sacrifice to democratic and puritanical violence.) The son
and successor, Richard Biddulph esq. of Biddulph , born in 1559 , married Ann ,
daughter of - Draycott , esq. of Paynsley , and had issue,
John , his heir.
Mary . m. to Christopher Clough , esq. of Mindtoun , Salop
Frances , m. to Marmaduke Holdby , esq. of Shakelton ,
county of York .
Anne , m. to Thomas Worthington , of Lancashire .
The son and heir,
John Biddulph , esq. of Biddulph , lived in the troubled
times of the first Charles, when both branches of the family, the Catholic and
the Protestant, espoused with zeal the royal cause, and suffered severely for
their devotion. John Biddulph , of Biddulph , contributed men and money, with
the other Catholics of Staffordshire , to the formation of the king’s first army;
that which fought at Edgehill . Biddulph-Hall was soon after garrisoned, and
made a strong and important post in keeping up the communications with Chester
, &c. A younger brother of the family was one of the gentlemen of
Staffordshire , who seized, and kept the Close of Litchfield , until it was
retaken by the Parliamentary forces under Lord Brook , who, during the siege
took possession of, and occupied as quarters, the house of Mr. Michael Biddulph
, of Elmhurst , then M.P. for the city. In the subsequent fight at Hopton Heath
, this "Captain Biddulph " fell at the head of his troop, gallantly
seconding the charge of the Earl of Northampton , with whose family the
Biddulphs were now, or shortly after connected, by the marriage of Mary ;
daughter of Francis Biddulph , esq. of Biddulph , with George Compton , esq. of
Brambletye-house. Biddulph-hall , as it was one of the first of the posts
garrisoned for the king, was one of the last to surrender. We find a garrison
there even after the disastrous battle of Marston Moor ; and early in 1645 ,
the king, in person, visited all those quarters, in his way to Chester ,
shortly before his last fight at Naseby , after which Biddulph Hall was
plundered and laid in ruins, except the
Captain Biddulph m. Mary , daughter of Thomas Eyre , esq.
of Hassop , and had issue,
I. Francis , his heir.
II. John , or, Thomas , who was groom of the chamber to
James II. and, with the Duke of Berwick , was the only attendant of the
unfortunate Prince when he stepped into the boat at Sheernesss, and severed
himself for ever from the British soil and crown.
I. Prudence , m. to John Crompton , esq. of Milnwich ,
county of Stafford .
II. Dorothy , m. to Thomas Lane . The Biddulphs were also
connected by another intermarriage with the royalist family of the Lanes . Jane
Lane , who assisted in the escape of Charles II. being Aunt to Jane , wife of
Symon Biddulph , esq. of Frankton and Birbury , to whom she bequeathed a
splendid sapphire jewel, presented to her by the Queen of Bohemia , which, with
a noble picture by Vandyke , of Charles and his Queen, (both now in possession
of the Warwickshire family,) and a baronetcy conferred on Sir Theophilus
Biddulph , in 1664 , were the memorials of the distinguished loyalty of the
Protestant branch of this family during those disastrous times.
John Biddulph died in 1642 , and was succeeded by his son,
Francis Biddulph , esq. of Biddulph , b. 07 Apr 1619 , who
m. Margaret , dau. of George Preston , esq. of Holker , and had issue,
I. Richard , his heir.
II. John .
III. Henry , died in 1683 , s. p.
I. Mary , m. to George Compton , esq. of Brambletye ,
county of Sussex .
II. Margaret , died unm.
III. Anne , died unm.
The eldest son and successor,
Richard Biddulph , esq. of Biddulph , aged 19, on the 07
Apr 1663 , wedded Ann , dau. of Sir Henry Goring , and heiress to her brother
Sir Wm. Goring , bart., and had issue,
I. John , his heir.
II. Francis , buried at Burton , 1749 .
III. Richard .
I. Elizabeth , married to Charles , Lord Dormer .
II. Ann , m. to Anthony Wright , esq. of Whealside , Essex
Mr. Biddulph died before 1679 , was buried at Burton , and
succeeded by his son,
John Biddulph , esq. of Biddulph and Burton , who m. Mary
, daughter of Charles Arundel , esq. and had issue,
I. Richard .
II. Charles .
He died in May 1720 , aged 45, was buried at Burt , and
succeeded in the representation of the family by his elder son,
Richard Biddulph , esq. of Boderton , who died unmarried,
in 1767 , aged 60, and was succeeded by his brother,
Charles Biddulph , esq. of Biddulph and Burton , who m.
1st. Elizabeth , dau. of Sir Henry Bedingfeld , bart. of Oxburgh , and, 2dly,
Frances-Appollonia , dau. of George Brownlow Doughty , esq. of Snarford Hall ,
Lincolnshire , and widow of Henry Wells , esq. By the first lady, only, who
died in 1763 , he had issue, viz.
I. John , his heir.
II. Charles , d. unm. 1821 .
III. Thomas , m. in France , Miss Faucart , but d. s. p.
in 1789 .
I. Mary .
Mr. Biddulph died 17 May 1784 , and was succeeded by his
eldest son, the present John Biddulph , esq. of Biddulph and Burton .
Arms-Vert, an eagle displayed arg.
Crests-1st, a lion rampant, ppr. 2nd, a wolf sejant, arg.
wounded on the shoulder, ppr.
Motto-Sublimiora petamus.
Estates-Biddulph Hall estates in Staffordshire ; Burton
Park and Brambletye House , in Sussex .
Seat-Burton Park , Sussex .
Name: John Biddulph , esq. of Ledbury , in the county of
Hereford , b. in Mar 1768 , m. 09 Sep 1797 , Miss Augusta Roberts , and has,
with six daughters, four sons, viz.
I. Robert , M.P. for the borough of Hereford , and a
magistrate and deputy lieutenant of the county.
II. John .
III. Francis-Thomas .
IV. Ormus .
Mr. Biddulph succeeded to his paternal estates upon the
demise of his mother in 1818 . He is a magistrate and deputy lieutenant for
Herefordshire , and served the office of sheriff in 1820-1821 .
Anthony Biddulph , esq. baptized at Stowe in 1584 ,
younger son of Symon Biddulph , of Elmhurst , and the direct descendant of the
family seated at Biddulph (see page 283), wedded Elizabeth , daughter of Robert
Palmer , esq. alderman of London , and was father of
Michael Biddulph , esq. who m. Frances , daughter of Sir
William Kingston , bart. and had a son and successor,
Robert Biddulph , esq. who m. Mary , daughter of Sir
William Cullen , bart. of East Sheen , and dying in 1670 , was succeeded by his
Anthony Biddulph , esq. who first settled at Ledbury , in
the county of Hereford . He married Constance , daughter and co-heir of Francis
Hall , esq. and had three sons, viz.
I. Robert , his heir.
II. Francis , who married thrice. By his first and second
wife he had two daughters; Constance , m. to the Rev. Thomas Salwey , LL.D.
(see vol. i. p. 154), and Anne , m. to Benjamin Baugh , esq. of Ludlow . By the
third, Margaret , widow of Reginald Pindar , esq. of Kempley , in the county of
Gloucester , and daughter and heir of William Lygon , esq. of Madresfield , in
Worcestershire , representative of Richard , last Lord Beauchamp of Powick ,
which title, extinct temp. Henry VI. has been revived in favour of her
descendants by Mr. Pindar , since raised to the earldom of Beauchamp , he had a
Thomas , in holy orders, who m. first, Martha , daughter
and co-heir of the Rev. John Tregenna , representative of the ancient family of
Tregenna Castle , in Cornwall , and had one son,
The Rev. Thomas Tregenna Biddulph , A.M. born at Worcester
, minister of St. James’s, Bristol , who married Rachel , daughter of Zachary
Shrapnel , esq. of Bradford, Wilts , and sister of Major-General Henry Shrapnel
, R. A. and had issue,
1. Thomas-Shrapnel , of Amroth Castle , in the county of
Pembroke , in holy orders, prebendary of Brecon , a magistrate for the counties
of Carmarthen and Pembroke , m. Charlotte , daughter of the Rev. James
Stillingfleet , prebendary of Worcester , by Elizabeth , his wife, daughter of
William Hale , esq. of King’s Walden, Herts , and has issue,
Francis-John .
Michael-Anthony .
Thomas - Edward - Stillingfleet .
Margaret-Anne .
Frances - Augusta - Charlotte .
2. Zachariah-Henry , B.D. late fellow of Magdalen College,
Oxford , vicar of Shoreham , in Sussex , Backwell , in Somersetshire .
3. Theophilus , late of Oxford University, m. Catherine ,
daughter of John Lindon , esq.
1. Rachel-Lydia , m. to the Rev. Charles Henning .
2. Henrietta , m. to William Pinchard , esq.
The Rev. Thomas Biddulph wedded, secondly, Sarah ,
daughter of Chauncey Townsend , esq. and had two daughters,
Frances-Phipps , m. to James Townsend , esq. commander
Charlotte-Louisa , m. to George Vizard , esq.
III. Michael , a bencher of Lincoln’s Inn, d. s. p. in
1758 .
Anthony Biddulph died in 1717 , and was succeeded by his
Robert Biddulph , esq. of Ledbury , who married Anne ,
daughter of Benjamin Jolliffe , esq. of Cofton Hall , in the county of
Worcester , by Mary , his wife, sister of Sir William Jolliffe , bart. (see
vol. i. p. 517), and had three sons,
I. Michael , his heir.
II. Benjamin , in holy orders, who left one son,
Benjamin , of Burghill , in Herefordshire .
III. Francis , banker, of Charing Cross , d. s. p.
The eldest son,
Michael Biddulph , esq. of Ledbury and Cofton Hall ,
wedded Penelope , eldest daughter of John Dandridge , esq. of Balden’s Green ,
Malvern, Worcestershire , and had issue,
I. Robert , who m. Charlotte , eldest daughter and co-heir
of Richard Myddelton , esq. of Chirk Castle , in Denbighshire , M.P. for the
county of Hereford , and died in 1814 , leaving two sons and one daughter, viz.
1. Robert Middelton - Biddulph , esq. of Chirk Castle ,
late M.P. for Denbighshire .
2. Thomas , an officer in the Guards.
1. Charlotte .
II. John .
I. Penelope , widow of Adam Gordon , esq. of Denmark Hill,
Surrey .
II. Mary-Anne , widow of Robert Phillipps , esq. of
Longworth , Herefordshire .
III. Anne , widow of David Gordon , esq. of Abergeldie ,
in Aberdeenshire .
IV. Harriet , m. to Thomas Woodyatt , esq. R. N. of Holly
Mount , Worcestershire .
Mr. Biddulph died 06 Dec 1800 , and was succeeded at
Ledbury by his second son, the present John Biddulph , esq. of Ledbury .
Arms, Crest, and Motto-see Biddulph, of Biddulph.
Estates and Seats-The different branches of the Biddulph
family are thus seated:-
1. Staffordshire : Biddulph Hall estates. Sussex : Burton
Park , and Brambletye House. John Biddulph , esq. of Biddulph .
2. Warwickshire : the estates of Sir Theophilus Biddulph ,
3. Herefordshire : the estates and seats of John Biddulph
, esq. of Ledbury , and of Benjamin Biddulph , esq. of Burghill .
4. North Wales : the seat and estates of Robert
Myddelton-Biddulph , esq. of Chirk Castle .
5. South Wales : 1. The possessions in Caermarthen and
Pembrokeshire of John Biddulph , jun. esq. of Llangennick , and of
Francis-Thomas Biddulph , esq. bankers. 2. Estates and collieries in
Pembrokeshire , of the Rev. Thomas-Shrapnel Biddulph , of Amroth Castle .
of Staffordshire |
of Darleston Biddulph |
begon een relatie met nb (nb) de Beauchamp.
nb is geboren omstreeks 1100 in Elmsley Castle, Worcester, Engeland, dochter van
Nicholas (Nicholas) de Beauchamp en Emeline (Emeline) le Despencer. nb is
overleden na 1130, minstens 30 jaar oud.
van Ormus en nb:
1 Radulphus (Radulphus) FitzOrme [1.1].
2 Robert (Robert) FitzOrme, geboren vóór
1090. Volgt 1.2.
3 Edward (Edward) Biddulph, geboren vóór
1100. Volgt 1.3.
4 Thomas (Sir) (Thomas) Biddulph, geboren vóór
1100. Volgt 1.4.
5 Alured (Alured) FitzOrme, geboren vóór 1100
in Biddulph, Staffordshire, England. Volgt 1.5.
Robert (Robert) FitzOrme is geboren vóór 1090, zoon van Ormus (Ormus) le Guidon
(zie 1) en nb (nb) de
Beauchamp. Robert is overleden vóór 1170.
Notitie bij Robert: AKA Robert de Darleston
begon een relatie met Mabilia (Mabilia) de Perpant.
Mabilia werd later de biologische moeder van het kind van Mabilia (Mabilia) de
begon een relatie met Letice (Letice) de Montgomery.
Letice is geboren in 1120, dochter van Robert II (de Talvas) (Robert II) de
Montgomery. Letice is overleden vóór 1214, ten hoogste 94 jaar oud.
van Robert uit onbekende relatie:
1 Radulphus (Radulphus) de Darleston [1.2.1], zoon van
Mabilia (Mabilia) de Perpant.
van Robert en Letice:
2 Emma (Emma) FitzOrme, geboren na 1125. Volgt 1.2.2.
3 Alina (Alina) FitzOrme, geboren in 1168
in Darlaston. Volgt 1.2.3.
Emma (Emma) FitzOrme
is geboren na 1125, dochter van Robert (Robert) FitzOrme (zie 1.2) en Letice (Letice) de Montgomery.
Emma is overleden na 1177. Emma trouwde na 1146 met Adam (Sir) (Adam) de Audley / Aldithley, ten
hoogste 1 jaar oud. Adam is geboren omstreeks 1147 in Heleigh, Audley,
Stafford, zoon van Liulf (Liulf) of Aldithley. Adam is overleden na 1203,
minstens 56 jaar oud. Hij is begraven vóór 1211.
van Emma en Adam:
1 Adam (Adam) de Audley / Aldithley [], geboren
in 1173 in Heleigh, Audley, Staffordshire. Adam is overleden in 1212, 38 of 39
jaar oud.
2 Henry (Sir) (Henry) de Audley / Aldithley, geboren in 1175
in Heleigh, Audley, Staffordshire. Volgt
3 William (William) de Stanleigh, geboren in 1177
in Heleigh Castle, Audley, Staffordshire. Volgt
4 James (James) de Audley / Aldithley [], geboren
in 1179 in Heleigh Castle, Audley, Staffordshire.
5 Lucas (Lucas) de Audley / Aldithley [], geboren
in 1180 in Heleigh Castle, Audley, Staffordshire. Lucas is overleden na 1210,
minstens 30 jaar oud.
6 Isabella (Isabella) de Audley / Aldithley [], geboren
in 1184 in Heleigh Castle, Audley, Staffordshire.
Henry (Sir) (Henry) de Audley / Aldithley is geboren in 1175 in Heleigh,
Audley, Staffordshire, zoon van Adam (Sir) (Adam) de Audley / Aldithley en Emma
(Emma) FitzOrme (zie 1.2.2). Henry is
overleden vóór maandag 19 november 1246 in Mainwaring, Bersted, Sussex, ten
hoogste 71 jaar oud.
of Staffordshire |
founded Ailton Abbey 17-03-1223 |
trouwde met Petronilla (Petronilla) de Gresley.
Zie voor persoonsgegevens van
trouwde, 41 of 42 jaar oud, in 1217 in Edgmond, Chesrire met Bertred (Bertred) Mainwaring, ongeveer 21 jaar
oud. Bertred is geboren omstreeks 1196 in Chesire, dochter van Ralph (Sir)
(Ralph) le Mesnilwarin. Bertred is overleden na 1249, minstens 53 jaar oud.
van Henry en Petronilla:
1 Alice (Alice) de Audley / Aldithley, geboren in 1225
in Staffordshire. Volgt
2 James (James) de Audley, geboren in 1229
in Heleigh, Staffordshire. Volgt
van Henry en Bertred:
3 Emma (Emma) de Audley, geboren omstreeks
1218 in Heleigh, Staffordshire. Volgt
4 Ralf (Ralf) de Audley / Aldithley [],
geboren omstreeks 1218. Ralf is overleden vóór 1240, ten hoogste 22 jaar oud.
5 Henry (Henry) de Audley / Aldithley [],
geboren omstreeks 1222 in Heleigh Castle, Audley, Staffordshire. Henry is overleden
in 1275, ongeveer 53 jaar oud.
Emma (Emma) de Audley
is geboren omstreeks 1218 in Heleigh, Staffordshire, dochter van Henry (Sir)
(Henry) de Audley / Aldithley (zie en Bertred (Bertred) Mainwaring.
trouwde, ten hoogste 23 jaar oud, vóór 1241 met Henry
(Henry) Touchet. Henry is overleden omstreeks 1241.
trouwde, minstens 23 jaar oud, na 1241 met Gruffudd
(Gruffudd) Ap Madog. Gruffudd is geboren in Dinas Bran, Denbigh, Wales.
Gruffudd is overleden in 1269. Gruffudd trouwde later na 1244 met Matilda
(Matilda) de Braose (geb. ±1173).
of Bromfield |
Alice (Alice) de Audley / Aldithley is geboren in 1225 in Staffordshire,
dochter van Henry (Sir) (Henry) de Audley / Aldithley (zie en Petronilla (Petronilla) de
Gresley (zie Alice
trouwde, ongeveer 4 jaar oud, omstreeks 1229 met Piers
(Piers) de Montfort. Piers is overleden op dinsdag 4 augustus 1265 in
James (James) de Audley is geboren in 1229 in Heleigh, Staffordshire, zoon van
Henry (Sir) (Henry) de Audley / Aldithley (zie en Petronilla (Petronilla) de
Gresley (zie James is overleden
op zaterdag 11 juni 1272 in Ireland, 42 of 43 jaar oud.
of Ireland |
trouwde, 14 of 15 jaar oud, in 1244 met Ella (Ella)
de Longespee Plantagenet, 26 of 27 jaar oud. Ella is geboren in 1217 in Salisbury,
Wiltshire, dochter van William (William) de Longespee en Idonea (Idonea) de
Camville. Ella is overleden op zondag 22 november 1299, 81 of 82 jaar oud.
van James en Ella:
1 James (James) de Audley [].
James is overleden in 1272.
2 Henry (Henry) de Audley [].
Henry is overleden in 1276.
3 Joan (Joan) de Audley. Volgt
4 William (William) de Audley [],
geboren op zaterdag 18 oktober 1253. William is overleden in 1282, 28 of 29
jaar oud.
5 Nicholas (Nicholas) de Audley, geboren vóór
1258. Volgt
6 Hugh (Hugh) de Audley, geboren omstreeks
1267. Volgt
Joan (Joan) de Audley,
dochter van James (James) de Audley (zie en Ella (Ella) de Longespee
Plantagenet. Joan trouwde met John (John) de
Nicholas (Nicholas) de Audley is geboren vóór 1258, zoon van James
(James) de Audley (zie en Ella
(Ella) de Longespee Plantagenet. Nicholas is overleden op vrijdag 28 augustus
1299, minstens 41 jaar oud. Nicholas trouwde met Katherine
(Katherine) Gifford. Katherine is geboren in 1272, dochter van John
(John) Giffard.
van Nicholas en Katherine:
1 Thomas (Thomas) de Audley, geboren in 1288. Volgt
2 Nicholas (Nicholas) de Audley, geboren op
vrijdag 11 november 1289. Volgt
Thomas (Thomas) de Audley is geboren in 1288, zoon van Nicholas (Nicholas) de
Audley (zie en
Katherine (Katherine) Gifford. Thomas is overleden in 1307, 18 of 19 jaar oud.
Thomas trouwde met Eve (Eve) Clavering. Eve
is een dochter van John (John) de Clavering.
Nicholas (Nicholas) de Audley is geboren op vrijdag 11 november 1289,
zoon van Nicholas (Nicholas) de Audley (zie en Katherine (Katherine)
Gifford. Nicholas is overleden omstreeks november 1316, ongeveer 26 jaar oud.
Lord |
trouwde, 22 of 23 jaar oud, in 1312 met Joan (Joan)
Martin. Joan is een dochter van William (Lord) (William) Martin. Joan is
overleden omstreeks 1322.
van Nicholas en Joan:
1 James (James) de Audley, geboren op
zaterdag 8 januari 1312. Volgt
James (James) de Audley is geboren op zaterdag 8 januari 1312, zoon van
Nicholas (Nicholas) de Audley (zie en Joan (Joan) Martin.
James is overleden op zondag 1 april 1386, 74 jaar oud.
Lord |
trouwde, ongeveer 16 jaar oud, omstreeks 1328 met Joane
(Joane) Mortimer. Joane is een dochter van Roger (Roger) Mortimer.
trouwde, 38 of 39 jaar oud, in 1351 met Isabel (Isabel)
le Strange. Isabel is een dochter van Roger (Roger) le Strange.
van James en Joane:
1 Joane (Joane) de Audley. Volgt
2 Margaret (Margaret) de Audley. Volgt
3 Nicholas (Nicholas) de Audley, geboren omstreeks
1328. Volgt
van James en Isabel:
4 Rowland (Rowland) de Audley
5 Thomas (Thomas) de Audley
6 Margaret (Margaret) de Audley. Volgt
Joane (Joane) de Audley, dochter van James (James) de Audley (zie en Joane (Joane)
Mortimer. Joane trouwde met John (Sir) (John)
Tuchet. John is geboren op zaterdag 25 juli 1327. John is overleden vóór
zondag 10 januari 1361, ten hoogste 33 jaar oud.
Margaret (Margaret) de Audley, dochter van James (James) de Audley (zie en Joane (Joane)
Mortimer. Margaret trouwde met Roger (Sir) (Roger)
Margaret (Margaret) de Audley, dochter van James (James) de Audley (zie en Isabel (Isabel) le
Strange. Margaret trouwde met FulKe (FulKe)
FitzWarine. FulKe is geboren in 1342. FulKe is overleden omstreeks 1374,
ongeveer 32 jaar oud.
Lord |
Nicholas (Nicholas) de Audley is geboren omstreeks 1328, zoon van James
(James) de Audley (zie en
Joane (Joane) Mortimer. Nicholas is overleden op zaterdag 22 juli 1391,
ongeveer 63 jaar oud.
Lord |
begon een relatie met Elizabeth (Elizabeth) de
Beaumont. Elizabeth is een dochter van Henry (Henry) de Beaumont.
Elizabeth is overleden op woensdag 27 oktober 1400.
Hugh (Hugh) de Audley
is geboren omstreeks 1267, zoon van James (James) de Audley (zie en Ella (Ella) de Longespee
Plantagenet. Hugh is overleden vóór 1326, ten hoogste 59 jaar oud.
Audley |
trouwde met Isolde (Isolde) de Mortimer. Isolde
is geboren in 1270 in Wigmore, Herefordshire, dochter van Edmund (Edmund) de
Mortimer en Margaret (Margaret) de Fiennes. Isolde is overleden in 1328, 57 of
58 jaar oud.
Audley |
van Hugh en Isolde:
1 Hugh (Hugh) de Audley, geboren omstreeks
1289. Volgt
2 Alice (Alice) de Audley, geboren in 1300
in Hadley, Staffordshire. Volgt
Hugh (Hugh) de Audley
is geboren omstreeks 1289, zoon van Hugh (Hugh) de Audley (zie en Isolde (Isolde) de
Mortimer. Hugh is overleden op zaterdag 10 november 1347, ongeveer 58 jaar oud.
of Gloucester |
trouwde, ongeveer 28 jaar oud, op donderdag 28 april 1317 met Margaret (Lady) (Margaret) de Clare, ongeveer 25
jaar oud. Margaret is geboren omstreeks 1292, dochter van Gilbert (Gilbert) de
Clare en Joan (Joan) Plantagenet. Margaret is overleden op zaterdag 13 april
1342, ongeveer 50 jaar oud. Margaret trouwde voorheen op woensdag 1 november
1307 met Piers (Piers) de Gaveston (ovl. 1312). Dit huwelijk werd ontbonden op
maandag 19 juni 1312 (Overlijden).
van Hugh en Margaret:
1 Margaret (Lady) (Margaret) de Audley, geboren omstreeks
1312 in Stafford, Staffordshire. Volgt
Margaret (Lady) (Margaret) de Audley is geboren omstreeks 1312 in Stafford,
Staffordshire, dochter van Hugh (Hugh) de Audley (zie en Margaret (Lady)
(Margaret) de Clare. Margaret is overleden op vrijdag 7 september 1347,
ongeveer 35 jaar oud. Margaret trouwde, ongeveer 23 jaar oud, op donderdag 6
juli 1335 in Stafford, Staffordshire met Ralph
(Ralph) de Stafford, 33 jaar oud. Ralph is geboren op zondag 24
september 1301 in Tunbridge, Stafford, zoon van Edmund (Edmund) de Stafford en
Margaret (Margaret) Bassett. Ralph is overleden op dinsdag 31 augustus 1372, 70
jaar oud. Hij is begraven op dinsdag 31 augustus 1372 in Tonburton Priory.
Earl of Stafford |
of the Garter |
van Margaret en Ralph:
1 Elizabeth (Elizabeth) de Stafford
[], geboren omstreeks 1304 in Stafford Castle, Staffordshire.
Elizabeth is overleden op donderdag 7 augustus 1376, ongeveer 72 jaar oud.
2 Hugh (Sir) (Hugh) de Stafford, geboren in 1334
in Staffordshire. Volgt
3 Joan (Joan) de Stafford
[], geboren omstreeks 1336 in Staffordshire. Joan is overleden
vóór 1379, ten hoogste 43 jaar oud.
4 Ralph (Ralph) de Stafford
[], geboren omstreeks 1337 in Tunbridge, Staffordshire. Ralph
is overleden in 1347, ongeveer 10 jaar oud.
5 Margaret (Lady) (Margaret) de Stafford, geboren omstreeks
1340 in Tunbridge, Staffordshire. Volgt
6 Beatrice (Beatrice) de Stafford
[], geboren omstreeks 1340 in Tunbridge, Staffordshire.
7 Catherine (Catherine) de Stafford [],
geboren omstreeks 1340 in Tunbridge, Staffordshire. Catherine is overleden in
december 1361, ongeveer 21 jaar oud.
Hugh (Sir) (Hugh) de Stafford is geboren in 1334 in Staffordshire, zoon
van Ralph (Ralph) de Stafford en Margaret (Lady) (Margaret) de Audley (zie Hugh is overleden op
dinsdag 16 oktober 1386, 51 of 52 jaar oud. Hugh trouwde, 15 of 16 jaar oud, in
1350 met Philippa (Philippa) de Beauchamp,
15 of 16 jaar oud. Philippa is geboren in 1334 in Elmley, Gloucestershire,
dochter van Thomas (Thomas) de Beauchamp en Katherine (Katherine) de Mortimer.
Philippa is overleden op vrijdag 6 april 1386, 51 of 52 jaar oud. Zij is
begraven in Stone.
van Hugh en Philippa:
1 Ralph (Ralph) de Stafford, geboren omstreeks
1354 in Chebsy, Staffordshire. Volgt
2 Margaret (Margaret) de Stafford, geboren omstreeks
1365 in Brancepeth, Durham. Volgt
3 Thomas (Thomas) de Stafford, geboren in 1368
in Staffordshire. Volgt
4 William (William) de Stafford
[], geboren op vrijdag 21 september 1375 in Stafford.
William is overleden op dinsdag 6 april 1395 in Pleshey, Essex, 19 jaar oud.
Hij is begraven in Tonbridge.
5 Humphrey (Humphrey) de Stafford [],
geboren omstreeks 1376 in Stafford.
6 Catharine (Catharine) de Stafford
[], geboren omstreeks 1376 in Staffordshire. Catharine is
overleden op zaterdag 8 april 1419 in Wingfield, Suffolk, ongeveer 43 jaar oud.
7 Edmund de Stafford, geboren op
maandag 2 maart 1377 in Staffordshire. Volgt
8 Joan (Joan) de Stafford
[], geboren in 1378 in Holland, Lancashire. Joan is
overleden op maandag 1 oktober 1442, 63 of 64 jaar oud.
9 Hugh (Hugh) de Stafford, geboren omstreeks
1382 in Staffordshire. Volgt
Ralph (Ralph) de Stafford is geboren omstreeks 1354 in Chebsy, Staffordshire,
zoon van Hugh (Sir) (Hugh) de Stafford (zie en Philippa (Philippa)
de Beauchamp. Ralph is overleden op zaterdag 1 maart 1410 in Hastings, ongeveer
56 jaar oud. Ralph begon een relatie met Maud
(Maud) de Hastings. Maud is geboren in 1358 in Hastings, dochter van
John (John) de Hastings. Zij is gedoopt op vrijdag 2 februari 1358. Maud is
overleden na 1374, minstens 16 jaar oud.
van Ralph en Maud:
1 Humphrey (Humphrey) de Stafford, geboren in 1384
in Grafton. Volgt
Humphrey (Humphrey) de Stafford is geboren in 1384 in Grafton, zoon van
Ralph (Ralph) de Stafford (zie en Maud (Maud) de
Hastings. Humphrey is overleden op maandag 20 februari 1419, 34 of 35 jaar oud.
Humphrey trouwde met Elizabeth (Elizabeth) Burdett.
Elizabeth is geboren omstreeks 1375 in Gorworth, Chersire. Elizabeth is
overleden na 1434, minstens 59 jaar oud.
van Humphrey en Elizabeth:
1 Humphrey (Humphrey) de Stafford, geboren in 1400
in Grafton. Volgt
Humphrey (Humphrey) de Stafford is geboren in 1400 in Grafton, zoon van
Humphrey (Humphrey) de Stafford (zie en Elizabeth
(Elizabeth) Burdett. Humphrey is overleden na 1467, minstens 67 jaar oud.
Humphrey trouwde met Eleanor (Eleanor) Aylesbury.
Eleanor is geboren omstreeks 1406 in Milton Keynes, Buckinghamshire.
van Humphrey en Eleanor:
1 Humphrey (Humphrey) de Stafford, geboren omstreeks
1427 in Grafton, Worcestershire. Volgt
2 Elizabeth (Elizabeth) de Stafford [],
geboren in 1435 in Beauchamp Court, Worcestershire.
3 Joyce (Joyce) de Stafford
[], geboren omstreeks 1460 in Grafton, Worcestershire.
Humphrey (Humphrey) de Stafford is geboren omstreeks 1427 in Grafton,
Worcestershire, zoon van Humphrey (Humphrey) de Stafford (zie en Eleanor
(Eleanor) Aylesbury. Hij is gedoopt in Blatherwyk, Northamptonshire. Humphrey
is overleden op zaterdag 8 juli 1486 in Tuyburn, ongeveer 59 jaar oud.
trouwde met Margareth (Margareth) Beaufort.
trouwde, ongeveer 25 jaar oud, in 1452 in Grafton, Worcestershire met Catherine (Catherine) Fray, ongeveer 15 jaar oud.
Catherine is geboren omstreeks 1437 in Grafton, Worcestershire. Catherine is
overleden op zondag 12 mei 1482 in Grafton, Worcestershire, ongeveer 45 jaar
van Humphrey en Margareth:
1 Anne (Anne) Stafford, geboren omstreeks
1460 in Grafton, Worcestershire. Volgt
Anne (Anne) Stafford
is geboren omstreeks 1460 in Grafton, Worcestershire, dochter van Humphrey (Humphrey)
de Stafford (zie
en Margareth (Margareth) Beaufort. Anne is overleden na 1500, minstens 40 jaar
oud. Zij is begraven in Well, Yorkshire. Anne trouwde, ongeveer 30 jaar oud,
omstreeks 1490 met Richard (Richard) Neville,
ongeveer 23 jaar oud. Zie
voor persoonsgegevens van Richard.
van Anne en Richard:
1 John (Sir) (John) Neville, geboren op zondag
17 november 1493 in Snape Hall, Snape, Yorkshire. Volgt
2 Margaret (Margaret) Neville, geboren op zondag
9 maart 1494 in Latimer, Buckinghamshire. Volgt
3 Dorothy (Dorothy) Neville, geboren op zondag
27 maart 1496 in Snape Hall, Snape, Yorkshire. Volgt
4 William (William) Neville, geboren op
zaterdag 15 juli 1497 in Upper Wick, Wocestershire. Volgt
5 Catherine (Catherine) Neville
[], geboren op woensdag 17 januari 1498 in Snape
Hall, Snape, Yorkshire.
6 Elizabeth (Elizabeth) Neville, geboren op
dinsdag 28 april 1500 in Snape Hall, Snape, Yorkshire. Volgt
7 Susanna (Susanna) Neville, geboren op
woensdag 28 april 1501 in Snape Hall, Snape, Yorkshire. Volgt
8 Thomas (Thomas) Neville, geboren op
zaterdag 24 december 1502 in Pigotts, Ardleigh, Essex. Volgt
9 Joan (Joan) Neville
[], geboren op dinsdag 7 maart 1503 in Snape Hall,
Snape, Yorkshire.
10 Humphrey (Humphrey) Neville
[], geboren op maandag 11 augustus 1505 in Snape
Hall, Snape, Yorkshire.
11 Marmaduke (Marmaduke) Neville, geboren omstreeks
1506 in Snape Hall, Snape, Yorkshire. Volgt
12 Marmaduke (Marmaduke) Neville
[], geboren op zondag 31 januari 1507 in Marks
Tey, Essex. Marmaduke is overleden op donderdag 28 mei 1545, 38 jaar oud.
13 George (George) Neville
[], geboren op zondag 29 juli 1509 in Snape Hall,
Snape, Yorkshire. George is overleden in 1567, 57 of 58 jaar oud.
14 Christopher (Christopher) Neville
[], geboren op donderdag 2 oktober 1511 in Snape
Hall, Snape, Yorkshire.
15 Christopher (Christopher) Neville
[], geboren op dinsdag 3 mei 1513 in Greys Inn,
London, Middlesex. Christopher is overleden na 1542, minstens 29 jaar oud.
John (Sir) (John) Neville is geboren op zondag 17 november 1493 in Snape Hall,
Snape, Yorkshire, zoon van Richard (Richard) Neville (zie en Anne (Anne)
Stafford (zie
John is overleden op vrijdag 2 maart 1543 in London, Middelsex, 49 jaar oud.
Notitie bij John: Naam van de partner is onzeker, Kom ook Dorothy de Vere tegen
(±1490) en getrouwd in ±1510
Lord Latimer |
trouwde, ongeveer 25 jaar oud, omstreeks 1518 in Oxford, Oxfordshire met Dorothy (Dorothy) de Vere, ongeveer 21 jaar oud.
Dorothy is geboren omstreeks 1497 in Oxford, Oxfordshire, dochter van George
(George) de Vere en Margaret (Margaret) Stafford. Dorothy is overleden op
woensdag 7 februari 1526, ongeveer 29 jaar oud.
trouwde, 32 jaar oud, op vrijdag 20 juli 1526 met Elizabeth
(Elizabeth) Musgrave. Elizabeth is overleden in 1533.
trouwde, 39 of 40 jaar oud, in 1533 met Catherine
(Catherine) Parr, 20 of 21 jaar oud. Catherine is geboren in 1512 in
Kendal Castle, Westmorland. Catherine is overleden op woensdag 5 september 1548
in Sudeley Castle, Gloucestershire, 35 of 36 jaar oud. Zij is begraven in
Chapel Sudeley Castle.
1543 |
Crowned |
van John en Dorothy:
1 John (John) Neville, geboren omstreeks
1520 in Snape Hall, Snape, Yorkshire. Volgt
2 Margaret (Margaret) Neville
[], geboren omstreeks 1522 in Snape Hall, Snape,
Yorkshire. Margaret is overleden na maandag 23 maart 1545, minstens 23 jaar
John (John) Neville
is geboren omstreeks 1520 in Snape Hall, Snape, Yorkshire, zoon van John (Sir)
(John) Neville (zie
en Dorothy (Dorothy) de Vere. John is overleden op dinsdag 23 april 1577,
ongeveer 57 jaar oud.
Lord latimer |
trouwde, ongeveer 25 jaar oud, omstreeks 1545 met Lucy
(Lucy) Somerset, ongeveer 10 jaar oud. Lucy is geboren omstreeks 1535. Lucy
is overleden op woensdag 23 februari 1583, ongeveer 48 jaar oud.
van John en Lucy:
1 Elizabeth (Elizabeth) Neville. Volgt
2 Dorothy (Dorothy) Neville. Volgt
3 Lucy (Lucy) Neville. Volgt
4 Catherine (Catherine) Neville, geboren omstreeks
1540. Volgt
Elizabeth (Elizabeth) Neville, dochter van John (John) Neville (zie en Lucy
(Lucy) Somerset. Elizabeth is overleden in 1630. Zij is begraven op maandag 24
juni 1630. Elizabeth:
trouwde met John (John) Danvers. John is
geboren in Dantsey. John is overleden op zaterdag 10 december 1594.
begon een relatie met Edmund (Sir) (Edmund) Carey.
Dorothy (Dorothy) Neville, dochter van John (John) Neville (zie en Lucy
(Lucy) Somerset. Dorothy is overleden op vrijdag 23 maart 1607 in Londen. Zij
is begraven in Westminster Abbey, London. Dorothy trouwde op maandag 27
november 1564 in Yorkshire met Thomas (Thomas)
Cecil, 22 jaar oud. Thomas is geboren op vrijdag 5 mei 1542 in St Mary
the Great, Cambridge. Thomas is overleden op maandag 8 februari 1621 in Londen,
78 jaar oud. Hij is begraven op woensdag 10 februari 1621 in Westminster Abbey,
Earl of Exeter |
Lucy (Lucy) Neville,
dochter van John (John) Neville (zie en Lucy
(Lucy) Somerset. Lucy is overleden op donderdag 30 april 1609. Lucy trouwde met
William (Sir) (William) Cornwallis.
Catherine (Catherine) Neville is geboren omstreeks 1540, dochter van
John (John) Neville (zie
en Lucy (Lucy) Somerset. Catherine is overleden op maandag 28 oktober 1596,
ongeveer 56 jaar oud. Zij is begraven in Westminster Abbey, London. Catherine:
trouwde, ten hoogste 21 jaar oud, vóór zaterdag 25 januari 1561 met Henry (Henry) de Percy, ten hoogste 29 jaar oud.
Henry is geboren omstreeks 1532. Henry is overleden op vrijdag 21 juni 1585 in
Tower of London, London, ongeveer 53 jaar oud.
Earl of Nothumberland |
trouwde, ongeveer 48 jaar oud, in 1588 met Francis
(Francis) Fitton. Francis is geboren in Binfield. Francis is overleden
op dinsdag 17 juni 1608.
Margaret (Margaret) Neville is geboren op zondag 9 maart 1494 in Latimer, Buckinghamshire,
dochter van Richard (Richard) Neville (zie en Anne (Anne)
Stafford (zie
Margaret trouwde met Edward (Edward) Willoughby.
Dorothy (Dorothy) Neville is geboren op zondag 27 maart 1496 in Snape Hall,
Snape, Yorkshire, dochter van Richard (Richard) Neville (zie en Anne (Anne)
Stafford (zie
Dorothy is overleden op woensdag 23 oktober 1532, 36 jaar oud. Dorothy begon
een relatie met John (Sir) (John) Daunay.
William (William) Neville is geboren op zaterdag 15 juli 1497 in Upper Wick,
Wocestershire, zoon van Richard (Richard) Neville (zie en Anne (Anne)
Stafford (zie
William trouwde met Elizabeth (Elizabeth) Greville.
Elizabeth is een dochter van Gilles (Sir) (Gilles) Greville.
Elizabeth (Elizabeth) Neville is geboren op dinsdag 28 april 1500 in
Snape Hall, Snape, Yorkshire, dochter van Richard (Richard) Neville (zie en Anne (Anne)
Stafford (zie
Elizabeth trouwde in Snape Hall, Snape, Yorkshire met Christopher (Sir) (Christopher) Danby. Christopher
is geboren in 1508 in Farnley, Thorpe Perrow, Yorkshire, zoon van Christopher
(Christopher) Danby en Margaret (Margaret) Scrope. Christopher is overleden in
1571, 62 of 63 jaar oud.
Notitie bij Christopher: 15 kinderen
Susanna (Susanna) Neville is geboren op woensdag 28 april 1501 in Snape Hall,
Snape, Yorkshire, dochter van Richard (Richard) Neville (zie en Anne (Anne)
Stafford (zie
Susanna trouwde met Richard (Richard) Conyers.
Thomas (Thomas) Neville is geboren op zaterdag 24 december 1502 in Pigotts,
Ardleigh, Essex, zoon van Richard (Richard) Neville (zie en Anne (Anne)
Stafford (zie
Thomas is overleden op dinsdag 28 oktober 1544, 41 jaar oud. Thomas trouwde met
Mary (Mary) Teye. Mary is een dochter van
Thomas (Sir) (Thomas) Teye.
Marmaduke (Marmaduke) Neville is geboren omstreeks 1506 in Snape Hall,
Snape, Yorkshire, zoon van Richard (Richard) Neville (zie en Anne (Anne)
Stafford (zie
Marmaduke is overleden op dinsdag 28 oktober 1544, ongeveer 38 jaar oud.
Marmaduke trouwde met Elizabeth (Elizabeth) Teye.
Elizabeth is een dochter van Thomas (Sir) (Thomas) Teye.
Margaret (Margaret) de Stafford is geboren omstreeks 1365 in Brancepeth,
Durham, dochter van Hugh (Sir) (Hugh) de Stafford (zie en Philippa (Philippa)
de Beauchamp. Margaret is overleden op vrijdag 9 juni 1396 in Raby Castle,
Staindrop, Durham, ongeveer 31 jaar oud. Zij is begraven in juni 1396 in
Brancepeth, Durham.
of Westmoreland |
trouwde, ongeveer 17 jaar oud, in 1382 met Ralph
(Ralph) Neville, ongeveer 18 jaar oud. Zie voor persoonsgegevens
van Ralph.
van Margaret en Ralph:
1 Maud (Maud) Neville, geboren omstreeks
1383 in Raby Castle, Staindrop, Durham. Volgt
2 John (John) Neville, geboren omstreeks
1384 in Raby, Durham. Volgt
3 Phillipa (Phillipa) Neville, geboren omstreeks
1386 in Raby Castle, Staindrop, Durham. Volgt
4 Alice (Alice) Neville, geboren omstreeks
1389 in Raby Castle, Staindrop, Durham. Volgt
5 Elizabeth (Elizabeth) Neville
[], geboren omstreeks 1390.
6 Ralph (Ralph) Neville, geboren omstreeks
1392 in Raby, Durham. Volgt
7 Anne (Anne) Neville, geboren omstreeks
1392 in Raby Castle, Staindrop, Durham. Volgt
8 Anastasia (Anastasia) Neville
[], geboren omstreeks 1395 in Raby, Durham.
9 Margaret (Margaret) Neville, geboren in juni
1396. Volgt
Maud (Maud) Neville
is geboren omstreeks 1383 in Raby Castle, Staindrop, Durham, dochter van Ralph
(Ralph) Neville (zie
en Margaret (Margaret) de Stafford (zie Maud is overleden in
oktober 1438, ongeveer 55 jaar oud. Maud trouwde met Piers (Piers) de Mauley. Piers is geboren in 1383.
Piers is overleden op vrijdag 6 september 1415, 31 of 32 jaar oud.
Lord (Baron) |
John (John) Neville
is geboren omstreeks 1384 in Raby, Durham, zoon van Ralph (Ralph) Neville (zie en Margaret (Margaret)
de Stafford (zie
John is overleden op donderdag 20 mei 1423, ongeveer 39 jaar oud.
Lord |
trouwde, ongeveer 10 jaar oud, op zaterdag 29 augustus 1394 in Brancepeth, Durham
met Elizabeth (Elizabeth) Holland, minstens
een jaar oud. Elizabeth is geboren vóór 1394 in Upholand, Lancashire, dochter
van Thomas (Thomas) Holland en Alice (Alice) Fitzalan. Elizabeth is overleden
op maandag 4 januari 1423, minstens 29 jaar oud.
van John en Elizabeth:
1 Ralph (Ralph) Neville, geboren op
woensdag 1 september 1406 in Raby, Durham. Volgt
2 Alianor (Alianor) Neville
[], geboren omstreeks 1408 in Raby, Durham.
3 John (John) Neville, geboren omstreeks
1410 in Raby, Durham. Volgt
4 Margaret (Margeret) Neville
[], geboren omstreeks 1412 in Raby, Durham.
5 Lucy (Lucy) Neville
[], geboren omstreeks 1414 in Raby, Durham.
6 Thomas (Thomas) Neville, geboren omstreeks
1416 in Brancepeth, Durham. Volgt
7 Joan (Joan) Neville
[], geboren omstreeks 1418 in Raby, Durham.
Ralph (Ralph) Neville
is geboren op woensdag 1 september 1406 in Raby, Durham, zoon van John (John)
Neville (zie
en Elizabeth (Elizabeth) Holland. Ralph is overleden op woensdag 3 november
1484, 78 jaar oud. Hij is begraven in Haltemprice, Yorkshire.
Earl of Westmoreland |
trouwde, ongeveer 20 jaar oud, omstreeks 1426 met Elisabeth
(Elisabeth) de Percy, ongeveer 31 jaar oud. Elisabeth is geboren
omstreeks 1395. Elisabeth is overleden op zaterdag 26 oktober 1437, ongeveer 42
jaar oud.
trouwde, 34 jaar oud, in februari 1441 met Margaret
(Margaret) Cobham. Margaret is overleden vóór 1461.
van Ralph en Elisabeth:
1 John (Sir) (John) Neville, geboren omstreeks
1426. Volgt
van Ralph en Margaret:
2 Margaret (Margaret) Neville
John (Sir) (John) Neville is geboren omstreeks 1426, zoon van Ralph (Ralph)
Neville (zie
en Elisabeth (Elisabeth) de Percy. John is overleden op zondag 29 maart 1461,
ongeveer 35 jaar oud. John trouwde, ten hoogste 14 jaar oud, vóór 1440 met Anne (Anne) Holland, ten hoogste 30 jaar oud. Anne
is geboren omstreeks 1410, dochter van John (John) Holland. Anne trouwde later
omstreeks 1450 met John (John) Neville (±1410-1461), zie
John (John) Neville
is geboren omstreeks 1410 in Raby, Durham, zoon van John (John) Neville (zie en Elizabeth
(Elizabeth) Holland. John is overleden op zondag 29 maart 1461 in Towtown,
Yorkshire, ongeveer 51 jaar oud (oorzaak: Battle of Towtown).
1459 |
Lord (Baron) Neville |
trouwde, ongeveer 40 jaar oud, omstreeks 1450 met Anne
(Anne) Holland, ongeveer 40 jaar oud. Anne is geboren omstreeks 1410,
dochter van John (John) Holland. Anne trouwde voorheen vóór 1440 met John (Sir)
(John) Neville (±1426-1461), zie
van John en Anne:
1 Ralph (Ralph) Neville, geboren omstreeks
1450. Volgt
Ralph (Ralph) Neville
is geboren omstreeks 1450, zoon van John (John) Neville (zie en Anne (Anne)
Holland. Ralph is overleden op dinsdag 6 februari 1498, ongeveer 48 jaar oud.
Earl of Westmoreland |
Lord (Baron) Neville |
trouwde, ongeveer 22 jaar oud, op donderdag 20 februari 1472 met Margareth Isabel (Margareth Isabel) Booth,
ongeveer 22 jaar oud. Margareth Isabel is geboren omstreeks 1450.
van Ralph en Margareth Isabel:
1 Ralph (Ralph) Neville, geboren omstreeks
1472. Volgt
2 Anne (Anne) Neville, geboren omstreeks
1476 in Raby, Durham. Volgt
Ralph (Ralph) Neville
is geboren omstreeks 1472, zoon van Ralph (Ralph) Neville (zie en Margareth
Isabel (Margareth Isabel) Booth. Ralph is overleden omstreeks 1498, ongeveer 26
jaar oud.
Neville |
trouwde, ten hoogste 17 jaar oud, vóór 1489 met Mary
(Mary) Paston, ten hoogste 20 jaar oud. Mary is geboren op donderdag 19
januari 1469. Mary is overleden op vrijdag 25 december 1489, 20 jaar oud.
trouwde, ongeveer 18 jaar oud, omstreeks 1490 met Elisabeth
Edith (Elisabeth Edith) Sandys, ongeveer 15 jaar oud. Elisabeth Edith is
geboren omstreeks 1475.
van Ralph en Elisabeth Edith:
1 Ralph (Ralph) Neville, geboren op zondag
21 februari 1496. Volgt
Ralph (Ralph) Neville
is geboren op zondag 21 februari 1496, zoon van Ralph (Ralph) Neville (zie en Elisabeth
Edith (Elisabeth Edith) Sandys. Ralph is overleden op woensdag 24 april 1549,
53 jaar oud.
Earl of Westmoreland |
trouwde, ongeveer 19 jaar oud, omstreeks 1515 met Catherine
(Lady) (Catherine) Stafford, ongeveer 25 jaar oud. Catherine is geboren omstreeks
1490, dochter van Edward (Edward) Stafford en Eleanor (Eleanor) de Percy.
Catherine is overleden op dinsdag 14 mei 1555, ongeveer 65 jaar oud.
van Ralph en Catherine:
1 Christopher (Christopher) Neville. Volgt
2 Cuthbert (Cuthbert) Neville
3 Mary (Mary) Neville. Volgt
4 Elizabeth (Elizabeth) Neville. Volgt
5 Eleanor (Eleanor) Neville
6 Anne (Anne) Neville. Volgt
7 Thomas (Sir) (Thomas) Neville
8 Edward (Edward) Neville
9 George (George) Neville
10 Ralph (Ralph) Neville
11 Joane (Joane) Neville
12 Ursula (Ursula) Neville
13 Margaret (Margaret) Neville, geboren omstreeks
1515. Volgt
14 Dorothy (Dorothy) Neville, geboren omstreeks
1520. Volgt
15 Henry (Henry) Neville, geboren omstreeks
1520. Volgt
Christopher (Christopher) Neville, zoon van Ralph (Ralph) Neville (zie en
Catherine (Lady) (Catherine) Stafford. Christopher trouwde met Annie (Annie) Fulthorpe.
Mary (Mary) Neville,
dochter van Ralph (Ralph) Neville (zie en
Catherine (Lady) (Catherine) Stafford. Mary trouwde met Thomas (Sir) (Thomas) Danby.
Elizabeth (Elizabeth) Neville, dochter van Ralph (Ralph) Neville (zie en
Catherine (Lady) (Catherine) Stafford. Elizabeth trouwde met Thomas (Thomas) Dacre.
Anne (Anne) Neville,
dochter van Ralph (Ralph) Neville (zie en
Catherine (Lady) (Catherine) Stafford. Anne trouwde omstreeks 1553 met FulKe (Sir) (FulKe) Greville, ongeveer 18 jaar oud.
FulKe is geboren in 1535 in Beauchamps Court. FulKe is overleden in 1606, 70 of
71 jaar oud.
Margaret (Margaret) Neville is geboren omstreeks 1515, dochter van Ralph (Ralph)
Neville (zie
en Catherine (Lady) (Catherine) Stafford. Margaret is overleden op vrijdag 13
oktober 1559, ongeveer 44 jaar oud. Margaret trouwde, ongeveer 21 jaar oud, op
maandag 3 juli 1536 met Henry (Henry) Manners,
ongeveer 23 jaar oud. Henry is geboren omstreeks 1513. Henry is overleden op
vrijdag 17 september 1563, ongeveer 50 jaar oud.
Earl of Rutland |
Dorothy (Dorothy) Neville is geboren omstreeks 1520, dochter van Ralph (Ralph)
Neville (zie
en Catherine (Lady) (Catherine) Stafford. Dorothy is overleden omstreeks 1546,
ongeveer 26 jaar oud. Dorothy trouwde, ongeveer 16 jaar oud, op maandag 3 juli
1536 met John (John) de Vere, ongeveer 21
jaar oud. John is geboren omstreeks 1515. John is overleden op donderdag 2
december 1568, ongeveer 53 jaar oud.
Chamberlain |
Earl of Oxford |
Henry (Henry) Neville
is geboren omstreeks 1520, zoon van Ralph (Ralph) Neville (zie en Catherine
(Lady) (Catherine) Stafford. Henry is overleden op woensdag 10 februari 1563,
ongeveer 43 jaar oud.
Earl of Westmoreland |
trouwde, ongeveer 25 jaar oud, omstreeks 1545 met Anne
(Lady) (Anne) Manners, ongeveer 25 jaar oud. Anne is geboren omstreeks
trouwde, minstens 25 jaar oud, na 1545 met Jane
(Jane) Cholmondeley.
van Henry en Anne:
1 Eleanor (Eleanor) Neville. Volgt
2 Katherine (Katherine) Neville. Volgt
3 Adeline (Adeline) Neville
4 Charles (Charles) Neville, geboren omstreeks
1542. Volgt
van Henry en Jane:
5 Margaret (Margaret) Neville
6 Elizabeth (Elizabeth) Neville
Eleanor (Eleanor) Neville, dochter van Henry (Henry) Neville (zie en Anne
(Lady) (Anne) Manners. Eleanor trouwde met William
(Sir) (William) Pelham.
Katherine (Katherine) Neville, dochter van Henry (Henry) Neville (zie en Anne
(Lady) (Anne) Manners. Katherine trouwde met John
(Sir) (John) Constable.
Charles (Charles) Neville is geboren omstreeks 1542, zoon van Henry (Henry)
Neville (zie
en Anne (Lady) (Anne) Manners. Charles is overleden op vrijdag 16 november
1601, ongeveer 59 jaar oud.
Earl of Westmoreland |
trouwde, ongeveer 18 jaar oud, omstreeks 1560 met Jane
(lady) (Jane) Howard, ongeveer 20 jaar oud. Jane is geboren omstreeks
1540, dochter van Henry (Henry) Howard en Frances (Frances) de Vere. Jane is
overleden omstreeks 1593, ongeveer 53 jaar oud. Zij is begraven op woensdag 30
juni 1593.
van Charles en Jane:
1 Catherine (Catherine) Neville, geboren omstreeks
1570. Volgt
2 Eleanor (Eleanor) Neville [],
geboren omstreeks 1570.
3 Margareth (Margareth) Neville, geboren omstreeks
1570. Volgt
4 Anne (Anne) Neville, geboren omstreeks
1570. Volgt
Catherine (Catherine) Neville is geboren omstreeks 1570, dochter van
Charles (Charles) Neville (zie en
Jane (lady) (Jane) Howard. Catherine trouwde met Thomas
(Sir) (Thomas) Grey.
Margareth (Margareth) Neville is geboren omstreeks 1570, dochter van
Charles (Charles) Neville (zie en
Jane (lady) (Jane) Howard. Margareth trouwde met Nicholas
(Sir) (Nicholas) Pudsey.
Anne (Anne) Neville
is geboren omstreeks 1570, dochter van Charles (Charles) Neville (zie en
Jane (lady) (Jane) Howard. Anne trouwde met David
(David) Ingleby.
Anne (Anne) Neville
is geboren omstreeks 1476 in Raby, Durham, dochter van Ralph (Ralph) Neville
en Margareth Isabel (Margareth Isabel) Booth. Anne:
trouwde, ongeveer 22 jaar oud, op dinsdag 6 februari 1498 in Raby, Durham met William (Sir) (William) Conyers, 29 jaar oud.
William is geboren op woensdag 21 december 1468 in Hornby, Lancashire, zoon van
John (John) Conyers. William is overleden op donderdag 14 april 1524, 55 jaar
trouwde, minstens 24 jaar oud, na 1500 met Anthony
(Anthony) Saltmarsh. Anthony is geboren in Hornby, Lancashire.
Thomas (Thomas) Neville is geboren omstreeks 1416 in Brancepeth, Durham, zoon
van John (John) Neville (zie
en Elizabeth (Elizabeth) Holland. Thomas trouwde met Elizabeth (Elizabeth) Beaumont.
van Thomas en Elizabeth:
1 Charles (Charles) Neville
[]. Charles is overleden op vrijdag 29 september 1469
in York (oorzaak: Executed in Edward IV’s presence).
2 Humphrey (Humphrey) Neville, geboren in 1439
in Brancepeth, Durham. Volgt
Humphrey (Humphrey) Neville is geboren in 1439 in Brancepeth, Durham, zoon van
Thomas (Thomas) Neville (zie
en Elizabeth (Elizabeth) Beaumont. Humphrey is overleden op vrijdag 29
september 1469 in York, 29 of 30 jaar oud (oorzaak: Executed in Edward IV’s
van Humphrey uit onbekende relatie:
1 Arthur (Arthur) Neville, geboren in Scole
Acle, Weardale, Durham. Volgt
Arthur (Arthur) Neville is geboren in Scole Acle, Weardale, Durham, zoon van
Humphrey (Humphrey) Neville (zie Arthur is
overleden omstreeks 1502.
van Arthur uit onbekende relatie:
1 Ralph (Ralph) Neville
2 Lancelot (Lancelot) Neville
Phillipa (Phillipa) Neville is geboren omstreeks 1386 in Raby Castle, Staindrop,
Durham, dochter van Ralph (Ralph) Neville (zie en Margaret (Margaret)
de Stafford (zie
Phillipa is overleden omstreeks 1453, ongeveer 67 jaar oud. Phillipa trouwde
met Thomas (Thomas) de Dacre. Thomas is
geboren op zondag 27 oktober 1387 in Naworth Castle, Cumberland. Thomas is
overleden op zondag 15 januari 1458, 70 jaar oud.
Lord (Baron) Dacre |
Alice (Alice) Neville
is geboren omstreeks 1389 in Raby Castle, Staindrop, Durham, dochter van Ralph
(Ralph) Neville (zie
en Margaret (Margaret) de Stafford (zie Alice:
trouwde met Thomas (Sir) (Thomas) Grey.
begon een relatie met Gilbert (Sir) (Gilbert)
Ralph (Ralph) Neville
is geboren omstreeks 1392 in Raby, Durham, zoon van Ralph (Ralph) Neville (zie en Margaret (Margaret)
de Stafford (zie
Ralph is overleden op vrijdag 25 februari 1457, ongeveer 65 jaar oud. Ralph
trouwde in Oversley, Warwickshire met Mary (Mary)
de Ferrers. Mary is geboren in 1394 in Oversley, Warwickshire. Mary is
overleden op dinsdag 25 januari 1457, 62 of 63 jaar oud.
van Ralph en Mary:
1 Mary (Mary) Neville [],
geboren in 1414 in Oversley, Warwickshire.
2 John (John) Neville, geboren in 1416
in Oversley, Warwickshire. Volgt
John (John) Neville
is geboren in 1416 in Oversley, Warwickshire, zoon van Ralph (Ralph) Neville
en Mary (Mary) de Ferrers. John is overleden in 1482, 65 of 66 jaar oud. John trouwde
met Elizabeth (Elizabeth) Newmarch.
Elizabeth is geboren omstreeks 1420 in Oversley, Warwickshire.
van John en Elizabeth:
1 Joan (Joan) Neville, geboren omstreeks
1443 in Oversley, Warwickshire. Volgt
Joan (Joan) Neville
is geboren omstreeks 1443 in Oversley, Warwickshire, dochter van John (John)
Neville (zie
en Elizabeth (Elizabeth) Newmarch. Zij is gedoopt in Wornsley. Joan trouwde met
William (William) Gascoigne. William is
geboren omstreeks 1439 in Gawthorpe, Yorkshire, zoon van William (William)
Gascoigne en Margaret (Margaret) Clarell.
Anne (Anne) Neville
is geboren omstreeks 1392 in Raby Castle, Staindrop, Durham, dochter van Ralph
(Ralph) Neville (zie
en Margaret (Margaret) de Stafford (zie Anne trouwde, ten
hoogste 20 jaar oud, vóór woensdag 3 februari 1412 met Gilbert (Sir) (Gilbert) de Umfreville.
Margaret (Margaret) Neville is geboren in juni 1396, dochter van Ralph (Ralph)
Neville (zie
en Margaret (Margaret) de Stafford (zie Margaret is
overleden in 1463, 66 of 67 jaar oud. Zij is begraven in Clare, Suffolk.
trouwde, ten hoogste 17 jaar oud, vóór zondag 31 december 1413 met Richard (sir) (Richard) le Scrope, ten hoogste 20
jaar oud. Richard is geboren op zaterdag 31 mei 1393 in Bolton. Richard is
overleden op donderdag 29 augustus 1420, 27 jaar oud.
Lord (Baron) |
trouwde, ten hoogste 31 jaar oud, vóór woensdag 5 november 1427 met William (William) Cressoner.
Thomas (Thomas) de Stafford is geboren in 1368 in Staffordshire, zoon van Hugh
(Sir) (Hugh) de Stafford (zie en Philippa (Philippa)
de Beauchamp. Thomas is overleden op donderdag 4 juli 1392 in Westminster,
Middlesex, 23 of 24 jaar oud. Hij is begraven in Stone.
Earl of Stafford |
trouwde, ongeveer 22 jaar oud, omstreeks 1390 met Anne
(Anne) Plantagenet, ongeveer 7 jaar oud. Anne is geboren in 1383 in
Gloucester, dochter van Thomas (Thomas) Plantagenet en Eleanor (Eleanor) de
Bohun. Anne is overleden op donderdag 16 oktober 1438, 54 of 55 jaar oud. Zij
is begraven in Llanthony Priory, Monmouthshire. Anne trouwde later op vrijdag
28 juni 1398 met Edmund de Stafford (1377-1403), zie Anne trouwde later op
woensdag 25 november 1405 met William (Sir) (William) Bourchier (na 1359-1420).
of Buckingham, Hereford and Northampton |
Edmund de Stafford
is geboren op maandag 2 maart 1377 in Staffordshire, zoon van Hugh (Sir) (Hugh)
de Stafford (zie
en Philippa (Philippa) de Beauchamp. Edmund is overleden op zaterdag 21 juli
1403 in Shrewsbury, Shropshire, 26 jaar oud. Hij is begraven in Austin Friars,
Stafford, Staffordshire.
Earl of Stafford |
trouwde, 21 jaar oud, op vrijdag 28 juni 1398 met Anne
(Anne) Plantagenet, 14 of 15 jaar oud. Anne is geboren in 1383 in
Gloucester, dochter van Thomas (Thomas) Plantagenet en Eleanor (Eleanor) de Bohun.
Anne is overleden op donderdag 16 oktober 1438, 54 of 55 jaar oud. Zij is
begraven in Llanthony Priory, Monmouthshire. Anne is weduwe van Thomas (Thomas)
de Stafford (1368-1392), met wie zij trouwde omstreeks 1390, zie Anne trouwde later op
woensdag 25 november 1405 met William (Sir) (William) Bourchier (na 1359-1420).
of Buckingham, Hereford and Northampton |
van Edmund en Anne:
1 Philippa (Philippa) de Stafford
[], geboren omstreeks 1401 in Staffordshire.
2 Humphrey (Humphrey) de Stafford, geboren in 1402
in Stafford, Staffordshire. Volgt
3 Anne (Anne) de Stafford
[], geboren omstreeks 1408 in Staffordshire. Anne is
overleden op woensdag 24 september 1432, ongeveer 24 jaar oud. Zij is begraven
in St Katherine By The Tower, London, Middlesex.
Humphrey (Humphrey) de Stafford is geboren in 1402 in Stafford,
Staffordshire, zoon van Edmund de Stafford (zie en Anne (Anne)
Plantagenet. Humphrey is overleden op donderdag 10 juli 1460 in Northampton, 57
of 58 jaar oud. Hij is begraven in Grey Friars Monastery, Northamptonshire.
Duke of Buckingham |
Earl of Stafford |
trouwde, 21 of 22 jaar oud, op woensdag 18 oktober 1424 met Anne (Anne) Neville, 12 of 13 jaar oud. Zie voor persoonsgegevens
van Anne.
van Humphrey en Anne:
1 Humphrey (Humphrey) de Stafford, geboren in 1424
in Stafford, Staffordshire. Volgt
2 Richard (Richard) de Stafford
[], geboren omstreeks 1426 in Stafford, Staffordshire.
3 John (John) de Stafford
[], geboren omstreeks 1427 in Buckingham. John is
overleden op zaterdag 8 mei 1473, ongeveer 46 jaar oud.
4 Edward (Edward) de Stafford
[], geboren omstreeks 1428 in Stafford, Staffordshire.
5 Henry (Henry) de Stafford
[], geboren omstreeks 1433 in Buckinghamshire. Henry is
overleden in 1481, ongeveer 48 jaar oud.
6 Margaret (Margaret) de Stafford
[], geboren in 1435 in Buckinghamshire.
7 George (George) de Stafford
[], geboren omstreeks 1439 in Stafford, Staffordshire.
8 Joan (Joan) de Stafford
[], geboren omstreeks 1442 in Stafford, Staffordshire.
Joan is overleden na 1484, minstens 42 jaar oud.
9 William (William) de Stafford
[], geboren omstreeks 1444 in Stafford, Staffordshire.
10 Elizabeth (Elizabeth) de Stafford
[], geboren omstreeks 1446 in Stafford, Staffordshire.
11 Anne (Anne) de Stafford
[], geboren omstreeks 1446 in Buckinghamshire. Anne is
overleden in april 1472, ongeveer 26 jaar oud.
12 Catherine (Catherine) de Stafford
[], geboren omstreeks 1448 in Stafford, Staffordshire.
Catherine is overleden op donderdag 26 december 1476, ongeveer 28 jaar oud.
Humphrey (Humphrey) de Stafford is geboren in 1424 in Stafford,
Staffordshire, zoon van Humphrey (Humphrey) de Stafford (zie en Anne (Anne)
Neville (zie
Humphrey is overleden op donderdag 22 mei 1455 in St Albans, 30 of 31 jaar oud.
Humphrey trouwde, 28 of 29 jaar oud, in 1453 met Margaret
(Margaret) Beaufort, ongeveer 16 jaar oud. Margaret is geboren omstreeks
1437 in London, Middelsex, dochter van Edmund (Edmund) Beaufort en Eleanor
(Eleanor) de Beauchamp. Margaret trouwde later na 1455 met Richard (sir)
(Richard) Dayrell.
van Humphrey en Margaret:
1 Henry (Henry) de Stafford, geboren op
donderdag 4 september 1455 in Abergavenny, Monmouthshire, Wales. Volgt
Henry (Henry) de Stafford is geboren op donderdag 4 september 1455 in
Abergavenny, Monmouthshire, Wales, zoon van Humphrey (Humphrey) de Stafford
en Margaret (Margaret) Beaufort. Henry is overleden op zondag 2 november 1483
in Salisbury, Wiltshire, 28 jaar oud. Hij is begraven in Grey Friars,
Salisbury, Wiltshire. Henry trouwde, 10 of 11 jaar oud, in 1466 met Katherine (Katherine) Wydeville, ongeveer 8 jaar
oud. Katherine is geboren omstreeks 1458 in Monmouthshire, Wales, dochter van
Richard (Richard) Wydeville en Jacquette (Jacquette) de Luxembourg. Katherine
is overleden omstreeks 1525, ongeveer 67 jaar oud.
van Henry en Katherine:
1 Edward (Edward) de Stafford
[], geboren op maandag 3 februari 1477 in Brecknock
Castle, Brecknockshire, Wales. Edward is overleden op vrijdag 17 mei 1521 in
Tower Hill, London, Middlesex, 44 jaar oud. Hij is begraven in Austin Friars,
London, Middlesex.
2 Elizabeth (Elizabeth) de Stafford
[], geboren omstreeks 1479 in Brecknock Castle,
Brecknockshire, Wales.
3 Henry (Henry) de Stafford
[], geboren in 1479 in Brecknock Castle,
Brecknockshire, Wales. Henry is overleden op donderdag 6 maart 1522, 42 of 43
jaar oud.
4 Anne (Anne) de Stafford
[], geboren omstreeks 1493 in Ashby, Leicestershire.
Anne is overleden in Stoke Pogis.
Hugh (Hugh) de Stafford is geboren omstreeks 1382 in Staffordshire, zoon van
Hugh (Sir) (Hugh) de Stafford (zie en Philippa (Philippa)
de Beauchamp. Hugh is overleden op vrijdag 25 oktober 1420, ongeveer 38 jaar
oud. Hugh trouwde, ongeveer 28 jaar oud, omstreeks 1410 met Elizabeth (Elizabeth) Bourchier, ongeveer 11 jaar
oud. Elizabeth is geboren in 1399 in Halstead, Essex, dochter van Bartholomew
(Bartholomew) Bourchier en Idonea (Idonea) Lovey. Elizabeth is overleden in
1432, 32 of 33 jaar oud. Zij is begraven in Abbey, Westminster, Middlesex.
Elizabeth trouwde later na 1420 met Lewis (Sir) (Lewis) Robsart (ovl. 1431).
Bourchier |
Margaret (Lady) (Margaret) de Stafford is geboren omstreeks 1340 in Tunbridge,
Staffordshire, dochter van Ralph (Ralph) de Stafford en Margaret (Lady)
(Margaret) de Audley (zie
Knight |
begon een relatie met John (Sir) (John) Stafford.
van Margaret en John:
1 Ralph (Sir) (Ralph) Stafford. Volgt
Ralph (Sir) (Ralph) Stafford, zoon van John (Sir) (John) Stafford en
Margaret (Lady) (Margaret) de Stafford (zie
van Ralph uit onbekende relatie:
1 Humprey (Sir) (Humphrey) Stafford. Volgt
Humprey (Sir) (Humphrey) Stafford, zoon van Ralph (Sir) (Ralph) Stafford
van Humphrey uit onbekende relatie:
1 Humprey (Sir) (Humphrey) Stafford. Volgt
Humprey (Sir) (Humphrey) Stafford, zoon van Humprey (Sir) (Humphrey)
Stafford (zie
van Humphrey uit onbekende relatie:
1 Elizabeth (Elizabeth) Stafford. Volgt
Elizabeth (Elizabeth) Stafford, dochter van Humprey (Sir) (Humphrey)
Stafford (zie
Elizabeth begon een relatie met Richard (Richard)
Alice (Alice) de Audley is geboren in 1300 in Hadley, Staffordshire, dochter
van Hugh (Hugh) de Audley (zie en Isolde (Isolde) de
Mortimer. Alice is overleden op donderdag 13 januari 1373 in Greystoke,
Northumberland, 72 of 73 jaar oud. Zij is begraven in Cathedral, Durham. Alice
trouwde, 25 of 26 jaar oud, op dinsdag 14 januari 1326 in Stratton Audley,
Oxfordshire met Ralph (Ralph) Neville, 34 of
35 jaar oud. Ralph is geboren in 1291 in Raby, Durham, zoon van Ralph (Ralph)
Neville en Euphemia (Euphemia) FitzRoger Clavering. Ralph is overleden op
donderdag 5 augustus 1367 in Durham, 75 of 76 jaar oud. Hij is begraven in
Cathedral Church, Durham.
Notitie bij Ralph: ABERGAVENNY
Abergavenny, Co Monmouth, Earl of Lewes, Sussex, Viscount Nevill, of Birling, Kent,
and Lord (Baron) Abergavenny (Christopher George Charles Nevill) [The Most Hon
The Marquess of Abergavenny, Eridge Park, Tunbridge Wells, E Sussex TN3 9JT]; b
23 April 1955; s unc 2000; educ Harrow; dir Nevill Estate Co Ltd 1985–; memb
Wealden DC 1999–; m 1985 •Venetia Jane, er dau of Frederick Gerard Maynard, of
Chelsea, and has had:
1a George Rupert Gerard; b 27 June 1990; d 15 Sept 1990
2a •Sophie Alice Augusta; b 27 June 1990
Barony of (A)Bergavenny: It has sometimes been asserted
that this title is held by tenure, that is, by virtue of possessing under the
feudal system or its successor system(s) of property ownership Abergavenny
Castle and the lands that have gone immediately with it. (Such lands are to be
distinguished from those granted with Abergavenny Castle to a tenant but
subsequently regranted by him to subtenants). This would have meant that
whoever had the castle had the Barony, whatever his name (see below for the
various holders of the castle). Certainly before 1392, when the first writ of
summons to Parliament to ‘Willelmo Beauchamp de Bergeveny [sic]’ created
according to later doctrine a specifically Parliamentary Barony of Bergavenny
or Beauchamp de Bergavenny, the Barony of (A)Bergavenny was a feudal one, which
necessarily involved tenure. After 1392 the position is less clear. Most
authorities would nowadays probably argue that the Barony was not one by
tenure. The matter is complicated by the fact that the original grantee’s son
was never in possession of the castle at Abergavenny and was not called to
Parliament as Lord (Baron) Bergavenny. These two circumstances might combine to
give negative reasons for thinking the Barony was regarded as one by tenure. On
the other hand at that date a writ of summons to Parliament to one man was not
necessarily repeated to his son and successor. Moreover, the closing years of
HENRY V’s reign and the opening ones of HENRY VI’s were an era of confusion,
especially with regard to writs of summons to Parliament.
It is only when this background is taken into
consideration that one can put some kind of interpretation on the unusual
sequence of events whereby Sir Edward Nevill(e) was summoned to Parliament as
Lord (Baron) Bergavenny or Nevill de Bergavenny after his wife’s death.
Although she would have been regarded by later doctrine as Baroness Bergavenny
or Beauchamp de Bergavenny in her own right, that would not have been the case
in the 15th century. Moreover, although men were often summoned to Parliament
in right of their wives by titles which those wives’ fathers had held where the
wives in question were sole heirs of the previous title-holder, in this case
Sir Edward Nevill(e)’s wife had been dead over two years by the time he was
summoned. And since the doctrine that there could be such a person as a
baroness in her own right only evolved later, it seems most reasonable to
regard the summons of 1450 to Sir Edward Nevill(e) as constituting a new
peerage creation.
For whereas Nevill(e)’s wife’s paternal ancestors may have
been regarded as in some sense lords of Parliament by virtue of possessing the
castle and demesne lands of Abergavenny, Neville(e) was called to Parliament as
a peer under what was in effect a more modern writ of summons to him personally
(ie, one that passed to the descendants and heirs of the baron in question
whether they held Abergavenny Castle or not). As it happens Sir Edward
Nevill(e) did also possess the castle and demesne lands of Abergavenny, though
for a short while and not at the time of his summons to Parliament. It may be
that his association generally with these lands and the castle through his wife
gave rise to the designation ‘Lord Bergavenny’ or ‘Lord Nevill de Bergavenny’.
The Barony created in 1450 would by subsequent doctrine
have been regarded as heritable by an heir general, such as a sole heiress. But
this doctrine did not become a hard and fast rule till the late 17th century.
So after Feb 1586/7, when the 4th Baron Bergavenny left a sole heiress, Mary
Nevill(e), she did not inherit. Instead, following considerable vacillation by
the House of Lords, the Crown decided that the heir male was entitled to
inherit, not the heir general. It might seem as if the Crown did this because
the Barony was thought to be one by tenure, and indeed the heir male Edward
Nevill(e) already held the castle and demesne lands of Abergavenny. Moreover
the precedence (ie, notional date of first summons to Parliament) assigned the
Barony of Bergavenny on 25 May 1604 was 1295, when the first Baron Bergavenny,
whether by tenure or not, was summoned to Parliament. Meanwhile the Crown
terminated the Barony of Despenser in favour of Mary Nevill(e) as compensation
for its refusal to recognise her as heir to her father’s Barony of Bergavenny.
The effect on the Barony of Bergavenny was to make it heritable by heirs male
only thereafter. (The form Abergavenny rather than Bergavenny was first used as
early as the 16th century but only became the usual one from the early 18th
century. Similarly the modern spelling Nevill rather than Neville has been
adopted for members of the family born after 1800.)
The heir male in 1604 was granted the Barony as if his
branch of the Nevill(e)s had had a right to it from the moment of the 3rd
Baron’s death. Thus although the 5th Baron was never summoned to or sat in
Parliament he is ex post facto referred to as 5th Baron.
The name Abergavenny derives from the Welsh Aber, meaning
‘mouth’ of a river and Gafenni, denoting where the river of that name joins the
Usk. The name is sometimes pronounced ‘Abergenny’ and this version has been
preferred by the family who hold the Marquessate.
WILLIAM II ‘Rufus’ granted the lordship of ‘Over Gwent’,
which included a castle at the mouth of the Genny where it joins the Usk,
probably some time after 1088 to one Hamelin de Ballon, so called from his
having been born at Ballon, in Maine. Subsequent holders of Over Gwent or
Abergavenny included the 1st and 2nd Earls of Hereford of the 1141 cr (see
HEREFORD, V) and the 2nd Earl’s four younger brothers, for all of whom a shadowy
family connection with Hamelin de Ballon has been claimed, though this is very
hard, if not impossible, to sustain.
By 1165 one Walter de Beauchamp commanded the garrison at
Abergavenny and his brother Hugh de Beauchamp seems to have succeeded him in
the possession of that place. From c 1173 to 1230 successive fathers, sons and
younger brothers called de Briouze were feudal lords of Abergavenny. William de
Briouze, the first of them, who derived his name from his lordship of Briouze
in Normandy, married the sister and coheir of the 2nd Earl of Hereford
mentioned above, which seems to account for his coming into possession of a
lordship in that part of the Welsh marches. Eve, the daughter of the youngest
de Briouze brother, married c 1238 William de Cauntelo. Their son George held
Abergavenny for some 18 years but died without issue. His heirs were his sister
Mil(l)icent, who married as her second husband Eon La Zouche and with him was
the ancestor of the Lords (Barons) Zouche (of Haryngworth) (qv), and his nephew
by another sister, Joan.
Abergavenny, which of course was only one of William de
Cauntelo’s possessions, passed to Joan’s son the 1st Lord (Baron) Hastings (qv)
and afterwards to his son, the 2nd Lord (Baron) Hastings. The 2nd Lord (Baron)
Hastings’s son, the 3rd Lord, was cr Earl of Pembroke (see PEMBROKE and
MONTGOMERY, E, preliminary remarks) in 1339, but his grandson the 3rd Earl died
when still a minor and possession of Abergavenny passed to William Beauchamp.
This William was first cousin once-removed to the 3rd Earl
of Pembroke (of the 1339 cr) through his mother Katharine Mortimer, sister of
Agnes Mortimer who had married the 1st Earl of Pembroke of the 1339 cr. It has
been asserted that there was no connection between him and the Walter de
Beauchamp or Hugh de Beauchamp who had been in possession of Abergavenny over
200 years earlier. On the other hand it has been suggested that Walter and Hugh
were sons of Walter de Beauchamp of Elmley, Worcs, and brothers of William de
Beauchamp, Sheriff of Hereford 1160–69. Now the William Beauchamp who came into
possession of Abergavenny in 1389 was fourth son of Thomas Beauchamp, 11th Earl
of Warwick of the 1088 cr (see WARWICK, BROOK and, E, preliminary remarks), who
descended from William de Beauchamp, of Elmley, Worcs, who flourished in the
early 13th century. Some blood connection between the two lots of Beauchamps
may therefore have existed.
(1375 or 1376) (see above); b c 1330–40; served Hundred Years War, Capt Calais
1383, called to Parliament by writ 23 July 1392 as LORD (Baron) BERGAVENNY or
BEAUCHAMP DE BERGAVENNY (E), Justiciary S Wales and Govr Pembroke 1399,
entailed 20 Feb 1395/6 Abergavenny Castle on himself and his w and their male
issue with remainder to his bro Thomas, de facto 12th Earl of Warwick, and the
latter’s heirs male in perpetuity; m Lady Joan Fitz Alan (b 1375; d 14 Nov
1435), dau of 11th/4th Earl of Arundel (see NORFOLK, D), and d 8 May 1411,
leaving issue (with a dau Joan, m as his 1st w 4th Earl of Ormonde, see
Sir RICHARD BEAUCHAMP, de jure 2nd(?) LORD (Baron)
(1413); b by 1397; Jt Warden Welsh Marches 1415, Capt lancers and archers
Normandy 1418, cr Feb 1420/1 EARL OF WORCESTER (E); m 27 July 1411 Lady Isabel
Le Despenser (b posthumously 26 July 1400; on her bro Richard’s death became
according to later doctrine BARONESS BURGHERSH in her own right; m 2nd c 26 Nov
1423, as his 2nd w, her late husb’s cousin Richard Beauchamp, 13th Earl of
Warwick, who s Nov 1435 to Abergavenny Castle and its demesne lands as male
heir under the entail drawn up Feb 1395/6; she d 27 Dec 1439), dau of 1st and
last Earl of Gloucester of the 1397 cr (see WESTMORLAND, E, and FALMOUTH, V),
and dspm 18 March 1421/2 of wounds recd at Siege of Meaux (successfully
concluded against the French by HENRY V 10 May 1422), whereupon the earldom of
Worcester became extinct or reverted to the Crown (with in effect the same
result), while the barony of Bergavenny or Beauchamp de Bergavenny, unless
looked on as one by tenure, passed according to later doctrine to his only dau:
ELIZABETH Beauchamp, according to later doctrine BARONESS
BERGAVENNY or BEAUCHAMP DE BERGAVENNY in her own right; b 16 Sept 1415; m by 18
Oct 1424 Edward NEVILL(E) (see below), 11th and yst s of 1st Earl of
Westmorland of the 1397 cr, and d 18 June 1448, having had issue
Lineage of Nevill: The name is said to derive from
Neuville in Normandy, near the modern St Valéry-en-Caux on the coast roughly
halfway between Dieppe and Fécamp. Yet the family who adopted the Nevill(e)
name after marrying a Nevill(e) heiress in the early 13th century were still
older and grander than any 11th–century Norman adventurers. Thus the Marquesses
of Abergavenny, though possessing an unbroken male line ancestry as Nevill(e)s
from the reign of HENRY III, something that is very rare in modern England,
possess a still more ancient one going back to the 8th–century King of Dalriada
in Scotland in the shape of the line of Anglo-Scottish thanes and mormaers who
held sway on the English-Scottish borders long before the original Nevill(e)s
even arrived in England.
The Nevill(e)s were for a time in the 14th and 15th centuries
the most powerful house in England. In the person of Richard Nevill(e), 16th
and 1st Earl of Warwick (the ‘Kingmaker’), a member of the family even disposed
of the crown. And through the marriage of one of the Kingmaker’s daughters with
a Plantagenet his great-grandchildren, who bore the surname Pole, had a better
legal right to the throne than the Tudors. They were accordingly regarded by
HENRY VIII as one of the most serious dynastic threats to his ascendancy.
The ‘Kingmaker’s’ grandfather the 1st Earl of Westmorland
settled about half the original Nevill(e) estates on the children of his second
marriage, whereas the subsequent Earls of Westmorland were the product of his
first. It thus came about that the 2nd–6th Earls of Westmorland were actually
less well-endowed territorially than their ancestors who had been mere barons.
The pre-eminence of that branch of the family represented by the Earls of
Salisbury/Warwick, who stemmed from the 1st Earl of Westmorland’s second
marriage, was made correspondingly easier.
The 1st Earl of Westmorland had a multiplicity of
children: nine by his first wife, fourteen by his second. Of his 23 in all,
four were peers, three were duchesses and another four daughters the wives of
lesser peers; moreover of those three duchesses one was mother of two kings.
Between 1450 and 1455 no fewer than 13 members of the family had seats in the
House of Lords. This very fecundity, like that of EDWARD III, engendered
quarrels. There was rivalry between the two branches of the family, which grew
from a dispute about family estates into a difference as to dynastic loyalties.
It thus served as an overture to the Wars of the Roses, one which was made even
more ominous by a dispute between the Nevill(e)s, represented by the 1st Marquess
of Montagu, and the Percys (see NORTHUMBERLAND, D).
This Nevill(e)-Percy rivalry dominated not just the North
but all England. The Nevill(e)s’ power was largely broken by the failure of the
Rebellion of the Northern Earls in 1569, however, and unlike the Percys they
hardly recovered until the 20th century, during which they have been
conspicuous as courtiers.
GILBERT (I) de NEVILL(E); held in the year 1086 carucates
(a carucate was an area of land that could be cultivated by an eight-ox
plough-team throughout a single year) at Walcot, Lincs, and Yawthorpe, together
with others in that part of England by 1115–18; kinship is plausible but has
not been proved with:
GEOFFREY (I) de NEVILL(E); held Walcot 1146; was probably
f of two bros:
1a GILBERT (II), for whom see further below
2a Alan (I); co-fndr with his bro of Tupholme Abbey or
Priory, Lincs, 1156–66, Judge Court of Exchequer 1165, Justice of the forest in
all England 1165–77, excommunicated by St Thomas à Becket 1166 for supporting
HENRY II in his insistence that the clergy were subject to the ordinary law; d
1177/8, leaving issue:
1b Alan (II); assist Justice of the Forest 1169–(?)90; m
Juliane – (living 1189/90); d 1190
2b Geoffrey (II); Chamberlain to KING JOHN 1207, Sheriff
Yorks 1214, Seneschal Poitou 1215–19; d Oct 1225 or Jan-March 1225/6, leaving
1c John (I); d by 1253, leaving issue:
1d Geoffrey (III); m Helewise or Hawise (d in or after
1275), dau of William de Montagu, and dsp by 15 Aug 1267
2c Geoffrey (IV); Keeper Pickering Forest in reign of KING
JOHN; m by 1226 Mabel (d by 1253), dau and heir of William de la Mare, and d
just before 31 July 1249, leaving issue:
1d Hugh (Sir); m as her 1st husb Margaret (she m 2nd Hugh
de Myton and d in or after 1289), dau of Thomas de Furnival, and d by 1275,
leaving issue:
1e Geoffrey (V); d 1316, leaving:
1f Philip de NEVILL(E); dsp 1345
3c Alan (III)
3b Thomas
4b Ives de; d by 1191
5b Ralph; m – Rafin, dau of Bertram Rafin, living in
STEPHEN’s reign (Bertram’s paternal aunt m Simon fitz William and with him was
ancestor of the Lords (Barons) Kyme (see also AMERICAN PRESIDENTIAL FAMILIES,
1994, Morris Genealogical Books SA pp. 41)), and had issue:
1c Hugh (I); allegedly memb of RICHARD I’s household when
young, joined RICHARD in 3rd Crusade 1190 and participated Siege of Jaffa 1192,
Keeper Marlborough Castle 1194 and afterwards Benfield, Ludgershall,
Porchester, Rockingham, Rodbaston, St Briavel’s, Sauvey, Southampton, Stratton
and Warwick Castles, ch of the itinerant justices of the forest by 1199,
Sheriff Essex and Herts 1198–99 and 1202–03 and Lincs 1227, (Chief?) Forester
(of all England?) for life 1203, Treasurer by 27 Jan 1208/9, Keeper seaports
between Cornwall and Hants 1213, memb of JOHN’s entourage at the signing of
Magna Carta at Runnymede 1215 but later surrendered Marlborough to LOUIS VIII
of France when latter invaded England at behest of the barons ranged against
JOHN, Ch Justice and Keeper of the Forest 1224; m 1st by 30 April 1200 Joan (d
in or after Dec 1224), dau and heir of Henry de Cornhill; m 2nd by April 1230
Beatrice (m 3rd Hugh de Playz and d by Dec 1245), dau of Stephen de Turnham and
widow of Ralph de Fay, and d by 21 July 1234, leaving by his 1st w:
1d John (II); Ch Forester and Justice of the entire royal
forest throughout England 1235; m Hawise, dau of Sir Robert de Courtenay, of
Okehampton, Devon (see DEVON, E), and d just before 8 June 1246, leaving issue:
1c Hugh (II); not yet of age in 1246 but had attained his
majority by Feb 1256, captured by the future EDWARD I at Siege of Kenilworth
1265–6, having previously sided with Simon de Montfort and his fellow barons
against HENRY III, pardoned 1266; m c Aug 1254(?) Beatrice, dau of Robert de
Brewes, and dsp by 5 Oct 1269
2e John (III); also captured during Siege of Kenilworth,
roy pardon 1266, Constable Tower of London 1272–73; m 1st(?) –; m 2nd(?)
Margaret – and d by 20 May 1282, leaving issue:
1f HUGH de NEVILL(E), 1st LORD (Baron) NEVILLE (of Essex)
(E), so cr (according to later doctrine) by writ of summons to Parl 19 Dec
1311; b 23 Aug 1276; served Scottish Wars of EDWARD I and EDWARD II 1300–19,
ktd 1300; m 1st c 1290 Eleanor, dau of Thomas de Weyland, Ch Justice Common
Pleas; m 2nd c 1309 Ida FitzWalter (d 7 Nov 1361), dau of 1st Lord (Baron)
FitzWalter (qv) by his 2nd w Alianore and widow of 1st and last Lord (Baron)
Warde, and d by 27 May 1335, leaving by his 1st w:
1g JOHN de NEVILL(E), 2nd LORD (Baron) NEVILLE (of Essex);
b c 1299; served Crécy campaign in Hundred Years war 1346–47; m 1st (annulled
15 June 1345) Margaret, dau of 1st and last Lord (Baron) Warde, and had issue;
m 2nd Alice (d 14 May 1344), widow of Thomas de Nerford, and dspm 25 July 1358,
when any peerage that may have been cr by the writ of 1311 probably fell into
2g Hugh (III); served with his er bro in the Crécy
campaign; d in or after 1356, leaving:
1h John (IV); joined religious order of Hosp of St John of
Jerusalem Aug 1357
3g Edmund; living 1334; took holy orders
2d Herbert; held 1242/3 the manor of Arnold, Notts, which
he acquired through his f; m and dsp by April 1257
1d Agnes
2c Roger; s his er bro Hugh as Keeper Rockingham Castle
1213, Sheriff Northants 1215, surveyor of the forest
3c Adam; excommunicated by St Hugh of Lincoln after
marrying the putative dau and heir (aged 4) of Thomas de Saleby
4c Thomas
5c William
1c Alice; m Piers de Athelakeston (d in KING JOHN’s
reign), Keeper of the Forest Leics and Rutland, and had:
1d – de Athelakeston; had:
1e Piers de ATHELAKESTON later NEVILL(E); took his
granmother’s name
The er bro,
GILBERT (II) de NEVILL(E); witnessed various charters
between 1142 and 1163, held various lands that GILBERT (I) had had, which again
suggests kinship; d by 1169, leaving:
1a Geoffrey (VI); had attained his majority by 1161, a
justice in Yorks 1184; m by Michaelmas 1176 Emma (d by 1208), only dau and
ultimately heir of Bertram de Bulmer, feudal lord of Brancepeth, Co Durham, and
widow of Geoffrey de Valoignes, and d by Michaelmas 1193, leaving:
1b Henry; one of the barons of the North who KING JOHN
demanded 1216 should pledge him loyalty; m Alice – and dsp 1227
1b Isabel; m 1st Robert Fitz Maldred (d between 1242 and
1248), and had issue (see below); m 2nd Gilbert de Brakenberg and d by May 1254
2a William
3a Walter
The line of Maldred: MALDRED, bro of DUNCAN I ‘The
Gracious’, KING OF STRATHCLYDE 1018–34 and KING OF SCOTS 1034–40 (for MALDRED’s
previous ancestry and a discussion as to what extent this may derive from EOCHU
MUGMEDON, HIGH KING OF IRELAND in the mid-4th century AD, see AMERICAN
PRESIDENTIAL FAMILIES, pp. 40–41 and 45–46, Morris Genealogical Books SA,
1994); feudal Ld Allerdale; m Ealdgyth or Aldgyth, dau of Uchtred, Ughtred or
Uhtred Earl of Northumberland or Northumbria by his 3rd w Elgiva or Ælgifu, dau
of ETHELRED II ‘The Unready’ KING OF ENGLAND 979–1013 and 1014–16, and was
probably k in battle 1045 when trying to avenge his bro’s murder by MACBETH,
leaving issue:
1a Gospatric, Earl of Northumberland 1067–72 (see DUNBAR,
Bt, of Mochrum; NORTHUMBERLAND, D, preliminary remarks; and AMERICAN
MALDRED and his w probably also had issue:
2a Maldred; received c 1084 the vill (township or manor)
of Winlaton, now in Tyne and Wear, from the Bp of Durham in exchange for part
of the vill of Newton Katton; had issue:
1b Uchtred fitz Maldred; a great Northern magnate whose
life and death are recorded in the Durham Liber Vitae; d by 1128/9, leaving
1c Dolfin fitz Uchtred; feudal lord of Raby, Co Durham;
probably a tenant in chief of both the Kings of England and Scotland since he
is recorded as reserving his homage to them direct by 1131, when granted all
Staindrop and Staindropshire (an administrative unit centred on Staindrop but
later incorporated into Co Durham), including the township of Raby, by the
Prior of Durham; d leaving issue:
1d MALDRED, for whom see further below
2d Patrick fitz Dolfin
MALDRED Fitz DOLFIN; feudal Ld Raby; m –, dau of John de
Stuteville, of Long Lawford, Warwicks, yr s of Robert (II) de Stuteville,
Sheriff of Northumberland, and d by 1183, leaving, with other issue:
ROBERT Fitz MALDRED; came of age 1195; feudal Ld Raby,
Commr to collect an aid (irregular tax) in Northumberland 1230, served in HENRY
III’s campaign against Welsh Aug 1241; m Isabel, dau of Geoffrey (VI) de
Nevill(e) (see above), whereby he became also feudal lord of Brancepeth, Co
Durham, and d 25 June 1242–26 May 1248, leaving issue:
(VII) de NEVILL(E); took his mother’s family name because of the vast estates
she had brought with her, notably Brancepeth and Sheriff-Hutton, now in N
Yorks, together with land in Lincs; m Joan, possibly coheir of John de
Monmouth, and d by Michaelmas 1242, leaving issue:
2a Geoffrey (VIII); fought for HENRY III at Battle of
Lewes against Simon de Montfort 1264, Govr Scarborough Castle 1270, Ch Justice:
pleas of forests beyond Trent 1270 and pleas of the forest in Cumberland,
Northumberland, Notts and Yorks 1270, called for mil serv against the Welsh
1277, 1282 and 1283; m by 1267 Margaret (d c Feb 1318/9), dau and heir of John
de Longvillers or Lungvillers, through whom he acquired Hornby Castle, Lancs,
and d a short while before 26 March 1285, leaving issue:
1b John (V); b 10 Aug 1269; feudal lord of Hornby; m
Pernel – (d between Sept 1346 and June 1349) and d by April 1309, leaving
1c John (Sir), JP (N and W Ridings Yorks 1326); b 30 Nov
1299 or 1300; memb household of Thomas, 1st Earl of Lancaster of the 1267 cr
(gs of HENRY III), called to the Gt Cncl 1324 and for mil service Guienne 1325
and against the Scots 1335, ktd 1326; dsp a short while before 1 Dec 1355
2b Geoffrey (IX)
3b Robert (I) (Sir); fought in Scotland 1296, defeated
Scots raiders 1303, called for mil service in Scotland 1312 and 1324 and to Gt
Cncl 1324; had issue:
1c Robert (II) (Sir), JP (W R Yorks 1344 and 1346); feudal
lord of Hornby, summoned to the Gt Cncl at Westminster 1342, ktd 1344, fought
at Crécy 1346, was at the Siege of Calais (successfully conducted by EDWARD III
1346–47); m 1st Joan, dau and heir of Henry de Atherton; m 2nd Elizabeth, dau
of Thomas de St Laurence and widow of Sir Roger de Kirkeby, of Horton Kirby,
Kent, and d c July 1373, leaving by his 1st w, with five other sons (John,
Giles, Thomas, William and Geoffrey, but not necessarily in that order):
1d Robert (III) (Sir); feudal lord of Hornby, MP Yorks
1377, Sheriff Yorks 1378–79, memb Black Prince’s household, served Battle of
Poitiers 1356; m c 1344 Margaret de la Pole, sis of 1st Earl of Suffolk of the
1385 cr, and d 4 April 1413, having had, with two daus (Margaret; m Sir William
Haryngton; Joan; m – Langton):
1e Thomas (Sir); dvp before 1387, leaving a dau and
1f Margaret; b c 1384; m by 15 Feb 1403/4 Thomas Beaufort
(b c Jan 1377; dsps 27 Dec 1427), 1st and last Duke of Exeter of the 1416 cr
and yst of the three originally illegitimate (but legitimated 1396) sons of
John of Gaunt (4th s of EDWARD III) by his 3rd w Katherine Swynford, and d
before her husb
4b Edmund
5b William
1b Margaret; m Sir Robert de Northmilford, and had issue:
1c John; dsp
3a John; priest, held living of Badsworth
ROBERT (I) de NEVILL(E); feudal lord of Raby and
Brancepeth, campaigned against Welsh 1257, Sheriff Northumberland Jan-Nov 1258,
Keeper: Bamburgh, Newcastle(-upon-Tyne), Norham and Werk Castles 1258, also
Scarborough Castle 1277, Justice of the forests beyond the Trent 1261 and Ch
Justice of the same 1265, Cdr HENRY III’s forces beyond the Trent, Capt for the
defence of Yorks and Sheriff Yorks 1263, Commr to hear pleas of disinherited
persons 1267–68, Ch assessor of the fifteenth (a tax) in Northumberland and
Westmorland 1275; m 1st –; m 2nd by 13 April 1273 Ida (she m 3rd by 8 May 1285
John FitzMarmaduke, of Horden and Ravensholm, Co Durham, and d on or after 18
May 1315), widow of Sir Roger Bertram, of Mitford, Northumberland, and d just
before 20 Aug 1282, leaving issue by his 1st w:
2a John
ROBERT (I) de NEVILL(E)’s er s,
ROBERT (II) de NEVILL(E); m c 1260 Mary (d by 11 April
1320), est dau and co-heiress of Ralf Fitz Randolf or Ranulf (probably a descendant
of the Counts of Brittany), of Middleham, now in N Yorks, whereby he acquired
the lordship of Middleham together with extensive holdings elsewhere in Yorks,
as well as some in Norfolk, and dvp 1271, leaving issue:
1a RANDOLPH or RANULF, 1st LORD (Baron) NEVILLE (of Raby),
for whom see further below
2a Ralph, clerk; living 1321
3a Robert, clerk; living 1321
ROBERT (II) de NEVILL(E)’s est s,
(of Raby) (E), so cr (according to later doctrine) by writ of summons to Parl
24 June 1295; b 18 Oct 1262; found guilty 1313 of incest with his dau Lady de
Faucomberge; m 1st Eupheme, dau of 1st Lord (Baron) FitzRoger of the 1295 cr; m
2nd Margery, dau of John de Thweng, and d a little while after 18 April 1331,
having had issue by his 1st w (but none by his 2nd):
1a Robert (‘The Peacock of the North’); captured by the
Scots at their victory of Bannockburn 24 June 1314; m c 1315/6 Ellen – and dvp
& sp June 1319, being k by Sir James Douglas (known as ‘the Good’, but
also, especially by the English, as the ‘Black Douglas’ from his dark
complexion) outside the walls of Berwick in single combat, a contest arranged
in revenge for the killing by Nevill(e) and his bros the previous Dec of
Richard FitzMarmaduke
2a RALPH, 2nd LORD
3a Alexander (Sir); taken prisoner by the Scots with his
er bro Ralph and yr bro John on the occasion of his est bro’s death 1319; their
ransoming cost their father a crippling sum; d 15 March 1366/7
4a John; imprisoned at York 1322, probably because he was
one of those opposed to EDWARD II, pardoned late 1322 for his complicity in the
killing of Richard FitzMarmaduke; k 1333 at Battle of Halidon Hill (English
victory over Scots)
5a Thomas; Preb St Patrick’s Dublin, Archdeacon Durham
1a Anastasia; m Sir Walter de Faucomberge, er s of 2nd
Lord (Baron) Faucomberge (see YARBOROUGH, E)
2a Mary
3a Ida
4a Eupheme
The 1st LORD (Baron) NEVILL(E) (of Raby)’s 2nd s,
RALPH de NEVILL(E), 2nd LORD (Baron) NEVILLE (of Raby); b
c 1291; educ Oxford; Constable Warkworth Castle 1322, Steward of the Household
1331–37, Keeper Forest beyond Trent 1332 (appointed for life 1336), Warden
Scottish Marches 1334, Keeper Bamburgh Castle 1335 for life, memb Cncl of
Prince Edward as Keeper of the Realm 1338 and 1340, participated in English
sieges of Dunbar 1338 and relief of Perth when besieged by Scots 1339, jt cdr
in repelling Scots invasion of Westmorland 1345 as well as perennially involved
in warfare and negotiations with Scots generally, also in diplomatic
negotiations on the Continent, commr of the peace Cumberland, Northumberland,
Westmorland and Yorks 1343, Dep Sheriff Westmorland 1345, cmded 1st Div at
victory over Scots of Nevill(e)’s Cross nr Durham 1346 where DAVID II KING OF
SCOTS was captured by English; m (licence 14 Jan 1326/7) Alice (d 12 Jan
1373/4), dau of 1st and last Lord (Baron) Audley (of Stratton Audley) of the
1321 cr and widow of 1st Lord (Baron) Greystoke of the 1321 cr, and d 5 Aug
1367, having had issue:
1a JOHN, 3rd LORD
2a Alexander; Preb York 1361, Archdeacon Durham 1369–71,
Archbp York 1374–88, titular Bp St Andrews (nominated 1388 by POPE URBAN IV but
papal authority in this matter not recognised by Scots), close adherent of
RICHARD II, advising him not to give in to demands for less partisan rule,
found guilty of treason by Parl 1388 when RICHARD temporised with the Lords
Appellant (nobles opposed to him) by sacrificing his closest adherents; d in
exile 16 May 1392 at Louvain, where he ministered as a parish priest
3a Robert; dsp post 1345
4a Ralph of Cundall, N Yorks; living 1345; ancestor of the
Nevills of Thornton Bridge
5a William (Sir); Adml of the Fleet from the Thames
northwards 1372, Kt of RICHARD II’s Chamber 1383, Constable Nottingham Castle
1383, jt commr to treat for peace with France and Scotland 1383, a friend of
John Wyclif and the Lollard movement, joined Lords Appellant 1388–89 and was
thus opposed to his er bro the Archbp; m Elizabeth – and d in or after 1389
1a Eufeme or Eupheme; m 1st April 1343 4th Lord (Baron)
Clifford (see DE CLIFFORD, B); m 2nd Reynold Lucy, s of 2nd Lord (Baron) Lucy
of the 1321 cr; m 3rd Sir Walter de Heselarton and d Oct-Nov 1393
2a Katherine; m 2nd Lord (Baron) Dacre (qv)
3a Margaret; m 1st 3rd Lord (Baron) Ros (of Helmsley) (see
DE ROS, B); m 2nd 12 July 1358 1st and last Earl of Northumberland of the 1377
cr (see NORTHUMBERLAND, D) and d 11, 12 or 13 May 1372
4a Isabel; m Hugh Fitz Henry (dsp & vp by 21 Sept
1349), er bro of 2nd Lord (Baron) FitzHugh of the 1321 cr
5a Eleanor; m Sir Geoffrey le Scrope (dsp & vp, being
k at the Siege of the Castle of Piskre, Lithuania, 1362 while campaigning with
the Teutonic Kts against heathen), est s of 1st Lord (Baron) Scrope (of Masham)
of the 1350 cr; in widowhood became Abbess of the Minories, London
6a Elizabeth; nun of the Minories, London
The 2nd LORD (Baron) NEVILLE (of Raby)’s est s,
JOHN de NEVILL(E), 3rd LORD (Baron) NEVILLE (of Raby), KG
(1369); b c 1330; Capt in Div cmded by his f at Nevill(e)’s Cross 1346, ktd c
April 1360, Jt Amb to France 1368, Adml of the North 1370, jt commr to treat
with Genoa 1370, Steward King’s Household 1372–81, Keeper Bamburgh Castle 1377
for life and Fronsac Castle in France 1378, Seneschal Gascony 1378, Jt Warden
Marches 1377, 1381/2 and 1382/3, Warden E March 1381 and 1385/6, jt commr to
negotiate peace with Scots 1383 and March 1386/7; m 1st Maud, dau of 2nd Lord
(Baron) Percy (see NORTHUMBERLAND, D), and had, with other issue:
1a RALPH, 4th LORD (Baron) NEVILLE (of Raby) and 1st EARL
OF WESTMORLAND of the 1397 cr, for whom see further below
2a THOMAS de NEVILL(E), regarded as (5th) LORD (Baron)
FURNIVALL(E) in right of his w, though called to Parl by writ 20 Aug 1383 as
NEVILL OF HALUMSHIRE [sic]; agreed in Parl to clandestine incarceration of
RICHARD II 23 Oct 1399, Keeper Annandale and Constable Lochmaben Castle in W
Scottish Marches 23 Oct 1399, Keeper Alnwick, Berwick and Warkworth Castles
1403, memb gt cncl of HENRY IV 1404, Jt War Treasurer 1404–06, Treasurer of
England July-Nov 1406; m 1st by 1 July 1379 Joan de Furnevalle, BARONESS
FURNIVALL(E) in her own right according to later doctrine (b c 1369), dau and
heir of 5th Lord (Baron) Furnivalle (see PETRE, B) of the 1295 cr, and had
1b MAUD de Nevill(e), BARONESS FURNIVALL(E) in her own
right according to later doctrine; b c 1392; m by 12 March 1406/7, as his 1st
w, 1st Earl of Shropshire or Shrewsbury (see SHREWSBURY and WATERFORD, E), who,
however, before his cr as Earl in 1442 was called to Parl 26 Oct 1409 as LORD
De FURNYVALL or De HALOMSHIRE [sic] in right of his w, and d c 1423, having had
issue (see PETRE, B)
2a (cont.) The (6th) LORD (Baron) FURNIVALL(E)/NEVILL OF
HALUMSHIRE m 2nd by 4 July 1401 Ankaret, dau and eventual heir of 1st Lord
(Baron) Strange or Lestrange of the 1360 cr (see ST DAVIDS, V) and widow of
Lord (Baron) Talbot (of Blackmere) (see SHREWSBURY and WATERFORD, E), and dspm
14 March 1406/7
1a Elizabeth; nun of the Minories, London
2a Alice; m by 24 June 1380 3rd Lord (Baron) Deincourt of
the Feb 1298/9 cr and d 20 June 1433
3a Maud; m Sir William le Scrope (d Spain 1367)
4a Eleanor; m 1st and last Lord (Baron) Lumley of the 1384
cr (see SCARBROUGH, E) and d in or after 1441
The 3rd LORD (Baron) NEVILL(E) m 2nd by 9 Oct 1381
Elizabeth Latimer, BARONESS LATIMER (of Corby) in her own right according to
later doctrine (m 2nd, as his 3rd w, 4th Lord (Baron) Willoughby de Eresby (qv)
and d 5 Nov 1395), dau and heiress of 4th Lord (Baron) Latimer (of Corby) of
the Feb 1298/9 cr, and d 17 Oct 1388, leaving further issue:
3a JOHN de NEVILL(E), 6th LORD (Baron) LATIMER (of Corby);
b 1382; settled most of his lands on his Nevill(e) half-bro Ld Westmorland to
the exclusion of his full sister’s s, even though many of these lands came to
him through his mother; m by 24 July 1406 (divorce because of his impotence)
Maud de Clifford (m 2nd c 1414 1st Earl of Cambridge of the 1414 cr (gs of
EDWARD III) and dsp 26 Aug 1446), dau of 6th Lord (Baron) Clifford (see DE
CLIFFORD, B), and dsp 10 Dec 1430
5a Elizabeth; m Sir Thomas Willoughby and left issue (see
The 3rd LORD (Baron) NEVILLE (of Raby)’s est s,
Sept 1397, KG (c 1403), PC (1399); b c 1364; ktd 1380, Jt Keeper castle and
city of Carlisle 1385, Jt Warden W March 1385/6 and 1389, Keeper Forest beyond
Trent 1389–1425, Constable Tower of London 21 Sept-30 Oct 1397, promoted Earl
for loyalty to RICHARD II when the latter struck back at the Lds Appellant who
in 1387 had engineered convictions for treason against RICHARD’s friends (the
Earl had no estates in Westmorland, but it was the nearest county
geographically to those where he did hold land, the names of these counties
being already embodied in titles bestowed on other families; in any case he was
now granted the honour (territorial unit) of Penrith); he nevertheless was
among the earliest nobles to side with his bro-in-law the banished Duke of
Hereford (later HENRY IV) after the latter returned to England July 1399 and
played a leading role in the deposition of RICHARD II; Ch Commr to perform
duties of Constable of England 1391, Marshal of England 1399–1412/3, Keeper
Roxburgh Castle March 1401/2–08, Warden: Berwick and E March 1403, Carlisle and
W March (the latter following his suppression of a revolt by 1st and last Earl
of Northumberland of the 1377 cr, who had previously held the post (see
NORTHUMBERLAND, D)) 1403–14, Memb Cncl of Regency 1415 and 1422 during HENRY
V’s absence abroad and for minority of HENRY VI respectively; m 1st by 1370
Lady Margaret de Stafford (d 9 June 1396), dau of 2nd Earl of Stafford of the
March 1350/1 cr (see STAFFORD, B), and by her had:
1a John; b c 1387; Keeper Roxburgh Castle 1408–11, Warden
West March towards Scotland 1414–20, accompanied HENRY V to France and took
part in the sieges of Caen (1418) and Rouen (1418/9), Capt town and castle of
Verneuil France 1417, Keeper Warren of St John Argences Bailiwick of Caen 1419;
m c 29 Aug 1394 Elizabeth de Holand (d 4 Jan 1422/3), dau and eventual
co-heiress of 2nd Earl of Kent of the 1360 cr, and dvp c 20 May 1420, leaving
Sept 1406/7; ktd 19 May 1426 in the Parl at Leicester by the infant HENRY VI, Commr
to keep the truce with Scotland 1426, 1430 and 1437/8, commr of array in the N
and Capt in the Marches towards Scotland 1436, commr of array in the N to
resist the rebellion 1459 of his unc-by-marriage (see below) Richard 3rd Duke
of York (ggs of EDWARD III and the Yorkist claimant to the throne till his
death 1460) and to oppose the Scots and HENRY VI 1461; m 1st between 7 May and
30 Aug 1426 Elizabeth (d 26 Oct 1437), dau of Sir Henry (‘Harry Hotspur’)
Percy, s of 1st and last Earl of Northumberland of the 1377 cr (see
NORTHUMBERLAND, D) and widow of 7th Lord (Baron) Clifford (see DE CLIFFORD, B);
m 2nd c Feb 1441/2 Margaret (dsps before 1461), dau and heiress of Sir Reynold
de Cobham, and d 3 Nov 1484, having had issue by his 1st w:
1c John (Sir); ktd before 1 Dec 1449; m before 18 Feb
1440/1 Lady Anne Holand (she m 2nd before 5 Sept 1452 her unc-in-law Sir John
Neville, 1st Lord (Baron) Neville of the 1459 cr (see immediately below); m 3rd
9th and last Earl of Douglas; see QUEENSBERRY, M), dau of 1st Duke of Exeter of
the Jan 1443/4 cr, and dsp & vp just before 16 March 1449/50
2b JOHN NEVILL(E), 1st LORD (Baron) NEVILLE of the 1459
cr; b c 1410; called to Parl by writ 20 Nov 1459 as LORD (Baron) NEVILLE (E),
Constable Middleham and Sheriff Hutton Castles, Lancastrian in Wars of Roses,
fought yr branch of Nevill(e)s (issue of his gf’s 2nd w) for the Yorks estates
his gf had held; m between March 1450/1 and 27 July 1454 his n’s widow Anne
Holand (see above) and was k Battle of Towton (Yorkist victory) 29 March 1461
and attainted 4 Nov 1461, though this was reversed 6 Oct 1472, leaving issue:
1c RALPH NEVILL(E), 2nd LORD (Baron) NEVILLE and 3rd EARL
OF WESTMORLAND, KB (1475); b 1456; s f as 2nd LORD (Baron) NEVILLE of the 1459
cr on f’s attainder being reversed 1472 and unc as 3rd EARL OF WESTMORLAND
1484; commr to keep truce with Scotland 1484, a cdr in army assembled to wage
war on Scots 1497; m before 20 Feb 1472/3 Isabel, dau of Roger Booth, of
Sawley, Derbys and allegedly n of Laurence Booth, ArchbpYork, and d 6 Feb
1498/9, having had issue:
1d Ralph, Lord Neville; commr to negotiate marriage of
HENRY VII’s dau Margaret with JAMES IV of Scotland 1495 and 1496, keeper truce
with Scotland 1497; m 1st Mary (b 19 Jan 1469/70; dsp c 25 Dec 1489), dau of
William Paston by his w Lady Anne Beaufort, dau of 1st Duke of Somerset
(himself ggs of EDWARD III through John of Gaunt) of the 1448 cr; m 2nd Edith
(m 2nd 1st and last Lord (Baron) Darcy of the 1509 cr and d 22 Aug 1529), dau
of Sir William Sandys, of the Vyne, Sherborne St John, Hants, and sis of 1st
Lord (Baron) Sandys of the 1529 cr (see SANDYS, B, preliminary remarks) and dvp
1498, having had by his 2nd w, with an er s (d young):
(1525); b 21 Feb 1497/8; ktd 1523, Ch Commr to negotiate with Scots 1525, Dep
Capt Berwick and V-Warden E and Middle Marches 1525–26, a judge at trial of
ANNE BOLEYN 1536, Memb Cncl of N Jan 1536/7; m before June 1520 Lady Catherine
Stafford (d 14 May 1555), 2nd dau of 3rd and last Duke of Buckingham of the
1444 cr, and d 24 April 1549, having had issue, with nine other children:
(Feb 1550/1); b 1524/5; ktd 1544, Memb Cncl of N 1549, Ld Lt Bishopric of
Durham 1552, one of the 26 peers who 16 June 1553 agreed to settle crown on
LADY JANE GREY but swiftly declared for MARY, Capt-Gen Horse in N 1557, Lt Gen
of the N 1558; m 1st 3 July 1536 Lady Anne Manners, dau of 1st Earl of Rutland
(see RUTLAND, D); m 2nd Jane (d before Dec 1558), dau of Sir Roger Cholmley; m
3rd before 21 June 1560 his sis-in-law Margaret (bur 2 April 1570), dau of Sir
R Cholmley and widow of Sir Henry Gascoigne, and d 10 Feb 1563/4, having had
issue by his 1st w:
the 1397 cr; b between 18 Aug 1542 and 28 Aug 1543; commr musters (local
defence levies) Co Durham 1569, Memb Cncl of N, conspired (being urged to
rebellion it is said by his unc Christopher Nevill(e) (see below)) with 1st
Earl of Northumberland of the 1557 cr (see NORTHUMBERLAND, D) in the Northern
Rebellion Nov 1569, for which he was attainted 1571 (Raby Castle, the ancient
seat of the Nevill(e)s, being taken into the possession of the Crown till its
purchase by Sir Harry Vane (see BARNARD, B) c 1645); fled overseas, Col of a
regt under the Spanish flag of Englishmen in exile from ELIZABETH I’s regime
1580, Capt of all English troops under Duke of Parma (one of his unc PHILIP II
of Spain’s generals) 1583; m 1563/4 Lady Jane Howard (bur 30 June 1593), sis of
4th Duke of Norfolk (qv), and dspms 16 Nov 1601, when all his titles had
already been forfeited, having had issue, with an only s (d young):
1h Catherine; m Sir Thomas Grey, of Chillingham,
Northumberland (see GREY, E)
2h Eleanor; d unm
3h Margaret; m Sir Nicholas Pudsey, of Yorks
4h Anne; m David Ingleby, unc of Sir William Ingleby, 1st
Bt of the 1642 cr
2f Christopher, of Kirkbymoorside, N Yorks; attainted as a
ringleader Northern Rebellion 1569 in which he captured Hartlepool, fled to Low
Countries, where pensioned by PHILIP II of Spain; m Ann(i)e, dau of John
Fulthorpe, of Hipswell, N Yorks, and widow of Francis Wandisford, and dsp in
3f Cuthbert; a ringleader 1569; d in Low Countries a
pensioner of Spain
1f Dorothy; m 3 July 1536, as his 1st w, 16th Earl of
Oxford (see ST ALBANS, D) and dspm between 17 Dec 1545 and 27 June 1547
2f Mary; m Sir Thomas Danby
3f Margaret; m 3 July 1536, as his 1st w, 2nd Earl of
Rutland and d 13 Oct 1559, leaving issue (see RUTLAND, D)
4f Elizabeth; m as his 1st w 4th Lord (Baron) Dacre of
Gillesland (see DACRE, B) and dsp
5f Eleanor; m Brian Stapleton, of Carlton (see NORFOLK, D)
6f Anne; m c 1553 Sir Fulke Greville and had issue (see
3b Thomas (Sir); m Elizabeth, dau of 5th Lord (Baron)
Beaumont (see NORFOLK, D), and had:
1c Humphrey (Sir), of Brancepeth; b 1439?; Lancastrian,
attainted Nov 1461 but pardoned and ktd 1463/4, attainted again Jan 1465,
captured and executed in EDWARD IV’s presence at York 29 Sept 1469, having had:
1d Arthur, of Scole Acle, Weardale, Co Durham; d c 1502,
leaving issue:
1e Ralph, of Scole Acle and Coveshouses, Weardale; f of:
1f – ; f of:
1g Ralph; d 1615, leaving issue:
1h Anne
2e Lancelot; m Anne, dau of Rowland Tempest, of Holmeside,
Co Durham
2c Charles; executed with his brother 1469
2a Ralph (Sir), of Oversley, Warwicks; m Mary (b c 1379),
yr dau and co-heir of Robert de Ferrers (called to Parl 1375 as LORD (Baron) LE
BOTILLER in right of his w Elizabeth, who according to later doctrine would
have been Baroness Le Botiller in her own right, being dau and heir of 3rd Lord
(Baron) Le Botiller of the March 1307/8 cr), and had:
1b John; m Elizabeth, dau and heiress of Robert Newmarch,
and had:
1c Joan; m Sir William Gascoigne, and had issue
1a Mathilda or Maud; m before 6 Aug 1400 5th Lord (Baron)
Mauley (dspm 6 Sept 1415; see DE MAULEY, B) and d Oct 1438
2a Philippa or Philippe; m 6th Lord (Baron) Dacre (qv) and
d between 8 July 1453 and 5 Jan 1457/8
3a Alice; m 1st Sir Thomas Grey, of Heton, Co Durham (see
GREY, E, and TANKERVILLE, E); m 2nd Sir Gilbert Lancaster
4a Elizabeth; nun in the Minories, London
5a Anne; m before 3 Feb 1412/3 Sir Gilbert de Umfreville,
of Kyme, Lincs
6a Margaret; m 1st before 31 Dec 1413 3rd Lord (Baron)
Scrope (of Bolton) (d 29 Aug 1420); m 2nd before 5 Nov 1427 William Cressoner,
of Sudbury, Suffolk, and d between 4 March 1463/4 and 3 March 1464/5, leaving
issue by her 1st husb
7a Anastasia
The 1st EARL OF WESTMORLAND m 2nd before 29 Nov 1396 Joan
Beaufort (d 13 Nov 1440), dau of John of Gaunt and gdau of EDWARD III and widow
of Sir Robert Ferrers, and d 21 Oct 1425, leaving further issue:
(1436/8), PC (1437); b 1400; ktd 1420, Warden W March Scotland 1420–34, Warden
E and W Marches 1434–35, Jt Keeper W March 1453, Keeper Forest beyond Trent
1424, Constable of England at HENRY VI’s coronation 1429, Constable Pontefract
Castle 1432, commr to negotiate peace with France in Hundred Years War 1436,
Justice Forest Beyond Trent 1443, Govr Barnard Castle 1446, Chllr of England
1454, Keeper Porchester Castle 1454, leading Yorkist in early years of Wars of
the Roses, fought at Battles of St Albans (Yorkist victory) 1455 and Blore
Heath, Staffs, (Yorkist victory) 1459, attainted Nov 1459 and pardoned 7 Oct
1460, Ld Gt Chamberlain for life 29 Oct 1460; m before Feb 1420/1 Alice Montagu
(b c 1406; d 1462), COUNTESS OF SALISBURY in her own right and only dau and
heiress of 4th Earl of Salisbury of the March 1336/7 cr (who d 3 Nov 1428,
whereupon his s-in-law RICHARD NEVILL(E) seems to have been acknowledged as
EARL OF SALISBURY) by his 1st w, and was beheaded 31 Dec 1460 the day after the
Battle of Wakefield (Lancastrian victory), having had issue:
KINGMAKER’) and 2nd or 6th EARL OF SALISBURY (in which latter title he s his
mother 1462), also self-styled LORD (Baron) BERGAVENNY in right of his w, he
being in de facto possession of the castle and honor (feudal territorial unit)
of Abergavenny (for the significance of this see above against Barony of
(A)Bergavenny), KG (1460), PC (before 6 Dec 1453); b 22 Nov 1428; ktd before 6
Aug 1445, Jt Warden Carlisle and W Marches towards Scotland 1446 and 1453, s in
right of his wife (following her n Anne’s death 3 Jan 1448/9) to the major part
of the vast Warwick estates, including, as well as Abergavenny already
mentioned, Barnard (Castle), Cardiff, Elmley, Neath, Warwick and Worcester
Castles, also the feudal lordship of Glamorgan; confirmed 23 July 1449 as EARL
OF WARWICK (E), with remainder to his w’s heirs with the precedence of Premier
Earl enjoyed by her ancestors as Earls of Warwick; he later exchanged the aforementioned
patent of confirmation for cr 2 March 1449/50 as EARL OF WARWICK and (his wife
Anne as) COUNTESS OF WARWICK, each for life, though with remainder after both
their deaths to Anne’s heirs of the body, with further remainder, should she
have dsp, to Anne’s est half-sis Margaret Countess of Shrewsbury (see
SHREWSBURY and WATERFORD, E) and the heirs male of her body, failing which
remainder to the heirs general of her body, failing which remainder to the
heirs of her f the late Earl of Warwick; Hereditary Sheriff Worcs 1450–70,
confirmed as Hereditary Chamberlain of Exchequer in right of his w 1450,
Yorkist cdr at victoy of St Albans 1455, Capt Calais 1455, naval cdr in
maritime actions against Spaniards and Hanseatic merchants (from the north
German coast) 1458 and 1459, attainted with other Yorkist leaders 20 Nov 1459
but pardoned Oct 1460 after he led Yorkists to victory over Lancastrians at
Battle of Northampton 10 July 1460 and obtained custody of HENRY VI, Govr
Channel Islands 1460, Ld Gt Chamberlain Jan 1460/1 and again May 1461 for life,
cdr Yorkist army defeated by Lancastrians at 2nd Battle of St Albans Feb
1460/1, cdr central block Yorkist army at victory over Lancastrians of Towton
March 1461, Constable Dover Castle and Ld Warden Cinque Ports 1461 for life,
Warden E and W Marches towards Scotland July 1461, Ld High Steward England Dec
1461, Adml of England 1462; envoy to negotiate at various times with Brittany,
Burgundy, France and Scotland; put down Lancastrian rising in North under his
relative Sir Humphrey Nevill(e) (see above) 1469; having switched support from
EDWARD IV to HENRY VI early 1470 he proclaimed HENRY king Sept-Oct 1470; Jt Lt
of the Realm Nov 1470, Adml England, Ireland and Aquitaine Jan 1470/1; m 1434
Anne Beauchamp (b c Sept 1426; d c 20 Sept 1492), sis and eventual heiress of
1st and last Duke of Warwick of the 1444 cr, and dau of 15th Earl of Warwick,
and dspm, being k 14 April 1471 at Battle of Barnet, whereupon the earldom of
Salisbury reverted to the Crown while the earldom of Warwick remained vested in
his w according to the dual grant of 1450 (although a separate earldom of
Warwick was conferred 1472 on her s-in-law by patent), leaving issue:
1c Isabel; b 5 Sept 1451; m 11 July 1469 GEORGE
PLANTAGENET, DUKE OF CLARENCE, KG (b 21 Oct 1449; initially joined his f-in-law
Warwick in the attempt to restore HENRY VI and depose his bro EDWARD IV but
deserted the former for the latter at the Battle of Barnet and helped defeat
Warwick; cr 25 March 1471/2 EARL OF WARWICK and EARL OF SALISBURY as a
consequence of his marriage; found guilty of high treason and attainted 8 Feb
1477/8, whereupon all his titles were forfeited, and then executed by being
drowned in a butt of malmsey wine in the Tower of London 18 Feb 1477/8), and d
22 Dec 1476, having had, with other issue (d young):
1d EDWARD PLANTAGENET (the last legitimate male
Plantagenet), styled EARL OF WARWICK on EDWARD IV’s orders from the time of his
christening (EDWARD IV being his godfather as well as unc), s his maternal grandmother
as 2nd/17th EARL OF WARWICK (of the 1450 dual grant and the original 1088 cr)
by 20 Sept 1492; b 21 or 25 Feb 1474/5; imprisoned in the Tower of London by
HENRY VII 1485, impersonated 1487 by Lambert Simnel; found guilty 21 Nov 1499
of high treason and dsp, being executed by beheading 28 Nov 1499, whereupon his
honours were forfeited (they were also subject to posthumous attainder Jan
1503/4, this attainder being in its turn reversed 1513 so that his sis Margaret
could have restored to her the title Countess of Salisbury)
1d MARGARET Plantagenet (the last Plantagenet to survive),
declared by Parl COUNTESS OF SALISBURY in her own right 1513; b Aug 1473; Ldy
of the Chamber to CATHERINE OF ARAGON 1509, Governess to PRINCESS MARY (later
QUEEN MARY) 1520–33; m between 1491 and 1494 (probably 1491) Sir Richard POLE,
KG, s of Sir Geoffrey Pole by Edith St John (see SAINT JOHN OF BLETSO, B), and
was imprisoned in the Tower of London between 20 March and 20 May 1539,
attainted 12 May 1539 (whereupon her honours were forfeited) and executed by
beheading 28 May 1541, having had issue:
1e HENRY POLE, 1st and last LORD (Baron) MONTAGU of the
putative 1514 cr, JP (Dorset, Hants, Somerset and Sussex 1530–38); b c 1492;
ktd 1513, from 12 Oct 1514, or just before it, was called (which by something
like a consensus among modern historians is taken to constitute a new cr) LORD
(Baron) MONTAGU (E), Steward of manors belonging to Tewkesbury Abbey 1526; m by
May 1520 his maternal grandmother’s 2nd cousin Jane Nevill(e), dau of 4th Lord
(Baron) Bergavenny (see below), and, after being imprisoned in the Tower of
London 4 Nov 1538, attainted (whereupon all his honours were forfeited) and
declared guilty of treason 2 Dec 1538 was executed by beheading 9 Jan 1538/9,
having had issue:
1f Henry; imprisoned in the Tower from an early age and
dsp there some time after Sept 1542
1f Catherine; restored in blood (ie, her f’s attainder
reversed as regards ability to inherit honours) by the Parl of 1554–55; m 25 June
1532 2nd Earl of Huntingdon (qv; see also LOUDOUN, E) and d 23 Sept 1576,
having had issue
2f Winifred; m 1st Sir Thomas Hastings (dsp), yr bro of
her sister’s husb; m 2nd, as his 2nd w, Sir Thomas Barrington, of Barrington
Hall, Essex, and had issue, with another s and a dau:
1g Sir FRANCIS BARRINGTON, 1st Bt, so cr 29 June 1611 (see
2e Geoffrey (Sir); b 1502(?); ktd 1529; m by 9 July 1528
Constance (d on or after 12 Aug 1570), er dau and coheir of Sir Edmund Pakenham
(see LONGFORD, E), of Lordington, Sussex; imprisoned in the Tower 29 Aug 1538,
pleaded guilty at his trial for treason 4 Dec 1538 but pardoned 4 Jan 1538/9,
fled abroad 1541 following his mother’s execution and only returned to England
after MARY came to the throne 1553; d Nov 1558 (a few days before his bro the
Cardinal), having had issue, with three other s (one of whom was called Thomas)
and six daus (two of whom m and one of whom was a nun):
1f Arthur; b 1531; conspired, sometimes with his yr bro
Edmund, to advance his own or MARY QUEEN OF SCOTS’ claims to the throne of
England; arrested with Edmund Oct 1562, found guilty, again with Edmund, of
treason 26 Feb 1562/3 and imprisoned in the Tower of London; d there between
Jan and 12 Aug 1570(?), having m between 15 Sept 1562 and 27 Jan 1563 Mary (d
by 16 Nov 1570), dau of Sir Richard Holland, of Denton, Lancs, by his w Eleanor
(whose 1st husb had been the 1st Earl of Northumberland of the 1557 cr (see
2f Thomas, of W Stoke and Lordington, Sussex; m Mary (m
3rd Francis Cotton and was bur 27 March 1576), widow of John Lewes, and d
between 12 Aug and 22 Nov 1570
3f Edmund; b 1541; d imprisoned in the Tower of London by
12 Aug 1570
4f Geoffrey, of Lordington; b 1546; educ Winchester; m by
1573 Catherine Dutton (d in or after 1608) and d Antwerp by 9 March 1590/1,
leaving issue, with five daus (two of whom m but only one of whom had issue,
while another was a nun):
1g Arthur; b c 1575; educ Rome at Palazzo Farnese with the
s of Alessandro Farnese Duke of Parma (see above); Ld of the Manor of
Walderton, Sussex, and memb household Cardinal Odoardo Farnese; d unm, being
assassinated Rome 23 June 1605
2g Geoffrey, of Lordington; b c 1577; educ seminaries at
Douai and Eu and English Coll Rome; d unm, being assassinated Rome just before
7 Jan 1619, when the male line descendants of Margaret Countess of Salisbury
became extinct
5f Henry POLE; living 1570
3e Arthur (Sir); Ld of the Manor of Broadhurst, Sussex,
Gent of Bedchamber to HENRY VIII 1518 and Esq of the Body 1520, ktd 1523; m by
24 Oct 1522 Jane/Joan (m 3rd Sir William Barentyne, of Gt Haseley, Oxon, and d
by 12 March 1562/3), dau of Sir Roger Lewkenor, of Trotton, Sussex, and widow
of Sir Christopher Pickering, and d just after 10 May 1527, having had a s (dvp
unm) and two daus (both of whom m)
4e Reginald; b March 1500; educ the Charterhouse, Sheen,
and Magdalen Coll Oxford (BA 1515); Dean Wimborne Minster, Preb Salisbury, Dean
Exeter 1527, Vicar Piddletown, Dorset, 1532–35, Cardinal Dec 1536, Papal Legate
to England Feb 1536/7 and again 1553–57, attainted in absentia 1539 (attainder
reversed 1554), appointed by POPE PAUL III Abbot of Gavello or Canalnuovo 1549,
Archbp Canterbury 1555, ordained priest 20 March 1555/6, Chllr Cambridge and
Oxford Us 1555/6 and 1556 respectively; dsp 17 Nov 1558
1e Ursula; m 16(?) Feb 1518/9 1st Baron Stafford of the
1547 cr and d 12 Aug 1570, having had issue at least 13 children (see STAFFORD,
2c Anne; b 11 June 1456; m(?) 1st(? There has been some
doubt as to whether the marriage took place) Aug 1470 EDWARD PRINCE OF WALES
(dsp & vp, being k at or in cold blood just after the Battle of Tewkesbury
(Yorkist victory) 4 May 1471), only s of HENRY VI; m 2nd(?) 12 July 1472
1483 (b 2 Oct 1452; crowned with Anne 6 July 1483; defeated by HENRY VII and k
Battle of Bosworth (the last engagement of the Wars of the Roses) 22 Aug 1485),
and d 16 March 1485, having had issue:
2b Thomas (Sir); ktd 1449; m Aug 1453 Maud (she m 3rd by
20 March 1462/3 Sir Gervase Clifton and dsp 30 Aug 1497), er dau of Sir Richard
Stanhope (see HARRINGTON, E, also 1967 edn, CHESTERFIELD and STANHOPE, E) and
widow of 6th Lord (Baron) Willoughby de Eresby (qv), and was k 30 Dec 1460
Battle of Wakefield
(Jan 1460/1), JP (Co Durham 1463 and many other counties both before and
after); b c 1431; ktd 1449, took part in Yorkist victory of Blore Heath 1459
but was nevertheless captured by the Lancastrians, attainted 20 Nov 1459,
attainder reversed and he freed following Yorkist victory of Northampton 10
July 1460, Chamberlain to HENRY VI late 1460, again captured by Lancastrians
2nd Battle of St Albans 17 Feb 1460/1, called to Parl by writ 23 May 1461 as
LORD (Baron) MONTAGU (E), Ch Steward bishopric of Durham 1463, Warden E March
1463–July 1470 and Oct 1470–71, defeated Lancastrians at Hedgeley Moor, Northumberland,
25 April 1464 (this victory allowed him to make a truce with the Scots for 15
years which denied Lancastrians a refuge north of the Border) and at Hexham 15
May 1464 (the final destruction of Lancastrians in the North at that stage of
the Wars of the Roses), cr as a reward 27 May 1464 EARL OF NORTHUMBERLAND (E)
but forced to renounce this 25 March 1470 when Henry Percy (whose family both
before and after customarily held the earldom of Northumberland; see
NORTHUMBERLAND, D) swore fealty to EDWARD IV and was cr 25 March 1470 MARQUESS
OF MONTAGU (E) in compensation (though without an estate for the title’s
support, which with such matters as his being relieved of the wardenship of the
eastern March so irked him that he conspired with his bro Warwick and others to
restore HENRY VI), Sheriff Northumberland 1466, Lt in the North 1470; m 25
April 1457 Elizabeth or Isabel (she m 2nd 25 April 1472 Sir William Norreys and
d 20 May 1476), dau and coheir of Sir Edmund Ingaldesthorpe by Joan Tiptoft (d
20 May 1476), sis and eventual heiress of 1st Earl of Worcester of the 1449 cr,
and was k 14 April 1471 at the Battle of Barnet, having had issue:
1st and last DUKE OF BEDFORD of the Jan 1469/70 cr; b c 1461; cr 5 Jan 1469/70
DUKE OF BEDFORD (E) because about to m Elizabeth, est dau of EDWARD IV, but
deprived of all his peerages (viz., the Dukedom of Bedford, Marquessate of
Montagu and Barony of Montagu) by Parl March 1477/8 on the grounds that he lacked
the means to support those dignities (whereupon they became extinct); d unm 4
May 1483
1c Anne; m Sir William Stonor (see CAMOYS, B) and d by
1486, having had issue
2c Elizabeth; b c 1464; m 1st before 1477 6th Lord (Baron)
Scrope (of Masham) (b c 1459; dspm 23 April 1493) and had issue a dau; m 2nd c
Oct 1494, as his 2nd w, Sir Henry Wentworth and dsps Sept 1517
3c Margaret; b 1466; m 1st(?) Thomas Horne; m 1st/2nd Sir
John Mortimer (d by 12 Nov 1504); m 2nd/3rd by 7 Feb 1506/7 (annulled by London
Archidiaconal Court c 1507 and by Papal Bull 12 May 1528), as his 2nd w of some
four, 1st Duke of Suffolk of the Feb 1513/4 cr; m 3rd/4th c Feb 1521/2 Robert
Downes and d 31 Jan 1527/8
4c Lucy; m 1st Sir Thomas Fitzwilliam and had, with other
1d Thomas; m and was k Battle of Flodden (English victory
over Scots) 1513, leaving issue (with a s who d young):
1e Alice; m as his 1st w Sir James Foljambe, and had issue
2e Margaret; m Godfrey Foljambe
(E) so cr 18 Oct 1537, KG (1526), PC (by April 1522); b c 1490; Gent Usher at
HENRY VII’s funeral 1509, Cupbearer to HENRY VIII 1509, Esq of the Body 1513,
Kt of the Body, Master of the Harriers Feb 1512/3, V-Adml of England 1520 and
1522–23, Amb to France Feb 1520/1–Jan 1521/2, Treasurer Household 1525–37, MP
Surrey 1529–36, Chllr Duchy Lancaster 1529–42, High Steward Oxford U 1532–42,
High Adml England 1536–40, Ch Steward of his 2nd cousin Margaret Countess of
Salisbury’s possessions after her attainder 1539, Ld Privy Seal 1540–42, Lt and
Capt Gen towards the N 1542; m Nov 1513 Mabel Clifford (Gentlewoman to
CATHERINE OF ARAGON; d 1550), sis of 1st Earl of Cumberland (see DE CLIFFORD,
B) and dspl 15 Oct 1542, whereupon the Earldom expired
4c (cont.) Lady Fitzwilliam m 2nd Sir Anthony Browne,
Standard-Bearer of England, gf by her of 1st Viscount Montagu of the 1554 cr
5c Isabella; m Sir William Hodleston, 3rd s of Sir John
Hodleston, Ld of Millom, Cumberland
4b George; b 1432 or 1433; educ Balliol Coll Oxford(?) (BA
1450, MA 1452); Preb York 1446, Chllr Oxford U 1453–57, Archdeacon Northampton,
Preb Lincoln and canon and Preb Ripon 1454, ordained 21 Dec 1454, Bp Exeter
1458, Archdeacon Carlisle by May 1463, Ld Chllr 1460–67 and 1470, Archbp York
1464, Abbot Westminster 1475; d 8 June 1476
1b Joan; m after 17 Aug 1438 16th/9th Earl of Arundel (see
NORFOLK, D) and d just before 9 Sept 1462, having had issue
2b Cicely; Sheriff Worcs 1449; m 1434 (the same year her
bro ‘the Kingmaker’ m Beauchamp’s sis Anne; see above) Henry de Beauchamp, 14th
Earl and subsequently 1st and last Duke of Warwick of the 1444 cr (dspm 11 June
1446), and had issue a dau; m 2nd c 3 April 1449 1st and last Earl of Worcester
of the 1449 cr and d 28 July 1450
3b Alice; m 5th Lord (Baron) Fitzhugh of the 1321 cr and d
on or after 22 Nov 1503, having had issue (see DACRE, B)
4b Eleanor; m after 10 May 1457, as his 1st w, 1st Earl of
Derby (qv) and d by Nov 1482, having had issue
5b Katherine; m 1st by 1458 William Bonville, 6th Lord
(Baron) Harington of the 1326 cr (dspm, being k Battle of Wakefield 31 Dec
1460) and had issue a dau and heir (m 1st and last Earl of Wiltshire of the Jan
1509/10 cr; see STAFFORD, B); m 2nd by 6 Feb 1461/2 1st Lord (Baron) Hastings
(of Hastings) (see HUNTINGDON, E) and d just before 22 Nov 1503, having had
further issue
6b Margaret; m as his 1st w 13th Earl of Oxford (see SAINT
ALBANS, D) and d after 20 Nov 1506
4a Henry; dsp young
5a Thomas; dsp young
6a Cuthbert; dsp young
7a Robert; b 1404; educ Oxford (MA); Preb: Eldon Co Durham
1413, Grindall 1414, Laughton (York) 1416 and Lincoln 1423, Provost Beverley c
1421, Bp: Salisbury 1427 and Durham 1438; dspl(?) 8 or 9 July 1457
8a WILLIAM NEVILL(E), 1st and last EARL OF KENT (E), so cr
1 Nov 1461, KG (1440); ktd 1426, called to Parl by writ of summons 3 Aug 1429
as Sir WILLIAM NEVILL(E) and 26 May 1455 in right of his w as LORD (Baron)
FAUCOMBERGE or FAUCONBERGE (E), Capt-Gen in the Marches of the Chartrain (France)
1439, Keeper Roxburgh Castle 1444 (Jt Keeper 1451/2), Jt Keeper Windsor Castle
1455–58, led the advance detachment of the Yorkist army Battles of Northampton
10 July 1460 and Towton 29 March 1461, Adml of England 1462; m by 28 April
1422, as her 1st husb, Joan, according to later doctrine BARONESS FAUCOMBERGE
in her own right, and dspml 9 Jan 1462/3, when the Earldom of Kent expired,
having had three daus (see YARBOROUGH, E) and an illegitimate s (together with
1b Thomas FAUCONBRIDGE, alias the ‘Bastard of Fauconberg’;
irregular naval cdr, ally of his cousin Warwick the ‘Kingmaker’ in the shifting
alliances fashioned by the latter throughout the Wars of the Roses, descended
on London May 1471 in an unsuccessful bid to restore HENRY VI; beheaded 22 Sept
9a John; dsp young
(E), so cr 25 Feb 1431/2, PC (1439), JP (Cumberland 1437); ktd 1426, s 1430 to
his paternal half-unc JOHN NEVILL(E) 6th LORD (Baron) LATIMER (of Corby)’s
estates (see above); m c Feb 1436/7, as her 1st husb, Lady Elizabeth Beauchamp
(b c 1417; m 2nd, as his 2nd w, Thomas Wake (see WAKE, Bt) and d by 2 Oct
1480), dau of 13th Earl of Warwick, and d 30 or 31 Dec 1469, having had issue
(see LATYMER, B)
11a EDWARD NEVILL(E), 1st Lord (Baron) Bergavenny, for
whom see further below
8a Joan; nun Minories, London
9a Katharine or Katherine; m 1st 2nd Duke of Norfolk of
the 1397 cr (see MOWBRAY, SEGRAVE and STOURTON, B); m 2nd before 27 Jan 1441/2 Sir
Thomas Strangways; m 3rd after 1442, as his 2nd w, 1st Viscount Beaumont (see
BEAUMONT, Bt); m 4th just after 1464 Sir John Woodville, bro of ELIZABETH,
10a Alianore/Eleanor; m 1st after 23 May 1412 Richard le
Despenser (dsp 7 Oct 1414 aged 14), only s of 1st and last Earl of Gloucester
of the 1397 cr (see FALMOUTH, V) by his w Constance, dau of Edmund Plantagenet,
Duke of York, 5th s of EDWARD III; m 2nd a short while after Oct 1414 1st Earl
of Northumberland of the 1415/6 cr (see NORTHUMBERLAND, D), and had issue
11a Anne; m 1st by 18 Oct 1424 1st Duke of Buckingham of
the 1444 cr (ka 10 July 1460) and had issue (see STAFFORD, B); m 2nd by 25 Nov
1467, as his 2nd w, 1st Lord (Baron) Mountjoy (d 1 Aug 1474; see BLOUNT, Bt)
and d 20 Sept 1480, having had no issue by her 2nd husb
12a Cecily; b 3 May 1415; m by 18 Oct 1424 Richard
Plantagenet, 3rd Duke of York, KG (k 30 Dec 1460 at the Battle of Wakefield),
gs of Edmund of Langley, 1st Duke of York of the 1385 cr and 5th s of EDWARD
III, and d 31 May 1495, having had, with other issue (see 1967 edn THE ROYAL
Nevill(e), dau of 1st or 16th Earl of Warwick (the ‘Kingmaker’; see above)
The 1st EARL OF WESTMORLAND’s yst s,
EDWARD NEVILL(E), 1st Lord (Baron) Bergavenny or Neville
de Bergavenny (E), so cr by writ of summons 5 Sept 1450; granted licence by
HENRY VI to take possession of the lands of Abergavenny but in possession of
the castle at Abergavenny for only a short while; m 1st by 18 Oct 1424
Elizabeth Beauchamp, according to later doctrine BARONESS BERGAVENNY or
BEAUCHAMP DE BERGAVENNY in her own right (see above), and had:
1a Richard; dvp
2a GEORGE, 2nd Lord
1a Alice; m Sir Thomas Grey
2a Catherine; m – Iwarby
The 1st Lord (Baron) Bergavenny m 2nd 15 Oct 1448 his 3rd
cousin Catherine, dau of Sir Robert Howard and sis of 1st Duke of Norfolk (qv),
and d 18 Oct 1476, having had further issue:
3a Margaret; m as his 2nd w 7th Lord (Baron) Cobham of the
Jan 1312/3 cr (see 1949 edn) and d 30 Sept 1506, having had issue
4a Catherine; m Robert Tanfield
5a Anne; (?)m as his 2nd w 8th Lord (Baron) Strange (of
Knokyn) and d on or after 26 Feb 1480/1 (see SAINT DAVIDS, V)
The 1st LORD (Baron) BERGAVENNY’s est surv s,
GEORGE NEVILL(E), 2nd Lord (Baron) Bergavenny; b c 1440;
ktd 1471; m 1st before 1469 Margaret (d 28 Sept 1485), dau and heir of Sir Hugh
Fenne, Under-Treasurer of England, of Soulton Burdeleys, Norfolk (a manor held
by Grand Serjeanty, i.e., in exchange for personal service, as Chief Larderer
to the sovereign, a duty that was undertaken by the Lord (A)Bergavenny of the
day or his deputy at every coronation from JAMES II’s to GEORGE IV’s inclusive
as well as various coronations before that), and Braintree, Essex, Treasurer
Household to HENRY VI; m 2nd, as her 4th husb, Elizabeth (d 1500), widow of (a)
Sir Robert Bassett, Ld Mayor London, (b) Richard Naylor (d c 1483) and (c) John
Stokker, both the latter being Londoners also, and d 20 Sept 1492, having had
issue by his 1st w:
1a GEORGE NEVILL(E), 3rd Lord (Baron) Bergavenny, KG
(1513), KB (1483), PC (1516); b c 1469; Constable Dover Castle, Ld Warden
Cinque Ports 1513, Keeper Ashdown Forest 1515, imprisoned 1521–22 on suspicion
of conspiring with his f-in-law the Duke of Buckingham, Ch Larderer coronations
of HENRY VIII and ANNE BOLEYN 1509 and 1533 respectively; m 1st Lady Joan
FitzAlan (dspm), dau of 17th/10th Earl of Arundel (see NORFOLK, D), and had
1b Elizabeth; m as his 1st w 1st and last Earl of
Bridgwater of the 1538 cr
1a (cont.) The 3rd Lord (Baron) Bergavenny m 2nd Margaret
(dsps in or after 1515), dau of William Brent, of Charing, Kent; m 3rd c June
1519 Lady Mary Stafford, dau of 3rd and last Duke of Buckingham of the 1444 cr;
m 4th Mary Bro(o)ke alias Cobham, and d June 1535, having by his 3rd w had
further issue:
1b HENRY NEVILL(E), 4th Lord (Baron) Bergavenny, KB
(1553); b after 1527; one of the 26 peers who signed the letters patent 16 June
1553 settling the crown on LADY JANE GREY, Ch Larderer coronation of QUEEN MARY
1553; m 1st by 31 Jan 1555/6 Lady Frances Manners (bur Sept 1576), dau of 1st
Earl of Rutland (see RUTLAND, D); m 2nd Elizabeth (m 2nd Sir William Sedley,
1st Bt, of Southfleet, Kent, and d 27 Feb 1618, by whom she was ggmother of
Catherine Sedley, Countess of Dorchester, mistress of JAMES II), dau and coheir
of Stephen Darrell, of Spelmonden, Horsmonden, Kent, and dspm 10 Feb 1586/7,
leaving by his 1st w an only dau:
1c MARY Nevill(e), BARONESS LE DESPENSER; b 25 March 1554;
s her f in the Mereworth estate in Kent and the Althorne estate, Essex, by
agreement with her cousin Edward, the 6th Baron Abergavenny, though a previous
entail had been drawn up by her gf the 3rd Baron Abergavenny by which his lands
were to go to heirs male of his body; she claimed the barony of Bergavenny as
heir general of her f against the claim of her cousin Edward (subsequently
recognised as 6th Baron Abergavenny), who was only the heir male; the crown
eventually (1604) awarded the barony of Bergavenny to Edward and in
compensation terminated the abeyance in the barony of Le Despenser in her
favour 25 May 1604 with precedence of 1264; m 12 Dec 1574, as his 2nd w, Sir
Thomas FANE, of Badsell, Kent (d 13 March 1588/9), and d 28 June 1626, having
had issue (see WESTMORLAND, E, and FALMOUTH, V)
2b John; d young
3b Thomas; dsp
1b Catherine; m John St Leger, of Annersley, Devon; and
had issue (see STUCLEY, Bt)
2b Margaret; m John Cheney, s of Sir Thomas Cheney
3b Dorothy; m as his 1st w her cousin 10th Lord (Baron)
Cobham and dspm 22 Sept 1559
4b Joan; m Sir Henry Pole
5b Ursula; m Sir Wenham St Leger and d 1575, leaving issue
6b Mary; m 1st 1536 9th Lord (Baron) Dacre (qv) and had
issue; m 2nd – Wootton, of N Tuddenham, Norfolk; m 3rd Francis Thursby and d c
2a William NEVILL(E)
3a Edward (Sir), of Addington or Aldington Park, Kent;
Sewer (official overseeing service at table) HENRY VIII’s household, Esq of the
Body, ktd 25 Sept 1513, Gentleman of the Chamber and Master Buckhounds 1516,
HENRY VIII’s Standard Bearer 1531, Constable Leeds Castle, Kent, 1534; m
Eleanor, dau of 1st Lord (Baron) Windsor (see PLYMOUTH, E), and widow of 9th
Lord (Baron) Scrope of Masham of the 1350 cr, and was beheaded 8 Dec 1538 on a
charge of high treason (specifically for promoting the interests of his cousin
Reginald Pole (see above)), having had issue:
1b EDWARD NEVILL(E), 5th Lord
2b Henry (Sir), of Billingbear or Billingbere, nr Waltham
St Lawrence, Berks; m Elizabeth, dau and heir of Sir John Gresham, and d 1593,
having had issue:
1c Henry (Sir), of Billingbere; b c 1564; educ Merton Coll
Oxford (MA 1605); MP New Windsor 1584–85 and 1593, Sussex 1588–89, Liskeard
1597–98, Kent 1601, Lewes 1603–04 and Berks 1604–11 and 1614, ironfounder in
Sussex, Amb to France 1599, ktd 1599, implicated in Essex’s Rising (see ESSEX,
E, preliminary remarks) and consequently imprisoned in Tower of London 1600; m
Anne, dau of Sir Henry Killigrew, and d 10 July 1615, leaving issue:
1d Henry (Sir), of Billingbere; m Elizabeth (she m 2nd Sir
John Thoroughgood, of Clerkenwell, London), dau of Sir John Smith, of
Ostenhanger, Kent, and d 29 June 1629, leaving issue:
1e Richard, JP and DL (Berks), of Billingbere; b c 1617;
Gentleman of Privy Chamber to CHARLES I and Col royalist army in Civil War; m
Anne, est dau of Sir John Heydon, of Baconthorpe, Norfolk, and d 1676, having
had issue:
1f John, of Billingbere; b 23 July 1652; dsp Dec 1678
2f Richard, of Billingbere; b 12 Oct 1655; MP Berks; m
Katherine, dau of 2nd Baron Grey of Warke of the Feb 1623/4 cr, and d 1717,
leaving issue:
1g Grey; b 23 Sept 1681; MP Abingdon 1705, Wallingford
1708 and Berwick-on-Tweed 1715 and 1722; m Elizabeth (d 16 Nov 1740), dau of
Sir John Boteler, of Woodhall, and d 24 April 1723, having had a dau (d young)
2g Henry NEVILL(E) later GREY, of Billingbere; b 17 Aug
1683; took the name GREY instead of NEVILL(E), MP Wendover 1709; m Elizabeth
(she m 2nd 1st Earl of Portsmouth (qv) and dsp July 1762), est dau of 2nd Baron
Griffin of Braybrooke, and dsp 1740
1f Anne; b 14 Feb 1647; m Richard Raynsford of Dallington,
Northants (see BRAYBROOKE, B)
2f Mirabell; b 16 Nov 1650
3f Elizabeth; b 6 May 1657
4f Catherine; b 23 June 1659; m Richard Aldworth, of
Stanlake, Berks (d 1738), and d 1720, leaving issue:
1g Richard Neville ALDWORTH later NEVILLE; b 3 Sept 1717;
educ Eton and Merton Coll Oxford; MP (Whig) Reading 1747, Wallingford 1754–61,
Tavistock 1761–74, Under-Sec of State Southern Dept 1748–51, Jt Sec Cncl of
Regency 1748 and 1750, Sec to Br Embassy Paris 1762, took name and arms of
NEVILL(E) instead of ALDWORTH Aug 1762 on succeeding to the Billingbear estate
following death of his aunt Countess of Portsmouth (see above); m Magdalen, dau
of Francis Calendrini, First Syndic (magistrate or mayor) of Geneva, and d 17
July 1793, leaving issue:
1h RICHARD ALDWORTH later NEVILLE later still GRIFFIN, 2nd
1h Frances; m Francis Jalabert
5f Frances; b 19 May 1664; m c 1688, as his 1st w, Sir
Richard Cocks, 2nd Bt (see SOMERS, B)
2e Henry; b 1620; educ Merton and Univ Colls Oxford;
Parliamentarian in Civil War, memb CROMWELL’s Cncl of State 1651 but banished
from London by CROMWELL for extreme republicanism 1654, MP Reading 1658,
imprisoned in Tower of London for allegedly conspiring to foment a rising in
Yorks 1663, author of political squibs, travel fantasies, a Platonic dialogue
which impressed Thomas Hobbes and translations of Macchiavelli’s works; m
Elizabeth, only child of Richard Staverton, of Heathly Hall, Warfield, Berks,
and d 1694
1e Katherine; m Sir Thomas Lumsford, of Wilye, Sussex, Lt
Tower of London
2e Mary; m – Borell
3e Philippa; m – Jepson
2d William; Fell Merton Coll Oxford
3d Charles; d 1626
4d Richard; LLD, Sub-Warden Merton Coll Oxford
5d Edward; Fell King’s Coll Cambridge; dsp 1632
1d Elizabeth; m 1st William Glover; m 2nd Sir Henry
Berkeley, of Yardington, Somerset; m 3rd Thomas Dyke
2d Frances; m c 1610 Sir Richard Worsley, 1st Bt, of
Appuldercombe, IoW, of the 1611 cr, and left issue; m 2nd Jerome Brett and d
between 18 Oct 1659 and 27 May 1661
3d Katherine; m Sir Richard Brooke(s), of Norton, Cheshire
4d Mary; m Sir Edward Lewknor, of Denham Hall, Suffolk
5d Dorothy; m Richard Cat(e)lyn, of Wingfield Castle,
1b Catherine; m Clement Throgmorton, of Hasley, Warwicks
2b Frances; m 1st Sir Edward Waldegrave, of Borley, Essex
(see WALDEGRAVE, E) and had issue; m 2nd Lord Chidiock Paulet, 2nd s of 1st
Marquess of Winchester (qv)
3b Elizabeth; m Thomas Eymes, of Yorks
4b Mary; m Henry Dineley, of Charlton, Worcs
4a Thomas (Sir), PC, JP (Kent, Middx, Surrey, Sussex and
Worcs), of Mereworth, Kent; b c 1480; Sheriff Staffs 1510 and 1515, MP Kent,
Sec of State to HENRY VIII, Speaker H of C 1514, Memb Star Chamber 1519,
Steward Westminster Abbey 1532; m 1st Catherine (d 20 Aug 1527), dau of 1st
Lord Dacre of Gilsland (see DACRE, B) and widow of 8th Lord (Baron) FitHugh,
and had issue:
1b Margaret; m 1 May 1536 Sir Robert Southwell, Master of
the Rolls
4a (cont.) Sir Thomas Nevill(e) m 2nd 28 Aug 1532
Elizabeth, widow of Robert Amadas, goldsmith, of London, and d 29 May 1542
5a Richard; Kt of Rhodes; living 1515
1a Jane; m by May 1520 her cousin 1st and last Lord
(Baron) Montagu of the putative 1514 cr (see above) and d before 26 Oct 1538,
leaving issue
2a Elizabeth; m Sir Edward Berkeley
The 4th LORD (Baron) BERGAVENNY’s 1st cousin,
EDWARD NEVILL(E), 5th Lord (Baron) Bergavenny, of Newton
St Loe, Somerset; m 1st before 1550 Katharine (Maid of Honour to QUEEN MARY),
dau of Sir John Brome, of Halton, Oxon; m 2nd Grisold (she m 2nd c 1589 4th
Earl of Cumberland (see DE CLIFFORD, B) and dsp 15 June 1613), dau of Thomas Hughes,
of Uxbridge, and d 10 Feb 1588/9, having had issue by his 1st w:
1a EDWARD NEVILL(E), 6th Lord (Baron) Bergavenny, for whom
see further below
2a Francis, of Chichester, Sussex; m Mary, dau and heir of
Thomas Lewkenor, of Selsey, Sussex
3a George; dsp
4a Henry, of Bathwick, Somerset; m Eleanor, dau of Edward
Poole, and had issue:
1b Edward; dsp 1622
2b Henry; b c 1604
3b Thomas; b c 1606
4b William; b c 1610
5b George; b c 1612
1b Catherine; b c 1603
2b Frances; b c 1605
1a Margaret; m Sir Nicholas Lewkenor
2a Grisel; m Sir Henry Poole
3a Mary; m Edward Blount, of Kidderminster, Worcs
The 5th LORD (Baron) BERGAVENNY’s est s, EDWARD NEVILL(E),
6th Lord (Baron) Bergavenny; b c 1550; MP Windsor 1588–89 and 1593; claimed
1598 the barony of Bergavenny, claim conceded 25 May 1604; m Rachel (bur 15 Oct
1616), 3rd dau of John Lennard, of Knole, nr Chevening, Kent, and d 1 Dec 1622,
having had issue:
1a HENRY NEVILL(E), 7th Lord (Baron) Bergavenny; b by 1580;
educ Cambridge and Oxford (MA); m 1st by 1601 Lady Mary Sackville, dau of 1st
Earl of Dorset (see SACKVILLE, B), and had issue:
1b Thomas (Sir), KB; m Frances (m 2nd Sir Basil Brooke, of
Madeley, Salop) dau of 4th Lord (Baron) Mordaunt (see MORDAUNT, Bt), and dvp
and was bur 7 May 1628, having had issue:
1c Henry; d 1639
2c Charles; d 1637
1c Margaret; m Thomas Brooke, of Madeley, Salop, and left
1b Cecily; m FitzWilliam Coningsby, of Hampton Court,
2b Anne; Abbess Pontoise, France
3b Elizabeth; d unm
4b Mary; d unm
1a (cont.) The 7th Lord (Baron) Bergavenny m 2nd by 1616
Catharine (bur 10 July 1649), yst dau of George Vaux and sis of 4th Lord
(Baron) Vaux of Harrowden (qv), and was bur 24 Dec 1641, leaving further issue:
2b JOHN NEVILL(E), 8th Lord (Baron) (A)Bergavenny; b c
1614; m Elizabeth, dau and coheir of John Chamberlaine, of Sherborne Castle,
Oxon, and dsp 23 Oct 1662
3b GEORGE NEVILL(E), 9th Lord (Baron) (A)Bergavenny; m
Mary (m 2nd, as his 2nd w, Sir Charles Shelley, 2nd Bt, (qv), and was bur 14
Nov 1699), sis of Sir Henry Gifford, Bt, of Burstall, Leics, of the 1660 cr,
and d 2 June 1666, having had issue:
1c GEORGE NEVILL(E), 10th Lord (Baron) (A)Bergavenny; b 21
April 1665; m Honora (d 1 Jan 1706/7), dau of 1st Baron Belasyse of Worlaby of
the 1644 cr, and dsp 26 March 1694/5
1c Mary, Bridget or Winifred; m Sir John Shelley, 3rd Bt,
(qv), and had issue
5b Frances; d unm
6b Catherine; m 1st Sir Robert Howard, yr s of 2nd Earl of
Suffolk (see SUFFOLK and BERKSHIRE, E); m 2nd Robert Berry, of Ludlow, Salop
7b Elizabeth; m 1651 Thomas Stonor (d 1683; see CAMOYS, B)
2a Edward; d unm
3a Christopher (Sir), of Newton St Loe, KB; m Mary, dau
and coheir of Thomas Darcy, of Tolleshunt Darcy, Essex, and d 1649, having had
1b Richard, of Newton St Loe; m Sophia, dau of Sir George
Carew, and d 1643, having had issue:
1c George, of Sheffield, Sussex; m Mary, dau of Sir
Bulstrode Whitelocke, and had issue:
1d GEORGE NEVILL(E), 11th Lord (Baron) (A)Bergavenny; b c
1659; Gent of the Bedchamber to GEORGE, PRINCE OF DENMARK (husb of QUEEN ANNE);
m 22 Oct 1698 Anne (m 2nd 15 June 1744 1st Earl De La Warr (qv) and d 26 June
1748), dau of Nehemiah Walker, sea captain, and d 11 March 1720/1, having had
1e Henry; d aged 7, killed accidentally by his mother, who
had been beating him in a rage and who in throwing him to the ground fractured
his skull
2e GEORGE NEVILL(E), 12th Lord (Baron) Abergavenny; b 16
May 1702; educ Univ Coll Oxford; m 21 Feb 1722/3 Elizabeth, dau of Col Edward
Thornicroft, of Westminster and est sis and coheir of Gideon Thornicroft, of
Dodington and Linstead, Kent (she m 2nd Alured Pincke, of Lincoln’s Inn and
Tottenham High Cross, and d 4 March 1778), and dspm 15 Nov 1723, leaving two
posthumous daus who d in infancy
3e EDWARD NEVILL(E), 13th Lord (Baron) Abergavenny; b c
1705; educ Wadham Coll Oxford; m 6 May 1724 Katharine, dau of Lt-Gen William
Tatton, of St Margaret’s, Westminster (she m 2nd 14th Lord (Baron) Abergavenny;
see below), and dsp 9 Oct 1724
1e Jane; b 8 March 1703; m John Abel Walter, of Busbridge,
Surrey, and d 19 March 1786, having had issue
2e Ann; b c 1715; d unm March 1736/7
2d Edward; Cdr RN; m Hannah, dau of Jervoise Thorp, and d
12 Sept 1701 in Virginia, having had issue:
1e WILLIAM NEVILL(E), 14th Lord (Baron) Abergavenny, for
whom see further below
1e Mary; m Charles Chamberlain Rebow, of Smallfield Place,
1b Anne; b c 1611; m c 17 Dec 1628 1st Baron Lucas of
Shenfield and d 22 Aug 1660, having had issue (see LUCAS OF CRUDWELL, B)
4a John; d young
5a Thomas; d young
6a Charles; d young
1a Elizabeth; m 1st Sir John Grey; m 2nd Sir John Bingley
2a Mary; m just before 1608 1st Earl of Norwich and was
bur 15 July 1648, having had issue (see GORING, Bt)
3a Catherine; m Sir Stephen Lessour, of Chiswick, Middx
4a Frances; d young
5a Margaret; d young
The 13th LORD (Baron) ABERGAVENNY’s 1st cousin,
WILLIAM NEVILL(E), 14th Lord (Baron) Abergavenny; Capt
Yeomen of the Gd 1737, Master Jewel Office Feb 1738/9; m 1st 20 May 1725
Katharine (d 4 Dec 1729), widow of the 13th Lord Abergavenny, and had issue:
1a GEORGE NEVILL(E), 1st Earl of Abergavenny
2a Edward; b c 19 Nov 1729
1a Catherine; d unm 1820
The 14th Lord (Baron) Abergavenny m 2nd 20 May 1732 Lady
Rebecca Herbert (d 20 Oct 1758), dau of 8th Earl of Pembroke and 5th Earl of
Montgomery (qv), and d 21 Sept 1744, having had further issue:
2a William (Rev); d unm
The 14th LORD (Baron) ABERGAVENNY’s er s,
GEORGE NEVILL(E), 1st Earl of Abergavenny so cr 17 May
1784, Co Monmouth, and VISCOUNT NEVILL of Birling, Kent (both GB); b 24 June
1727 (GEORGE II stood sponsor); educ Ch Ch Oxford; Ld Lt Sussex 1757–61; m 5
Feb 1753 Henrietta (d 31 Aug 1768), dau of Thomas Pelham, of Stanmer, Sussex,
sis of 1st Earl of Chichester (qv) and widow of Hon Richard Temple, of Romsey,
Hants, and d 9 Sept 1785, having had issue:
1a HENRY NEVILL(E), 2nd Earl
2a George Henry (Rev), of Flower Place, Surrey; b 6 Dec
1760; m 12 May 1787 Caroline (d 21 Dec 1841), dau of Hon Richard Walpole (see
WALPOLE, B), and d 7 Aug 1844, having had issue:
1b George (Rev); b 16 March 1792; rector Chiltington,
Sussex; d unm 20 Sept 1825
2b Henry Walpole (Rev); b 10 Nov 1803; rector Burgh Apton,
Norfolk and Otley, Suffolk; m 28 May 1833 Frances (m 2nd 29 Oct 1840 Col Sir
Hambleton Francis Custance, KCB (d 1893), of Weston House, Norfolk, and d 4 Oct
1892), yst dau of Sir Edmund Bacon, 9th and 10th Bt (qv), and dsp 3 March 1837
3b Reginald Henry, of Dangstein, Petersfield, Sussex, JP,
DL (both Sussex); b 14 Sept 1807; m 2 Dec 1847 Lady Dorothy Fanny Walpole (d 24
March 1913), dau of 3rd Earl of Orford (see WALPOLE, B), and d 1 Sept 1878,
having had issue:
1c Edward Augustus, JP (Sussex); b 28 Feb 1851; m 7 Aug
1877 Edith Fanny Owen (d 15 May 1937), est dau of Lt-Gen Edward Owen Leggatt,
ISC, and dsp 10 Sept 1915
2c Horace John; b 22 Oct 1855; Lt KRRC Zulu War (medal); m
2 Jan 1880 Annie Harriett Martha (d 27 Dec 1931), dau of Henry Dickson Rowe,
and d 10 Jan 1924, having had issue:
1d Frederick Reginald; b 17 Sept 1880; Lt RASC WW I; m 20
Aug 1927 Jeanne (d 17 June 1975), dau of Ignace Jean Fageol, of Paris, and d 20
Aug 1949, having had issue:
1e +John Robert Ralph [John Nevill Esq, 8 Radnor Cliff,
Sandgate, Kent CT20 2JN; 5 Tite St, London SW3 4JU]; b 15 Feb 1928; educ
Ampleforth; Lt DCLI, memb Hon Soc Gray’s Inn, Kt of Honour and Devotion SMO
Malta, memb Court Gardeners’ Co, Freeman City London, chm SE Regn ESU; m 30
July 1955 •Ann Margaret Mary (BA Oxon), dau of Archibald Corble, of Cookham,
Berks, and has:
1f +Dominic John Frederick [Dominic Nevill Esq, 36 St
George’s Drive, London SW1]; b 27 June 1957; educ Worth and London U (BA 1979);
m 1 May 1980 (divorce 19–) Amanda, dau of Howard King, of Leeds; m 2nd •Miriam,
dau of Dr Sakoor, of Toronto, and by his 1st w has:
1g •Abigail Rosemary Jillian; b 15 July 1982
2g •Cordelia Magdalen; b 18 Oct 1984
2f +Ralph Stephen John; b 8 June 1959; educ Worth
3f +Christopher Henry Charles [Christopher Nevill Esq,
Frogholt House, Frogholt, nr Folkestone, Kent]; b 25 Oct 1962; m 28 March 1987
•Dominique, dau of Dr Paul Luder, of Staffisburg, Switzerland, and has:
1g +Gregory Paul John; b 11 Nov 1997
1g •Chantal Anne-Marie; b 11 Jan 1994
4f +Anthony Rupert Guy; b 8 Oct 1966; educ St Augustine’s
1f •Cecilia Ann Frederica [Mrs Quinten Hollick, 12
Woottens Close, Comberton, Cambs CB3 7DA]; b 6 May 1956; m 23 Sept 1995
•Quinten Alexander Hollick, s of Dr Frank Hollick, Fell St John’s Coll,
2f •Caroline Mary; b 13 Aug 1960; m 11 Sept 1982 •William
Sunnucks, s of James Sunnucks, DL, barrister, and has:
1f •Charles Rupert Nevill; b 14 Oct 1984
2f •Hugo James d’Urban; b 1 Nov 1990
1f •Georgina Anne Borradaile; b 25 April 1985
2f •Katie Ann Rochford; b 24 Sept 1993
1e •Anne Mary Frederica Dorothy [Mrs Ian Hastie, Cabos de
Canezac, Montirat, Tarn, France]; b 17 Jan 1938; m 17 Dec 1960 •Ian George
Hastie, only s of Andrew Hastie, of Salisbury, and has:
1f •Rupert Andrew Frederick Nevill; b 20 May 1962; educ
2f •James Alexander Nevill; b 6 June 1967; educ Downside
1f •Caroline Ann Jeanne Frederica Nevill; b 13 July 1963
2d John Henry Adrian; b 22 Jan 1882; Lt (Gen Service),
attached 2nd Bn Roy Irish Regt, served WW I 1914; d unm 29 April 1942
3d Robert Evelyn; b 9 July 1883; d 2 March 1884
4d Geoffrey Horace; b 13 Nov 1894; d 2 March 1895
3c Ralph Henry; b 4 Feb 1865; educ Eton and Magdalene Coll
Cambridge; d 24 June 1930
1c Meresia Dorothy Augusta; b 14 Dec 1849; d unm 26 Oct
1b Catherine Caroline; b 5 Aug 1789; d 23 Jan 1794
1a Henrietta Nevill(e); b 24 May 1756; m 9 Sept 1799 Sir
John Berney, 7th Bt (qv), and d 2 April 1833, having had issue
HENRY NEVILL(E), 2nd Earl of Abergavenny, KT (1814); b 22
Feb 1755; educ Ch Ch Oxford (MA 1776); MP Seaford 1784 and Mon 1784–85,
Recorder Harwich; m 3 Oct 1781 Mary (d 26 Oct 1796), only child of John
Robinson, MP, DCL, Sec to the Treasury, of Sion Hill and Wyke House, Isleworth,
Middx, and d 27 March 1843, having had issue:
1a Henry George NEVILL(E), Viscount Nevill; b 22 May 1785;
d unm & vp 8 April 1806
2a Ralph NEVILL(E), Viscount Nevill; b 21 Dec 1786; served
RN: aboard HMS Victory at Trafalgar 1805, Capt 1811; m 2 Feb 1813 Mary Anne (d
6 June 1828), dau of Bruce Elcock, of Sloane St, Chelsea, and dspvp 20 May 1826
3a JOHN NEVILL(E), 3rd Earl of Abergavenny; b 25 Dec 1789;
educ Christ’s Coll Cambridge (MA 1818); rector Burgh Apton with Holveston,
Norfolk, 1818–31, Otley, Suffolk, 1818–31, chaplain to the PRINCE REGENT 1818;
d unm 12 April 1845
4a WILLIAM NEVILL(E), 4th Earl of Abergavenny, for whom
see further below
1a Mary Catherine; b 27 Feb 1783; m 2 Jan 1802 Thomas
Myers and d 11 July 1807
2a Henrietta; b 14 July 1788; d unm 28 July 1827
The 3rd EARL OF ABERGAVENNY’s yr bro,
WILLIAM NEVILL(E), 4th Earl of Abergavenny; b 28 June
1792; educ Magdalene Coll Cambridge (MA 1816); rector Birling, Kent, vicar
Frant, Sussex, chaplain to WILLIAM IV; m 7 Sept 1824 Caroline (d 19 May 1873),
2nd dau of Ralph Leeke, of Longford Hall, Salop, and d 17 Aug 1868, having had
1a WILLIAM NEVILL, 5th Earl and 1st Marquess of
Abergavenny, for whom see further below
2a Ralph Pelham, JP, DL (Kent); b 28 Nov 1832; High
Sheriff Kent 1896; m 12 July 1860 Louisa Marianne (d 6 July 1919), 2nd dau of
Sir Charles FitzRoy Maclean of Duart, 9th Bt (qv), and d 17 Aug 1914, having
had issue:
1b Ralph William Plantagenet NEVILL; b 12 April 1865; Lt
13th Hus; d unm 18 July 1902
2b Percy Llewelyn; b 11 May 1877; m 8 June 1905 his cousin
Marjorie (d 8 March 1945), only dau of Hon George Montacute Nevill (see below),
and d 24 April 1927, leaving issue:
1c Michael George Ralph; b 19 June 1917; Lt Scots Gds WW
II; m 27 July 1940, as her 1st husb, •Maureen Ethné David (she m 2nd 2 July
1947 Lt John Valentine Balfour, DSC, RNVR, s of Archibald Roxburgh Balfour and
Pearl, 2nd dau of Arthur Price, only s of 6th s of Sir Rose Price, 1st Bt (see
PRICE, Bt, of Trengwainton)), 2nd dau of Maj (Arthur) Tahu Gravenor Rhodes,
MVO, Gren Gds, by his w Hon Helen Plunket, est dau of 5th Baron Plunket (qv),
and was ka N Africa 28 April 1943, leaving:
1d +DAVID MICHAEL RALPH [David Nevill Esq, Birling Place,
Birling, Maidstone, Kent]; b 20 June 1941; heir presumptive to Earldom of
Abergavenny and Lewes, Barony of Abergavenny and Viscountcy of Nevill only;
educ Bryanston; m 16 March 1972 •Katherine Mary, dau of Rossmore Derrick
Westenra, of Christchurch, NZ, and has:
1e +Guy Michael Rossmore; b 12 Nov 1973; educ Bryanston
and Southampton U (MA 1995)
1e •Anna Louise; b 16 Feb 1976
2e •Georgina Rose; b 16 May 1981
2d +Michael George Rathmore; b posthumously 14 July 1943;
educ Eton
1c Joan Helen; b 26 April 1906; m 1st 14 Feb 1935 Lt
Charles Austen Field-Marsham, (das Jan 1941); (see ROMNEY, E), and had issue; m
2nd 2 Oct 1950 Maj Robert Edward Field-Marsham, (d 23 Nov 1996) er bro of her
1st husb, and d 18 Mar 1988
2c Sylvia Eleanor; b 6 Oct 1907; d unm 20 May 1981
3c Ruby Louisa; b 13 July 1909; m 3 Nov 1932 (divorce
1939) Kenneth Leslie Urquhart, est s of Leslie Urquhart, of Brasted Place,
Kent, and dsp 1 Nov 1962
4c Rosemary; b 8 Feb 1912; m 17 Nov 1945 (divorce 1963)
Maj Sir John Weston Brooke, 3rd Bt (qv), and d 11 March 1979, leaving issue
5c •Cicely Rose [Mrs Peter Nickols, Pinewood Lodge,
Spofforth, N Yorks HG3 1AY]; b 23 June 1915; m 29 April 1947 Peter Richard
Nickols (d 25 Oct 1990), only s of Richard Nickols, of Spofforth Hall, nr
Harrogate, and has:
1d •Richard Henry; b 30 April 1948; educ Eton
2d •Charles Michael Ralph; b 29 Nov 1951; educ Trin Coll
Glenalmond; m 14 March 198– •Judith Frances Clarke, and has:
1e •Honor Louisa; b 2 March 1985
2e •Sophie Alexandra; b 16 July 1987
1d •Rose Mary; b 29 Nov 1951; m 3 March 1979 •Stephen
Lithgow Rickman, and has:
1e •Struan Lithgow; b 31 Oct 1983
2e •Douglas Peter; b 19 Dec 1988
1e •Olivia Rose; b 27 Dec 1980
1b Constance Emily; b 12 Dec 1863; d unm 4 Jan 1943
2b Isabel Louisa; b 29 Dec 1864; m 15 Oct 1890 Maj Angus
Howard Reginald Ogilvy, DSO, late 13th Hussars (d 4 July 1906), est s of Col
Sir Reginald Howard Alexander Ogilvy, 10th Bt (qv), and d 21 Dec 1963, leaving
3b Mary Frances; b 5 April 1869; m 1st 8 July 1891 3rd
Viscount Hardinge (qv) and had issue; m 2nd 18 Oct 1928 her cousin 3rd Marquess
of Abergavenny (see below) and d 31 Oct 1954
4b Cicely Augusta; b 6 March 1872; m 14 Jan 1902 Philip
Wyndham Cobbold, DL (d 28 Dec 1945), s of John Patteson Cobbold, MP Ipswich,
and d 14 Oct 1958, leaving issue (see MANTON, B)
5b Eleanor Georgiana; m 15 June 1901 Rowland Francis
Meyrick (d 18 March 1953), 3rd s of Sir Thomas Charlton Meyrick, 1st Bt (qv),
and d 12 Nov 1966 aged 93, leaving issue
1a Caroline Emily; b 31 May 1829; d unm 23 Feb 1887
2a Henrietta Augusta; b 18 June 1830; m 10 July 1855 Hon
Thomas Edward Lloyd-Mostyn, MP (dvp 8 May 1861), est s of 2nd Baron Mostyn
(qv), and d 25 Jan 1912, leaving issue
3a Isabel Mary Frances; b 6 Sept 1831; m 23 Feb 1854 Rev
Hon Edward Vesey Bligh, JP, DL, of Fartherwell Hall, Kent (d 22 April 1908),
2nd s of 5th Earl of Darnley (qv), and d 18 Dec 1915, leaving issue
The 4th EARL OF ABERGAVENNY’s est s,
WILLIAM NEVILL, 1st Marquess of Abergavenny, Co Monmouth,
and EARL OF LEWES, Sussex (both UK), so cr 14 Jan 1876, KG (1886), TD, JP (Kent
and Mon); b 16 Sept 1826; educ Eton; Lt 2nd Life Gds 1849, Hon Col W Kent Yeo
and Sussex Yeo, Ld Lt Sussex 1892–1905; m 2 May 1848 Caroline (d 13 Sept 1892),
dau of Sir John van-den-Bempde-Johnstone, 2nd Bt, of Hackness Hall, Yorks, and
sis of 1st Baron Derwent of Hackness (qv), and d 12 Dec 1915, having had:
Abergavenny, JP (Kent 1880); b 4 March 1853; educ Eton; Lt West Kent Yeo; d unm
13 Oct 1927
Abergavenny, DL (Sussex); b 2 Sept 1854; Lt-Col TA Res, formerly W Kent Yeo and
Maj Sussex Imp Yeo; m 1st 12 Sept 1876 Violet (d 25 Dec 1880), est dau of Col
Henry Dorrien Streatfeild, JP, DL, of Chiddingstone Castle, Kent, and had
1b Gilbert Reginald; b 6 April 1879; d 11 May 1891
2b Geoffrey; b 6 April, d 14 April 1879
1b Joan Marion, CBE (1920); b 16 July 1877; OStJ, Order of
Mercy; m 2 June 1898 4th Marquess Camden (qv) and d 4 July 1952, leaving issue
2a (cont.) The 3rd Marquess m 2nd 20 Oct 1886 Maud
Augusta, LGStJ (d 15 July 1927), dau of William Beckett, MP (see GRIMTHORPE,
B), and by her had issue:
2b Marguerite Helen; b 30 Sept 1887; m 11 Feb 1907 21st Baron
Hastings (qv) and d 7 June 1975, leaving issue
2a (cont.) The 3rd Marquess m 3rd 18 Oct 1928 his cousin
Mary Frances (d 31 Oct 1954), dau of Hon Ralph Nevill (see above) and widow of
3rd Viscount Hardinge, and d 10 Jan 1938 as the result of a hunting accident
3a George Montacute, JP, DL (both Sussex); b 23 Sept 1856;
m 19 Oct 1882 Florence Mary, CBE, DGStJ (d 19 Dec 1929), only dau of Temple
Soanes, of Brenchley House, Kent, by Alice, dau of Thomas Scurr Womersley, and
d 10 Aug 1920, having had issue:
2b Rupert William; b 4 Sept 1884; Capt 15th Bn Rifle Bde;
das 3 Dec 1918
1b Marjorie; b 11 Oct 1886; m 10 June 1905 her cousin
Percy Llewelyn Nevill (d 24 April 1927), only s of Hon Ralph Pelham Nevill, and
d 8 March 1945, having had issue (see above)
4a William Beauchamp; b 23 May 1860; Lt 3rd Bn Roy West
Kent Regt, ADC to Ld Lt Ireland; m 12 Feb 1889 Luisa Maria Carmen, Order of
Mercy (d 3 Nov 1951), er dau of Don José Murrieta del Campo Mello y Urrutio, Marqués
de Santurce, and dsp 12 May 1939
5a Richard Plantagenet, CMG (1909), CVO (1916), DL
(Sussex); b 13 Jan 1862; educ Eton and Magdalene Coll Cambridge (BA); Priv Sec
to Ld Pres Cncl 1885–92, Priv Sec and ADC to Govrs Victoria 1895–1901 and S Australia
1901–02 and Govrs-Gen Australia 1902–05, Chamberlain to Govr-Gen Australia
1908–14, Comptroller to Govrs-Gen Canada 1914–21, Order of Mercy (with bar); d
unm 1 Dec 1939
1a Cicely Louisa; b 10 Sept 1851; m 16 April 1872 Col Hon
Charles Gathorne Gathorne-Hardy (d 17 Feb 1919), 2nd s of 1st Earl of Cranbrook
(qv), and d 1 May 1932, having had issue
2a Alice Maud; b Aug 1858; m 30 Sept 1884 Col Henry
Courtenay Morland, JP, late 9th Lancers (d 30 June 1934), yr s of William
Courtney Morland, JP, DL, of Court Lodge, Kent, and d 19 Feb 1898, having had
3a Idina Mary, JP (Sussex); b 5 May 1865; DJStJ, Order of
Mercy and bar; m 28 Feb 1889 2nd and last Earl Brassey (see BRASSEY OF
APETHORPE, B), and d 21 Feb 1951
4a Rose; b 7 Dec 1866; m 1st 14 June 1887 (divorce 1889)
John Blundell Leigh, DL (d 27 July 1931), 2nd s of Henry Blundell Leigh, of
Ammington Hall, Tamworth, Staffs, and had issue; m 2nd 29 Nov 1899 her 1st
cousin once-removed 4th Earl of Cottenham (qv) and d 2 May 1913, leaving issue
5a Violet; b 7 Dec 1866; m 1st 17 Dec 1889 (divorce 1897)
3rd Earl Cowley (qv) and had issue; m 2nd 19 July 1898 Robert Edward Myddelton,
DL, of Chirk Castle, Denbigh (d 12 Aug 1949), and d 28 March 1910, leaving
further issue
poll 17 June 1919), 4th Marquess of Abergavenny, JP, DL (both Sussex); b 15
July 1883; Capt Scots Gds, Hon Maj 1920, formerly Sussex Yeo; m 30 Oct 1909
Isabel Nellie (d 5 Nov 1953), only child and heir of James Walker Larnach, of
Brambletye, Sussex, Lanwades Hall, Newmarket, and Adderbury, Oxon, by his w
Lady Isabel Boyle, dau of 9th Earl of Cork and Orrery (qv) and d 30 March 1954,
leaving issue:
1a JOHN HENRY GUY, 5th Marquess
2a Rupert Charles Montacute LARNACH-NEVILL later NEVILL,
CVO (1978), JP (E Sussex 1953), DL (E Sussex 1960); b 29 Jan 1923; educ Eton;
Capt Life Gds, ADC to Lt-Gen Sir Brian Horrocks 1945–47, High Sheriff Sussex
1952, Treasurer to HRH THE DUKE OF EDINBURGH 1970–82, Priv Sec to HRH 1976–82,
KStJ 1972, dir Sun Life Assurance Soc (v-chm 1971–82) and Australian Estates
Ltd, v-pres Sussex Boy Scouts 1950–74, pres E Sussex Boy Scouts 1974–82, chm
British Olympic Assoc 1966–77 (pres 1977), cdr Sussex St John’s Cncl 1952–77,
chm 1966–82, pres Br Show Jumping Assoc 1973–76; m 22 April 1944 •Lady (Anne)
Camilla Evelyn Wallop, est dau of 9th Earl of Portsmouth (qv), and d 18 July
1982, having had:
1b Guy Rupert Gerard; b 29 March 1945 (HM THE QUEEN stood
sponsor); educ Eton; Page of Honour to HM THE QUEEN 1958–61; m 18 Feb 1982
•Lady Beatrix Mary Lambton [The Lady Beatrix Nevill, 39 Basuto Rd, London SW6;
251A Fulham Rd, London SW3], 2nd dau of Lord Lambton (formerly 6th Earl of
Durham, qv), and formerly w of George William Bowdrey, and d 5 Feb 1993
Marquess of Abergavenny
1b •Angela Isabel Mary [Mrs William Keating, 7 Durham
Place, London SW3]; b 2 Jan 1948; m 12 March 1994 •William Keating
2b •Henrietta Emily Charlotte [Mrs Timothy Purbrick, 35
Upper Addison Gdns, London W14]; b 21 June 1964 (HRH THE DUKE OF EDINBURGH
stood sponsor); m 1991 •Maj Timothy Purbrick, 17th/21st Lancers, s of William
Purbrick, and has:
1c •Rose; b 4 Nov 1997
2c •Lily; b 4 Nov 1997
1a Angela Isabel; b 3 Aug 1910; m 1st 20 Oct 1930
(annulled 1933), as his 1st w, Maj Sir Mark Vane Milbank, 4th Bt (qv); m 2nd 3
Oct 1933 7th Earl of Cottenham (qv) and d 26 May 1980, leaving issue
?JOHN HENRY GUY NEVILL, 5th Marquess of Abergavenny, KG
(1974), OBE (1945), JP (Sussex 1948); b 8 Nov 1914; educ Eton and Trin Coll
Cambridge; Life Gds 1936–46 including WW II (despatches), ret as Lt-Col 1946,
Hon Col Kent and Co London Yeo 1948–62, memb: Nat Hunt Ctee 1942 (sr steward
1953 and 1963), E Sussex CC 1947–54 (CA 1954–62), E Sussex Ag Ctee 1948–52 and
Jockey Club 1952, tstee Ascot Authority 1953– and HM’s Rep Ascot 1972–82, E
Sussex: DL 1955, V-Lt 1970–74 and Ld Lt 1974–89, dir: Massey-Ferguson Hldgs
1955–85, Lloyds Bank 1962–85, Lloyds Bank UK Management 1962–85 and Whitbread
Investment, chm: Lloyds Bank SE Rgnl Bd 1962–85, Br Equestrian Promotions and
Nuffield Nursing Home Management, pres: Roy Assoc Br Dairy Farmers 1955 and
1963, Hunters’ Improvement Soc 1959, Assoc of Ag 1961–63, Roy Ag Soc England
1967 (dep pres 1968 and 1972) and Br Horse Soc 1970–71, v-chm Turf Bd 1967–68,
Chllr Order of the Garter 1977–94, KStJ 1976 (pres Cncl OStJ Sussex 1975), Hon
LLD Sussex U 1986; m 4 Jan 1938 •(Mary) Patricia, DCVO (1981, CVO 1971), Ldy of
Bedchamber to HM THE QUEEN 1966–87, Extra Ldy of Bedchamber 1960–66 and 1987–
[The Most Hon Patricia Marchioness of Abergavenny, c/o Freemantle Farmhouse,
North Oakley, Tadley, Hants; Eridge Park, Tunbridge Wells, Kent TN3 9JT], 4th
dau of Lt-Col John Fenwick Harrison, JP, RHG, of King’s Walden Bury, Hitchin,
Herts, by his w Hon Margery Levy-Lawson, dau of 3rd Baron Burnham (qv), and d
23 Feb 2000, having had issue:
1a Henry John Montagu, Earl of Lewes; b 2 Feb 1948; educ
Eton; Page of Honour to HM THE QUEEN 1962–64; d 2 April 1965
1a •Anne Patricia [The Lady Anne Whiteley, Dalmar House,
Culworth, nr Banbury, Oxon OX17 2BD]; b 25 Oct 1938; m 16 July 1971 Capt Martin
Frank Whiteley (d 17 March 1984), s of Brig John Percival Whiteley, OBE, MP, of
Dalmar House, Culworth, Oxon, and has issue:
1b •Camilla Mary; b 19 May 1972
2b •Davina Marian Beatrice; b 17 Nov 1973
3b •Lucinda Jane; b 12 May 1978
2a •Vivienne Margaret [The Lady Vivienne Lillingston,
Mount Coote, Kilmallock, Co Limerick, Ireland]; b 15 Feb 1941; m 12 July 1962
•Alan Lillingston, only s of Capt Luke Theodore Lillingston, of Ulverscroft,
Leics, and has:
1b •Luke; b 21 May 1963; educ Eton and RAC Cirencester
2b •Andrew Harry; b 2 Feb 1972; educ Eton
1b •Georgina Patricia [Mrs Michael Bell, Fitzroy House,
Black Bear Lane, Newmarket, Suffolk]; b 24 March 1965; m 27 April 1988 •Michael
Leopold Wentworth Bell, racehorse trainer and amateur jockey, yr s of Capt
Brian Raymond Wentworth Bell, of Todenham Manor, Moreton-in-Marsh, Glos, and
has issue:
1c •Alexander Luke Wentworth; b 30 April 1990
2c •Nicholas Stewart Wentworth; b 9 Jan 1997
1c •Amy Kitty Wentworth; b 30 Dec 1991
2b •Sophie Susan; b 5 Nov 1967
3a Jane Elizabeth; b 7 April 1944; d 16 Oct 1946
4a •Rose [The Lady Rose Clowes, Freemantle Farmhouse,
Oakley, nr Tadley, Hants]; b 15 July 1950; m 8 March 1990 •George Mark Somerset
Clowes, s of Archibald Somerset Clowes, of Ashlands, Billesdon, Leics, and has:
1b •Toby Harry Somerset; b 24 Nov 1990
2b •Lucy Elizabeth; b 23 May 1992
Seat: Eridge Park, Tunbridge Wells, Kent. Modern Eridge is
predominantly a somewhat humdrum-proportioned, unadorned, vaguely neo-classical
building. The architect, John Denman, drew up his plans in 1938–39 and claimed
to have been influenced by Lutyens. Parts of the older castellated mansion were
retained, notably the central towers and the stable block, Denman’s original
idea being to erect what is the present structure as the family wing of a much
larger house. As it is, the old easterly wing was demolished in 1958, but
Denman incorporated French-looking rounded tower protruberances with conical
roofs at regular intervals along the facade. An orangery abuts one end of the
There seems to have been a manor house at Eridge in Tudor
times. It was large enough to accommodate ELIZABETH I and her retinue for an
entire week in 1576, when the 5th Lord Bergavenny played host there. But no
visual record of the house has survived and it was allowed to fall into disrepair,
the Nevills apparently abandoning it in the early 17th century and not
returning to take up residence for over 100 years. In the late 18th century
Eridge underwent a dramatic revival of fortunes. The 2nd Earl of Abergavenny
decided to make it his principal seat and between 1790 and 1830 a fanciful
creation in the prevailing Gothick taste arose where once the old Tudor
building had stood. The architect, a Mr Taylor, is said to have been a brother
of the family’s governess and was an amateur – inasmuch as the distinction
between professional and amateur was valid even as late as the last decade of
the 18th century. After all, Richard Payne Knight, who with Uvedale Price has
been suggested as an influence on the designer of Gothick Eridge, was a
dilettante equally at home in Homeric scholarship. Another influence is thought
to have been the 2nd Earl’s father-in-law, John Robinson.
At all events the new Castle (for Eridge was so designated
till well into the 20th century) erupted in a staggering, almost scrofulous
wealth of heraldic beasts and other dynastic ornamentation, chiefly in the form
of medallions on the elevations displaying an A (for Abergavenny), a bull’s
head, portcullis, rose or ship. The basic material seems to have been
predominantly brick, rendered in something contemporaries referred to as ‘Roman
cement’ (terracotta?). On the north front 16th-century masonry was recycled,
presumably part of the old manor house. This north front was the most imposing,
containing as it did the two round towers and central square one mentioned
above as having survived till the 1950s, also a one-storey portal jutting
forward from the left hand side to form the principal entrance. The south front
was probably started at the beginning of the 40–year building programme. It was
certainly more restrained in appearance, the windows, for instance, being
classical rather than gothic. Even here, however, an iron walkway attached to
the 1st-floor windows and running round to the eastern side of the house gave a
foretaste of the Regency fashion for such devices. The interior apparently
included a library with green scagliola columns and a fine Adam ceiling. When
the house had become too big for modern living in the lean years after the War
the 5th Marquess allowed Mrs Langley Moore’s Museum of Costume to instal its
collection in the west wing.
The park proper, which covered over 1,000 acres until well
into the second half of the 20th century, is claimed as the oldest known such
enclosure for deer in England. It is mentioned in the Domesday Survey and was
quite possibly part of the pre-Conquest lordship of Reredfelle (modern
Rotherfield) held by Earl Godwin.
Copyright: 2002
Burke’s Peerage & Gentry LLC. (Burke’s Peerage &
Baronetage 106th Edition, Burke’s Landed Gentry 19th Edition).
Burke’s Peerage Partnership. (Burke’s Landed Gentry 18th
Lord Neville |
van Alice en Ralph:
1 John (Sir) (John) Neville, geboren in 1328
in Raby With keverstone, Durham. Volgt
2 Catherine (Catherine) Neville, geboren omstreeks
1330 in Raby, Durham. Volgt
3 Ralph (Ralph) Neville [],
geboren omstreeks 1332 in Cundall, Yorkshire. Ralph is overleden omstreeks
1380, ongeveer 48 jaar oud.
4 Eupheme (Eupheme) Neville, geboren omstreeks
1334 in Raby, Durham. Volgt
5 Thomas (Thomas) Neville, geboren omstreeks
1335 in Raby, Durham. Volgt
6 Robert (Robert) Neville [],
geboren omstreeks 1337 in Eldon, Durham. Robert is overleden in 1345, ongeveer
8 jaar oud.
7 William (Sir) (William) Neville [],
geboren omstreeks 1338 in Raby, Durham. William is overleden na 1389, minstens
51 jaar oud.
8 Eleanor (Eleanor) Neville, geboren omstreeks
1340 in Raby With Keverstone, Staindrop, Durham. Volgt
9 Alexander (Alexander) Neville [],
geboren omstreeks 1341 in Raby, Durham. Alexander is overleden op donderdag 16
mei 1392 in Louvain, ongeveer 51 jaar oud.
of York |
High Chancellor |
10 Margaret (Margaret) Neville, geboren op
maandag 12 februari 1341 in Raby, Durham. Volgt
11 Elizabeth (Elizabeth) Neville
[], geboren omstreeks 1343 in Raby, Durham.
12 Isabel (Isabel) Neville, geboren omstreeks
1344 in Raby, Durham. Volgt
John (Sir) (John) Neville is geboren in 1328 in Raby With keverstone, Durham,
zoon van Ralph (Ralph) Neville en Alice (Alice) de Audley (zie John is overleden op
zaterdag 17 oktober 1388 in Newcastle Upon Tyne, Northumberland, 59 of 60 jaar
rd Baron Nevill of Raby |
± 1360 |
of the Garter |
trouwde, 28 of 29 jaar oud, in juli 1357 in Alnwick, Northumberland met Maud (Maud) de Percy, ongeveer 22 jaar oud. Maud
is geboren omstreeks 1335 in Warkworth Castle, Alnwick, Northumberland, dochter
van Henry (Henry) de Percy en Idonea (Idonea) de Clifford. Maud is overleden op
donderdag 18 februari 1378, ongeveer 43 jaar oud. Zij is begraven in Cathedral,
trouwde, 52 of 53 jaar oud, op woensdag 9 oktober 1381 met Elizabeth (Elizabeth) Latimer. Elizabeth is een
dochter van William (William) Latimer. Elizabeth is overleden op vrijdag 5
november 1395.
Latimer (of Corby) |
van John en Maud:
1 Alice (Alice) Neville, geboren omstreeks
1358 in Raby With keverstone, Durham. Volgt
2 Eleanor (Eleanor) Neville, geboren omstreeks
1360 in Raby With keverstone, Durham. Volgt
3 Thomas (Thomas) Neville, geboren omstreeks
1362 in Raby, Durham. Volgt
4 Idina (Iolande) (Idina) Neville
[], geboren in 1362 in Raby With keverstone, Durham.
5 Ralph (Ralph) Neville, geboren omstreeks
1364 in Raby Castle, Staindrop, Durham. Volgt
6 Maud (Maud) Neville, geboren omstreeks
1367 in Raby With keverstone, Durham. Volgt
7 Elizabeth (Elizabeth) Neville
[], geboren omstreeks 1369 in Raby With keverstone, Durham.
8 John (John) Neville, geboren omstreeks
1370. Volgt
9 nb (nb) Neville
[], geboren in 1371 in Raby With keverstone, Durham.
van John en Elizabeth:
10 Elizabeth (Elizabeth) Neville, geboren na 1381. Volgt
11 John (John) Neville, geboren in 1382. Volgt
Alice (Alice) Neville
is geboren omstreeks 1358 in Raby With keverstone, Durham, dochter van John
(Sir) (John) Neville (zie en
Maud (Maud) de Percy. Alice is overleden op zaterdag 20 juni 1433, ongeveer 75
jaar oud. Alice trouwde, ongeveer 22 jaar oud, op zondag 24 juni 1380 met William (William) Deincourt. William is overleden
in 1381.
Lord (baron) Deincourt |
Eleanor (Eleanor) Neville is geboren omstreeks 1360 in Raby With keverstone,
Durham, dochter van John (Sir) (John) Neville (zie en Maud (Maud) de Percy.
Eleanor is overleden na 1441, minstens 81 jaar oud. Eleanor trouwde met Ralph (Sir) (Ralph) de Lumley. Ralph is geboren
omstreeks 1361. Ralph is overleden omstreeks 1399, ongeveer 38 jaar oud.
Lord |
Thomas (Thomas) Neville is geboren omstreeks 1362 in Raby, Durham, zoon van
John (Sir) (John) Neville (zie en Maud (Maud) de Percy.
Thomas is overleden op zondag 14 maart 1406, ongeveer 44 jaar oud.
Lord (Baron) Furnival(le) |
trouwde, ongeveer 28 jaar oud, omstreeks 1390 met Joan
(Joan) de Furnevalle, ongeveer 30 jaar oud. Joan is geboren omstreeks 1360.
Joan is overleden op donderdag 1 juni 1413, ongeveer 53 jaar oud.
Notitie bij Joan: Heiress of Furnival
Baroness |
trouwde, ongeveer 39 jaar oud, op maandag 4 juli 1401 met Ankaret (Ankaret) le Strange, 39 of 40 jaar oud. Ankaret
is geboren in 1361 in Blackmere, Cornwall, dochter van John (John) le Strange
en Mary (Mary) Fitzalan. Ankaret is overleden op donderdag 1 juni 1413, 51 of
52 jaar oud. Ankaret is weduwe van Richard (Richard) Talbot (1361-1396), met
wie zij trouwde omstreeks 1383.
van Thomas en Joan:
1 Margaretha (Margaretha) Neville, geboren omstreeks
1385. Volgt
2 Maud (Maud) Neville, geboren omstreeks
1390. Volgt
Margaretha (Margaretha) Neville is geboren omstreeks 1385, dochter van
Thomas (Thomas) Neville (zie
en Joan (Joan) de Furnevalle. Margaretha is overleden omstreeks 1426, ongeveer
41 jaar oud. Margaretha trouwde, ongeveer 18 jaar oud, omstreeks 1403 in
Hornby, Lancashire met Thomas (Thomas) Plantagenet,
ongeveer 27 jaar oud. Thomas is geboren in 1376 in Chateau de Beaufort, Meuse
et Loire, zoon van John (of Gaunt) (John) Plantagenet en Constanza (Constanza)
Perez. Thomas is overleden op dinsdag 31 december 1426 in Greenwich Manor, East
Greenwich, Kent, 50 jaar oud. Hij is begraven in Abbey St Edmundsbury, Suffolk.
of Exeter |
Maud (Maud) Neville
is geboren omstreeks 1390, dochter van Thomas (Thomas) Neville (zie en Joan (Joan) de
Furnevalle. Maud is overleden omstreeks 1423, ongeveer 33 jaar oud.
Furnivalle |
trouwde, ongeveer 16 jaar oud, op vrijdag 12 maart 1406 met John (John) Talbot, ongeveer 15 jaar oud. John is
geboren omstreeks 1391 in Shrewsbury, Shropshire, zoon van Richard (Richard)
Talbot en Ankaret (Ankaret) le Strange. John is overleden op dinsdag 17 juli
1453 in Castillon, ongeveer 62 jaar oud (oorzaak: Battle of Castillon). Hij is
begraven op vrijdag 20 juli 1453. John trouwde later na 1407 met Margaret
(Margaret) de Beauchamp.
Earl of Shrewsbury |
of the Garter |
1442 |
of Waterford and Wexford |
Ralph (Ralph) Neville
is geboren omstreeks 1364 in Raby Castle, Staindrop, Durham, zoon van John
(Sir) (John) Neville (zie en
Maud (Maud) de Percy. Ralph is overleden op zondag 21 oktober 1425 in Raby Castle,
Staindrop, Durham, ongeveer 61 jaar oud. Hij is begraven in oktober 1425 in
Collegiate Church, Staindrop.
of the Garter |
Lord (Baron) Neville |
1397 |
Earl of Westmoreland |
trouwde, ongeveer 18 jaar oud, in 1382 met Margaret
(Margaret) de Stafford, ongeveer 17 jaar oud. Zie voor persoonsgegevens
van Margaret.
trouwde, ongeveer 32 jaar oud, op woensdag 29 november 1396 in Chateau de
Beaufort, Meuse et Loire met Joan (Lady) (Joan) de
Beaufort, ongeveer 21 jaar oud. Joan is geboren omstreeks 1375 in
Chateau de Beaufort, Meuse et Loire, dochter van John (of Gaunt) (John)
Plantagenet en Constanza (Constanza) Perez. Joan is overleden op zondag 13
november 1440 in Howden, Yorkshire, ongeveer 65 jaar oud. Zij is begraven in
Lincoln Cathedral, Lincoln.
Notitie bij Joan: AKA Beaufort
Westmoreland |
van Ralph en Margaret: zie
van Ralph en Joan:
10 Catherine (Catherine) Neville, geboren in 1397
in Raby Castle, Staindrop, Durham. Volgt
11 Joan (Joan) Neville
[], geboren in 1398 in Raby, Durham.
12 Richard (Richard) Neville, geboren omstreeks
1400 in Raby, Durham. Volgt
13 William (William) Neville, geboren omstreeks
1400 in Raby Castle, Staindrop, Durham. Volgt
14 Edward (Sir) (Edward) Neville, geboren na 1400
in Raby Castle, Staindrop, Durham. Volgt
15 Henry (Henry) Neville
[], geboren in 1402 in Raby, Durham. Henry is overleden
(oorzaak: Died young).
16 Thomas (Thomas) Neville
[], geboren in 1403 in Raby, Durham.
17 Robert (Robert) Neville
[], geboren in 1404 in Raby Castle, Staindrop, Durham.
Robert is overleden op vrijdag 8 juli 1457, 52 of 53 jaar oud.
of Durham |
18 Cuthbert (Cuthbert) Neville
[], geboren in 1405 in Raby Castle, Staindrop, Durham.
Cuthbert is overleden (oorzaak: Died young).
19 Eleanor (Eleanor) Neville, geboren omstreeks
1407 in Raby, Durham. Volgt
20 Anne (Anne) Neville, geboren in 1411
in Raby, Durham. Volgt
21 John (John) Neville
[], geboren in 1413 in Raby, Durham. John is overleden
(oorzaak: Died young).
22 George (George) Neville, geboren in 1414
in Raby, Durham. Volgt
23 Cecily (Cecily) Neville, geboren op
vrijdag 3 mei 1415 in Raby Castle, Staindrop, Durham. Volgt
Catherine (Catherine) Neville is geboren in 1397 in Raby Castle,
Staindrop, Durham, dochter van Ralph (Ralph) Neville (zie en Joan (Lady) (Joan)
de Beaufort. Catherine is overleden na 1483, minstens 86 jaar oud.
of Norfolk |
trouwde, 13 of 14 jaar oud, op maandag 12 januari 1411 in Raby, Durham met John (John) de Mowbray, 18 of 19 jaar oud. John is
geboren in 1392 in Epworth, Axholme, Lincolnshire, zoon van Thomas (Thomas) de
Mowbray en Elizabeth (Lady) (Elizabeth) Fitzalan. John is overleden op zondag
19 oktober 1432 in Epworth, Axholme, Lincolnshire, 39 of 40 jaar oud.
Duke of Norfolk |
trouwde, 25 of 26 jaar oud, in 1423 in Raby, Durham met Thomas (Thomas) Strangewayes, 27 of 28 jaar oud.
Thomas is geboren in 1395 in Harlsey Castle, Yorkshire, zoon van Henry (Henry) Strangewayes
en Matilda (Matilda) Cheswyk. Thomas is overleden vóór 1442, ten hoogste 47
jaar oud.
trouwde, minstens 45 jaar oud, na 1442 met John
(John) de Beaumont, minstens 33 jaar oud. John is geboren in 1409 in
Falkingham Castle, Lincolnshire. John is overleden op donderdag 10 juli 1460 in
Northhampton, 50 of 51 jaar oud (oorzaak: Battle of Northampton).
and Chamberlain |
Viscount |
trouwde, 66 of 67 jaar oud, in 1464 met John (Sir) (John)
Wydeville, 18 of 19 jaar oud. John is geboren in 1445 in Grafton Regis,
Northhamptonshire, zoon van Richard (Richard) Wydeville en Jacquette
(Jacquette) de Luxembourg. John is overleden op zaterdag 12 augustus 1469 in
Kenilworth, Northampton, 23 of 24 jaar oud.
van Catherine en John (1):
1 John (John) de Mowbray. Volgt
John (John) de Mowbray, zoon van John (John) de Mowbray en Catherine (Catherine)
Neville (zie
John is overleden op vrijdag 6 november 1461.
Duke of Norfolk |
trouwde in 1444 met Anne (Anne) Bourchier. Anne
is een dochter van William (Sir) (William) Bourchier en Anne (Anne)
Plantagenet. Anne is overleden in november 1474.
Richard (Richard) Neville is geboren omstreeks 1400 in Raby, Durham, zoon van
Ralph (Ralph) Neville (zie
en Joan (Lady) (Joan) de Beaufort. Richard is overleden op dinsdag 30 december
1460 in Wakefield, Yorkshire, ongeveer 60 jaar oud (oorzaak: Beheaded).
or 5th Earl of Salisbury |
trouwde, ongeveer 21 jaar oud, omstreeks 1421 met Alice
(Alice) Montague, ongeveer 15 jaar oud. Alice is geboren omstreeks 1406
in Salisbury, Wiltshire, dochter van Thomas (Thomas) de Montague. Alice is
overleden op donderdag 9 december 1462, ongeveer 56 jaar oud.
of Salisbury |
van Richard en Alice:
1 Eleanor (Eleanor) Neville. Volgt
2 Katherine (Katherine) Neville. Volgt
3 Margaret (Margaret) Neville. Volgt
4 Ralph (Ralph) Neville
5 Robert (Robert) Neville
6 Joan (Joan) Neville, geboren omstreeks
1423 in Salisbury, Wiltshire. Volgt
7 Cicely (Cicely) Neville, geboren omstreeks
1426 in Salisbury, Wiltshire. Volgt
8 Richard II (kingmaker) (Richard II)
geboren op dinsdag 2 november 1428 in Salisbury, Wiltshire. Volgt
9 Thomas (Sir) (Thomas) Neville, geboren omstreeks
1430 in Salisbury, Wiltshire. Volgt
10 Alice (Alice) Neville, geboren omstreeks
1430. Volgt
11 John (John) Neville, geboren omstreeks
1430. Volgt
12 George (George) Neville
[], geboren in 1432. George is overleden op zaterdag 8
juni 1476, 43 of 44 jaar oud.
Eleanor (Eleanor) Neville, dochter van Richard (Richard) Neville (zie en Alice (Alice)
Montague. Eleanor is overleden in november 1482. Eleanor trouwde vóór 1482 met Thomas (Thomas) Stanley, ten hoogste 47 jaar oud.
Zie voor
persoonsgegevens van Thomas.
van Eleanor en Thomas:
1 George Strange (George Strange) Stanley, geboren omstreeks
1460. Volgt
George Strange (George Strange) Stanley is geboren omstreeks 1460, zoon van Thomas
(Thomas) Stanley (zie
en Eleanor (Eleanor) Neville (zie George Strange
begon een relatie met Strange. Zij is
geboren omstreeks 1462.
Baroness |
van George Strange en Strange:
1 James (James) Stanley, geboren omstreeks
1487. Volgt
James (James) Stanley
is geboren omstreeks 1487, zoon van George Strange (George Strange) Stanley
en Strange.
Sir |
begon een relatie met Ann (Ann) Hart. Ann is
geboren omstreeks 1484.
van James en Ann:
1 Henry (Henry) Stanley, geboren omstreeks
1515 in Cross Hall, Aughton, Lancashire, England. Volgt
Henry (Henry) Stanley
is geboren omstreeks 1515 in Cross Hall, Aughton, Lancashire, England, zoon van
James (James) Stanley (zie
en Ann (Ann) Hart. Henry is overleden op donderdag 23 juli 1598 in
Bickerstaffe, Lancashire, England, ongeveer 83 jaar oud. Henry trouwde,
ongeveer 48 jaar oud, op zondag 26 september 1563 in Ormskirk, Lancashire,
England met Margaret (Margaret) Stanley,
ongeveer 27 jaar oud. Margaret is geboren omstreeks 1536 in Bickerstaffe,
Lancashire, England, dochter van Peter (Peter) Stanley en Elizabeth (Elizabeth)
Scarisbricke. Margaret is overleden in 1613 in Bickerstaffe, Lancashire,
England, ongeveer 77 jaar oud.
van Henry en Margaret:
1 Edward (Edward) Stanley, geboren op
vrijdag 14 december 1576 in Bickerstaffe, Lancashire, England. Volgt
Edward (Edward) Stanley is geboren op vrijdag 14 december 1576 in Bickerstaffe,
Lancashire, England, zoon van Henry (Henry) Stanley (zie en Margaret
(Margaret) Stanley. Edward is overleden op woensdag 2 mei 1640 in Bickerstaffe,
Lancashire, England, 63 jaar oud.
Baronet |
trouwde, 38 of 39 jaar oud, in 1615 in Cheshire, England met Isabella (Isabella) Warburton, ongeveer 23 jaar
oud. Isabella is geboren omstreeks 1592 in Warburton, Cheshire, England, dochter
van Peter (Peter) Warburton en Mary (Mary) Holcroft. Isabella is overleden
omstreeks 1685 in Ormskirk, Lancashire, England, ongeveer 93 jaar oud.
van Edward en Isabella:
1 Henry (Henry) Stanley, geboren in 1617
in Bickerstaffe, Lancashire, England. Volgt
Henry (Henry) Stanley
is geboren in 1617 in Bickerstaffe, Lancashire, England, zoon van Edward
(Edward) Stanley (zie
en Isabella (Isabella) Warburton. Henry is overleden op vrijdag 18 oktober 1658
in Ormskirk, Lancashire, England, 40 of 41 jaar oud. Henry begon een relatie
met Mary (Mary) Cropper.
van Henry en Mary:
1 Edward (Edward) Stanley, geboren in 1643. Volgt
Edward (Edward) Stanley is geboren in 1643, zoon van Henry (Henry) Stanley
en Mary (Mary) Cropper.
Baronet |
begon een relatie met Elizabeth (Elizabeth)
Bosville. Elizabeth is geboren omstreeks 1645.
van Edward en Elizabeth:
1 Thomas (Thomas) Stanley, geboren in 1670. Volgt
Thomas (Thomas) Stanley is geboren in 1670, zoon van Edward (Edward) Stanley
en Elizabeth (Elizabeth) Bosville. Thomas begon een relatie met Mary (Mary) Holme. Mary is geboren op zaterdag 8
juli 1662.
van Thomas en Mary:
1 James (James) Stanley, geboren op
donderdag 15 april 1688 in St. Oeter’s Parr, NK, Virginia, USA. Volgt
James (James) Stanley
is geboren op donderdag 15 april 1688 in St. Oeter’s Parr, NK, Virginia, USA,
zoon van Thomas (Thomas) Stanley (zie en
Mary (Mary) Holme. James is overleden op zaterdag 20 december 1766 in Hanover,
Virginia, USA, 78 jaar oud. James trouwde, 39 jaar oud, op vrijdag 5 maart 1728
in Henrico, Virginia, USA met Catherine (Catherine)
Hutchens, ongeveer 25 jaar oud. Catherine is geboren omstreeks 1703 in
Henrico, Virginia, USA, dochter van Nicholas (Nicholas) Hutchens en Mary (Mary)
Watkins. Catherine is overleden op zaterdag 20 december 1766 in North Carolina,
USA, ongeveer 63 jaar oud.
van James en Catherine:
1 William (William) Stanley, geboren op
zaterdag 4 juni 1729 in Cedar Creek, Virginia USA. Volgt
William (William) Stanley is geboren op zaterdag 4 juni 1729 in Cedar Creek,
Virginia USA, zoon van James (James) Stanley (zie en
Catherine (Catherine) Hutchens. William is overleden op woensdag 11 november
1807 in New Garden, USA, 78 jaar oud. William trouwde, 29 jaar oud, op dinsdag
28 november 1758 in Fairfax, Loudon, Virginia, USA met Elizabeth (Elizabeth) Walker, 26 jaar oud.
Elizabeth is geboren op maandag 20 oktober 1732 in Fairfax, Loudon, Virginia,
USA, dochter van William (William) Walker. Elizabeth is overleden op maandag 9
november 1807 in New Garden, USA, 75 jaar oud.
van William en Elizabeth:
1 William (William) Stanley, geboren op
maandag 6 april 1767 in Guilford, North Carolina, USA. Volgt
William (William) Stanley is geboren op maandag 6 april 1767 in Guilford, North
Carolina, USA, zoon van William (William) Stanley (zie
en Elizabeth (Elizabeth) Walker. William is overleden op dinsdag 17 augustus
1830 in New Garden, USA, 63 jaar oud. William trouwde, 28 jaar oud, op woensdag
6 mei 1795 in New Garden, USA met Rebecca (Rebecca)
van William en Rebecca:
1 William (William) Stanley, geboren in 1803. Volgt
William (William) Stanley is geboren in 1803, zoon van William (William) Stanley
en Rebecca (Rebecca) Clemmons. William begon een relatie met Mahala (Mahala) Burnes. Mahala is geboren
omstreeks 1819.
van William en Mahala:
1 Martin G (Martin G) Stanley, geboren op
woensdag 7 april 1852. Volgt
Martin G (Martin G) Stanley is geboren op woensdag 7 april 1852, zoon van William
(William) Stanley (zie
en Mahala (Mahala) Burnes. Martin G begon een relatie met Mandy Elizabeth (Mandy Elizabeth) Rider. Mandy
Elizabeth is geboren op zaterdag 14 januari 1854.
van Martin G en Mandy Elizabeth:
1 William Fuston (William Fuston) Stanley, geboren op
woensdag 16 mei 1877 in Burnsville,Mississippi, USA. Volgt
William Fuston (William Fuston) Stanley is geboren op woensdag 16 mei 1877 in
Burnsville,Mississippi, USA, zoon van Martin G (Martin G) Stanley (zie
en Mandy Elizabeth (Mandy Elizabeth) Rider. William Fuston is overleden op
vrijdag 30 juli 1937 in James, Upshur Co, Texas, USA, 60 jaar oud. William
Fuston trouwde, 17 jaar oud, op maandag 24 december 1894 in
Burnsville,Mississippi, USA met Leonora Oneal
(Leonora Oneal) Lindsey, 17 jaar oud. Leonora Oneal is geboren op
dinsdag 23 oktober 1877 in Tippah Co, Mississippi, USA. Leonora Oneal is
overleden op zondag 5 juni 1966 in Gilmer, Uphus Co, Texas, USA, 88 jaar oud.
van William Fuston en Leonora Oneal:
1 Johnnie (Johnnie) Stanley, geboren op
donderdag 25 maart 1915 in Stamps, Upshur Co, Texas, USA. Volgt
Johnnie (Johnnie) Stanley is geboren op donderdag 25 maart 1915 in Stamps,
Upshur Co, Texas, USA, zoon van William Fuston (William Fuston) Stanley (zie
en Leonora Oneal (Leonora Oneal) Lindsey. Johnnie is overleden op zaterdag 7
juli 2001 in Texas, USA, 86 jaar oud. Johnnie trouwde, 18 jaar oud, op zondag
19 november 1933 in Glenwood, Upshur Co, Texas, USA met Annie Lorraine (Annie Lorraine) Goodson, 17 jaar
oud. Annie Lorraine is geboren op vrijdag 7 april 1916 in McCaully, Fisher
Co,Texas, USA. Annie Lorraine is overleden op vrijdag 29 juni 1984 in Lone
Star, Morris Co, Texas, USA, 68 jaar oud.
van Johnnie en Annie Lorraine:
1 Homer Lloyd (Lloyd) Stanley. Volgt
Homer Lloyd (Lloyd) Stanley, zoon van Johnnie (Johnnie) Stanley (zie
en Annie Lorraine (Annie Lorraine) Goodson. Lloyd trouwde met Esther (Esther) Martinez.
Katherine (Katherine) Neville, dochter van Richard (Richard) Neville
en Alice (Alice) Montague. Katherine is overleden op woensdag 22 november 1503.
trouwde omstreeks 1458 met William (William)
Bonville. William is overleden op woensdag 31 december 1460 in Wakefield
(oorzaak: Killed at the Battle of Wakefield).
Lord (Baron) Harington |
trouwde op vrijdag 6 februari 1461 met William
(William) Hastings, ongeveer 31 jaar oud. William is geboren omstreeks 1430.
William is overleden op vrijdag 13 juni 1483, ongeveer 53 jaar oud.
Lord (Baron) Hastings |
Lord Ashby de la Zouch |
Margaret (Margaret) Neville, dochter van Richard (Richard) Neville (zie en Alice (Alice)
Montague. Margaret is overleden na vrijdag 20 november 1506. Margaret begon een
relatie met John (John) Vere. John is
overleden in 1513.
Chamberlain |
Earl of Oxford |
Joan (Joan) Neville
is geboren omstreeks 1423 in Salisbury, Wiltshire, dochter van Richard
(Richard) Neville (zie
en Alice (Alice) Montague. Joan is overleden vóór donderdag 9 september 1462,
ten hoogste 39 jaar oud.
Notitie bij Joan: getrouwd met 16de of 9de Earl of Arundel
trouwde met William (William) Fitzalan.
William is overleden in 1488.
Earl of Arundel |
Cicely (Cicely) Neville is geboren omstreeks 1426 in Salisbury, Wiltshire,
dochter van Richard (Richard) Neville (zie en Alice (Alice)
Montague. Cicely is overleden op dinsdag 28 juli 1450, ongeveer 24 jaar oud.
Notitie bij Cicely: Zou getrouwd zijn met henry beauchamp (1423-11-06-1445)
trouwde, ongeveer 8 jaar oud, in 1434 met Henry
(Henry) de Beauchamp, 10 of 11 jaar oud. Henry is geboren in 1423, zoon
van Richard (Richard) de Beauchamp en Isabel (Lady) (Isabel) le Despencer.
Henry is overleden op vrijdag 11 juni 1445, 21 of 22 jaar oud.
Earl and 1st and last Duke of Warwick |
trouwde, minstens 19 jaar oud, na 1445 met John
(John) Tiptoft.
of Worcester |
Richard II (kingmaker) (Richard II) Neville is geboren op dinsdag 2 november
1428 in Salisbury, Wiltshire, zoon van Richard (Richard) Neville (zie en Alice (Alice)
Montague. Richard II is overleden op zondag 14 april 1471 in Barnet,
Hertfordshire, 42 jaar oud (oorzaak: slain at Barnet Field,sword in hand).
or 6th Earl of Salisbury |
or 16th Earl of Warwick |
of the Garter |
II trouwde, 15 of 16 jaar oud, in 1444 met Anne
(Anne) de Beauchamp, 14 of 15 jaar oud. Anne is geboren op woensdag 13
juli 1429 in Caversham, Oxfordshire, dochter van Richard (Richard) de Beauchamp
en Isabel (Lady) (Isabel) le Despencer. Anne is overleden op donderdag 20
september 1492, 63 jaar oud.
of Warwick |
van Richard II en Anne:
1 Isabel (Isabel) Neville, geboren op zondag
5 september 1451 in Warwick Castle, Warwickshire. Volgt
2 Anne (Anne) Neville, geboren op
vrijdag 11 juni 1456 in Warwick Castle, Warwickshire. Volgt
Isabel (Isabel) Neville is geboren op zondag 5 september 1451 in Warwick
Castle, Warwickshire, dochter van Richard II (kingmaker) (Richard II) Neville
en Anne (Anne) de Beauchamp. Isabel is overleden op zondag 22 december 1476 in
Warwick Castle, Warwickshire, 25 jaar oud. Isabel trouwde, 17 jaar oud, op
dinsdag 11 juli 1469 in Bath, Somerset met George
(Sir) (George) Plantagenet, 19 jaar oud. Zie voor
persoonsgegevens van George.
van Isabel en George:
1 Margaret (Margaret) Plantagenet, geboren omstreeks
1469 in Farley Castle, Bath, Somerset. Volgt
2 Edward (Edward) Plantagenet
[], geboren op maandag 21 februari 1474 in Warwick
Castle, Warwickshire. Edward is overleden op donderdag 28 november 1499 in
Tower of London, London, 25 jaar oud (oorzaak: Beheaded).
of Warwick |
3 Richard (Richard) Plantagenet
[], geboren in 1476 in Warwick Castle, Warwickshire.
Richard is overleden in 1477, 0 of 1 jaar oud.
Margaret (Margaret) Plantagenet is geboren omstreeks 1469 in Farley
Castle, Bath, Somerset, dochter van George (Sir) (George) Plantagenet (zie en Isabel (Isabel)
Neville (zie
Margaret is overleden op zaterdag 28 mei 1541 in Tower of London, London,
ongeveer 72 jaar oud (oorzaak: Beheaded).
of Salisbury |
trouwde, ongeveer 22 jaar oud, in 1491 met Richard
(Richard) Pole, 28 of 29 jaar oud. Richard is geboren in 1462 in
Isleworth, Middlesex. Richard is overleden op donderdag 18 december 1505, 42 of
43 jaar oud.
Anne (Anne) Neville
is geboren op vrijdag 11 juni 1456 in Warwick Castle, Warwickshire, dochter van
Richard II (kingmaker) (Richard II) Neville (zie en Anne (Anne) de
Beauchamp. Anne is overleden op dinsdag 16 maart 1484 in Palace of Westminster,
27 jaar oud.
Notitie bij Anne: AKA Anna Warwick
trouwde, 13 of 14 jaar oud, in 1470 in Amboise, France met Edward (Edward) Plantagenet, 16 of 17 jaar oud.
Edward is geboren op zaterdag 13 oktober 1453 in Westminster, London, zoon van
Henry VI (Henry) Plantagenet en Margaretha (Margaretha) D’Anjou. Edward is
overleden op zaterdag 4 mei 1471 in Tewkesbury, Gloucester, 17 jaar oud
(oorzaak: slain at Battle of Tewkesbury).
of Wales |
trouwde, 16 jaar oud, op zondag 12 juli 1472 in Westminster Abbey, London met Richard III (Croughback) (Richard) Plantagenet, 19
jaar oud. Zie
voor persoonsgegevens van Richard.
van Anne en Richard:
1 Edward (Edward) Plantagenet
[], geboren in 1473 in Middleham Castle, Yorkshire.
Edward is overleden op vrijdag 9 april 1484 in Middleham Castle, Yorkshire, 10
of 11 jaar oud.
Thomas (Sir) (Thomas) Neville is geboren omstreeks 1430 in Salisbury,
Wiltshire, zoon van Richard (Richard) Neville (zie en Alice (Alice)
Montague. Thomas is overleden op dinsdag 30 december 1460 in Wakefield,
Yorkshire, ongeveer 30 jaar oud (oorzaak: Battle of Wakefield). Thomas trouwde,
ongeveer 23 jaar oud, in 1453 in Tatterhall, Licolnshire met Maud (Maud) Stanhope, 27 of 28 jaar oud. Maud is
geboren in 1425 in Rampton, Northamptonshire. Maud is overleden op woensdag 30
augustus 1497, 71 of 72 jaar oud.
Alice (Alice) Neville
is geboren omstreeks 1430, dochter van Richard (Richard) Neville (zie en Alice (Alice)
Montague. Alice is overleden op woensdag 22 november 1503, ongeveer 73 jaar
oud. Alice trouwde met Henry (Henry) Fitzhugh.
Henry is geboren omstreeks 1429. Henry is overleden op woensdag 3 juni 1472,
ongeveer 43 jaar oud.
Lord (Baron) |
John (John) Neville
is geboren omstreeks 1430, zoon van Richard (Richard) Neville (zie en Alice (Alice)
Montague. John is overleden op zondag 14 april 1471 in Barnet, ongeveer 41 jaar
of Northumberland |
Marquess of Montagu |
trouwde, ongeveer 27 jaar oud, op maandag 25 april 1457 met Elizabeth (Elizabeth) Ingaldesthorpe.
van John en Elizabeth:
1 Anne (Anne) Neville. Volgt
2 Lucy (Lucy) Neville. Volgt
3 Isabella (Isabella) Neville. Volgt
4 John (John) Neville
5 George (George) Neville
[], geboren omstreeks 1461. George is overleden op
zondag 4 mei 1483, ongeveer 22 jaar oud.
1477 |
Marquess of Montagu |
1477 |
Duke of Bedford |
6 Elizabeth (Elizabeth) Neville, geboren omstreeks
1464. Volgt
7 Margaret (Margaret) Neville, geboren in 1466. Volgt
Anne (Anne) Neville,
dochter van John (John) Neville (zie en Elizabeth
(Elizabeth) Ingaldesthorpe. Anne is overleden omstreeks 1486. Anne trouwde met William (Sir) (William) Stonor.
Lucy (Lucy) Neville,
dochter van John (John) Neville (zie en Elizabeth
(Elizabeth) Ingaldesthorpe. Lucy:
trouwde met Thomas (Sir) (Thomas) FitzWilliam.
trouwde met Ambrose (sir) (Ambrose) Browne.
van Lucy en Thomas:
1 Thomas (Thomas) FitzWilliam
[]. Thomas is overleden in 1513 in Flodden (oorzaak:
Killed at the Battle of Flodden).
2 William (William) FitzWilliam, geboren omstreeks
1490. Volgt
William (William) FitzWilliam is geboren omstreeks 1490, zoon van Thomas
(Sir) (Thomas) FitzWilliam en Lucy (Lucy) Neville (zie William is
overleden op zondag 15 oktober 1542, ongeveer 52 jaar oud.
18-10-1537 |
of Southampton |
begon een relatie met Mabel (Mabel) Clifford.
Mabel is overleden in 1550.
Isabella (Isabella) Neville, dochter van John (John) Neville (zie en Elizabeth
(Elizabeth) Ingaldesthorpe. Isabella trouwde met William
(Sir) (William) Hodleston.
Elizabeth (Elizabeth) Neville is geboren omstreeks 1464, dochter van
John (John) Neville (zie
en Elizabeth (Elizabeth) Ingaldesthorpe. Elizabeth is overleden in 1517,
ongeveer 53 jaar oud. Elizabeth:
trouwde, ten hoogste 13 jaar oud, vóór 1477 met Thomas
(Sir) (Thomas) Scrope, ten hoogste 18 jaar oud. Thomas is geboren
omstreeks 1459. Thomas is overleden op dinsdag 23 april 1493, ongeveer 34 jaar
Lord (baron) |
trouwde, ongeveer 30 jaar oud, in oktober 1494 met Henry
(Sir) (Henry) Wentworth.
Margaret (Margaret) Neville is geboren in 1466, dochter van John (John) Neville
en Elizabeth (Elizabeth) Ingaldesthorpe. Margaret is overleden op donderdag 31
januari 1527, 60 of 61 jaar oud.
Notitie bij Margaret: 3 of 4 maal gehuwd
trouwde, ten hoogste 38 jaar oud, vóór 1504 met John
(Sir) (John) Mortimer. John is overleden op dinsdag 12 november 1504.
trouwde, minstens 38 jaar oud, na 1504 met Charles
(Charles) Brandon, minstens 20 jaar oud. Charles is geboren in 1484.
Charles is overleden op zaterdag 22 augustus 1545 in Guildford Palace, Surrey,
60 of 61 jaar oud. Hij is begraven in St George’s Chapel, Windsor. Charles
trouwde later in 1515 in Paris met Mary (Mary) Tudor (1495-1533), zie
Duke of Suffolk |
William (William) Neville is geboren omstreeks 1400 in Raby Castle, Staindrop,
Durham, zoon van Ralph (Ralph) Neville (zie en Joan (Lady) (Joan)
de Beaufort. William is overleden op zaterdag 9 januari 1462 in Alnwick Castle,
Northumberland, ongeveer 62 jaar oud.
of England |
Fauconberg |
01-11-1461 |
and last Earl of Kent |
trouwde, ongeveer 22 jaar oud, op dinsdag 28 april 1422 met Joan (Joan) Fauconberg, 15 jaar oud. Joan is
geboren op maandag 18 oktober 1406 in Skelton, Yorkshire, dochter van Thomas (Thomas)
Fauconberg en Joan (Joan) Brounflete. Joan is overleden op zaterdag 11 december
1490 in Skelton, Yorkshire, 84 jaar oud.
Fauconberg |
van William en Joan:
1 Joan (Joan) Neville. Volgt
2 Elizabeth (Elizabeth) Neville, geboren in 1435
in Roxborough Castle, Tyrone. Volgt
3 Alice (Alice) Neville, geboren omstreeks
1437 in Roxborough Castle, Tyrone, Ireland. Volgt
Joan (Joan) Neville,
dochter van William (William) Neville (zie en Joan (Joan)
Fauconberg. Joan trouwde met Edward (Sir) (Edward)
Beechom. Edward is overleden op zaterdag 22 februari 1472.
Elizabeth (Elizabeth) Neville is geboren in 1435 in Roxborough Castle,
Tyrone, dochter van William (William) Neville (zie en Joan (Joan)
Fauconberg. Elizabeth trouwde, 18 of 19 jaar oud, in 1454 met Richard (Richard) Strangewayes, 20 of 21 jaar oud.
Richard is geboren in 1433 in Sneaton, Yorkshire, zoon van Richard (Richard)
Strangewayes en Elizabeth (Elizabeth) Darcy. Richard is overleden op zondag 13
april 1488 in Mount Grace Priory, Yorkshire, 54 of 55 jaar oud.
Alice (Alice) Neville
is geboren omstreeks 1437 in Roxborough Castle, Tyrone, Ireland, dochter van
William (William) Neville (zie en Joan (Joan)
Fauconberg. Alice trouwde met John (John) Conyers.
John is geboren omstreeks 1445 in Hornby, Yorkshire. John is overleden op
zaterdag 20 februari 1490 in Hedgecote Field, Oxfordshire, ongeveer 45 jaar
Edward (Sir) (Edward) Neville is geboren na 1400 in Raby Castle,
Staindrop, Durham, zoon van Ralph (Ralph) Neville (zie en Joan (Lady) (Joan)
de Beaufort. Edward is overleden op zaterdag 30 december 1469, ten hoogste 69
jaar oud.
Baron Latimer |
of the Garter |
05-09-1450 |
Lord (Baron) (A)bergavenny |
trouwde, ten hoogste 37 jaar oud, in 1437 met Elizabeth
(Lady) (Elizabeth) de Beauchamp, 19 of 20 jaar oud. Het huwelijk werd
ontbonden vóór 1448. Elizabeth is geboren in 1417 in Hanley Castle,
Worcestershire, dochter van Richard (Richard) de Beauchamp en Elizabeth
(Elizabeth) Berkeley. Elizabeth is overleden op dinsdag 26 september 1480, 62
of 63 jaar oud. Zij is begraven op maandag 2 oktober 1480 in Chapel Beauchamp,
Saint Mary’s, Warwickshire. Elizabeth trouwde voorheen vóór 1436 in Warwick
Castle, Warwickshire met George (George) Neville (1414-1469), zie
trouwde, ten hoogste 48 jaar oud, op dinsdag 15 oktober 1448 met Catherine (Catherine) Howard, 33 of 34 jaar oud.
Catherine is geboren in 1414. Catherine is overleden in 1478, 63 of 64 jaar
van Edward en Elizabeth:
1 Richard (Richard) Neville
2 Alice (Alice) Neville
3 Catherine (Catherine) Neville
4 George (George) Neville, geboren in 1440
in Raby Castle, Staindrop, Durham. Volgt
van Edward en Catherine:
5 Margaret (Margaret) Neville
6 Katherine (Katherine) Neville [].
7 Anne (Anne) Neville
[]. Anne is overleden op zaterdag 26 februari 1480.
George (George) Neville is geboren in 1440 in Raby Castle, Staindrop, Durham,
zoon van Edward (Sir) (Edward) Neville (zie en Elizabeth (Lady)
(Elizabeth) de Beauchamp. George is overleden op donderdag 20 september 1492,
51 of 52 jaar oud. Hij is begraven in Lewes Priory.
Lord (Baron) of Abergavenny, |
trouwde, ongeveer 26 jaar oud, omstreeks 1466 in Scoulton, Norfolk met Margaret (Margaret) Fenne, ongeveer 22 jaar oud.
Margaret is geboren in 1444 in Sculton, Essex. Margaret is overleden op
woensdag 28 september 1485, 40 of 41 jaar oud.
van George en Margaret:
1 Elizabeth (Elizabeth) Neville. Volgt
2 John (John) Neville
3 William (William) Neville
4 Richard (Richard) Neville
5 Jane (Jane) Neville. Volgt
6 William (William) Neville [].
7 George (George) Neville, geboren omstreeks
1469 in Abergavenny, Monmouthshire, Wales. Volgt
8 Edward (Edward) Neville, geboren omstreeks
1470. Volgt
9 Thomas (Sir) (Thomas) Neville, geboren omstreeks
1488. Volgt
Elizabeth (Elizabeth) Neville, dochter van George (George) Neville (zie en Margaret
(Margaret) Fenne. Elizabeth begon een relatie met Edward
(Sir) (Edward) Berkeley.
Jane (Jane) Neville,
dochter van George (George) Neville (zie en Margaret
(Margaret) Fenne. Jane is overleden op zaterdag 26 oktober 1538. Jane trouwde
omstreeks 1520 met Montagu.
George (George) Neville is geboren omstreeks 1469 in Abergavenny,
Monmouthshire, Wales, zoon van George (George) Neville (zie en Margaret
(Margaret) Fenne. George is overleden op zondag 13 juni 1535 in Birling, Kent,
ongeveer 66 jaar oud.
Lord of (A)bergavenny |
trouwde, ongeveer 25 jaar oud, omstreeks 1494 in Arundel , Sussex met Joan (Joan) Fitzalan.
trouwde, ongeveer 36 jaar oud, omstreeks 1505 in Charing, Kent met Margaret (Margaret) Brent.
trouwde, ongeveer 50 jaar oud, omstreeks juni 1519 in Abergavenny,
Monmouthshire, Wales met Mary (Lady) (Mary)
Stafford, ongeveer 24 jaar oud. Mary is geboren omstreeks 1495, dochter
van Edward (Edward) Stafford en Eleanor (Eleanor) de Percy. Mary is overleden
in 1540, ongeveer 45 jaar oud.
trouwde, ongeveer 65 jaar oud, omstreeks 1534 in Abergavenny, Monmouthshire,
Wales met Mary (Mary) Brooke.
van George en Joan:
1 Elizabeth (Elizabeth) Neville
van George en Mary (3):
2 Katherine (Katherine) Neville. Volgt
3 Joan (Joan) Neville. Volgt
4 Mary (Mary) Neville, geboren omstreeks
1520 in Abergavenny, Monmouthshire, Wales. Volgt
5 Margaret (Margaret) Neville, geboren omstreeks
1522 in Abergavenny, Monmouthshire, Wales. Volgt
6 John (John) Neville
[], geboren omstreeks 1524 in Abergavenny,
Monmouthshire, Wales.
7 Dorothy (Dorithy) Neville
[], geboren omstreeks 1526 in Abergavenny,
Monmouthshire, Wales. Dorithy is overleden op vrijdag 22 september 1559 in
Cobham, Kent, ongeveer 33 jaar oud. Zij is begraven op dinsdag 3 oktober 1559
in Cobham, Kent.
8 Ursula (Ursula) Neville, geboren omstreeks
1528 in Abergavenny, Monmouthshire, Wales. Volgt
9 Henry (Henry) Neville, geboren omstreeks
1530 in Abergavenny, Monmouthshire, Wales. Volgt
10 Thomas (Thomas) Neville [],
geboren omstreeks 1532 in Abergavenny, Monmouthshire, Wales.
Katherine (Katherine) Neville, dochter van George (George) Neville (zie en Mary (Lady)
(Mary) Stafford. Katherine trouwde met John (John)
St Leger.
van Katherine en John:
1 Frances (Frances) St Leger
2 John (John) St Leger
3 Charles (Charles) St Leger
4 Daniel (Daniel) St Leger
5 Elizabeth (Elizabeth) St Leger
6 Ulalia (Ulalia) St Leger
7 Margeret (Margaret) St Leger
8 Catherine (Catherine) St Leger
9 Jane (Jane) St Leger
10 Mary (Mary) St Leger. Volgt
11 Dudley (Dudley) St Leger
Mary (Mary) St Leger,
dochter van John (John) St Leger en Katherine (Katherine) Neville (zie Mary trouwde
met Richard (Richard) Grenville.
Joan (Joan) Neville,
dochter van George (George) Neville (zie en Mary (Lady)
(Mary) Stafford. Joan trouwde met Henry (Sir)
(Henry) Pole.
Mary (Mary) Neville
is geboren omstreeks 1520 in Abergavenny, Monmouthshire, Wales, dochter van
George (George) Neville (zie
en Mary (Lady) (Mary) Stafford. Mary is overleden op dinsdag 18 december 1565
in London, Middelsex, ongeveer 45 jaar oud. Zij is begraven in
Siantsepulchre’s, London, Middlesex.
Dacre |
trouwde, ongeveer 16 jaar oud, in 1536 met Dacre.
Lord (Baron) Dacre |
trouwde, minstens 16 jaar oud, na 1536 met Wootton.
trouwde, minstens 17 jaar oud, na 1537 met Francis
(Francis) Thursby.
Margaret (Margaret) Neville is geboren omstreeks 1522 in Abergavenny,
Monmouthshire, Wales, dochter van George (George) Neville (zie en Mary (Lady)
(Mary) Stafford. Margaret trouwde met John (John)
Ursula (Ursula) Neville is geboren omstreeks 1528 in Abergavenny,
Monmouthshire, Wales, dochter van George (George) Neville (zie en Mary (Lady)
(Mary) Stafford. Ursula is overleden omstreeks 1600, ongeveer 72 jaar oud. Zij
is begraven in Ulcombe Church, Kent. Ursula trouwde met Warham (Sir) (Warham) St Leger. Warham is geboren
omstreeks 1525. Warham is overleden omstreeks 1599, ongeveer 74 jaar oud.
van Ursula en Warham:
1 Anthony (Anthony) St Leger
2 Nicholas (Nicholas) St Leger
3 Henry (Henry) St Leger
4 George (George) St Leger
5 William (William) St Leger
6 Anne (Anne) St Leger
7 Mary (Mary) St Leger
8 Jane (Jane) St Leger
Henry (Henry) Neville
is geboren omstreeks 1530 in Abergavenny, Monmouthshire, Wales, zoon van George
(George) Neville (zie
en Mary (Lady) (Mary) Stafford. Henry is overleden op maandag 10 februari 1586
in Comfort, Kent, ongeveer 56 jaar oud.
Lord (A)bergavnny |
trouwde, ongeveer 40 jaar oud, omstreeks 1570 in Haddon Hall, Derbyshire met Frances (Lady) (Frances) Manners, ongeveer 38 jaar
oud. Frances is geboren omstreeks 1532 in Haddon Hall, Derbyshire. Frances is
overleden in september 1576 in Birling, Kent, ongeveer 44 jaar oud.
trouwde, minstens 40 jaar oud, na 1570 met Elizabeth
(Elizabeth) Darrell.
van Henry en Frances:
1 Mary (Mary) Neville, geboren op zondag
25 maart 1554 in Mereworth, Kent. Volgt
Mary (Mary) Neville
is geboren op zondag 25 maart 1554 in Mereworth, Kent, dochter van Henry
(Henry) Neville (zie
en Frances (Lady) (Frances) Manners. Mary is overleden op zondag 28 juni 1626,
72 jaar oud. Zij is begraven op maandag 29 juni 1626 in Mereworth, Kent.
Le Despencer |
trouwde, 20 jaar oud, op zondag 12 december 1574 met Thomas (Thomas) Fane. Thomas is overleden op
zondag 13 maart 1588.
Edward (Edward) Neville is geboren omstreeks 1470, zoon van George (George)
Neville (zie
en Margaret (Margaret) Fenne. Edward is overleden op zondag 8 december 1538 in
Tower Hill, ongeveer 68 jaar oud (oorzaak: Beheaded (conspiracy of the Poles)).
Neville |
trouwde, ongeveer 59 jaar oud, op dinsdag 6 april 1529 met Eleanor (Eleanor) Windsor, ongeveer 29 jaar oud.
Eleanor is geboren omstreeks 1500. Eleanor is overleden op zaterdag 25 maart
1531, ongeveer 31 jaar oud.
van Edward en Eleanor:
1 Catherine (Catherine) Neville. Volgt
2 Frances (Frances) Neville. Volgt
3 Elizabeth (Elizabeth) Neville. Volgt
4 Mary (Mary) Neville. Volgt
5 Edward (Edward) Neville, geboren omstreeks
1530 in Newton St Loe, Somersetshire. Volgt
6 Henry (Henry) Neville, geboren omstreeks
1540 in Billingbere. Volgt
Catherine (Catherine) Neville, dochter van Edward (Edward) Neville (zie en Eleanor
(Eleanor) Windsor. Catherine trouwde met Clement
(Clement) Throgmorton.
Frances (Frances) Neville, dochter van Edward (Edward) Neville (zie en Eleanor
(Eleanor) Windsor. Frances:
trouwde met Edward (Sir) (Edward) Waldegrave.
trouwde met Chidiock (Chidiock) Paulet.
Elizabeth (Elizabeth) Neville, dochter van Edward (Edward) Neville (zie en Eleanor
(Eleanor) Windsor. Elizabeth trouwde met Thomas
(Thomas) Eymes.
Mary (Mary) Neville,
dochter van Edward (Edward) Neville (zie en Eleanor
(Eleanor) Windsor. Mary begon een relatie met Henry
(Henry) Dinely.
Edward (Edward) Neville is geboren omstreeks 1530 in Newton St Loe,
Somersetshire, zoon van Edward (Edward) Neville (zie en Eleanor
(Eleanor) Windsor. Edward is overleden op vrijdag 10 februari 1589 in Uxbridge,
Middlesex, ongeveer 59 jaar oud.
Baron (A)bergavenny |
trouwde, ongeveer 20 jaar oud, omstreeks 1550 in Halton, Oxfordshire met Catherine (Catherine) Brome, ongeveer 20 jaar oud.
Catherine is geboren omstreeks 1530 in Halton, Oxfordshire.
trouwde, minstens 20 jaar oud, na 1550 met Grisold
(Grisold) Hughes. Grisold is geboren in Uxbridge.
van Edward en Catherine:
1 Mary (Mary) Neville, geboren omstreeks
1544 in Newton St Loe, Somersetshire. Volgt
2 Grisold (Grisold) Neville, geboren omstreeks
1546 in Newton St Loe, Somersetshire. Volgt
3 Margaret (Margaret) Neville, geboren omstreeks
1548 in Newton St Loe, Somersetshire. Volgt
4 Edward (Edward) Neville, geboren in 1551
in Newton St Loe, Somersetshire. Volgt
5 Francis (Francis) Neville, geboren omstreeks
1553 in Chichester and Keymer, Sussex. Volgt
6 Maria (Maria) Neville
[], geboren omstreeks 1555 in Abergavenny,
Monmouthshire, Wales. Maria is overleden op vrijdag 10 februari 1617 in
Kidderminster, Worcester, ongeveer 62 jaar oud.
7 George (George) Neville [],
geboren omstreeks 1555 in Newton St Loe, Somersetshire.
8 Henry (Henry) Neville, geboren omstreeks
1557 in Bedminster, Somerset. Volgt
Mary (Mary) Neville
is geboren omstreeks 1544 in Newton St Loe, Somersetshire, dochter van Edward
(Edward) Neville (zie
en Catherine (Catherine) Brome. Mary is overleden op woensdag 13 november 1630,
ongeveer 86 jaar oud. Mary trouwde met Edward
(Edward) Blount.
Grisold (Grisold) Neville is geboren omstreeks 1546 in Newton St Loe,
Somersetshire, dochter van Edward (Edward) Neville (zie en Catherine
(Catherine) Brome. Grisold trouwde met Henry (Sir)
(Henry) Poole.
Margaret (Margaret) Neville is geboren omstreeks 1548 in Newton St Loe,
Somersetshire, dochter van Edward (Edward) Neville (zie en Catherine
(Catherine) Brome. Margaret is overleden in 1571, ongeveer 23 jaar oud.
Margaret begon een relatie met Nicholas (Sir)
(Nicholas) Lewkenor.
Edward (Edward) Neville is geboren in 1551 in Newton St Loe, Somersetshire,
zoon van Edward (Edward) Neville (zie en Catherine
(Catherine) Brome. Edward is overleden op donderdag 1 december 1622 in Great
Saint, Bartholomews, Middlesex, 70 of 71 jaar oud. Hij is begraven op zaterdag
3 december 1622 in Birling, Kent.
Baron (A)bergavenny |
trouwde, 24 of 25 jaar oud, in 1576 in Knole, Kent met Rachael (Rachael) Leonard, 22 of 23 jaar oud.
Rachael is geboren in 1553 in Knole, Kent. Rachael is overleden op zaterdag 15 oktober
1616 in Birling, Kent, 62 of 63 jaar oud. Zij is begraven op zaterdag 15
oktober 1616 in Birling, Kent.
van Edward en Rachael:
1 Elizabeth (Elizabeth) Neville
[], geboren omstreeks 1577 in Newton St Loe, Somersetshire.
Elizabeth is overleden na zaterdag 9 augustus 1642, minstens 65 jaar oud.
2 Henry (Henry) Neville, geboren vóór 1580
in Newton St Loe, Somersetshire. Volgt
3 Edward (Edward) Neville
[], geboren omstreeks 1582 in Newton St Loe,
Somersetshire. Edward is overleden, ongeveer 28 jaar oud. Hij is begraven op
maandag 6 december 1610.
4 Christopher (Sir) (Christopher) Neville, geboren omstreeks
1584 in Newton St Loe, Somersetshire. Volgt
5 Margaret (Margaret) Neville
[], geboren omstreeks 1587 in Newton St Loe,
Somersetshire. Margaret is overleden in 1602, ongeveer 15 jaar oud.
6 John (John) Neville
[], geboren in 1588. Hij is gedoopt op woensdag 8
juni 1588 in Birling, Kent. John is overleden op vrijdag 1 mei 1615, 26 of 27
jaar oud.
7 Mary (Mary) Neville, geboren omstreeks
1590 in Newton St Loe, Somersetshire. Volgt
8 Catherine (Catherine) Neville, geboren omstreeks
1591 in Newton St Loe, Somersetshire. Volgt
9 Frances (Frances) Neville
[], geboren omstreeks 1593 in Newton St Loe,
10 Elizabeth Mary (Elizabeth Mary) Neville
[], geboren omstreeks 1595 in Birling, Kent.
11 Thomas (Thomas) Neville
[], geboren omstreeks 1595 in Newton St Loe,
Somersetshire. Thomas is overleden op zondag 1 maart 1615, ongeveer 20 jaar
12 Charles (Charles) Neville
[], geboren omstreeks 1597 in Newton St Loe,
Somersetshire. Charles is overleden op zondag 1 maart 1615, ongeveer 18 jaar
Henry (Henry) Neville
is geboren vóór 1580 in Newton St Loe, Somersetshire, zoon van Edward (Edward)
Neville (zie
en Rachael (Rachael) Leonard. Henry is overleden, minstens 61 jaar oud. Hij is
begraven op dinsdag 24 december 1641 in Birling, Kent.
Lord (baron) Bergavenny |
trouwde, minstens 21 jaar oud, omstreeks 1601 met Mary
(Lady) (Mary) Sackville.
trouwde, minstens 36 jaar oud, omstreeks 1616 met Catherine
(Catherine) Vaux. Catherine is overleden in 1649. Zij is begraven op
zaterdag 10 juli 1649.
van Henry en Mary:
1 Thomas (Sir) (Thomas) Neville. Volgt
2 Cecily (Cecily) Neville
3 Anne (Anne) Neville
4 Elizabeth (Elizabeth) Neville
5 Mary (Mary) Neville
van Henry en Catherine:
6 George (George) Neville. Volgt
7 Frances (Frances) Neville
8 Catherine (Catherine) Neville
9 Elizabeth (Elizabeth) Neville. Volgt
10 John (John) Neville, geboren omstreeks
1614. Volgt
Thomas (Sir) (Thomas) Neville, zoon van Henry (Henry) Neville (zie en Mary
(Lady) (Mary) Sackville. Thomas is overleden in 1628. Hij is begraven op zondag
7 mei 1628. Thomas trouwde met Frances (Frances)
van Thomas en Frances:
1 Henry (Henry) Neville
[]. Henry is overleden in 1639.
2 Charles (Charles) Neville
[]. Charles is overleden in 1637.
3 Margaret (Margaret) Neville. Volgt
Margaret (Margaret) Neville, dochter van Thomas (Sir) (Thomas) Neville (zie en
Frances (Frances) Mordaunt. Margaret trouwde met Thomas
(Thomas) Brooke.
George (George) Neville, zoon van Henry (Henry) Neville (zie en
Catherine (Catherine) Vaux. George is overleden op woensdag 2 juni 1666.
Lord (Baron) Abergavenny |
trouwde met Mary (Mary) Gifford. Mary is
overleden in 1699. Zij is begraven op zaterdag 14 november 1699.
van George en Mary:
1 George (George) Neville, geboren op
dinsdag 21 april 1665. Volgt
George (George) Neville is geboren op dinsdag 21 april 1665, zoon van George
(George) Neville (zie
en Mary (Mary) Gifford. George is overleden op vrijdag 26 maart 1694, 28 jaar
Lord (Baron) Abergavenny |
trouwde met Honora (Honora) Belasyse. Honora
is overleden op vrijdag 1 januari 1706.
Elizabeth (Elizabeth) Neville, dochter van Henry (Henry) Neville (zie en
Catherine (Catherine) Vaux. Elizabeth trouwde in 1651 met Thomas (Thomas) Stonor. Thomas is overleden in
John (John) Neville
is geboren omstreeks 1614, zoon van Henry (Henry) Neville (zie en
Catherine (Catherine) Vaux. John is overleden op maandag 23 oktober 1662,
ongeveer 48 jaar oud.
Lord (Baron) (A)Bergavenny |
trouwde met Elizabeth (Elizabeth) Chamberlaine.
Christopher (Sir) (Christopher) Neville is geboren omstreeks 1584 in Newton St
Loe, Somersetshire, zoon van Edward (Edward) Neville (zie en Rachael
(Rachael) Leonard. Christopher is overleden, ongeveer 65 jaar oud. Hij is
begraven op maandag 7 juni 1649 in Birling, Kent.
KG |
trouwde met Mary (Mary) Darcy.
Mary (Mary) Neville
is geboren omstreeks 1590 in Newton St Loe, Somersetshire, dochter van Edward
(Edward) Neville (zie
en Rachael (Rachael) Leonard. Mary is overleden in 1648, ongeveer 58 jaar oud.
Zij is begraven op donderdag 16 juli 1648. Mary trouwde, ongeveer 18 jaar oud,
omstreeks 1608 met Goring.
Earl of Norwich |
Catherine (Catherine) Neville is geboren omstreeks 1591 in Newton St
Loe, Somersetshire, dochter van Edward (Edward) Neville (zie en Rachael
(Rachael) Leonard. Catherine is overleden op zondag 4 augustus 1630, ongeveer
39 jaar oud. Catherine begon een relatie met Stephen
(Sir) (Stephen) LeSsour.
Francis (Francis) Neville is geboren omstreeks 1553 in Chichester and Keymer,
Sussex, zoon van Edward (Edward) Neville (zie en Catherine
(Catherine) Brome. Francis is overleden na 1623, minstens 70 jaar oud. Francis
trouwde met Mary (Mary) Lewkenor.
Henry (Henry) Neville
is geboren omstreeks 1557 in Bedminster, Somerset, zoon van Edward (Edward)
Neville (zie
en Catherine (Catherine) Brome. Henry is overleden na 1623, minstens 66 jaar
oud. Henry trouwde met Eleanor (Eleanor) Poole.
van Henry en Eleanor:
1 Edward (Edward) Neville
[]. Edward is overleden in 1622.
2 Catherine (Catherine) Neville
[], geboren omstreeks 1603.
3 Henry (Henry) Neville
[], geboren omstreeks 1604.
4 Frances (Frances) Neville
[], geboren omstreeks 1605.
5 Thomas (Thomas) Neville
[], geboren omstreeks 1606.
6 William (William) Neville
[], geboren omstreeks 1610.
7 George (George) Neville
[], geboren omstreeks 1612.
Henry (Henry) Neville
is geboren omstreeks 1540 in Billingbere, zoon van Edward (Edward) Neville (zie en Eleanor
(Eleanor) Windsor. Henry is overleden in 1593, ongeveer 53 jaar oud. Henry
trouwde met Elizabeth (Elizabeth) Gresham.
van Henry en Elizabeth:
1 Henry (Henry) Neville, geboren omstreeks
1564 in Billingbere. Volgt
Henry (Henry) Neville
is geboren omstreeks 1564 in Billingbere, zoon van Henry (Henry) Neville (zie en Elizabeth
(Elizabeth) Gresham. Henry is overleden op vrijdag 10 juli 1615, ongeveer 51
jaar oud. Henry trouwde met Anne (Anne) Killigrew.
van Henry en Anne:
1 Henry (Sir) (Henry) Neville, geboren in
Billingbere. Volgt
2 William (William) Neville
3 Charles (Charles) Neville
[]. Charles is overleden in 1626.
4 Richard (Richard) Neville
5 Edward (Edward) Neville [].
Edward is overleden in 1632.
6 Elizabeth (Elizabeth) Neville
7 Frances (Frances) Neville
[]. Frances is overleden omstreeks 1660.
Notitie bij
married 2 times
8 Katherine (Katherine) Neville. Volgt
9 Mary (Mary) Neville. Volgt
10 Dorothy (Dorothy) Neville. Volgt
Henry (Sir) (Henry) Neville is geboren in Billingbere, zoon van Henry (Henry)
Neville (zie
en Anne (Anne) Killigrew. Henry is overleden op vrijdag 29 juni 1629. Henry
trouwde met Elizabeth (Elizabeth) Smith.
van Henry en Elizabeth:
1 Katherine (Katherine) Neville. Volgt
2 Mary (Mary) Neville
3 Philippa (Philippa) Neville
4 Richard (Richard) Neville, geboren omstreeks
1617 in Billingbere. Volgt
5 Henry (Henry) Neville, geboren in 1620. Volgt
Katherine (Katherine) Neville, dochter van Henry (Sir) (Henry) Neville
en Elizabeth (Elizabeth) Smith. Katherine begon een relatie met Thomas (Sir) (Thomas) Lumsford.
Richard (Richard) Neville is geboren omstreeks 1617 in Billingbere, zoon van
Henry (Sir) (Henry) Neville (zie en
Elizabeth (Elizabeth) Smith. Richard is overleden in 1676, ongeveer 59 jaar
oud. Richard trouwde met Anne (Anne) Heydon.
van Richard en Anne:
1 John (John) Neville
[], geboren op dinsdag 23 juli 1652 in
Billingbere. John is overleden in 1678, 25 of 26 jaar oud.
2 Richard (Richard) Neville, geboren op
dinsdag 12 oktober 1655 in Billingbere. Volgt
Richard (Richard) Neville is geboren op dinsdag 12 oktober 1655 in Billingbere,
zoon van Richard (Richard) Neville (zie en Anne
(Anne) Heydon. Richard is overleden in 1717, 61 of 62 jaar oud. Richard trouwde
met Katherine (Katherine) Grey.
van Richard en Katherine:
1 Anne (Anne) Neville, geboren op
donderdag 14 februari 1647. Volgt
2 Mirabell (Mirabell) Neville
[], geboren op woensdag 16 november 1650.
3 Elizabeth (Elizabeth) Neville
[], geboren op zondag 6 mei 1657.
4 Catherine (Catherine) Neville, geboren op
maandag 23 juni 1659. Volgt
5 Frances (Frances) Neville, geboren op maandag
19 mei 1664. Volgt
6 Grey (Grey) Neville, geboren op
dinsdag 23 september 1681. Volgt
7 Henry (Henry) Neville / Grey, geboren op
dinsdag 17 augustus 1683 in Billingbere. Volgt
Anne (Anne) Neville
is geboren op donderdag 14 februari 1647, dochter van Richard (Richard) Neville
en Katherine (Katherine) Grey. Anne trouwde met Richard
(Richard) Raynsford.
Catherine (Catherine) Neville is geboren op maandag 23 juni 1659,
dochter van Richard (Richard) Neville (zie en
Katherine (Katherine) Grey. Catherine is overleden in 1720, 60 of 61 jaar oud.
Catherine begon een relatie met Richard (Richard)
Aldworth. Richard is overleden in 1738.
Frances (Frances) Neville is geboren op maandag 19 mei 1664, dochter van Richard
(Richard) Neville (zie
en Katherine (Katherine) Grey. Frances trouwde, ongeveer 24 jaar oud, omstreeks
1688 met Richard (sir) (Richard) Cocks.
Grey (Grey) Neville
is geboren op dinsdag 23 september 1681, zoon van Richard (Richard) Neville
en Katherine (Katherine) Grey. Grey is overleden op zaterdag 24 april 1723, 41
jaar oud. Grey begon een relatie met Elizabeth
(Elizabeth) Boteler. Elizabeth is overleden op woensdag 16 november
Henry (Henry) Neville / Grey is geboren op dinsdag 17 augustus 1683 in
Billingbere, zoon van Richard (Richard) Neville (zie en
Katherine (Katherine) Grey. Henry is overleden in 1740, 56 of 57 jaar oud.
Notitie bij Henry: took the name Grey instead of Neville
trouwde met Elizabeth (Elizabeth) Griffin.
Elizabeth is overleden in juli 1762.
Henry (Henry) Neville
is geboren in 1620, zoon van Henry (Sir) (Henry) Neville (zie en
Elizabeth (Elizabeth) Smith. Henry is overleden in 1694, 73 of 74 jaar oud.
Henry trouwde met Elizabeth (Elizabeth) Staverton.
Katherine (Katherine) Neville, dochter van Henry (Henry) Neville (zie en Anne
(Anne) Killigrew. Katherine trouwde met Richard
(sir) (Richard) Brooke.
Mary (Mary) Neville,
dochter van Henry (Henry) Neville (zie en Anne
(Anne) Killigrew. Mary trouwde met Edward (Sir)
(Edward) Lewknor.
Dorothy (Dorothy) Neville, dochter van Henry (Henry) Neville (zie en Anne
(Anne) Killigrew. Dorothy begon een relatie met Richard
(Richard) Cat(e)lyn.
Thomas (Sir) (Thomas) Neville is geboren omstreeks 1488, zoon van George
(George) Neville (zie
en Margaret (Margaret) Fenne. Thomas is overleden op maandag 29 mei 1542,
ongeveer 54 jaar oud. Thomas:
trouwde, ten hoogste 39 jaar oud, vóór 1527 met Catherine
(Catherine) Dacre. Catherine is overleden op dinsdag 20 augustus 1527.
trouwde, ongeveer 44 jaar oud, op woensdag 28 augustus 1532 met Elizabeth (Elizabeth).
van Thomas en Catherine:
1 Margaret (Margaret) Neville. Volgt
Margaret (Margaret) Neville, dochter van Thomas (Sir) (Thomas) Neville (zie en Catherine
(Catherine) Dacre. Margaret trouwde met Robert
(Sir) (Robert) Southwell.
Eleanor (Eleanor) Neville is geboren omstreeks 1407 in Raby, Durham, dochter van
Ralph (Ralph) Neville (zie
en Joan (Lady) (Joan) de Beaufort. Eleanor is overleden omstreeks 1440,
ongeveer 33 jaar oud.
Notitie bij overlijden van Eleanor: Mormomen geven aan ovreleden in 1472
trouwde, minstens 5 jaar oud, na maandag 23 mei 1412 met Richard (Richard) le Despencer, minstens 15 jaar
oud. Richard is geboren op donderdag 30 november 1396 in Elmley,
Worcestershire, zoon van Thomas (Thomas) le Despencer en Constance (Constance)
Plantagenet. Richard is overleden op zondag 7 oktober 1414, 17 jaar oud. Hij is
begraven in Tewkesbury Abbey, Gloucester.
trouwde, ongeveer 7 jaar oud, in 1414 met Henry
(Henry) de Percy, 20 of 21 jaar oud. Henry is geboren op maandag 3
februari 1393. Henry is overleden op vrijdag 23 mei 1455 in St Albans, 62 jaar
Earl of Northumberland |
Anne (Anne) Neville
is geboren in 1411 in Raby, Durham, dochter van Ralph (Ralph) Neville (zie en Joan (Lady) (Joan)
de Beaufort. Anne is overleden op woensdag 20 september 1480, 68 of 69 jaar
oud. Zij is begraven in Pleshy, Essex.
of Buckingham |
trouwde, 12 of 13 jaar oud, op woensdag 18 oktober 1424 met Humphrey (Humphrey) de Stafford, 21 of 22 jaar
oud. Zie
voor persoonsgegevens van Humphrey.
trouwde, 55 of 56 jaar oud, op woensdag 25 november 1467 in Raby, Durham met Walter (Lord) (Walter) Blount, 46 of 47 jaar oud.
Walter is geboren in 1420 in Barton Blount, Derby, zoon van Thomas (Thomas)
Blount en Margaret (Margaret) Gresley. Walter is overleden op maandag 1
augustus 1474, 53 of 54 jaar oud. Hij is begraven in Grey Friars, London.
Mountjoy |
van Anne en Humphrey: zie
George (George) Neville is geboren in 1414 in Raby, Durham, zoon van Ralph
(Ralph) Neville (zie
en Joan (Lady) (Joan) de Beaufort. George is overleden op zaterdag 30 december
1469, 54 of 55 jaar oud. Hij is begraven op zondag 31 december 1469.
25-02-1431 |
Latimer |
trouwde, ten hoogste 22 jaar oud, vóór 1436 in Warwick Castle, Warwickshire met
Elizabeth (Lady) (Elizabeth) de Beauchamp,
ten hoogste 19 jaar oud. Elizabeth is geboren in 1417 in Hanley Castle, Worcestershire,
dochter van Richard (Richard) de Beauchamp en Elizabeth (Elizabeth) Berkeley.
Elizabeth is overleden op dinsdag 26 september 1480, 62 of 63 jaar oud. Zij is
begraven op maandag 2 oktober 1480 in Chapel Beauchamp, Saint Mary’s,
Warwickshire. Elizabeth trouwde later in 1437 met Edward (Sir) (Edward) Neville
(na 1400-1469), zie
Dit huwelijk werd ontbonden vóór 1448.
van George en Elizabeth:
1 Katherine (Katherine) Neville, geboren omstreeks
1143. Volgt
2 Henry (Henry) Neville, geboren in 1437
in Latimer, Buckinghamshire. Volgt
3 Thomas (Thomas) Neville
[], geboren omstreeks 1439 in Shenstone, Staffordshire,
4 Jane (Jane) Neville
[], geboren omstreeks 1441 in Shenstone, Staffordshire,
Katherine (Katherine) Neville is geboren omstreeks 1143, dochter van
George (George) Neville (zie
en Elizabeth (Lady) (Elizabeth) de Beauchamp. Katherine is overleden in april
1193 in Warwick Castle, Warwickshire, ongeveer 50 jaar oud. Katherine:
trouwde met Oliver (Oliver) Dudley. Oliver
is overleden in 1480.
trouwde met James (Sir) (James) Ratcliffe.
Henry (Henry) Neville
is geboren in 1437 in Latimer, Buckinghamshire, zoon van George (George)
Neville (zie
en Elizabeth (Lady) (Elizabeth) de Beauchamp. Henry is overleden op woensdag 26
juli 1469 in Edgecote Bandury, Oxfordshire, 31 of 32 jaar oud (oorzaak: slain
at Edgecote Bandury). Hij is begraven in Chapel Beauchamp, Saint Mary’s,
Warwickshire. Henry trouwde, ongeveer 30 jaar oud, omstreeks 1467 in Halstead,
Essex met Joana (Joana) Bourchier, ongeveer
25 jaar oud. Joana is geboren in 1442 in Halstead, Essex. Joana is overleden op
zondag 7 oktober 1470 in Chapel of Our Lady, Warwick, Warwickshire, 27 of 28
jaar oud.
van Henry en Joana:
1 Joan (Joan) Neville, geboren omstreeks
1464 in Latimer, Buckinghamshire. Volgt
2 Richard (Richard) Neville, geboren omstreeks
1467 in Latimer, Buckinghamshire. Volgt
3 Thomas (Thomas) Neville, geboren in 1468
in Shenstone, Staffordshire, England. Volgt
Joan (Joan) Neville
is geboren omstreeks 1464 in Latimer, Buckinghamshire, dochter van Henry
(Henry) Neville (zie
en Joana (Joana) Bourchier. Joan trouwde met James
(Sir) (James) Ratcliffe.
Richard (Richard) Neville is geboren omstreeks 1467 in Latimer, Buckinghamshire,
zoon van Henry (Henry) Neville (zie en Joana (Joana)
Bourchier. Richard is overleden op woensdag 3 november 1529 in Snape Castle,
Snape, Yorkshire, ongeveer 62 jaar oud. Hij is begraven in Well, Yorkshire.
Lord Latimer |
trouwde, ongeveer 23 jaar oud, omstreeks 1490 met Anne
(Anne) Stafford, ongeveer 30 jaar oud. Zie voor
persoonsgegevens van Anne.
van Richard en Anne: zie
Thomas (Thomas) Neville is geboren in 1468 in Shenstone, Staffordshire,
England, zoon van Henry (Henry) Neville (zie en Joana (Joana)
Bourchier. Thomas is overleden in 1546 in Mathon, Worcestershire, 77 of 78 jaar
oud. Thomas trouwde, ongeveer 43 jaar oud, omstreeks 1511 met Lettice (Lettice) Harcourt, ongeveer 17 jaar oud.
Lettice is geboren omstreeks 1494 in Stanton Harcourt, Oxfordshire.
van Thomas en Lettice:
1 Ellen (Ellen) Neville
[], geboren in 1508 in Shenstone Park, Staffordshire.
Ellen is overleden na 1547, minstens 39 jaar oud.
Cecily (Cecily) Neville is geboren op vrijdag 3 mei 1415 in Raby Castle,
Staindrop, Durham, dochter van Ralph (Ralph) Neville (zie en Joan (Lady) (Joan)
de Beaufort. Cecily is overleden op zondag 31 mei 1495 in Berkhampstead, Hertfordshire,
80 jaar oud. Zij is begraven in Collegiate Church of Fotheringhay. Cecily
trouwde, 9 jaar oud, op woensdag 18 oktober 1424 met Richard (Richard) Plantagenet, 13 jaar oud.
Richard is geboren op maandag 21 september 1411 in ConisBorough Castle, Yorkshire,
zoon van Richard (Richard) Plantagenet en Anne (Lady) (Anne) de Mortimer.
Richard is overleden op woensdag 31 december 1460 in Wakefield, Yorkshire, 49
jaar oud (oorzaak: Battle of Wakefield). Hij is begraven in Collegiate Church
of Fotheringhay.
of Cambridge |
Duke of York |
van Cecily en Richard:
1 Anne (Anne) Plantagenet, geboren op
maandag 10 augustus 1439 in Fotheringhay, Northampton. Volgt
2 Henry (Henry) Plantagenet
[], geboren op woensdag 10 februari 1440 in Hatfield,
3 Edward IV (Erdward IV) Plantagenet, geboren op
zaterdag 28 april 1442 in Rouen, Normandy. Volgt
4 Edmund (Edmund) Plantagenet
[], geboren op vrijdag 17 mei 1443 in Rouen, Normandy.
Edmund is overleden op woensdag 31 december 1460 in Wakefield, 17 jaar oud.
5 Elizabeth (Elizabeth) Plantagenet, geboren op
woensdag 22 april 1444 in Rouen, Normandy. Volgt
6 Margaret (Margaret) Plantagenet
[], geboren op dinsdag 3 mei 1446 in Fotheringhay,
Northampton. Margaret is overleden op zaterdag 25 november 1503 in Mechelen,
Belgium, 57 jaar oud.
7 William (William) Plantagenet
[], geboren op vrijdag 7 juli 1447 in Fotheringhay,
8 John (John) Plantagenet
[], geboren op donderdag 7 november 1448 in Neyte,
9 George (Sir) (George) Plantagenet, geboren op
dinsdag 21 oktober 1449 in Dublin, Ireland. Volgt
10 Thomas (Thomas) Plantagenet
[], geboren omstreeks 1450 in Fotheringhay, Northampton.
11 Richard III (Croughback) (Richard)
geboren op maandag 2 oktober 1452 in Fotheringhay, Northampton. Volgt
12 Ursula (Ursula) Plantagenet
[], geboren in 1454 in Fotheringhay, Northampton.
Anne (Anne) Plantagenet is geboren op maandag 10 augustus 1439 in
Fotheringhay, Northampton, dochter van Richard (Richard) Plantagenet en Cecily
(Cecily) Neville (zie
Anne is overleden op zaterdag 14 januari 1475, 35 jaar oud. Zij is begraven in
St George’s Chapel, Windsor. Anne:
begon een relatie met Henry (Henry) Holland.
Henry is geboren op dinsdag 27 juni 1430 in Tower of London, London. Henry is
overleden in 1475 in English Channel, 44 of 45 jaar oud.
Duke of Exeter |
trouwde, 32 of 33 jaar oud, in 1472 met Thomas
(Thomas) St Ledger, 52 of 53 jaar oud. Thomas is geboren in 1419. Thomas
is overleden in 1483 in Exeter, 63 of 64 jaar oud (oorzaak: Executed). Hij is begraven
in St George’s Chapel, Windsor.
van Anne en Henry:
1 Anne (Anne) Holland, geboren omstreeks
1455 in Bradgate, Leicester. Volgt
van Anne en Thomas:
2 Anne (Anne) St Ledger, geboren in 1476. Volgt
Anne (Anne) Holland
is geboren omstreeks 1455 in Bradgate, Leicester, dochter van Henry (Henry)
Holland en Anne (Anne) Plantagenet (zie Anne is overleden
in 1474, ongeveer 19 jaar oud. Anne begon een relatie met Thomas (Thomas) Grey. Thomas is geboren vóór 1461.
Thomas is overleden op maandag 30 augustus 1501, minstens 40 jaar oud. Hij is
begraven in Astley, Warwick.
Anne (Anne) St Ledger
is geboren in 1476, dochter van Thomas (Thomas) St Ledger en Anne (Anne)
Plantagenet (zie
Anne is overleden op zaterdag 21 april 1526, 49 of 50 jaar oud. Zij is begraven
in St George’s Chapel, Windsor. Anne trouwde, 13 of 14 jaar oud, in 1490 met George (George) Manners, 19 of 20 jaar oud. George
is geboren in 1470 in Belvoir. George is overleden op zondag 23 oktober 1513 in
Tournay, France, 42 of 43 jaar oud (oorzaak: at siege of Tournay). Hij is
begraven in St George’s Chapel, Windsor.
Lord Ros |
van Anne en George:
1 Thomas (Thomas) Manners, geboren op
donderdag 20 september 1543. Volgt
Thomas (Thomas) Manners is geboren op donderdag 20 september 1543, zoon van
George (George) Manners en Anne (Anne) St Ledger (zie Thomas begon
een relatie met Eleanor (Eleanor) Paston.
Eleanor is overleden in 1551.
van Thomas en Eleanor:
1 John (John) Manners
2 Elizabeth (Lady) (Elizabeth) Manners. Volgt
Elizabeth (Lady) (Elizabeth) Manners, dochter van Thomas (Thomas) Manners (zie en Eleanor
(Eleanor) Paston. Elizabeth begon een relatie met John
(Sir) (John) Savage. John is overleden in 1597.
Edward IV (Erdward IV) Plantagenet is geboren op zaterdag 28 april 1442 in
Rouen, Normandy, zoon van Richard (Richard) Plantagenet en Cecily (Cecily)
Neville (zie
Hij is gedoopt in Rouen Cathedral. Erdward IV is overleden op woensdag 9 april
1483 in Westminster Palace, London, 40 jaar oud. Hij is begraven op vrijdag 18
april 1483 in St George’s Chapel, Windsor.
Notitie bij Erdward IV: Edward IV, son of Richard, Duke of York and Cicely Neville, was
born in 1442. He married Elizabeth Woodville in 1464, the widow of the
Lancastrian Sir John Grey, who bore him ten children. He also entertained many
mistresses and had at least one illegitimate son.
Edward came to the throne through the efforts of his
father; as Henry VI became increasingly less effective, Richard pressed the
claim of the York family but was killed before he could ascend the throne:
Edward deposed his cousin Henry after defeating the Lancastrians at Mortimer’s
Cross in 1461. Richard Neville, the Kingmaker, Earl of Warwick proclaimed Henry
king once again in 1470, but less than a year elapsed when Edward reclaimed the
crown and had Henry executed in 1471.
The rest of his reign was fairly uneventful. He revived
the English claim to the French throne and invaded the weakened France,
extorting a non-aggression treaty from Louis XI in 1475 which amounted to a
lump payment of 75,000 crowns, and an annuity of 20,000. Edward had his
brother, George, Duke of Clarendon, judicially murdered in 1478 on a charge of
treason. His marriage to Elizabeth Woodville vexed his councilors, and he
allowed many of the great nobles (such as his brother Richard) to build
uncharacteristically large power bases in the provinces in return for their
Edward died suddenly in 1483, leaving behind two sons aged
twelve and nine, five daughters, and a troubled legacy.
of England |
begon een relatie met Elizabeth (Elizabeth) Lucy.
begon een relatie met Eleanor (Eleanor) Butler.
Eleanor is overleden in 1468.
trouwde, 16 of 17 jaar oud, in 1459 met Elizabeth
(Elizabeth) Wayte.
trouwde, 22 jaar oud, op dinsdag 1 mei 1464 in Grafton Regis, Northhamptonshire
met Elizabeth (Elizabeth) Wydeville, 26 of
27 jaar oud. Elizabeth is geboren in 1437 in Grafton Regis, Northamptonshire,
dochter van Richard (Richard) Wydeville en Jacquette (Jacquette) de Luxembourg.
Elizabeth is overleden op donderdag 7 juni 1492 in St Saviour’s Abbey,
Bermondsey, Surrey, 54 of 55 jaar oud. Zij is begraven op dinsdag 12 juni 1492
in St George’s Chapel, Windsor.
van Erdward IV en Elizabeth (1):
1 Elizabeth (Elizabeth) Plantagenet. Volgt
van Erdward IV en Elizabeth (3):
2 Grace (Grace) Plantagenet
[], geboren in 1460.
3 Arthur (Arthur) Plantagenet, geboren in 1461. Volgt
van Erdward IV en Elizabeth (4):
4 Elizabeth (Elizabeth) Plantagenet, geboren op
maandag 11 februari 1465 in Palace of Westminster, London. Volgt
5 Mary (Mary) Plantagenet
[], geboren op dinsdag 11 augustus 1467 in Windsor
Castle, Windsor. Mary is overleden op donderdag 23 mei 1482 in Greenwich, 14
jaar oud.
6 Cicely (Cicely) Plantagenet, geboren op zondag
20 maart 1468 in Westminster Palace, London. Volgt
7 Edward V (Edward) Plantagenet
[], geboren op zondag 4 november 1470 in Abbot’s House
Westminster. Edward is overleden op zondag 22 juni 1483, 12 jaar oud (oorzaak:
Believed murdered bij Richard III).
Notitie bij Edward: Edward V, eldest son of Edward IV and Elizabeth Woodville, was
born in 1470. He ascended the throne upon his father’s death in April 1483, but
reigned only two months before being deposed by his uncle, Richard, Duke of
Gloucester. The entire episode is still shrouded in mystery. The Duke had
Edward and his younger brother, Richard, imprisoned in the Tower and declared
illegitimate and named himself rightful heir to the crown. The two young boys
never emerged from the Tower, apparently murdered by, or at least on the orders
of, their Uncle Richard. During renovations to the Tower in 1674, the skeletons
of two children were found, possibly the murdered boys.
King |
8 Margaret (Margaret) Plantagenet
[], geboren op vrijdag 10 april 1472 in Westminster
Palace, London. Margaret is overleden op vrijdag 11 december 1472, 8 maanden
9 Richard (Richard) Plantagenet
[], geboren op dinsdag 17 augustus 1473 in Shrewsbury.
Richard is overleden op zondag 22 juni 1483, 9 jaar oud (oorzaak: Believed
murdered bij Richard III).
10 Anne (Anne) Plantagenet, geboren op
donderdag 2 november 1475 in Westminster Palace, London. Volgt
11 George (George) Plantagenet
[], geboren in 1476 in Windsor Castle, Windsor. George
is overleden in 1478 in Windsor Castle, Windsor, 1 of 2 jaar oud.
12 Catherine (Catherine) Plantagenet, geboren op
zaterdag 14 augustus 1479 in Eltham Palace, Kent. Volgt
13 Bridget (Bridget) Plantagenet
[], geboren op vrijdag 10 november 1480 in Eltham
Palace, Kent. Bridget is overleden in 1517 in Dartford, 36 of 37 jaar oud.
Elizabeth (Elizabeth) Plantagenet, dochter van Edward IV (Erdward IV)
Plantagenet (zie
en Elizabeth (Elizabeth) Lucy. Elizabeth begon een relatie met Thomas (Thomas) de Lumley. Thomas is overleden in
Arthur (Arthur) Plantagenet is geboren in 1461, zoon van Edward IV (Erdward IV)
Plantagenet (zie
en Elizabeth (Elizabeth) Wayte. Arthur is overleden in 1542 in Tower of London,
London, 80 of 81 jaar oud. Arthur:
begon een relatie met Honor (Honor) Grenville.
begon een relatie met Elizabeth (Elizabeth) Grey.
Elizabeth is overleden in 1525.
Elizabeth (Elizabeth) Plantagenet is geboren op maandag 11 februari 1465 in
Palace of Westminster, London, dochter van Edward IV (Erdward IV) Plantagenet
en Elizabeth (Elizabeth) Wydeville. Elizabeth is overleden op vrijdag 11
februari 1502 in Tower of London, London, 37 jaar oud. Zij is begraven in Henry
VII Chapel, Westminster Abbey. Elizabeth trouwde, 19 jaar oud, op dinsdag 18
januari 1485 in Westminster Abbey, London met Henry
VII (Henry VII) Tudor, 28 jaar oud. Henry VII is geboren op woensdag 28
januari 1456 in Pembroke Castle, Wales, zoon van Edmund (Edmund) Tudor en
Margaret (Margaret) Beaufort. Henry VII is overleden op zaterdag 21 april 1509
in Richmond Palace, 53 jaar oud. Hij is begraven in Henry VII Chapel,
Westminster Abbey.
Notitie bij Henry VII: Henry VII (1485-1509 AD)
Henry VII, son of Edmund Tudor and Margaret Beaufort, was born
in 1457. He married Elizabeth of York in 1486, who bore him four children:
Arthur, Henry, Margaret and Mary. He died in 1509 after reigning 24 years.
Henry descended from John of Gaunt, through the latter’s
illicit affair with Catherine Swynford; although he was a Lancastrian, he
gained the throne through personal battle. The Lancastrian victory at the
Battle of Bosworth in 1485 left Richard III slain in the field, York ambitions
routed and Henry proclaimed king. From the onset of his reign, Henry was determined
to bring order to England after 85 years of civil war. His marriage to
Elizabeth of York combined both the Lancaster and York factions within the
Tudor line, eliminating further discord in regards to succession. He faced two
insurrections during his reign, each centered around "pretenders" who
claimed a closer dynastic link to the Plantagenets than Henry. Lambert Simnel
posed as the Earl of Warwick, but his army was defeated and he was eventually
pardoned and forced to work in the king’s kitchen. Perkin Warbeck posed as
Richard of York, Edward V’s younger brother (and co-prisoner in the Tower of
London); Warbeck’s support came from the continent, and after repeated invasion
attempts, Henry had him imprisoned and executed.
Henry greatly strengthened the monarchy by employing many
political innovations to outmaneuver the nobility. The household staff rose
beyond mere servitude: Henry eschewed public appearances, therefore, staff
members were the few persons Henry saw on a regular basis. He created the
Committee of the Privy Council ,a forerunner of the modern cabinet) as an
executive advisory board; he established the Court of the Star Chamber to
increase royal involvement in civil and criminal cases; and as an alternative
to a revenue tax disbursement from Parliament, he imposed forced loans and
grants on the nobility. Henry’s mistrust of the nobility derived from his
experiences in the Wars of the Roses - a majority remained dangerously neutral
until the very end. His skill at by-passing Parliament (and thus, the will of
the nobility) played a crucial role in his success at renovating government.
Henry’s political acumen was also evident in his handling
of foreign affairs. He played Spain off of France by arranging the marriage of
his eldest son, Arthur, to Catherine of Aragon, daughter of Ferdinand and
Isabella. Arthur died within months and Henry secured a papal dispensation for
Catherine to marry Arthur’s brother, the future Henry VIII ; this single event
had the widest-ranging effect of all Henry’s actions: Henry VIII’s annulment
from Catherine was the impetus for the separation of the Church of England from
the body of Roman Catholicism. The marriage of Henry’s daughter, Margaret, to
James IV of Scotland would also have later repercussions, as the marriage
connected the royal families of both England and Scotland, leading the Stuarts
to the throne after the extinction of the Tudor dynasty. Henry encouraged trade
and commerce by subsidizing ship building and entering into lucrative trade
agreements, thereby increasing the wealth of both crown and nation.
Henry failed to appeal to the general populace: he
maintained a distance between king and subject. He brought the nobility to heel
out of necessity to transform the medieval government that he inherited into an
efficient tool for conducting royal business. Law and trade replaced feudal
obligation as the Middle Ages began evolving into the modern world. Francis
Bacon, in his history of Henry VII, described the king as such: "He was of
a high mind, and loved his own will and his own way; as one that revered
himself, and would reign indeed. Had he been a private man he would have been
termed proud: But in a wise Prince, it was but keeping of distance; which
indeed he did towards all; not admitting any near or full approach either to
his power or to his secrets. For he was governed by none."
30-10-1485 |
King |
van Elizabeth en Henry VII:
1 Roland (Roland) de Velville
2 Margaret (Margaret) Tudor, geboren op
zaterdag 28 november 1489 in Westminster Palace, London. Volgt
3 Mary (Mary) Tudor, geboren op
woensdag 18 maart 1495 in Richmond Palace. Volgt
Margaret (Margaret) Tudor is geboren op zaterdag 28 november 1489 in Westminster
Palace, London, dochter van Henry VII (Henry VII) Tudor en Elizabeth
(Elizabeth) Plantagenet (zie
Margaret is overleden op dinsdag 18 oktober 1541 in Methven Castle, 51 jaar
oud. Margaret:
trouwde, 13 jaar oud, op vrijdag 8 september 1503 in Holyrood Abbey, Edinburgh,
Scotland met James (James) Stuart, 31 jaar
oud. James is geboren op dinsdag 17 maart 1472. James is overleden op vrijdag 9
september 1513 in Flodden, 41 jaar oud.
trouwde, 24 jaar oud, op vrijdag 4 augustus 1514 in Kinnoull met Archibald (Archibald) Douglas, 24 of 25 jaar oud.
Archibald is geboren in 1489 in Scotland. Archibald is overleden in 1557, 67 of
68 jaar oud.
trouwde, 37 jaar oud, op zondag 3 maart 1527 met Henry
(Henry) Stuart. Henry is overleden in 1552.
Mary (Mary) Tudor
is geboren op woensdag 18 maart 1495 in Richmond Palace, dochter van Henry VII
(Henry VII) Tudor en Elizabeth (Elizabeth) Plantagenet (zie Mary is
overleden op woensdag 25 juni 1533 in Westhorpe, Suffolk, 38 jaar oud. Zij is
begraven in St Mary’s Church, Bury St Edmunds, Suffolk.
of England |
trouwde, ongeveer 19 jaar oud, omstreeks 1514 in Abbeville Cathedral, France
met Louis XII (Louis) de Valois, ongeveer 52
jaar oud. Louis is geboren op zondag 27 juni 1462 in Blois. Louis is overleden
op zondag 1 januari 1514 in Palais de Tournelles, Paris, 51 jaar oud. Hij is
begraven in St Denis, Paris.
trouwde, 19 of 20 jaar oud, in 1515 in Paris met Charles
(Charles) Brandon, 30 of 31 jaar oud. Charles is geboren in 1484.
Charles is overleden op zaterdag 22 augustus 1545 in Guildford Palace, Surrey,
60 of 61 jaar oud. Hij is begraven in St George’s Chapel, Windsor. Charles
trouwde voorheen na 1504 met Margaret (Margaret) Neville (1466-1527), zie
Duke of Suffolk |
Cicely (Cicely) Plantagenet is geboren op zondag 20 maart 1468 in Westminster
Palace, London, dochter van Edward IV (Erdward IV) Plantagenet (zie en Elizabeth
(Elizabeth) Wydeville. Cicely is overleden op dinsdag 24 augustus 1507 in Quar
Abbey, Isle of Wight, 39 jaar oud. Cicely:
trouwde, 18 of 19 jaar oud, in 1487 met John (John)
Welles. John is overleden op vrijdag 9 februari 1498 in Londen.
trouwde, 34 of 35 jaar oud, in 1503 met Thomas
(Thomas) Kymbe.
Anne (Anne) Plantagenet is geboren op donderdag 2 november 1475 in Westminster
Palace, London, dochter van Edward IV (Erdward IV) Plantagenet (zie en Elizabeth
(Elizabeth) Wydeville. Anne is overleden op zondag 23 november 1511, 36 jaar
oud. Zij is begraven in Framlingham Church, Suffolk. Anne:
begon een relatie met Philip I ’’The Handsome"
Habsburg. Philip is geboren in 1478 in Brugge. Philip is overleden in
1506, 27 of 28 jaar oud.
trouwde, 18 jaar oud, op dinsdag 4 februari 1494 in Greenwich met Thomas (Thomas) Howard, 20 of 21 jaar oud. Thomas
is geboren in 1473 in Kenninghall, Norfolk. Thomas is overleden op zaterdag 25
augustus 1554 in Kenninghall, Norfolk, 80 of 81 jaar oud.
Duke of Norfolk |
Catherine (Catherine) Plantagenet is geboren op zaterdag 14 augustus 1479 in
Eltham Palace, Kent, dochter van Edward IV (Erdward IV) Plantagenet (zie en Elizabeth
(Elizabeth) Wydeville. Catherine is overleden op vrijdag 15 november 1527 in
Tiverton Castle, Devon, 48 jaar oud. Zij is begraven in Tiverton Church, Devon.
Catherine trouwde, 15 of 16 jaar oud, in 1495 met William
(Sir) (William) Courtenay, 19 of 20 jaar oud. William is geboren in
1475. William is overleden in 1511, 35 of 36 jaar oud.
of Devon |
van Catherine en William:
1 Henry (Henry) Courtenay
[], geboren in 1496. Henry is overleden op woensdag
9 januari 1538, 41 of 42 jaar oud (oorzaak: Beheaded).
2 Edward (Edward) Courtenay
[], geboren in 1497. Edward is overleden op woensdag
9 januari 1538, 40 of 41 jaar oud (oorzaak: Beheaded).
3 Margaret (Margaret) Courtenay
[], geboren in 1499. Margaret is overleden in 1519,
19 of 20 jaar oud.
Elizabeth (Elizabeth) Plantagenet is geboren op woensdag 22 april 1444 in
Rouen, Normandy, dochter van Richard (Richard) Plantagenet en Cecily (Cecily)
Neville (zie
Elizabeth is overleden omstreeks 1503 in Wingfield, Suffolk, ongeveer 59 jaar
oud. Zij is begraven in Wingfield, Suffolk. Elizabeth trouwde, 15 of 16 jaar
oud, in 1460 met John (John) de la Pole, 17
of 18 jaar oud. John is geboren in 1442. John is overleden in 1491, 48 of 49
jaar oud.
Duke of Suffolk |
George (Sir) (George) Plantagenet is geboren op dinsdag 21 oktober 1449 in
Dublin, Ireland, zoon van Richard (Richard) Plantagenet en Cecily (Cecily)
Neville (zie
George is overleden op dinsdag 18 februari 1477 in Tower of London, London, 27
jaar oud (oorzaak: Murdered). Hij is begraven in Tewkesbury Abbey, Gloucester.
of Clarence |
of the Garter |
of Warwick |
trouwde, 19 jaar oud, op dinsdag 11 juli 1469 in Bath, Somerset met Isabel (Isabel) Neville, 17 jaar oud. Zie voor
persoonsgegevens van Isabel.
van George en Isabel: zie
Richard III (Croughback) (Richard) Plantagenet is geboren op
maandag 2 oktober 1452 in Fotheringhay, Northampton, zoon van Richard (Richard)
Plantagenet en Cecily (Cecily) Neville (zie Richard is
overleden op maandag 22 augustus 1485 in Bosworth Field, Leicestershire, 32
jaar oud (oorzaak: Battle of Bosworth). Hij is begraven in Grey Friars,
Notitie bij Richard: Richard III, the eleventh child of Richard, Duke of York, and
Cecily Neville, was born in 1452. He was created third Duke of Gloucester at
the coronation of his brother, Edward IV. Richard had three children: one each
of an illegitimate son and daughter, and one son by his first wife, Anne
Neville, widow of Henry IV’s son Edward.
Richard’s reign gained an importance out of proportion to
its length. He was the last of the Plantagenet dynasty, which had ruled England
since 1154; he was the last English king to die on the battlefield; his death
in 1485 is generally accepted between the medieval and modern ages in England;
and he is credited with the responsibility for several murders: Henry VI , Henry’s
son Edward, his brother Clarence, and his nephews Edward and Richard.
Richard’s power was immense, and upon the death of Edward
IV , he positioned himself to seize the throne from the young Edward V . He
feared a continuance of internal feuding should Edward V, under the influence
of his mother’s Woodville relatives, remain on the throne (most of this feared
conflict would have undoubtedly come from Richard). The old nobility, also
fearful of a strengthened Woodville clan, assembled and declared the succession
of Edward V as illegal, due to weak evidence suggesting that Edward IV’s
marriage to Elizabeth Woodville was bigamous, thereby rendering his sons
illegitimate and ineligible as heirs to the crown. Edward V and his younger
brother, Richard of York, were imprisoned in the Tower of London, never to
again emerge alive. Richard of Gloucester was crowned Richard III on July 6,
Four months into his reign he crushed a rebellion led by his
former assistant Henry Stafford, Duke of Buckingham, who sought the
installation of Henry Tudor , a diluted Lancaster, to the throne. The rebellion
was crushed, but Tudor gathered troops and attacked Richard’s forces on August
22, 1485, at the battle of Bosworth Field. The last major battle of the Wars of
the Roses, Bosworth Field became the death place of Richard III. Historians
have been noticeably unkind to Richard, based on purely circumstantial
evidence; Shakespeare portrays him as a complete monster in his play, Richard
III. One thing is for certain, however: Richard’s defeat and the cessation of
the Wars of the Roses allowed the stability England required to heal,
consolidate, and push into the modern era.
of Gloucester |
1483 tot 1485 |
of England |
trouwde, 19 jaar oud, op zondag 12 juli 1472 in Westminster Abbey, London met Anne (Anne) Neville, 16 jaar oud. Zie voor
persoonsgegevens van Anne.
van Richard en Anne: zie
Maud (Maud) Neville
is geboren omstreeks 1367 in Raby With keverstone, Durham, dochter van John
(Sir) (John) Neville (zie en
Maud (Maud) de Percy.
Notitie bij Maud: Burke zegt dat Maud getrouwd was (1355) met William le Scrope
1325-1367. Dit is niet waarschijnlijk.
trouwde met William (Sir) (William) le Scrope.
John (John) Neville
is geboren omstreeks 1370, zoon van John (Sir) (John) Neville (zie en Maud (Maud) de Percy.
John is overleden omstreeks 1430, ongeveer 60 jaar oud.
Latimer |
trouwde, ongeveer 30 jaar oud, omstreeks 1400 met Anne
(Anne) Holland, ongeveer 25 jaar oud. Anne is geboren omstreeks 1375, dochter
van Thomas (Thomas) Holland en Alice (Alice) Fitzalan.
Elizabeth (Elizabeth) Neville is geboren na 1381, dochter van John (Sir)
(John) Neville (zie en
Elizabeth (Elizabeth) Latimer. Elizabeth trouwde met Thomas (Sir) (Thomas) Willoughby.
John (John) Neville
is geboren in 1382, zoon van John (Sir) (John) Neville (zie en Elizabeth (Elizabeth)
Latimer. John is overleden op zondag 10 december 1430, 47 of 48 jaar oud.
Lord (Baron) Latimer |
trouwde, 23 of 24 jaar oud, op zaterdag 24 juli 1406 met Maud (Maud) de Clifford. Het huwelijk werd
ontbonden omstreeks 1414 (his impotence). Maud is een dochter van Thomas
(Thomas) de Clifford. Maud is overleden op vrijdag 26 augustus 1446.
Catherine (Catherine) Neville is geboren omstreeks 1330 in Raby, Durham,
dochter van Ralph (Ralph) Neville en Alice (Alice) de Audley (zie Catherine is overleden
vóór woensdag 1 september 1361, ten hoogste 31 jaar oud. Catherine trouwde met Dacre.
Eupheme (Eupheme) Neville is geboren omstreeks 1334 in Raby, Durham, dochter van
Ralph (Ralph) Neville en Alice (Alice) de Audley (zie Eupheme is overleden in
oktober 1393, ongeveer 59 jaar oud. Eupheme:
trouwde, ongeveer 9 jaar oud, op dinsdag 1 april 1343 met Robert (Robert) de Clifford. Robert is overleden
vóór 1354.
Lord (Baron) Clifford |
trouwde, minstens 10 jaar oud, na 1344 met Reynold
(Reynold) Lucy.
trouwde, minstens 11 jaar oud, na 1345 met Walter
(Sir) (Walter) de Heselarton.
Thomas (Thomas) Neville is geboren omstreeks 1335 in Raby, Durham, zoon van
Ralph (Ralph) Neville en Alice (Alice) de Audley (zie Thomas trouwde met Margaret (Margaret) Babington.
van Thomas en Margaret:
1 Jane (Jane) Neville
Eleanor (Eleanor) Neville is geboren omstreeks 1340 in Raby With Keverstone,
Staindrop, Durham, dochter van Ralph (Ralph) Neville en Alice (Alice) de Audley
Eleanor trouwde, ongeveer 20 jaar oud, in 1360 in Raby, Durham met Geoffrey (Sir) (Geoffrey) le Scrope, ongeveer 30
jaar oud. Geoffrey is geboren omstreeks 1330 in Arnwick, Yorkshire, zoon van
Henry (Henry) le Scrope en Joan (Joan). Geoffrey is overleden in 1362 in
Piskre, Lithuania, ongeveer 32 jaar oud (oorzaak: Killed at the Siege of the
Castle of Piskre).
Margaret (Margaret) Neville is geboren op maandag 12 februari 1341 in Raby,
Durham, dochter van Ralph (Ralph) Neville en Alice (Alice) de Audley (zie Margaret is overleden op
woensdag 12 mei 1372, 31 jaar oud. Margaret:
trouwde, ten hoogste 11 jaar oud, vóór 1352 met William
(William) de Ros, ten hoogste 26 jaar oud. William is geboren in 1326.
William is overleden in 1352, 25 of 26 jaar oud.
Lord |
trouwde, 17 jaar oud, op maandag 2 juli 1358 met Henry
(Henry) de Percy, 16 jaar oud. Henry is geboren op zaterdag 10 november
1341. Henry is overleden op zondag 19 februari 1408, 66 jaar oud.
Percy |
1377 |
of Northumberland |
Isabel (Isabel) Neville is geboren omstreeks 1344 in Raby, Durham, dochter van
Ralph (Ralph) Neville en Alice (Alice) de Audley (zie Isabel begon een relatie
met Hugh (Hugh) FitzHenry. Hugh is overleden
op maandag 21 september 1349.
William (William) de Stanleigh is geboren in 1177 in Heleigh Castle, Audley,
Staffordshire, zoon van Adam (Sir) (Adam) de Audley / Aldithley en Emma (Emma)
FitzOrme (zie 1.2.2). William is
overleden na 1248, minstens 71 jaar oud.
Notitie bij William: De gehele Stanley tak is in april 2006 aangevuld door Lloyd
van William uit onbekende relatie:
1 Walter (Walter) de Stanleigh, geboren in 1215
in Staffordshire, England. Volgt
Walter (Walter) de Stanleigh is geboren in 1215 in Staffordshire,
England, zoon van William (William) de Stanleigh (zie Walter is overleden in 1285 in
Staffordshire, England, 69 of 70 jaar oud.
van Walter uit onbekende relatie:
1 William (William) de Stanley, geboren omstreeks
1258 in Standleigh, Staffordshire, England. Volgt
William (William) de Stanley is geboren omstreeks 1258 in Standleigh,
Staffordshire, England, zoon van Walter (Walter) de Stanleigh (zie William is overleden omstreeks
1326 in England, ongeveer 68 jaar oud. William trouwde, ongeveer 24 jaar oud,
op zondag 27 september 1282 in Astbury Church, England met Joan (Joan) de Baumville, ongeveer 21 jaar oud.
Joan is geboren omstreeks 1261 in England, dochter van Philip (Philip) de
Baumville en Agnes (Agnes) de Stourton. Joan is overleden omstreeks 1326 in
England, ongeveer 65 jaar oud.
van William en Joan:
1 John (John) de Stanley, geboren omstreeks
1292 in Hooton, Cheshire, England. Volgt
John (John) de Stanley is geboren omstreeks 1292 in Hooton, Cheshire,
England, zoon van William (William) de Stanley (zie en Joan (Joan) de Baumville.
John is overleden vóór 1362 in England, ten hoogste 70 jaar oud. John trouwde,
ongeveer 19 jaar oud, omstreeks 1311 in Stourton, Cheshire, England met Mabella (Mabella) Hauket.
van John en Mabella:
1 William (William) de Stanley, geboren in 1311. Volgt
William (William) de Stanley is geboren in 1311, zoon van John (John)
de Stanley (zie en
Mabella (Mabella) Hauket.
Sir |
begon een relatie met Cecily (Cecily) Congleton.
Cecily is geboren omstreeks 1314.
van William en Cecily:
1 John (John) de Stanley, geboren in 1340. Volgt
John (John) de Stanley is geboren in 1340, zoon van William (William) de
Stanley (zie en
Cecily (Cecily) Congleton.
Sir |
Lord |
begon een relatie met Isabel (Isabel) Lathom.
Isabel is geboren omstreeks 1364, dochter van Thomas (Thomas) de Latham en
Isabella (Isabella) Pilkington.
van John en Isabel:
1 John (John) de Stanley, geboren in 1386
in Lathom, Lancashire, Englang. Volgt
John (John) de Stanley is geboren in 1386 in Lathom, Lancashire, Englang,
zoon van John (John) de Stanley (zie en Isabel (Isabel)
Lathom. John is overleden op woensdag 27 november 1437 in Anslesey, Wales, 50
of 51 jaar oud.
Lord |
trouwde, ongeveer 18 jaar oud, omstreeks 1404 in Hornby, Lancashire, England
met Isobel (Isobel) de Harrington, ongeveer
16 jaar oud. Isobel is geboren in 1388 in Hornby, Lancashire, England, dochter
van Robert (Robert) de Haverington en Isabel (Isabel) Loring. Isobel is
overleden in Anslesey, Wales.
van John en Isobel:
1 Thomas (Thomas) de Stanley, geboren omstreeks
1405 in Lathom, Lancashire, Englang. Volgt
Thomas (Thomas) de Stanley is geboren omstreeks 1405 in Lathom, Lancashire,
Englang, zoon van John (John) de Stanley (zie en Isobel (Isobel) de
Harrington. Thomas is overleden in 1458 in Lathom, Lancashire, Englang,
ongeveer 53 jaar oud. Thomas trouwde, ongeveer 22 jaar oud, in 1427 in England
met Joan (Joan) Goushill, ongeveer 18 jaar
oud. Joan is geboren omstreeks 1409 in Hoveringham, Nottingham, England,
dochter van Robert (Sir) (Robert (Sir)) Gousell (Goushill) en Elizabeth (Lady)
(Elizabeth) Fitzalan. Joan is overleden na 1459, minstens 50 jaar oud.
van Thomas en Joan:
1 Thomas (Thomas) Stanley, geboren omstreeks
1435 in Lathom, Lancashire, Englang. Volgt
Thomas (Thomas) Stanley is geboren omstreeks 1435 in Lathom, Lancashire,
Englang, zoon van Thomas (Thomas) de Stanley (zie en Joan (Joan)
Goushill. Thomas is overleden op maandag 29 juli 1504 in Lathom, Lancashire,
Englang, ongeveer 69 jaar oud.
Notitie bij Thomas: From Wikipedia
Thomas Stanley, 1st Earl of Derby (1435 - July 29, 1504),
an English nobleman, inherited his father’s titles, including that of king of
the Isle of Man, in 1459. Stanley was a shrewd man, who managed to remain in
favour with successive kings throughout the Wars of the Roses, right up until
his death in 1504. His marriage to Eleanor, sister of Richard Neville, Earl of
Warwick, did him no harm, even after Warwick was toppled from power, and he
proceeded to take as his second wife Margaret Beaufort, whose son, Henry Tudor,
was the leading Lancastrian claimant to the throne.
Richard III of England unwisely continued to trust Thomas
Stanley and his brother, William, even after he had briefly imprisoned Thomas
in 1483 on suspicion of conspiracy. At the Battle of Bosworth Field, the
Stanleys betrayed him, coming in on the side of the Lancastrians at a crucial
moment. It is Thomas who is alleged to have retrieved Richard’s lost crown from
the battlefield and placed it on the head of his own stepson. In gratitude, he
was created Earl of Derby on October 27, 1485, and never looked back. His
brother, William, did not fare so well. In 1495, William made the mistake of
supporting the pretender Perkin Warbeck, and was executed for treason.
Descendents of Thomas Stanley and Eleanor (or Alainor)
Neville included George Stanley, Edward Stanley, and James Stanley, all of whom
were also descended from the same Beauforts and John of Gaunt as the step-son
who became Henry Tudor.
Earl of Derby |
trouwde, ten hoogste 47 jaar oud, vóór 1482 met Eleanor
(Eleanor) Neville. Zie voor
persoonsgegevens van Eleanor.
trouwde, minstens 47 jaar oud, na 1482 met Margaret
(Margaret) Beaufort, minstens 39 jaar oud. Margaret is geboren op
vrijdag 31 mei 1443, dochter van John (John) Beaufort en Margaret (Margaret) de
Beauchamp. Margaret is overleden op vrijdag 29 juni 1509, 66 jaar oud. Margaret
is weduwe van Edmund (Edmund) Tudor (ovl. 1456). Margaret trouwde voorheen met
Henry (Sir) (Henry) Stafford.
Notitie bij Margaret: From Wikipedia
Margaret Beaufort (May 31, 1443 – June 29, 1509) was the
daughter of John Beaufort, 1st Duke of Somerset, granddaughter of John
Beaufort, 1st Earl of Somerset and great-granddaughter of John of Gaunt and his
mistress Katherine Swynford; following Gaunt’s marriage to Katherine, their
children (the Beauforts) were legitimized, but their descendants were barred
from ever inheriting the throne, though Edward IV of England and every monarch
after him is descended from Gaunt and Swynford.
Edward and his younger brother Richard III of England were
sons of Cecily Neville, grandsons to Joan Beaufort, great-grandsons to John of
Gaunt and Katherine Swynford.
Margaret married four times, but had only one child, Henry
VII of England. The effect of Henry’s birth on her 13-year-old body rendered
her infertile for life.
Margaret’s first marriage, to John de la Pole, took place
in 1450, when she was still a child, but was annulled after a short time. Her
second cousin Henry VI had as yet no children, and considered naming her his
heir. He married her to his half-brother, Edmund Tudor, Earl of Richmond. Edmund
was the eldest son of the king’s mother, dowager Queen Catherine (the widow of
Henry V) by her second marriage to a Welsh squire in her household, Owain ap
Maredudd ap Tudur (Owen Tudor); the legality of this marriage was questioned by
others later, but it appears to have been valid. Thus, in one of the great
ironies of history, Margaret’s son Henry, the Lancastrian claimant to the
throne at the end of the Wars of the Roses — the one who won it all and united
the two houses by marrying the Yorkist princess Elizabeth of York — had plenty
of royal blood but no legal claim to the throne; in fact, were it not for the
Salic Law barring women from inheriting the French throne, he would have had a
greater claim to the throne of France than to that of England. In addition, as
Henry derived his claim to the throne from Margaret, it is arguably she and not
her son who should have claimed the crown, although Margaret was content to let
Henry reign instead of her.
Lady Margaret was thirteen and pregnant when Edmund died.
She soon married her third husband, Sir Henry Stafford,
son of the 1st Duke of Buckingham. Following his death in 1471, she took a vow
of chastity, but this did not prevent her from marrying Thomas, Lord Stanley,
some time between 1473 and 1482. Stanley, who had switched sides during the
Wars of the Roses (this was due to Richard III holding his eldest son Lord
Strange, captive). However, at the end of the Battle of Bosworth Field in 1485,
it was Stanley who placed the crown on Henry VII’s head. Stanley was later made
Earl of Derby, which made Margaret Countess of Derby, but she was styled
"The Countess of Richmond and Derby". She was known for her education
and her piety, and her son is said to have been devoted to her.
Once her son Henry became king, she was the mother of the
reigning King but had never been Queen Consort, so she could not claim the
title of Queen Mother; instead she was referred to in court as My Lady the
King’s Mother.
In 1502 she established the Lady Margaret’s Professorship
of Divinity at the University of Cambridge.
Following the death of her third husband and the accession
of her son Henry VII to the throne, she refounded and enlarged God’s House as
Christ’s College, Cambridge with a royal charter from the King. She has been
honoured ever since as the Foundress of the College. Her signature can be found
on one of the buildings (4 staircase, 1994) within the College.
Her portrait, at prayer in her richly furnished private
closet behind her chamber, is a rare contemporary glimpse into a late Gothic
aristocratic English interior. It rewards a close look. The severe black of her
widow’s weeds contrasts with the splendour of her private apartment, where
every surface is patterned, even the floor alternating cream-colored and
terracotta tiles. The plain desk at which she kneels is draped with a richly
patterned textile that is so densely encrusted with embroidery that its corners
stand away stiffly. Her lavishly illuminated Book of Hours is open on a richly
worked pillow before her. The walls are patterned with oak leaf designs,
perhaps in lozenges, perhaps of stamped and part gilded leather. Against it
hangs the dosser of her canopy of estate, with the tester above her head (the Tudor
rose at its center) supported on cords from the ceiling. The coats-of-arms
woven into the tapestry are of England (parted as usual with France) and the
portcullis badge of the Beauforts, which the early Tudor kings would use. Small
stained glass roundels in the leaded glass of her lancet windows also carry
both England (cropped away here) and Beaufort.
Lady Margaret Hall, the first women’s college at the
University of Oxford, was named in honour of Margaret Beaufort.
van Thomas en Eleanor: zie
Alina (Alina) FitzOrme is geboren in 1168 in Darlaston, dochter van Robert
(Robert) FitzOrme (zie 1.2) en Letice (Letice)
de Montgomery. Alina trouwde met Ingenulphus
(Ingenulphus) de Gresley. Ingenulphus is geboren in 1164 in Darlaston,
Knight |
van Alina en Ingenulphus:
1 Robert (Robert) de Gresley [].
2 Dionysia (Dionysia) de Gresley. Volgt
3 Albert II (Albert II) de Gresley [].
4 Hawise (Hawise) de Gresley, geboren in 1173
in Darlaston, staffordshire. Volgt
5 Petronilla (Petronilla) de Gresley, geboren in 1199. Volgt
Dionysia (Dionysia) de Gresley, dochter van Ingenulphus (Ingenulphus) de
Gresley en Alina (Alina) FitzOrme (zie 1.2.3). Dionysia begon een relatie met Stephen (Stephen) de Wyverstone.
van Dionysia en Stephen:
1 Henry (Henry) de Wyverstone [].
2 Felicia (Felicia) de Wyverstone. Volgt
Felicia (Felicia) de Wyverstone, dochter van Stephen (Stephen) de
Wyverstone en Dionysia (Dionysia) de Gresley (zie Felicia:
begon een relatie met Robert (Robert) de
begon een relatie met Thomas (Thomas) de Leighton.
van Felicia en Robert:
1 Richard (Richard) de Wellesborne [].
Hawise (Hawise) de Gresley is geboren in 1173 in Darlaston, staffordshire,
dochter van Ingenulphus (Ingenulphus) de Gresley en Alina (Alina) FitzOrme (zie
1.2.3). Hawise is overleden vóór 1226, ten
hoogste 53 jaar oud.
Nether-Biddulph |
trouwde, 24 of 25 jaar oud, in 1198 in Staffordshire met Henry (Henry) de Verdon, 28 of 29 jaar oud. Henry is
geboren in 1169 in Levedale, Staffordshire. Henry is overleden in 1250, 80 of
81 jaar oud.
van Hawise en Henry:
1 Henry II (Henry II) de Verdon, geboren in 1199
in Darlaston, staffordshire. Volgt
2 Hawise (Hawise) de Verdon [],
geboren in 1201 in Darlaston, staffordshire.
Henry II (Henry II) de Verdon is geboren in 1199 in Darlaston,
staffordshire, zoon van Henry (Henry) de Verdon en Hawise (Hawise) de Gresley
(zie Henry II
is overleden vóór 1264, ten hoogste 65 jaar oud.
van Henry II uit onbekende relatie:
1 Henry III (Henry III) de Verdon, geboren in 1229
in Darlaston, staffordshire. Volgt
2 Alexander (Alexander) de Verdon [],
geboren in 1231 in Darlaston, staffordshire.
Henry III (Henry III) de Verdon is geboren in 1229 in Darlaston,
staffordshire, zoon van Henry II (Henry II) de Verdon (zie Henry III is overleden vóór
zaterdag 12 november 1272, ten hoogste 43 jaar oud. Henry III trouwde, 28 of 29
jaar oud, in 1258 in Staffordshire met Amice
(Amice) de Pulesdon, 24 of 25 jaar oud. Amice is geboren in 1233 in
van Henry III en Amice:
1 Henry IV (Henry IV) de Verdon, geboren in 1259
in Darlaston, staffordshire. Volgt
Henry IV (Henry IV) de Verdon is geboren in 1259 in Darlaston,
staffordshire, zoon van Henry III (Henry III) de Verdon (zie en Amice (Amice) de Pulesdon.
Henry IV is overleden vóór 1334, ten hoogste 75 jaar oud. Henry IV trouwde, 28
of 29 jaar oud, in 1288 met nb (nb) Standon/
Staundon, 24 of 25 jaar oud. nb is geboren in 1263 in Darlaston,
van Henry IV en nb:
1 Vivian (Vivian) de Verdon, geboren in 1289
in Darlaston, staffordshire. Volgt
Vivian (Vivian) de Verdon is geboren in 1289 in Darlaston, staffordshire, zoon
van Henry IV (Henry IV) de Verdon (zie en nb (nb) Standon/
Staundon. Vivian is overleden vóór 1342, ten hoogste 53 jaar oud. Vivian
trouwde, 21 of 22 jaar oud, in 1311 met Joan (Joan)
de Toke, 17 of 18 jaar oud. Joan is geboren in 1293 in Staffordshire.
van Vivian en Joan:
1 John (John) de Verdon, geboren in 1314
in Biddulph, Staffordshire. Volgt
John (John) de Verdon
is geboren in 1314 in Biddulph, Staffordshire, zoon van Vivian (Vivian) de
Verdon (zie en
Joan (Joan) de Toke. John is overleden in 1388, 73 of 74 jaar oud. John
trouwde, 25 of 26 jaar oud, in 1340 met Eva (Eva)
NB, 21 of 22 jaar oud. Eva is geboren in 1318 in Biddulph,
van John en Eva:
1 Joan (Joan) de Verdon
[], geboren in 1340 in Biddulph, Staffordshire. Joan is
overleden na 1383, minstens 43 jaar oud.
2 Ermantrude (Remantrude) de Verdon
[], geboren in 1342 in Biddulph, Staffordshire. Remantrude
is overleden na 1383, minstens 41 jaar oud.
Petronilla (Petronilla) de Gresley is geboren in 1199, dochter van
Ingenulphus (Ingenulphus) de Gresley en Alina (Alina) FitzOrme (zie 1.2.3). Petronilla:
trouwde met Henry (Sir) (Henry) de Audley /
Aldithley. Zie voor
persoonsgegevens van Henry.
begon een relatie met Robert (Robert) de Sugenhall.
van Petronilla en Henry: zie
Edward (Edward) Biddulph is geboren vóór 1100, zoon van Ormus (Ormus) le Guidon
(zie 1) en nb (nb) de
Beauchamp. Edward is overleden vóór 1180.
Notitie bij Edward: AKA Edward FitzOrme or Edward de Bidulfe
van Edward uit onbekende relatie:
1 Randall (Randall) Biddulph [1.3.1].
2 Roger (Sir) (Roger) Biddulph, geboren omstreeks
1203 in Biddulph, Staffordshire, England. Volgt 1.3.2.
Roger (Sir) (Roger) Biddulph is geboren omstreeks 1203 in Biddulph,
Staffordshire, England, zoon van Edward (Edward) Biddulph (zie 1.3). Roger is overleden na 1225, minstens
22 jaar oud.
van Roger uit onbekende relatie:
1 Thomas (Thomas) Biddulph, geboren vóór 1252
in Over Biddulph, Staffordshire. Volgt
Thomas (Thomas) Biddulph is geboren vóór 1252 in Over Biddulph, Staffordshire,
zoon van Roger (Sir) (Roger) Biddulph (zie 1.3.2).
van Thomas uit onbekende relatie:
1 Henrey (Henrey) Biddulph, geboren in 1278
in Over Biddulph, Staffordshire. Volgt
Henrey (Henrey) Biddulph is geboren in 1278 in Over Biddulph, Staffordshire,
zoon van Thomas (Thomas) Biddulph (zie
van Henrey uit onbekende relatie:
1 Thomas (Thomas) Biddulph, geboren in 1309
in Biddulph, Staffordshire. Volgt
Thomas (Thomas) Biddulph is geboren in 1309 in Biddulph, Staffordshire, zoon
van Henrey (Henrey) Biddulph (zie
van Thomas uit onbekende relatie:
1 William (William) Biddulph [].
2 Roger (Roger) Biddulph, geboren in 1325
in Biddulph, Staffordshire. Volgt
Roger (Roger) Biddulph is geboren in 1325 in Biddulph, Staffordshire, zoon
van Thomas (Thomas) Biddulph (zie
van Roger uit onbekende relatie:
1 John (John) Biddulph, geboren in 1350
in Biddulph, Staffordshire. Volgt
2 Agnes (Agnes) Biddulph, geboren in 1355. Volgt
John (John) Biddulph
is geboren in 1350 in Biddulph, Staffordshire, zoon van Roger (Roger) Biddulph
van John uit onbekende relatie:
1 Robert (Robert) Biddulph, geboren omstreeks
1325 in Biddulph, Staffordshire. Volgt
Robert (Robert) Biddulph is geboren omstreeks 1325 in Biddulph, Staffordshire,
zoon van John (John) Biddulph (zie Robert trouwde met Cicely (Cicely) de Overton. Zie voor persoonsgegevens van
van Robert en Cicely:
1 Ellen (Ellen) Biddulph. Volgt
2 Robert (Robert) Biddulph, geboren omstreeks
1350 in Biddulph, Staffordshire. Volgt
Ellen (Ellen) Biddulph, dochter van Robert (Robert) Biddulph (zie en Cicely (Cicely) de
Overton (zie
Notitie bij Ellen: The marriage settlement from our ’Family of Edge Notes’.
Vol 3 pages 1105-1106
In 46 Edward 111 (1372-1373) Adam del Egge of Horton
granted to Henry son of Thomas de Chaderly and his heirs, the Church Croft
_____ held of the Manor of Horton and presumably as held by Adam del Egge of
the Manor .In the same ____year Adam del Egge and Henry de Chaderly entered
into an agreement relating to "Ashes" (add.ms 34709). The estate of
Ashes belonged subsquently to theBentleys and passed with an heiress ????of the
Bentleys to the Bellots ?/ of Horton. In 50 Edward 111 (1376) Adam del Egge
granted to John Eaton, parson of "Goreseworth (sp) his heirs and assized
all his messuages, lands and tennants and then _______ and in the same reginal
(sp) year Thomes Eaton granted to Adam del Egge all the messuages, land and
tennants which he had within the Lordship of Horton of the feoffment of the
said Adam to hold to the said Adam for the term of his life, with remainder to
William del Egge, son of said Adam and Ellen, the daughter of Robert Bedulf,
and to the heirs of their bodies begotten forever (Abstract of old writings
concerning Edge’s land, Add ms 34709)
Vol 1 Chapter 7 Page 12
1376-1377 William del Egge married Ellen, dughter of
Robert de Bidulph of Budulph Co. Stafordshire by his wife Cicey (sp)who was the
daughter of Thomas Overton of Overton Co. STaffordshire. ???? the second
daughter of Thomeas of Overton, was named Elene, the old form of Ellen. Robert
Bidulphe, Bidulp and Bydulf was a great grandson of Roger de Bydulf who with
Henry Verdum and Robert de Knypersley held the Manor of Bydulf.
trouwde in 1376 met William (William) del Egge.
Notitie bij het huwelijk van Ellen en
del Egge later became Edge
is een zoon van Adam (Adam) del Egge.
Notitie bij William: Roger del Egge son of William and Ellen
Wife Mary (Margaret) de Rudyard (Rudyerd) daughter of
Richard de Rudyard
Richard del Egge son of Roger and Mary
Wife Alice (surname unknown)
William del Egge son of Richard and Alice
Wife Dowce daughter of Sir John Savage and his second wife
Elene (Helene) Vernon, widow
of James de Haryngton Marriage Settlement 1470
Peter moved to Martin in the Parish of Middle, co. Solop
William went to Derby
John to Milton Green in the Parish of Hanley
Wife Parnel Brereton daughter of John Brereton of
Dieulacres (second son of Sir Andrew
Brereton of Brereton Brereton Cheshire by his wife Agnes,
daughter of Robert Leigh
of Adington.
Richard Edge (changing of spelling occurred about now) son
of Christopher and Parnel
Wife Maud Bowyer, second daughter of Sir William Bowyer of
Knypersley by his wife
Catherine daughter of Sir Andrew Brereton of Brereton
Richard son of Richard and Maud
Wife Katherine Sherratt, daughter of John Sherratt
My line continues with William son of Richard and
Katherine. They were married in the Parish of Staff and seem to have broken
away from the Parish of Horton at this time. Probably because of the number of
son’s and not much future. This part of the family then went to the Parishes of
Bilston and Tipton. My great grandfather moving on to Leicestershire,
Saskatchewan, Canada and my father in turn coming to Oregon. Ruth Gerety
october 2003
van Ellen en William:
1 William (William) del Egge
2 Roger (Roger) del Egge
Robert (Robert) Biddulph is geboren omstreeks 1350 in Biddulph, Staffordshire,
zoon van Robert (Robert) Biddulph (zie en Cicely (Cicely) de
Overton (zie
Robert is overleden in 1389, ongeveer 39 jaar oud.
van Robert uit onbekende relatie:
1 William (William) Biddulph, geboren omstreeks
1375 in Biddulph, Staffordshire. Volgt
William (William) Biddulph is geboren omstreeks 1375 in Biddulph, Staffordshire,
zoon van Robert (Robert) Biddulph (zie William is overleden
in 1403, ongeveer 28 jaar oud. William trouwde met Helena
(Helena) Greenway. Helena is geboren omstreeks 1375 in Biddulph,
Notitie bij Helena: nicht van Richard Greenway
van William en Helena:
1 Richard (Richard) Biddulph, geboren omstreeks
1395 in Biddulph, Staffordshire. Volgt
Richard (Richard) Biddulph is geboren omstreeks 1395 in Biddulph, Staffordshire,
zoon van William (William) Biddulph (zie en Helena (Helena)
Greenway. Richard is overleden in 1416, ongeveer 21 jaar oud.
van Richard uit onbekende relatie:
1 Richard (sir) (Richard) Biddulph, geboren in
Biddulph, Staffordshire, England. Volgt
Richard (sir) (Richard) Biddulph is geboren in Biddulph, Staffordshire,
England, zoon van Richard (Richard) Biddulph (zie Richard begon
een relatie met Margery de Bidulfe.
van Richard uit onbekende relatie:
1 Biddulph. Volgt
2 Richard (sir) (Richard) Biddulph, geboren omstreeks
1484 in Elmhurst. Volgt
zoon van Richard (sir) (Richard) Biddulph (zie Hij is de
biologische vader van het kind van Biddulph.
van Biddulph en Biddulph:
1 Cecily (Cecily) Whitmore. Volgt
Cecily (Cecily) Whitmore, dochter van Biddulph (zie en Biddulph.
Cecily trouwde in 1571 met Symon (Symon) Biddulph,
51 of 52 jaar oud. Zie
voor persoonsgegevens van Symon.
Richard (sir) (Richard) Biddulph is geboren omstreeks 1484 in Elmhurst,
zoon van Richard (sir) (Richard) Biddulph (zie
Knight |
trouwde, ongeveer 20 jaar oud, in 1504 met Petronella
(Petronella) Aston, ongeveer 19 jaar oud. Petronella is geboren
omstreeks 1485 in Biddulph, Staffordshire, England, dochter van Robert (Sir)
(Robert) Aston.
van Richard en Petronella:
1 Symon (Symon) Biddulph, geboren in 1486
in Elmhurst, Staffordshire, England. Volgt
2 John (John) Biddulph
[], geboren in 1505 in Biddulph, Staffordshire,
3 Catherine (Catherine) Biddulph, geboren in 1507
in Biddulph, Staffordshire, England. Volgt
4 Richard (Richard) Biddulph, geboren in 1509
in Biddulph, Staffordshire, England. Volgt
Symon (Symon) Biddulph is geboren in 1486 in Elmhurst, Staffordshire,
England, zoon van Richard (sir) (Richard) Biddulph (zie en Petronella
(Petronella) Aston. Symon is overleden in Elmhurst, Staffordshire, England.
Protestant |
trouwde, 29 of 30 jaar oud, in 1516 in Elmhurst, Staffordshire, England met Joyce (Joyce) Weston, 25 of 26 jaar oud. Joyce is
geboren in 1490 in Elmhurst, Staffordshire, England, dochter van Robert (Sir)
(Robert) Weston. Joyce is overleden in Elmhurst, Staffordshire, England.
van Symon en Joyce:
1 Symon (Symon) Biddulph, geboren in 1519
in Lichfield, Elmhurst. Volgt
Symon (Symon) Biddulph is geboren in 1519 in Lichfield, Elmhurst, zoon van
Symon (Symon) Biddulph (zie
en Joyce (Joyce) Weston. Symon is overleden in 1580 in Biddulph, Staffordshire,
England, 60 of 61 jaar oud. Hij is begraven op woensdag 13 januari 1580 in St
Mary’s Lichfield. Symon:
trouwde, 25 of 26 jaar oud, in 1545 met Margaret
(Margaret) NB, 21 of 22 jaar oud. Margaret is geboren in 1523 in
Biddulph, Staffordshire, England. Margaret is overleden op donderdag 1 december
1569 in Biddulph, Staffordshire, England, 45 of 46 jaar oud.
trouwde, 51 of 52 jaar oud, in 1571 met Cecily
(Cecily) Whitmore. Zie voor
persoonsgegevens van Cecily.
van Symon uit onbekende relatie:
1 Symon (Symon) Biddulph, geboren in 1543
in Lichfield ,Elmhurst, Staffordshire. Volgt
van Symon en Margaret:
2 Margaret (Margaret) Biddulph
[], geboren omstreeks 1552 in Biddulph,
Staffordshire, England. Margaret is overleden in 1584 in Biddulph,
Staffordshire, England, ongeveer 32 jaar oud.
Symon (Symon) Biddulph is geboren in 1543 in Lichfield ,Elmhurst,
Staffordshire, zoon van Symon (Symon) Biddulph (zie Hij is
gedoopt in And, Middlesex. Symon is overleden op dinsdag 26 oktober 1632, 88 of
89 jaar oud. Hij is begraven in Elmhurst, Staffordshire, England. Symon
trouwde, ongeveer 33 jaar oud, omstreeks 1576 in Elmhurst, Staffordshire met Joyce (Joyce) Floyer, ongeveer 22 jaar oud. Joyce
is geboren in 1554 in Uttoxeter, Staffordshire, England, dochter van Richard
(Richard) Floyer. Joyce is overleden in 1634, 79 of 80 jaar oud. Zij is
begraven op zondag 5 februari 1634 in St Michael, Lichfield-Staffordshire, England.
van Symon en Joyce:
1 Michael (Michael) Biddulph, geboren in 1577
in Elmshurst, Staffordshire. Volgt
2 George (George) Biddulph [],
geboren in 1582 in Elmhurst, Staffordshire, England.
3 Anthony (Anthony) Biddulph, geboren in 1584
in Stowe, Staffordshire, England. Volgt
4 John (John) Biddulph
[], geboren in 1586 in Stowe, Staffordshire,
5 Humphrey (Humphrey) Biddulph
[], geboren in 1588 in Stowe, Staffordshire,
6 William (William) Biddulph
[], geboren in 1590 in Stowe.
Michael (Michael) Biddulph is geboren in 1577 in Elmshurst, Staffordshire, zoon
van Symon (Symon) Biddulph (zie en
Joyce (Joyce) Floyer. Michael is overleden op zondag 28 januari 1657, 79 of 80
jaar oud. Hij is begraven op donderdag 1 februari 1657 in St Mary’, Stowe.
Michael trouwde in Elford, Staffordshire met Elizabeth
(Elizabeth) Skeffington. Elizabeth is geboren in 1588 in Fisherwick,
Staffordshire. Elizabeth is overleden op donderdag 30 augustus 1657, 68 of 69
jaar oud. Zij is begraven op zaterdag 1 september 1657 in St Mary’s, Stowe.
Notitie bij Elizabeth: daughter of Sir william Skeffington, 1st Bt of Fisherwick,
van Michael en Elizabeth:
1 Anthony (Anthony) Biddulph
2 John (John) Biddulph
3 Humphrey (Humphrey) Biddulph
4 Elizabeth (Elizabeth) Biddulph
[], geboren in 1605 in Elmhurst,
5 Mary (Mary) Biddulph
[], geboren in 1607 in Elmhurst,
6 Anne (Anne) Biddulph
[], geboren in 1609 in Elmhurst,
7 Michael (Michael) Biddulph
[], geboren op zaterdag 6 november 1610 in
St Chad’s, Lichfield, Staffordshire. Hij is gedoopt op zaterdag 6 november 1610
in Elmhurst, Staffordshire. Michael is overleden in 1666, 55 of 56 jaar oud.
Hij is begraven op woensdag 3 november 1666 in Stow Church, Lichfield,
8 George (George) Biddulph
[], geboren in 1613 in St Chad’s,
Lichfield, Staffordshire. George is overleden in 1663, 49 of 50 jaar oud.
in London |
9 Theophilus (Sir) (Theophilus) Biddulph, geboren in 1615
in Elmhurst, Staffordshire, England. Volgt
10 William (William) Biddulph
[], geboren in 1617 in Elmhurst,
to the English Factory, at Aleppo |
Theophilus (Sir) (Theophilus) Biddulph is geboren in 1615 in Elmhurst,
Staffordshire, England, zoon van Michael (Michael) Biddulph (zie en
Elizabeth (Elizabeth) Skeffington. Hij is gedoopt in Westcombe, Greenwich,
Kent, England. Theophilus is overleden in 1683 in Westcombe, Greenwich, Kent,
England, 67 of 68 jaar oud. Hij is begraven op zondag 11 april 1683 in Stow
Church, Lichfield, Staffordshire.
Notitie bij Theophilus: MP London 1656-59 and Lichfield 1661-1679
02-11-1664 |
Baronet |
trouwde, 25 of 26 jaar oud, op vrijdag 10 mei 1641 in Morden, Surrey, England
met Susanna (Susanna) Highlord, 21 of 22
jaar oud. Susanna is geboren in 1619 in Chariton, dochter van Zachary (Zachary)
Highlord en Frances (Frances) Garth. Zij is gedoopt in Greenwich, Kent,
England. Susanna is overleden in Greenwich, Kent, England, 82 of 83 jaar oud.
Zij is begraven op vrijdag 17 november 1702 in Stow Church, Lichfield,
van Theophilus en Susanna:
1 Elizabeth (Elizabeth) Biddulph, geboren in 1642
in Westcombe Manor, Greenwich, Kent, England. Volgt
2 nb (nb) Biddulph [],
geboren in 1644 in Bedfordshire.
3 Mary (Mary) Biddulph
[], geboren in 1646 in London.
4 Susannah (Susannah) Biddulph
[], geboren in 1646 in Westcombe Manor,
Greenwich, Kent, England. Susannah is overleden op dinsdag 25 augustus 1722, 75
of 76 jaar oud.
5 nb (nb) Biddulph
[], geboren in 1648 in Elmhurst,
6 Rachel (Rachel) Biddulph, geboren in 1648 in
London, England. Volgt
7 nb (nb) Biddulph
[], geboren in 1650 in Elmhurst,
8 Theophilus (Theophilus) Biddulph
[], geboren in 1650 in London, England.
Theophilus is overleden op vrijdag 20 mei 1650 in London, England, geen jaar
9 John (John) Biddulph
[], geboren in 1654 in London.
10 Michael (Sir) (Michael) Biddulph, geboren in 1654
in Elmhurst, Staffordshire, England. Volgt
11 nb (nb) Biddulph [],
geboren in 1656 in Westcombe Manor, Greenwich, Kent, England.
12 nb (nb) Biddulph
[], geboren in 1656 in Westcombe Manor,
Greenwich, Kent.
13 Simon (Simon) Biddulph, geboren in 1660
in Birdingbury, Warwickshire, England. Volgt
Elizabeth (Elizabeth) Biddulph is geboren in 1642 in Westcombe Manor,
Greenwich, Kent, England, dochter van Theophilus (Sir) (Theophilus) Biddulph
en Susanna (Susanna) Highlord. Elizabeth is overleden vóór dinsdag 9 december
1721, ten hoogste 79 jaar oud. Elizabeth trouwde met John (Sir) (John) Napier.
Rachel (Rachel) Biddulph is geboren in 1648 in London, England, dochter van
Theophilus (Sir) (Theophilus) Biddulph (zie en
Susanna (Susanna) Highlord. Rachel trouwde met William
(Sir) (William) Bassett.
Michael (Sir) (Michael) Biddulph is geboren in 1654 in Elmhurst,
Staffordshire, England, zoon van Theophilus (Sir) (Theophilus) Biddulph (zie en
Susanna (Susanna) Highlord. Hij is gedoopt in Westcombe, Kent, England. Michael
is overleden op woensdag 20 april 1718, 63 of 64 jaar oud. Hij is begraven op
zondag 1 mei 1718 in Greenwich, Kent, England.
Baronet |
trouwde, 23 of 24 jaar oud, op zaterdag 31 december 1678 met Henrietta Maria (Henrietta) Whitley, 21 of 22 jaar
oud. Henrietta is geboren in 1656 in St Helen’s, London, Middlesex. Zij is
gedoopt in Also of peels, Cheshire. Henrietta is overleden, 32 of 33 jaar oud.
Zij is begraven op zaterdag 15 oktober 1689 in Westminster Abbey, London,
trouwde, 42 of 43 jaar oud, op donderdag 7 maart 1697 met Elizabeth (Elizabeth) D’Oyley, ongeveer 39 jaar
oud. Elizabeth is geboren omstreeks 1658 in St. Martin’s in the Filed,
Westminster, London, England. Elizabeth is overleden in april 1740 in Sonning,
Berkshire, England, ongeveer 82 jaar oud.
van Michael en Henrietta:
1 Charlotte (Charlotte) Biddulph
[], geboren in 1680 in Elmhurst,
Staffordshire. Zij is gedoopt op dinsdag 1 oktober 1680 in St Helen’s
Bishopsgate, London, Middlesex.
2 Susannah (Susannah) Biddulph
[], geboren omstreeks 1682, dochter
van Jane (Jane) Biddulph (zie
3 Theophilus (Sir) (Theophilus) Biddulph, geboren in 1685
in Elmhurst, Staffordshire. Volgt
van Michael en Elizabeth:
4 Arabella (Arabella) Biddulph
[], geboren omstreeks 1698.
5 Sarah (Sarah) Biddulph
[], geboren omstreeks 1700.
6 Bridget (Bridget) Biddulph
[], geboren omstreeks 1702.
Theophilus (Sir) (Theophilus) Biddulph is geboren in 1685 in Elmhurst, Staffordshire,
zoon van Michael (Sir) (Michael) Biddulph (zie
en Henrietta Maria (Henrietta) Whitley. Theophilus is overleden op donderdag 16
mei 1743, 57 of 58 jaar oud.
Baronet |
trouwde met Carew (Carew) Lyttelton. Carew
is geboren omstreeks 1685 in Frankley, England. Carew is overleden op dinsdag
18 april 1741, ongeveer 56 jaar oud.
Notitie bij Carew: daughter of Sir Charles Lyttelton, 3rd Bt, of Frankley
2a Sir Charles Lyttelton, 3rd Bt, Brig-Gen, Govr: Jamacia
1663, Harwich 1667 and Sheerness 1680; MP Bewdley 1685–87; m 1st Catherine (dsp
26 Jan 1662), widow of Martin Lister and dau of Sir William Fairfax, of
Steeton, Yorks; m 2nd 23 May 1666 Anne (d 22 Aug 1718), dau of Thomas Temple,
of Frankton, and had issue:
1b Charles m Anne (d 25 Dec 1718), dau and heir of Thomas
Saunders, of Beechwood, and widow of Sir Edward Sebright, 3rd Bt (qv), and dvp
16 Aug 1712
2b THOMAS (Sir), 4th Bt
1b Cary; m Sir Theophilus Biddulph, 3rd Bt (qv)
2b Mary; m as his 3rd w William Plowden (see PLOWDEN, B)
3b Anne; m Joseph Amphlett, of Clent, Staffs
Sir CHARLES d 2 May 1716
Simon (Simon) Biddulph is geboren in 1660 in Birdingbury, Warwickshire,
England, zoon van Theophilus (Sir) (Theophilus) Biddulph (zie en
Susanna (Susanna) Highlord. Hij is gedoopt op maandag 27 december 1660 in St
Lawrence Jury, London, England. Simon is overleden op vrijdag 19 oktober 1736
in Birdingbury , Warwickshire, England, 75 of 76 jaar oud. Hij is begraven in
Birdingbury , Warwickshire, England. Simon trouwde, 29 of 30 jaar oud, in 1690
met Jane (Jane) Birch, ongeveer 26 jaar oud.
Jane is geboren omstreeks 1664 in Leacroft, Staffordshire, dochter van Edward
(Edward) Birch en Anne (Anne) Lane. Zij is gedoopt in Cannock, Staffordshire.
Jane is overleden in 1755 in Birdingbury , Warwickshire, England, ongeveer 91
jaar oud. Zij is begraven op vrijdag 15 augustus 1755 in Birdingbury,
Warwickshire, England.
van Simon en Jane:
1 Theophilus (Theophilus) Biddulph
[], geboren in 1685 in Birdingbury ,
Warwickshire, England. Hij is gedoopt op zaterdag 9 juni 1685 in Frankton,
Warwickshire. Theophilus is overleden, 17 of 18 jaar oud. Hij is begraven op
woensdag 7 november 1703 in Birdingbury, Warwickshire.
2 Edward (Edward) Biddulph, geboren op zondag
20 oktober 1686 in Birdingbury, Warwickshire, England. Volgt
3 John (John) Biddulph, geboren omstreeks
1687 in Birdingbury, Warwickshire. Volgt
4 Elizabeth (Elizabeth) Biddulph
[], geboren omstreeks 1688 in
Birdingbury , Warwickshire, England.
5 Thomas (Thomas) Biddulph
[], geboren in 1689 in Birdingbury ,
Warwickshire, England. Hij is gedoopt op dinsdag 9 augustus 1689 in
Birdingbury, Warwickshire, England. Thomas is overleden op dinsdag 16 augustus
1689 in Birdingbury , Warwickshire, England, geen jaar oud. Hij is begraven op
dinsdag 16 augustus 1689 in Birdingbury, Warwickshire, England.
6 Mary (Mary) Biddulph
[], geboren omstreeks 1690 in
Birdingbury, Warwickshire, England. Zij is gedoopt omstreeks 1690 in
Birdingbury, Warwickshire, England. Mary is overleden na 1733 in Birdingbury,
Warwickshire, England, minstens 43 jaar oud.
7 Susanna (Susanna) Biddulph, geboren in 1690
in Birdingbury , Warwickshire, England. Volgt
8 William (William) Biddulph
[], geboren in 1691 in Birdingbury ,
Warwickshire, England. Hij is gedoopt in 1691 in Birdingbury, Warwickshire,
England. William is overleden, geen jaar oud. Hij is begraven op donderdag 1
februari 1691 in Birdingbury, Warwickshire, England.
9 Michael (Michael) Biddulph, geboren in 1693
in Lichfield ,Elmhurst, Staffordshire. Volgt
10 Jane (Jane) Biddulph
[], geboren in 1694 in Birdingbury ,
Warwickshire, England. Zij is gedoopt op maandag 2 augustus 1694 in
Birdingbury, Warwickshire, England. Jane is overleden, 75 of 76 jaar oud. Zij
is begraven op donderdag 25 januari 1770 in Birdingbury, Warwickshire, England.
11 Charles (Charles) Biddulph, geboren in 1697
in London, England. Volgt
12 Anna (Anna) Biddulph
[], geboren in 1698 in Birdingbury ,
Warwickshire, England. Zij is gedoopt op woensdag 19 maart 1698 in Birdingbury,
Warwickshire, England.
13 Francisca (Francisca) Biddulph
[], geboren in 1700. Zij is gedoopt
op donderdag 7 januari 1700 in Birdingbury, Warwickshire, England. Francisca is
overleden, 1 of 2 jaar oud. Zij is begraven op dinsdag 26 september 1702 in
Birdingbury, Warwickshire, England.
14 Margaret (Margaret) Biddulph
[], geboren in 1701 in Birdingbury ,
Warwickshire, England. Zij is gedoopt op donderdag 17 maart 1701 in
Birdingbury, Warwickshire, England. Margaret is overleden, 67 of 68 jaar oud.
Zij is begraven op donderdag 5 januari 1769 in Birdingbury, Warwickshire,
15 Rachel (Rachel) Biddulph, geboren omstreeks
1703 in Birdingbury , Warwickshire, England. Volgt
16 Walter (Walter) Biddulph, geboren in 1705
in Barton Under Needwood, Staffordshire, England. Volgt
Edward (Edward) Biddulph is geboren op zondag 20 oktober 1686 in Birdingbury,
Warwickshire, England, zoon van Simon (Simon) Biddulph (zie
en Jane (Jane) Birch. Hij is gedoopt op zaterdag 26 oktober 1686 in
Birdingbury, Warwickshire, England. Edward is overleden in Birdingbury,
Warwickshire, England, 43 jaar oud. Hij is begraven op zaterdag 29 april 1730
in Sutton Coldfield, Warwickshire, England.
Notitie bij Edward: married his 1st cousin
trouwde, 31 jaar oud, op zaterdag 29 januari 1718 in Cannock, Staffordshire,
England met Anne (Anne) Birch, 17 of 18 jaar
Notitie bij het huwelijk van Edward en
Edward is the 1st cousin of his wife
is geboren in 1700 in Leacroft, Staffordshire, England, dochter van Edward
(Edward) Birch. Anne is overleden, 55 of 56 jaar oud. Zij is begraven op
dinsdag 15 juni 1756 in Sutton Coldfield, Warwickshire, England.
van Edward en Anne:
1 Jane (Jane) Biddulph
[], geboren omstreeks 1717 in
Birdingbury , Warwickshire, England. Zij is gedoopt in Sutton Coldfield,
Warwick, England. Jane is overleden, ongeveer 35 jaar oud. Zij is begraven op
donderdag 31 augustus 1752 in Sutton Coldfield, Warwick, England.
2 Theophilus (Sir) (Theophilus) Biddulph, geboren in
Birdingbury, Warwickshire, England. Volgt
3 Edward (Edward) Biddulph, gedoopt op zondag
11 juli 1723 in Sutton Coldfield, Warwick, England. Volgt
4 Anne (Anne) Biddulph, geboren omstreeks
1724 in Birdingbury, Warwickshire, England. Volgt
5 John (Jphn) Biddulph
[], geboren omstreeks 1724 in
Birdingbury , Warwickshire, England. Hij is gedoopt op vrijdag 25 februari 1724
in Sutton Coldfield, Warwick, England. Jphn is overleden op maandag 16 januari
1826, ongeveer 102 jaar oud.
6 Michael (Michael) Biddulph
[], geboren in 1727. Hij is gedoopt
op zondag 5 oktober 1727 in Sutton Coldfield, Warwick, England. Michael is
overleden, 28 of 29 jaar oud. Hij is begraven op maandag 8 november 1756.
7 Charles (Charles) Biddulph
[], geboren omstreeks 1728 in
Birdingbury , Warwickshire, England. Hij is gedoopt op dinsdag 2 januari 1731
in Sutton Coldfield, Warwick, England. Charles is overleden, ongeveer 19 jaar
oud. Hij is begraven op donderdag 9 november 1747 in Sutton Coldfield, Warwick,
8 William (William) Biddulph [],
geboren in 1729 in Birdingbury , Warwickshire, England. Hij is gedoopt op
vrijdag 23 september 1729 in Sutton Coldfield, Warwick, England.
Theophilus (Sir) (Theophilus) Biddulph is geboren in Birdingbury, Warwickshire,
England, zoon van Edward (Edward) Biddulph (zie
en Anne (Anne) Birch. Hij is gedoopt op vrijdag 8 december 1719 in Sutton
Coldfield, Warwick, England. Theophilus is overleden, 78 jaar oud. Hij is
begraven op maandag 26 maart 1798 in Birdingbury, Warwick, England.
Notitie bij Theophilus: 4th Bt
Married Jane only child of his uncle, Reverend Michael Biddulph
trouwde, 28 of 29 jaar oud, in 1748 in Blockley, Lichfield, Warwick, England
met Jane (Jane) Biddulph, 22 of 23 jaar oud.
voor persoonsgegevens van Jane.
van Theophilus en Jane:
1 Jane (Jane) Biddulph
2 Susannah (Susannah) Biddulph
3 William (William) Biddulph [].
4 Elizabeth (Elizabeth) Biddulph
5 Charlotte Mabella (Charlotte Mabella)
6 Theophilus (Sir) (Theophilus) Biddulph, geboren op
maandag 28 maart 1757. Volgt
7 John (John) Biddulph, geboren op
dinsdag 30 oktober 1764 in Frankton, Warwickshire, England. Volgt
Theophilus (Sir) (Theophilus) Biddulph is geboren op maandag 28 maart 1757, zoon
van Theophilus (Sir) (Theophilus) Biddulph (zie
en Jane (Jane) Biddulph (zie
Theophilus is overleden op vrijdag 30 juli 1841, 84 jaar oud.
Notitie bij Theophilus: 5th Bt
(5th) |
trouwde, 26 of 27 jaar oud, in 1784 met Hannah
(Hannah) Prestige, ongeveer 19 jaar oud. Hannah is geboren omstreeks
1765. Hannah is overleden na 1788 in Birdingbury , Warwickshire, England,
minstens 23 jaar oud.
van Theophilus en Hannah:
1 Theophilus (Sir) (Theophilus) Biddulph, geboren op
maandag 28 maart 1785 in Birdingbury , Warwickshire, England. Volgt
2 Charles (Charles) Biddulph
[], geboren omstreeks 1786.
Charles is overleden op maandag 24 april 1815, ongeveer 29 jaar oud.
Notitie bij
Capt RN
3 Edward (Edward) Biddulph, geboren in 1788. Volgt
4 Simon (Simon) Biddulph, geboren in 1793
in Birdingbury , Warwickshire, England. Volgt
5 Henry (Henry) Biddulph, geboren omstreeks
1796 in Birdingbury , Warwickshire, England. Volgt
6 Charlotte (Charlotte) Biddulph
[], geboren omstreeks 1796 in
Birdingbury , Warwickshire, England. Charlotte is overleden op vrijdag 30
september 1853, ongeveer 57 jaar oud.
7 Frances Anne (Frances) Biddulph, geboren omstreeks
1798 in Birdingbury , Warwickshire, England. Volgt
Theophilus (Sir) (Theophilus) Biddulph is geboren op maandag 28 maart 1785 in
Birdingbury , Warwickshire, England, zoon van Theophilus (Sir) (Theophilus)
Biddulph (zie
en Hannah (Hannah) Prestige. Theophilus is overleden op zaterdag 15 juli 1854 in
Birdingbury , Warwickshire, England, 69 jaar oud. Hij is begraven in
Birdingbury , Warwickshire, England.
Notitie bij Theophilus: 6th Bt
trouwde, 40 jaar oud, op dinsdag 12 april 1825 in Eathorpe, Warwickshire,
England met Jane Rebecca (Jane Rebecca) Vyner,
ongeveer 20 jaar oud. Jane Rebecca is geboren omstreeks 1805 in Eathorpe,
Warwickshire, England. Jane Rebecca is overleden op zondag 19 maart 1843 in
Birdingbury , Warwickshire, England, ongeveer 38 jaar oud.
van Theophilus en Jane Rebecca:
1 Jane Constance (Jane Constance) Biddulph. Volgt
2 Theophilus William (Sir) (Theophilus
William) Biddulph,
geboren op maandag 18 januari 1830. Volgt
3 Laura (Laura) Biddulph
[], geboren omstreeks 1832 in
Birdingbury , Warwickshire, England.
Jane Constance (Jane Constance) Biddulph, dochter van Theophilus (Sir) (Theophilus)
Biddulph (zie
en Jane Rebecca (Jane Rebecca) Vyner. Jane Constance is overleden op zondag 20
juli 1879 in Warwick, England. Jane Constance trouwde op woensdag 6 juni 1855
in Almington met William Biddulph (Sir) (William)
Parker, 30 jaar oud. Het huwelijk werd ontbonden in 1879 (Overlijden).
voor persoonsgegevens van William.
Theophilus William (Sir) (Theophilus William) Biddulph is geboren op
maandag 18 januari 1830, zoon van Theophilus (Sir) (Theophilus) Biddulph (zie
en Jane Rebecca (Jane Rebecca) Vyner. Theophilus William is overleden op
donderdag 1 maart 1883, 53 jaar oud.
Notitie bij Theophilus William: 7th Bt
DL, JP Warwicks
Maj 2nd Warwickshire Militia
William trouwde, 42 jaar oud, op dinsdag 18 juni 1872 met Mary Agnes (Mary Agnes) Somerville, ongeveer 25
jaar oud. Mary Agnes is geboren omstreeks 1847. Mary Agnes is overleden op
zondag 16 juni 1889, ongeveer 42 jaar oud.
Notitie bij Mary Agnes: 3rd daughter of 16th Lord Somerville
van Theophilus William en Mary Agnes:
1 Mary (Mary) Biddulph
[], geboren op vrijdag 4
april 1873. Mary is overleden op dinsdag 8 januari 1895, 21 jaar oud.
2 Theophilus George (Sir) (Theophilus)
geboren op vrijdag 3 april 1874 in Birdingbury Hall, Warwickshire. Volgt
Theophilus George (Sir) (Theophilus) Biddulph is geboren op vrijdag 3 april 1874
in Birdingbury Hall, Warwickshire, zoon van Theophilus William (Sir)
(Theophilus William) Biddulph (zie
en Mary Agnes (Mary Agnes) Somerville. Theophilus is overleden op zaterdag 31
januari 1948, 73 jaar oud.
Notitie bij Theophilus: Sir T G Biddulph was van Birdingbury Hall, warwickshire
8th Bt
trouwde, 33 jaar oud, op zaterdag 21 september 1907 in Muckamore Church, co,
Antrim [bron: The Daily Chronicle 27-09-1907] met Eleanor (Eleanor) Thompson, 29 of 30 jaar oud.
Eleanor is geboren in 1877 in Muckamore Abbey, Antrim, Ireland. Eleanor is
overleden op dinsdag 19 augustus 1969, 91 of 92 jaar oud.
Edward (Edward) Biddulph is geboren in 1788, zoon van Theophilus (Sir)
(Theophilus) Biddulph (zie
en Hannah (Hannah) Prestige. Edward is overleden op vrijdag 3 december 1858, 69
of 70 jaar oud.
Notitie bij Edward: Cb; Lt-Col HEIC’s HA
Piece: RG9/1400 Place: Teignmouth-Devon Enumeration
District: 4
Civil Parish: East Teignmouth Ecclesiastical Parish: East
Folio: 104 Page: 4 Schedule: 16
Address: Carlton Place
Surname First name(s) Rel Status Sex Age Occupation Where
Born Remarks
MACGREGOR Susan Head W F 58 Lady Ireland - -
BIDDULPH Louisa Thedora Boardr U F 21 Lady Overseas -
British - India(Originally: Unknown - India)
BIDDULPH Frances Sophia Boardr U F 17 Lady Overseas -
British - India(Originally: Unknown - India)
BIDDULPH Constance Mary Boardr U F 16 Lady Overseas -
British - India(Originally: Unknown - India)
PURDER Elizabeth Servnt U F 20 Domestic Servant Devon -
trouwde met Louisa (Louisa) Kelly. Louisa is
geboren omstreeks 1793.
trouwde, 58 of 59 jaar oud, op woensdag 28 juli 1847 in Leamington Priors,
Warwickshire, England met Mary Anne (Mary Anne)
Marriott, ongeveer 30 jaar oud. Mary Anne is geboren omstreeks 1817.
van Edward en Louisa:
1 Louisa Theodosia (Louisa Theodosia)
2 Edward Theophilus Price (Edward
Theophilus Price) Biddulph [],
geboren omstreeks 1813. Edward Theophilus Price is overleden op donderdag 20
oktober 1864 in Moodarabad, India, ongeveer 51 jaar oud.
3 Frances Sophia (Frances Sophia) Biddulph, geboren omstreeks
1817. Volgt
van Edward en Mary Anne:
4 Mary Anne (Mary Anne) Biddulph, geboren omstreeks
1849. Volgt
5 Laura Georgina (Laura Georgina) Biddulph, geboren omstreeks
1851. Volgt
6 Edith Mary (Edith Mary) Biddulph
[], geboren omstreeks 1853.
Edith Mary is overleden in juli 1947, ongeveer 94 jaar oud.
Louisa Theodosia (Louisa Theodosia) Biddulph, dochter van Edward (Edward)
Biddulph (zie
en Louisa (Louisa) Kelly. Louisa Theodosia is overleden op zaterdag 27 maart
1926. Louisa Theodosia trouwde in 1865 met George
(George) Harris, ongeveer 55 jaar oud. George is geboren omstreeks 1810.
George is overleden in 1899, ongeveer 89 jaar oud.
Frances Sophia (Frances Sophia) Biddulph is geboren omstreeks 1817, dochter van
Edward (Edward) Biddulph (zie
en Louisa (Louisa) Kelly. Frances Sophia trouwde, ongeveer 67 jaar oud, in 1884
met Henry (Henry) Deshon. Henry is overleden
in 1905.
Mary Anne (Mary Anne) Biddulph is geboren omstreeks 1849, dochter van
Edward (Edward) Biddulph (zie
en Mary Anne (Mary Anne) Marriott. Mary Anne is overleden in mei 1929, ongeveer
80 jaar oud. Mary Anne trouwde, ongeveer 23 jaar oud, op dinsdag 9 april 1872
met George Josiah (George Josiah) Curtis.
George Josiah is overleden in 1895.
Laura Georgina (Laura Georgina) Biddulph is geboren omstreeks 1851, dochter van
Edward (Edward) Biddulph (zie
en Mary Anne (Mary Anne) Marriott. Laura Georgina trouwde, ongeveer 32 jaar
oud, op zaterdag 20 oktober 1883 met Charles
Valance (Charles Valance) Cambridge. Charles Valance is overleden in
april 1893.
Simon (Simon) Biddulph is geboren in 1793 in Birdingbury , Warwickshire,
England, zoon van Theophilus (Sir) (Theophilus) Biddulph (zie
en Hannah (Hannah) Prestige. Hij is gedoopt op woensdag 2 oktober 1793 in
Warmington, Warwickshire, England. Simon is overleden op vrijdag 25 april 1823
in Southhampton, Hampshire, England, 29 of 30 jaar oud.
Notitie bij Simon: Capt 25th Regt
trouwde, minstens 20 jaar oud, na 1813 met Anne (Anne)
Biddulph, minstens 15 jaar oud. Zie
voor persoonsgegevens van Anne.
van Simon en Anne:
1 Margaret (Margaret) Biddulph [],
geboren na 1815. Margaret is overleden na 1847.
Henry (Henry) Biddulph is geboren omstreeks 1796 in Birdingbury ,
Warwickshire, England, zoon van Theophilus (Sir) (Theophilus) Biddulph (zie
en Hannah (Hannah) Prestige. Henry is overleden op donderdag 19 september 1867
in Birdingbury , Warwickshire, England, ongeveer 71 jaar oud.
Notitie bij Henry: MA; Rector Birdingbury, Warwickshire
Reverend |
trouwde, ongeveer 38 jaar oud, op dinsdag 1 juli 1834 met Emma Susan (Emma Susan) Nuttall, ongeveer 33 jaar oud.
Emma Susan is geboren omstreeks 1801 in Worley Bank, Worcestershire, England.
Emma Susan is overleden op maandag 14 april 1873 in Birdingbury , Warwickshire,
England, ongeveer 72 jaar oud.
van Henry en Emma Susan:
1 Adelaide Emma (Adelaide Emma) Biddulph, geboren omstreeks
1835 in Birdingbury , Warwickshire, England. Volgt
Adelaide Emma (Adelaide Emma) Biddulph is geboren omstreeks 1835 in Birdingbury ,
Warwickshire, England, dochter van Henry (Henry) Biddulph (zie
en Emma Susan (Emma Susan) Nuttall. Zij is gedoopt op vrijdag 26 juni 1835.
Adelaide Emma is overleden op zaterdag 27 maart 1869, ongeveer 34 jaar oud.
Adelaide Emma trouwde, ongeveer 30 jaar oud, op donderdag 26 oktober 1865 in
Birdingbury , Warwickshire, England met Humbertson
(Humbertson) Skipworth, ongeveer 25 jaar oud. Humbertson is geboren
omstreeks 1840. Humbertson is overleden op zaterdag 7 januari 1911, ongeveer 71
jaar oud.
Notitie bij Humbertson: 11a Humberston (Rev); b 8 Dec 1823; educ Rugby and Trin Coll
Cambridge; BCL Cantab; Rector Hampstall Ridware, Lincs; m 1st 26 Oct 1865
Adelaide Emma (d 27 March 1869), only child and heiress of Rev Henry Biddulph
(see BIDDULPH, Bt), and had:
1b Alice Louisa; d unm 20 March 1954
11a (cont.) The Rev Humberston Skipwith m 2nd 18 April
1871 Louisa Mary (d 11 Aug 1917), 2nd dau of Rev Arthur Robert Kenney-Herbert,
Rector Bourton-on-Dunsmore, RD, and d 7 Jan 1911
Frances Anne (Frances) Biddulph is geboren omstreeks 1798 in Birdingbury ,
Warwickshire, England, dochter van Theophilus (Sir) (Theophilus) Biddulph (zie
en Hannah (Hannah) Prestige. Frances is overleden op maandag 9 januari 1871,
ongeveer 73 jaar oud. Frances trouwde, ongeveer 12 jaar oud, op zaterdag 9 juni
1810 in Birdingbury , Warwickshire, England met William
(Sir) (William) Parker, 28 of 29 jaar oud. William is geboren in 1781.
William is overleden op dinsdag 13 november 1866, 84 of 85 jaar oud.
Admiral |
18-12-1844 |
Baronet |
van Frances en William:
1 William Biddulph (Sir) (William) Parker, geboren op
zaterdag 14 augustus 1824. Volgt
2 George (George) Parker
[], geboren op zaterdag 1
september 1827.
Admiral |
JP |
William Biddulph (Sir) (William) Parker is geboren op zaterdag 14 augustus 1824,
zoon van William (Sir) (William) Parker en Frances Anne (Frances) Biddulph (zie
William is overleden op donderdag 23 januari 1902, 77 jaar oud.
Notitie bij William: 2nd Bt
Baronet |
trouwde, 30 jaar oud, op woensdag 6 juni 1855 in Almington met Jane Constance (Jane Constance) Biddulph. Het
huwelijk werd ontbonden in 1879 (Overlijden). Zie
voor persoonsgegevens van Jane Constance.
trouwde, 63 jaar oud, op dinsdag 22 november 1887 in Almington met Kathleen Mary (Kathleen Mary) Hall, 58 of 59 jaar
oud. Het huwelijk werd ontbonden (Overlijden). Kathleen Mary is geboren in
John (John) Biddulph
is geboren op dinsdag 30 oktober 1764 in Frankton, Warwickshire, England, zoon
van Theophilus (Sir) (Theophilus) Biddulph (zie
en Jane (Jane) Biddulph (zie
John is overleden op maandag 16 januari 1826 in Frankton, Warwickshire,
England, 61 jaar oud.
Frankton |
Reverend |
trouwde, 35 jaar oud, op vrijdag 26 september 1800 in Leamington Hastings,
Warwickshire, England met Sophia (Sophia) Wheler,
ongeveer 19 jaar oud. Sophia is geboren omstreeks 1781. Sophia is overleden op
donderdag 12 februari 1863 in Frankton, Warwickshire, England, ongeveer 82 jaar
van John en Sophia:
1 Sophia (Sophia) Biddulph
[], geboren op donderdag 7
januari 1802 in Birdingbury , Warwickshire, England. Sophia is overleden in
1838 in Frankton, Warwickshire, England, 35 of 36 jaar oud. Zij is begraven in
Frankton, Warwickshire, England.
2 John (John) Biddulph, geboren op
zaterdag 4 juni 1803 in Frankton, Warwickshire, England. Volgt
3 William (William) Biddulph, geboren op
dinsdag 8 januari 1805 in Frankton, Warwickshire, England. Volgt
4 Trevor (Trevor) Biddulph
[], geboren omstreeks 1807 in
Frankton, Warwickshire, England.
5 Francis (Francis) Biddulph
[], geboren op woensdag 29 juli
1807 in Frankton, Warwickshire, England. Hij is gedoopt op zondag 16 augustus
1807 in Birdingbury, Warwickshire, England.
6 Jane (Jane) Biddulph
[], geboren in 1809 in
Frankton, Warwickshire, England. Zij is gedoopt op maandag 30 oktober 1809 in
Birdingbury, Warwickshire, England. Jane is overleden in mei 1896 in Frankton,
Warwickshire, England, 86 of 87 jaar oud.
Notitie bij Jane: Jane and Lucy are twins
Piece: RG12/2460 Place: Rugby-Warwickshire Enumeration
District: 4
Civil Parish: Frankton Ecclesiastical Parish: Frankton
Folio: 41 Page: 7 Schedule: 47
Address: -
Surname First name(s) Rel Status Sex Age Occupation Where
Born Remarks
BIDDULPH Jane Head S F 81 Living On Own Means Warwickshire
- Birdingbury
BIDDULPH Lucy Sister S F 81 Living On Own Means
Warwickshire - Birdingbury
WALTON Ellen Servnt S F 35 Dom Ser(Em’ee) Northamptonshire
- Catesby
SEATON Mary Servnt S F 24 Dom Ser(Em’ee) Devon - Winkleigh
STANLAKE Samuel Servnt S M 41 Groom & Gardener(Em’ee)
Warwickshire - Frankton
7 Lucy (Lucy) Biddulph
[], geboren in 1809 in
Birdingbury , Warwickshire, England. Zij is gedoopt op maandag 30 oktober 1809
in Birdingbury, Warwickshire, England. Lucy is overleden op dinsdag 12 juli
1904 in Birdingbury , Warwickshire, England, 94 of 95 jaar oud. Zij is begraven
in Birdingbury , Warwickshire, England.
Notitie bij Lucy: Jane and Lucy are twins
8 George (George) Biddulph
[], geboren in 1811 in
Frankton, Warwickshire, England. George is overleden in 1857 in Lucknow, India,
45 of 46 jaar oud.
John (John) Biddulph
is geboren op zaterdag 4 juni 1803 in Frankton, Warwickshire, England, zoon van
John (John) Biddulph (zie
en Sophia (Sophia) Wheler. John is overleden op zondag 20 augustus 1837 in
Frankton, Warwickshire, England, 34 jaar oud. Hij is begraven in Frankton, Warwickshire,
Reverend |
trouwde met Mary Frances (Mary Frances) Wilmot.
Het huwelijk werd ontbonden op zondag 20 augustus 1837 (Overlijden).
Notitie bij het huwelijk van John en Mary
Mary married 2nd george Dixon 15-11-1838
Frances is geboren omstreeks 1808. Mary Frances is overleden op zaterdag 23
november 1839, ongeveer 31 jaar oud.
William (William) Biddulph is geboren op dinsdag 8 januari 1805 in Frankton,
Warwickshire, England, zoon van John (John) Biddulph (zie
en Sophia (Sophia) Wheler. Hij is gedoopt op vrijdag 8 maart 1805 in Birdingbury,
Warwickshire, England. William is overleden in januari 1852 in Frankton,
Warwickshire, England, 46 jaar oud. Hij is begraven in Frankton, Warwickshire,
Bengal Army |
trouwde, 36 jaar oud, op zaterdag 17 april 1841 met Hannah Sarah (Hannah Sarah) Wallich, 20 of 21 jaar
oud. Hannah Sarah is geboren in 1820 in East Indies. Hannah Sarah is overleden
in 1893 in Calcutta, India, 72 of 73 jaar oud.
van William en Hannah Sarah:
1 William Wallich (William Wallich)
geboren op zaterdag 8 januari 1842 in Benares, Eart Indies. Volgt
2 Sophia (Sophia) Biddulph
[], geboren omstreeks 1845 in
East Indies. Sophia is overleden op zondag 27 november 1927, ongeveer 82 jaar
William Wallich (William Wallich) Biddulph is geboren op zaterdag 8 januari
1842 in Benares, Eart Indies, zoon van William (William) Biddulph (zie
en Hannah Sarah (Hannah Sarah) Wallich. Hij is gedoopt op zondag 1 mei 1842.
William Wallich is overleden op zondag 19 april 1891 in Frankton, Warwickshire,
England, 49 jaar oud.
Park, Southpoint, Willesden, Middlesex, England (4 servants and 1 boarder) |
[bron: census 1881] |
Engineer |
[bron: census 1881] |
Wallich trouwde, 26 jaar oud, op zaterdag 11 juli 1868 met Mary Anne (Annie) Barnikel, 20 jaar oud. Annie is
geboren op woensdag 5 april 1848 in Eastend, Pembroke, Wales. Zij is gedoopt op
woensdag 5 april 1848 in Saint Michaels, Pembroke Dock, Pembroke, Wales. Annie
is overleden na 1878 in Frankton, Warwickshire, England, minstens 30 jaar oud.
van William Wallich en Annie:
1 William Hugh (William Hugh) Biddulph, geboren op
woensdag 2 juni 1869 in Frankton, Warwickshire, England. Volgt
2 Alexander George Scale (Alexander)
geboren op donderdag 18 januari 1872. Volgt
3 Dora Margaret Lucy (Dora Margaret Lucy)
geboren op woensdag 13 maart 1878 in Mortlake, Surrey, England. Volgt
William Hugh (William Hugh) Biddulph is geboren op woensdag 2 juni 1869 in
Frankton, Warwickshire, England, zoon van William Wallich (William Wallich)
Biddulph (zie
en Mary Anne (Annie) Barnikel. William Hugh is overleden op dinsdag 7 oktober
1947 in Leamington Spa, England, 78 jaar oud. William Hugh:
trouwde, 22 jaar oud, op zaterdag 20 februari 1892 met Annette Louisa (Annette Louisa) Master. Annette
Louisa is geboren in Catton, Norfolk. Annette Louisa is overleden op zondag 17
januari 1915 in Frankton, Warwickshire, England.
trouwde, 45 of 46 jaar oud, in 1915 met Kathleen
Anna (Kathleen Anna) Herring-Cooper, ongeveer 25 jaar oud. Kathleen Anna
is geboren omstreeks 1890 in Shule Castle, Carlow. Kathleen Anna is overleden
op maandag 2 februari 1948, ongeveer 58 jaar oud.
Alexander George Scale (Alexander) Biddulph is geboren op donderdag 18 januari
1872, zoon van William Wallich (William Wallich) Biddulph (zie
en Mary Anne (Annie) Barnikel. Alexander is overleden op maandag 16 april 1900,
28 jaar oud.
Reverend |
trouwde, 27 jaar oud, op woensdag 9 augustus 1899 met Winifred Agnes (Winifred) McLaren. Winifred is
geboren in Broomholm, Langholm, Scotland. Winifred is overleden op vrijdag 27
juni 1958.
van Alexander en Winifred:
1 Ruth Sofia (Ruth Sofia) Biddulph
[], geboren op donderdag
30 augustus 1900. Ruth Sofia is overleden op donderdag 4 juli 1974, 73 jaar
Notitie bij Ruth
Gehuwd en kinderen
Dora Margaret Lucy (Dora Margaret Lucy) Biddulph is geboren op
woensdag 13 maart 1878 in Mortlake, Surrey, England, dochter van William
Wallich (William Wallich) Biddulph (zie
en Mary Anne (Annie) Barnikel. Zij is gedoopt op dinsdag 23 april 1878 in East
Sheen, Surrey, England. Dora Margaret Lucy is overleden op dinsdag 11 oktober
1927 in Hoylake, Wirral, Cheshire, England, 49 jaar oud.
Notitie bij Dora Margaret Lucy: Married twice
Margaret Lucy:
trouwde, 21 jaar oud, op maandag 31 juli 1899 in Wath-on-Dearne, Yorkshire met Reginald J (Reginald J) Thomson, ongeveer 25 jaar
oud. Reginald J is geboren omstreeks 1874 in Wath-on-Dearne, Yorkshire.
Reginald J is overleden op zaterdag 26 augustus 1922 in Wath-on-Dearne,
Yorkshire, ongeveer 48 jaar oud.
trouwde, 44 jaar oud, op dinsdag 6 maart 1923 met Hablot
John Moxon (Hablot John Moxon) Browne.
van Dora Margaret Lucy en Reginald J:
1 John Biddulph (John Biddulph) Thomson
[], geboren omstreeks
1900 in Wath Upon Dearne, Yorkshire, England. John Biddulph is overleden
omstreeks 1984 in Filey, Yorkshire, England, ongeveer 84 jaar oud.
2 Margaret Mary (Margaret Mary) Thomson, geboren op
donderdag 14 april 1904 in Wath Upon Dearne, Yorkshire, England. Volgt
Margaret Mary (Margaret Mary) Thomson is geboren op donderdag 14 april 1904 in
Wath Upon Dearne, Yorkshire, England, dochter van Reginald J (Reginald J)
Thomson en Dora Margaret Lucy (Dora Margaret Lucy) Biddulph (zie
Margaret Mary is overleden op zaterdag 22 december 1990 in Ashford Hospital,
Kent, England, 86 jaar oud.
Nurse |
Mary trouwde, 29 jaar oud, op woensdag 19 april 1933 in Hoylake, Wirral,
Cheshire, England met George Lynton (George Lynton)
Wall, 33 jaar oud. George Lynton is geboren op zondag 8 april 1900 in Hoylake,
Wirral, Cheshire, England. George Lynton is overleden op vrijdag 30 november
1973 in Linton Hospital, Maidstone, Kent, England, 73 jaar oud.
Broker |
Farmer |
van Margaret Mary en George Lynton:
1 Jeremy George Lynton (Jeremy) Wall. Volgt
Jeremy George Lynton (Jeremy) Wall, zoon van George Lynton (George Lynton)
Wall en Margaret Mary (Margaret Mary) Thomson (zie
trouwde met Margaret Anne (Margaret Anne) Adams.
trouwde met Nicola Derryl (Nicola Derryl) Morling.
trouwde met Narcisa Ignacio (Nanci) Latuga.
Edward (Edward) Biddulph, zoon van Edward (Edward) Biddulph (zie
en Anne (Anne) Birch. Hij is gedoopt op zondag 11 juli 1723 in Sutton
Coldfield, Warwick, England. Edward is overleden in 1778, 54 of 55 jaar oud.
Hij is begraven op maandag 6 april 1778 in Walsall, Staffordshire, England.
Edward trouwde, 30 jaar oud, op vrijdag 14 september 1753 met Sarah (Sarah) Barton.
van Edward en Sarah:
1 [misschien] Theophilus (Theophilus)
Biddulph [], geboren in
Birdingbury , Warwickshire, England. Hij is gedoopt in Sutton Coldfield,
Warwick, England. Hij is begraven in Birdingbury , Warwickshire, England.
2 Edward (Edward) Biddle
[], geboren op maandag 30
december 1754 in Walsall, Staffordshire, England. Edward is overleden op zondag
15 februari 1818 in Wolverhampton, Staffordshire, England, 63 jaar oud.
3 Dolly (Dolly) Biddle [],
geboren op zaterdag 11 juni 1757 in Walsall, Staffordshire, England.
4 Sarah (Sarah) Biddle
[], geboren in 1760. Zij is
gedoopt op maandag 24 maart 1760 in Walsall, Staffordshire, England.
5 Ann (Ann) Biddle
[], geboren in 1763. Zij is
gedoopt op zaterdag 5 maart 1763 in Walsall, Staffordshire, England. Ann is
overleden, 6 of 7 jaar oud. Zij is begraven op woensdag 17 januari 1770 in St.
Michaels, Lichfield, Staffordshire, England.
6 William (William) Biddle, geboren op
zaterdag 2 november 1765 in Walsall, Staffordshire, England. Volgt
7 Lucy (;ucy) Biddle
[], geboren in 1768. Zij is
gedoopt op dinsdag 21 juni 1768 in St. Michaels, Lichfield, Staffordshire,
England. ;ucy is overleden in 1768, geen jaar oud. Zij is begraven op dinsdag
13 september 1768 in St. Michaels, Lichfield, Staffordshire, England.
8 Ann (Ann) Biddle
[], geboren in 1769. Zij is
gedoopt op maandag 25 december 1769 in St. Michaels, Lichfield, Staffordshire,
9 Mary (Mary) Biddle
[], geboren op donderdag 30 maart
1769 in Walsall, Staffordshire, England. Zij is gedoopt op donderdag 30 maart
1769 in Walsall, Staffordshire, England.
10 Lucy (Lucy) Biddle [],
geboren in 1771. Zij is gedoopt op zondag 4 augustus 1771 in St. Michaels,
Lichfield, Staffordshire, England.
11 Biddle
[], geboren omstreeks 1772. Hij
is overleden, ongeveer een jaar oud. Hij is begraven op vrijdag 17 januari 1772
in St. Michaels, Lichfield, Staffordshire, England.
12 Jenny (Jenny) Biddle
[], geboren in 1772. Zij is
gedoopt op zaterdag 11 januari 1772 in Walsall, Staffordshire, England.
13 Rhoda (Rhoda) Biddle
[], geboren in 1774. Zij is
gedoopt op maandag 7 november 1774 in Walsall, Staffordshire, England. Rhoda is
overleden in 1776, 1 of 2 jaar oud. Zij is begraven op de 1e van een onbekende
maand in 1776 in Walsall, Staffordshire, England.
William (William) Biddle is geboren op zaterdag 2 november 1765 in Walsall,
Staffordshire, England, zoon van Edward (Edward) Biddulph (zie
en Sarah (Sarah) Barton. Hij is gedoopt op zaterdag 2 november 1765 in Walsall,
Staffordshire, England. William is overleden, 79 jaar oud. Hij is begraven op
donderdag 18 september 1845 in Walsall, Staffordshire, England. William
trouwde, 38 jaar oud, op dinsdag 8 mei 1804 in Walsall, Staffordshire, England
met Mary (Mary) Arnold, 53 of 54 jaar oud.
Mary is geboren in 1750. Mary is overleden, 59 of 60 jaar oud. Zij is begraven
op dinsdag 4 december 1810 in Walsall, Staffordshire, England.
van William en Mary:
1 Thomas (Thomas) Biddle, geboren op
dinsdag 1 januari 1805 in Walsall, Staffordshire, England. Volgt
Thomas (Thomas) Biddle is geboren op dinsdag 1 januari 1805 in Walsall,
Staffordshire, England, zoon van William (William) Biddle (zie
en Mary (Mary) Arnold. Hij is gedoopt op zondag 27 januari 1805 in Walsall,
Staffordshire, England. Thomas is overleden omstreeks 1865 in Crossing The
Plains, United States, ongeveer 60 jaar oud. Thomas trouwde, 27 jaar oud, op
maandag 2 januari 1832 in St. Bartholomew, Wednesbury, Stafford, England met Harriet (Harriet) Westley, 25 jaar oud. Harriet is
geboren op vrijdag 7 november 1806 in London, England, dochter van William
(William) Westley en Phebe (Phebe) Bristow. Harriet is overleden op donderdag
23 december 1875 in Odgen, Weber, Utah, United States, 69 jaar oud.
van Thomas en Harriet:
1 William Gander (William Gander) Biddle, geboren op
zaterdag 24 november 1832 in Walsall, Staffordshire, England. Volgt
2 John (John) Biddle
[], geboren op woensdag 22
april 1835 in Walsall, Staffordshire, England. John is overleden op zaterdag 18
maart 1837, 1 jaar oud.
3 John (John) Biddle, geboren op
maandag 2 oktober 1837 in Walsall, Staffordshire, England. Volgt
4 Ann Mary (Ann Mary) Biddle
[], geboren op woensdag 1
april 1840 in Walsall, Staffordshire, England. Ann Mary is overleden op
donderdag 28 januari 1847 in Walsall, Staffordshire, England, 6 jaar oud.
5 Thomas (Thomas) Biddle, geboren op
woensdag 7 december 1842 in Walsall, Staffordshire, England. Volgt
6 Emma (Emma) Biddle, geboren op
vrijdag 20 juni 1845 in Walsall, Staffordshire, England. Volgt
William Gander (William Gander) Biddle is geboren op zaterdag 24 november 1832 in
Walsall, Staffordshire, England, zoon van Thomas (Thomas) Biddle (zie
en Harriet (Harriet) Westley. William Gander is overleden op zaterdag 31
januari 1920 in Odgen, Weber, Utah, United States, 87 jaar oud. Hij is begraven
op dinsdag 3 februari 1920 in Odgen, Weber, Utah, United States. William Gander
trouwde, 23 jaar oud, op zondag 19 oktober 1856 in Birsingham, England met Elizabeth (Elizabeth) Heath.
van William Gander en Elizabeth:
1 Alice Maria (Alice Maria) Biddle, geboren op
woensdag 13 maart 1867 in Odgen, Weber, Utah, United States. Volgt
Alice Maria (Alice Maria) Biddle is geboren op woensdag 13 maart 1867 in
Odgen, Weber, Utah, United States, dochter van William Gander (William Gander)
Biddle (zie
en Elizabeth (Elizabeth) Heath.
van Alice Maria uit onbekende relatie:
1 Elizabeth LaVerne (Elizabeth LaVerne)
Elizabeth LaVerne (Elizabeth LaVerne) Ohlson, dochter van Alice Maria (Alice
Maria) Biddle (zie
van Elizabeth LaVerne uit onbekende relatie:
1 Dorothy LaVerne (Dorothy LaVerne) Miller. Volgt
Dorothy LaVerne (Dorothy LaVerne) Miller, dochter van Elizabeth LaVerne (Elizabeth
LaVerne) Ohlson (zie
van Dorothy LaVerne uit onbekende relatie:
1 Lynda (Lynda) Schear. Volgt
Lynda (Lynda) Schear,
dochter van Dorothy LaVerne (Dorothy LaVerne) Miller (zie
Lynda trouwde met Bruce (Bruce) NB.
van Lynda en Bruce:
1 NB [].
2 NB
John (John) Biddle
is geboren op maandag 2 oktober 1837 in Walsall, Staffordshire, England, zoon
van Thomas (Thomas) Biddle (zie
en Harriet (Harriet) Westley. John is overleden op dinsdag 30 mei 1916, 78 jaar
oud. John trouwde met Ann Marie (Ann Marie) Heath.
Thomas (Thomas) Biddle is geboren op woensdag 7 december 1842 in Walsall,
Staffordshire, England, zoon van Thomas (Thomas) Biddle (zie
en Harriet (Harriet) Westley. Hij is gedoopt op woensdag 7 december 1842.
Thomas is overleden op woensdag 19 augustus 1891 in Brigham City, Box Elder,
Utah, United States, 48 jaar oud. Hij is begraven op zaterdag 22 augustus 1891
in Brigham City, Box Elder, Utah, United States.
Notitie bij Thomas: The meeste informartie van de nakomelingen e.d. komen van
Kenneth Goss (oktober 2004).
Dear Ron,
In response to your question those 3 children born after
1874 do belong to Justine Jensen. Thomas Biddle had 4 other children with his
second wife. They are: Anna C. Biddle born 30 June 1875. She died 18 August
1875. Hyrum Joseph Biddle born 26 February 1877. He died 20 September 1886.
Emma Jane Biddle born 1 January 1880. She died 3 September 1951, and Nels Peter
Nikolaisen born 27 August 1885 and died 2 October 1958. I hope this is helpful
to you. Have a great week. Thanks for the word file with my ancestry going
back. It was wonderful!
Your friend from Utah,
Ken Goss 04-11-2004
trouwde, 24 jaar oud, op zaterdag 18 mei 1867 met Justine
(Justine) Jensen, 21 jaar oud. Het huwelijk werd ontbonden vóór maandag
12 januari 1874. Justine is geboren op vrijdag 26 december 1845 in Stk, Olaj,
Helsinger, Frdrks, Denmark, dochter van Mads (Mads) Jensen en Maren (Maren)
Hansen. Zij is gedoopt op maandag 5 januari 1846 in Stk, Olaj, Helsinger,
Frdrks, Denmark. Justine is overleden op zaterdag 4 december 1915 in Pocatello,
Bannock, Idaho, United States, 69 jaar oud. Zij is begraven op dinsdag 7
december 1915 in Odgen, Weber, Utah, United States. Justine trouwde later na
1874 met Stephen (Stephen) Paxton.
trouwde, 31 jaar oud, op maandag 12 januari 1874 met Adeline Wilhemine (Adeline Wilhemine) Jeppsen, 17
jaar oud. Adeline Wilhemine is geboren op vrijdag 15 februari 1856 in Odense /
Ronninge, Odense, Denemarken. Adeline Wilhemine is overleden op zaterdag 27
april 1912 in Elwood, Box Elder, Utah, United States, 56 jaar oud. Zij is
begraven op maandag 29 april 1912 in Bear River City, Box Elder, Utah, United
States. Adeline Wilhemine trouwde later op donderdag 30 juni 1892 [bron: LDS] met James Niels (James Niels) Nickoleasen.
van Thomas en Justine:
1 Thomas Sidney (Thomas Sidney) Biddle, geboren op
dinsdag 22 oktober 1867 in Odgen, Weber, Utah, United States. Volgt
2 Joseph Henry Paxton (Joseph Henry Paxton)
geboren op woensdag 6 oktober 1869 in Odgen, Weber, Utah, United States. Volgt
3 Ephraim Paxton (Ephraim Paxton) Biddle, geboren in 1871
in Odgen, Weber, Utah, United States. Volgt
4 Harriet Christine (Harriet Christine)
geboren op zondag 22 januari 1871 in Odgen, Weber, Utah, United States. Volgt
5 Adeline (Adeline) Biddle, geboren op zondag
28 mei 1876 in Odgen, Weber, Utah, United States. Volgt
6 Elizabeth Paxton (Elizabeth Paxton)
geboren op dinsdag 4 maart 1879 in Odgen, Weber, Utah, United States. Volgt
7 Donald Stephen Paxton (Donald Stephen
Paxton) Biddle,
geboren op vrijdag 14 september 1883 in Odgen, Weber, Utah, United States. Volgt
van Thomas en Adeline Wilhemine:
8 Anna C (Anna C) Biddle
[], geboren op woensdag 30
juni 1875. Anna C is overleden op woensdag 18 augustus 1875, 1 maand oud.
9 Hyrum Joseph (Hyrum Joseph) Biddle
[], geboren op maandag 26
februari 1877. Hyrum Joseph is overleden op maandag 20 september 1886, 9 jaar
10 Emma Jane (Emma Jane) Biddle
[], geboren op donderdag 1
januari 1880. Emma Jane is overleden op maandag 3 september 1951, 71 jaar oud.
11 Nels Peter Nikolaisen (Nels Peter
Nikolaisen) Biddle,
geboren op donderdag 27 augustus 1885 in Brigham City, Box Elder, Utah, United
States. Volgt
Thomas Sidney (Thomas Sidney) Biddle is geboren op dinsdag 22 oktober 1867 in
Odgen, Weber, Utah, United States, zoon van Thomas (Thomas) Biddle (zie
en Justine (Justine) Jensen. Thomas Sidney is overleden op zondag 12 februari
1922 in Brigham City, Box Elder, Utah, United States, 54 jaar oud. Hij is
begraven op donderdag 16 februari 1922 in Brigham City, Box Elder, Utah, United
States. Thomas Sidney trouwde, 24 jaar oud, op woensdag 14 september 1892 in
Logan, Cache, Utah, United States met Mary Ann
(Mary Ann) Savage, 20 jaar oud. Mary Ann is geboren op zondag 11
augustus 1872 in Brigham City, Box Elder, Utah, United States, dochter van
Herbert (Herbert) Savage en Mary Ann (Mary Ann) Smith. Mary Ann is overleden op
dinsdag 11 maart 1947 in Salt Lake City, Salt Lake, Utah, United States, 74
jaar oud. Zij is begraven op maandag 17 maart 1947 in Brigham City, Box Elder,
Utah, United States.
van Thomas Sidney en Mary Ann:
1 Herbert Sidney Savage (Herbert Sidney
Savage) Biddle
[], geboren op woensdag
11 april 1894 in Brigham City, Box Elder, Utah, United States. Herbert Sidney
Savage is overleden op vrijdag 27 juli 1894 in Brigham City, Box Elder, Utah,
United States, 3 maanden oud. Hij is begraven in Brigham City, Box Elder, Utah,
United States.
2 Valeria (Valeria) Biddle, geboren op
maandag 17 juni 1895 in Brigham City, Box Elder, Utah, United States. Volgt
3 Clarence Regenal (Clarence Regenal)
geboren op zaterdag 21 augustus 1897 in Brigham City, Box Elder, Utah, United
States. Volgt
4 Ralph Thomas (Ralph Thomas) Biddle
[], geboren op woensdag
11 oktober 1899 in Brigham City, Box Elder, Utah, United States. Ralph Thomas
is overleden op maandag 22 april 1918 in US Army, 18 jaar oud. Hij is begraven
in Brigham City, Box Elder, Utah, United States.
5 Florence (Florence) Biddle, geboren op
donderdag 26 december 1901 in Brigham City, Box Elder, Utah, United States. Volgt
6 Walter Theron (Walter Theron) Biddle, geboren op
zaterdag 16 mei 1903 in Brigham City, Box Elder, Utah, United States. Volgt
7 Marion Lucille (Marion Lucille) Biddle
[], geboren op vrijdag 24
februari 1905 in Brigham City, Box Elder, Utah, United States. Marion Lucille
is overleden op vrijdag 12 oktober 1906 in Brigham City, Box Elder, Utah,
United States, 1 jaar oud. Zij is begraven in Brigham City, Box Elder, Utah,
United States.
8 Victor William (Victor William) Biddle
[], geboren op zondag 13
juni 1909 in Brigham City, Box Elder, Utah, United States. Victor William is overleden
op zaterdag 29 maart 1986 in Salt Lake City, Salt Lake, Utah, United States, 76
jaar oud. Hij is begraven in Salt Lake City, Salt Lake, Utah, United States.
9 Floyd Lorenzo (Floyd Lorenzo) Biddle, geboren op
vrijdag 13 oktober 1911 in Brigham City, Box Elder, Utah, United States. Volgt
10 Hortense (Hortense) Biddle, geboren op zondag
25 april 1915 in Brigham City, Box Elder, Utah, United States. Volgt
Valeria (Valeria) Biddle is geboren op maandag 17 juni 1895 in Brigham City,
Box Elder, Utah, United States, dochter van Thomas Sidney (Thomas Sidney)
Biddle (zie
en Mary Ann (Mary Ann) Savage. Valeria is overleden op de 14e van een onbekende
maand in 1969 in Santa Monica, California, United States, 73 of 74 jaar oud.
Zij is begraven in Brigham City, Box Elder, Utah, United States. Valeria
trouwde, 20 jaar oud, in maart 1916 met Guy Cecil
(Guy Cecil) Burson.
Clarence Regenal (Clarence Regenal) Biddle is geboren op zaterdag 21 augustus
1897 in Brigham City, Box Elder, Utah, United States, zoon van Thomas Sidney
(Thomas Sidney) Biddle (zie
en Mary Ann (Mary Ann) Savage. Clarence Regenal is overleden op maandag 5
januari 1976 in Collinston, Box Elder, Utah, United States, 78 jaar oud. Hij is
begraven op vrijdag 9 januari 1976 in Beaver Dam, Box Elder, Utah, United
States. Clarence Regenal trouwde, 23 jaar oud, op woensdag 22 september 1920 in
Logan Cache, Utah, United States met Melva Isabelle
(Melva Isabelle) Hancey, 21 jaar oud. Melva Isabelle is geboren op
maandag 17 oktober 1898 in Hyde Park, Cache, Utah, United States, dochter van
Alma John (Alma John) Hancey en Ellen Elizabeth (Ellen Elizabeth) Thurston.
Melva Isabelle is overleden op vrijdag 21 januari 1972 in Logan Cache, Utah,
United States, 73 jaar oud. Zij is begraven op dinsdag 25 januari 1972 in
Beaver Dam, Box Elder, Utah, United States.
van Clarence Regenal en Melva Isabelle:
1 Winston Jay (Winston Jay) Biddle. Volgt
2 Guy Odell (Guy Odell) Biddle, geboren op
vrijdag 14 december 1923 in Hyde Park, Cache, Utah, United States. Volgt
3 Maurine (Maurine) Biddle. Volgt
4 Clarence LaMar (Clarence LaMar) Biddle
[], geboren op
donderdag 26 juli 1928 in Collinston, Box Elder, Utah, United States. Clarence
LaMar is overleden op dinsdag 1 april 2003 in Brigham City, Box Elder, Utah,
United States, 74 jaar oud. Hij is begraven op vrijdag 4 april 2003 in Beaver
Dam, Box Elder, Utah, United States.
5 Sidney Alma (Sidney Alma) Biddle. Volgt
Winston Jay (Winston Jay) Biddle, zoon van Clarence Regenal (Clarence
Regenal) Biddle (zie
en Melva Isabelle (Melva Isabelle) Hancey. Winston Jay trouwde met Nancy Ann (Nancy Ann) Austin.
Guy Odell (Guy Odell) Biddle is geboren op vrijdag 14 december 1923 in
Hyde Park, Cache, Utah, United States, zoon van Clarence Regenal (Clarence
Regenal) Biddle (zie
en Melva Isabelle (Melva Isabelle) Hancey. Guy Odell is overleden op zaterdag 8
juli 2000 in Roy, Weber, Utah, United States, 76 jaar oud. Hij is begraven op
woensdag 12 juli 2000 in Roy, Weber, Utah, United States. Guy Odell trouwde met
Lois Pearl (Lois Pearl) Everton.
Maurine (Maurine) Biddle, dochter van Clarence Regenal (Clarence Regenal)
Biddle (zie
en Melva Isabelle (Melva Isabelle) Hancey. Maurine:
trouwde met James Clinton (James Clinton) Francis.
trouwde met William Jay (William Jay) Goss.
van Maurine en James Clinton:
1 William Jay (William Jay) Francis
van Maurine en William Jay:
2 Kenneth Archibald (Kenneth Archibald)
3 Leonard William (Leonard William) Goss. Volgt
4 Susan Eileen (Susan Eileen) Goss. Volgt
5 Norman Jay (Norman Jay) Goss. Volgt
6 Roger Alan (Roger Alan) Goss. Volgt
7 Douglas B (Douglas B) Goss. Volgt
Kenneth Archibald (Kenneth Archibald) Goss, zoon van William Jay (William Jay)
Goss en Maurine (Maurine) Biddle (zie
Kenneth Archibald trouwde met Linda Jean (Linda
Jean) Rochelle.
Leonard William (Leonard William) Goss, zoon van William Jay (William Jay) Goss
en Maurine (Maurine) Biddle (zie
Leonard William trouwde met Julianne (Julianne)
Susan Eileen (Susan Eileen) Goss, dochter van William Jay (William Jay)
Goss en Maurine (Maurine) Biddle (zie
Susan Eileen:
trouwde met Byron Collin (Byron Collin) Butler.
trouwde met Arlis Corvin (Arlis Corvin) Collie.
Norman Jay (Norman Jay) Goss, zoon van William Jay (William Jay) Goss
en Maurine (Maurine) Biddle (zie
Norman Jay trouwde met Susan Marie (Susan Marie)
Roger Alan (Roger Alan) Goss, zoon van William Jay (William Jay) Goss
en Maurine (Maurine) Biddle (zie
Roger Alan trouwde met Shanna Kaye (Shanna Kaye)
Douglas B (Douglas B) Goss, zoon van William Jay (William Jay) Goss en Maurine
(Maurine) Biddle (zie
Douglas B:
trouwde met Michele (Michele) van Leuven.
trouwde met Cheryl (Cheryl) NB.
Sidney Alma (Sidney Alma) Biddle, zoon van Clarence Regenal (Clarence
Regenal) Biddle (zie
en Melva Isabelle (Melva Isabelle) Hancey. Sidney Alma trouwde met Camilla (Camilla) Roskelly.
Florence (Florence) Biddle is geboren op donderdag 26 december 1901 in Brigham
City, Box Elder, Utah, United States, dochter van Thomas Sidney (Thomas Sidney)
Biddle (zie
en Mary Ann (Mary Ann) Savage. Florence is overleden op zaterdag 24 december
1988 in California, United States, 86 jaar oud. Zij is begraven op dinsdag 27
december 1988 in California, United States. Florence trouwde, 17 jaar oud, op
maandag 21 juli 1919 met Clarence (Clarence)
Walter Theron (Walter Theron) Biddle is geboren op zaterdag 16 mei 1903 in
Brigham City, Box Elder, Utah, United States, zoon van Thomas Sidney (Thomas
Sidney) Biddle (zie
en Mary Ann (Mary Ann) Savage. Walter Theron is overleden op vrijdag 5 december
1952 in Oregon, United States, 49 jaar oud. Walter Theron trouwde met Sarah (Sarah) Gerroms.
Floyd Lorenzo (Floyd Lorenzo) Biddle is geboren op vrijdag 13 oktober 1911 in
Brigham City, Box Elder, Utah, United States, zoon van Thomas Sidney (Thomas
Sidney) Biddle (zie
en Mary Ann (Mary Ann) Savage. Floyd Lorenzo is overleden op zondag 20 april
1975 in Califonie, United States, 63 jaar oud. Floyd Lorenzo trouwde, 22 jaar
oud, op maandag 19 februari 1934 met Yethive
(Yethive) Gledhill.
Hortense (Hortense) Biddle is geboren op zondag 25 april 1915 in Brigham City,
Box Elder, Utah, United States, dochter van Thomas Sidney (Thomas Sidney)
Biddle (zie
en Mary Ann (Mary Ann) Savage. Hortense is overleden op zaterdag 13 maart 2004 in
Salt Lake City, Salt Lake, Utah, United States, 88 jaar oud. Zij is begraven in
Salt Lake City, Salt Lake, Utah, United States. Hortense trouwde met Gerald F (Gerald F) Flannery.
Joseph Henry Paxton (Joseph Henry Paxton) Biddle is geboren op
woensdag 6 oktober 1869 in Odgen, Weber, Utah, United States, zoon van Thomas
(Thomas) Biddle (zie
en Justine (Justine) Jensen. Joseph Henry Paxton is overleden op dinsdag 2 juni
1931 in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, United States, 61 jaar oud. Joseph Henry Paxton
trouwde, 22 jaar oud, op vrijdag 2 september 1892 in Provo, Utah, United States
met Julia (Julia) Clyde.
Ephraim Paxton (Ephraim Paxton) Biddle is geboren in 1871 in Odgen, Weber, Utah,
United States, zoon van Thomas (Thomas) Biddle (zie
en Justine (Justine) Jensen. Ephraim Paxton is overleden in mei 1946, 74 of 75
jaar oud. Ephraim Paxton trouwde met Sarah (Sarah)
Harriet Christine (Harriet Christine) Biddle is geboren op zondag 22 januari
1871 in Odgen, Weber, Utah, United States, dochter van Thomas (Thomas) Biddle
en Justine (Justine) Jensen. Harriet Christine is overleden op dinsdag 17
december 1935 in Brigham City, Box Elder, Utah, United States, 64 jaar oud.
Harriet Christine trouwde, 18 jaar oud, op woensdag 20 maart 1889 in Logan,
Cache, Utah, United States met John Walker (John
Walker) Hillstrom.
Adeline (Adeline) Biddle is geboren op zondag 28 mei 1876 in Odgen, Weber,
Utah, United States, dochter van Thomas (Thomas) Biddle (zie
en Justine (Justine) Jensen. Adeline is overleden op maandag 3 april 1899, 22
jaar oud. Adeline trouwde, 16 jaar oud, op woensdag 30 november 1892 met Seymour Grant (Seymour Grant) Doane.
Elizabeth Paxton (Elizabeth Paxton) Biddle is geboren op dinsdag 4 maart 1879
in Odgen, Weber, Utah, United States, dochter van Thomas (Thomas) Biddle (zie
en Justine (Justine) Jensen. Elizabeth Paxton is overleden op maandag 13
september 1971 in Henderson, Clark, Nevada, United States, 92 jaar oud. Zij is
begraven in Boise, Ada, Idaho, United States. Elizabeth Paxton trouwde, 16 jaar
oud, op woensdag 19 februari 1896 in Beaver Canyon, Freemont, Idaho, United
States met Peter (Peter) Lawson.
Donald Stephen Paxton (Donald Stephen Paxton) Biddle is geboren op
vrijdag 14 september 1883 in Odgen, Weber, Utah, United States, zoon van Thomas
(Thomas) Biddle (zie
en Justine (Justine) Jensen. Donald Stephen Paxton is overleden op zondag 22
november 1964, 81 jaar oud. Donald Stephen Paxton trouwde, 28 jaar oud, op
woensdag 19 juni 1912 met Margaret (Margaret) Olive.
Nels Peter Nikolaisen (Nels Peter Nikolaisen) Biddle is geboren op
donderdag 27 augustus 1885 in Brigham City, Box Elder, Utah, United States,
zoon van Thomas (Thomas) Biddle (zie
en Adeline Wilhemine (Adeline Wilhemine) Jeppsen. Nels Peter Nikolaisen is
overleden op donderdag 2 oktober 1958 in Roy, Weber, Utah, United States, 73
jaar oud. Hij is begraven op maandag 6 oktober 1958 in Odgen, Weber, Utah,
United States. Nels Peter Nikolaisen:
trouwde, 20 jaar oud, op woensdag 11 april 1906 in Salt Lake City, Salt Lake,
Utah, United States [bron: LDS] met Ruby (Ruby) Green.
trouwde, 23 jaar oud, op woensdag 18 augustus 1909 in Salt Lake City, Salt
Lake, Utah, United States [bron: LDS] met Edith Bertha (Edith Bertha) Reed, 25 jaar oud.
Edith Bertha is geboren op vrijdag 18 april 1884 in North Point, Salt Lake,
Utah, United States. Edith Bertha is overleden op dinsdag 11 maart 1947 in El
Monte, Los Angeles, Californie, united States, 62 jaar oud. Zij is begraven in
maart 1947 in Odgen, Weber, Utah, United States.
van Nels Peter Nikolaisen en Edith Bertha:
1 Joseph Lawrence Ellis Nickolaisen (Joseph
Lawrence Ellis Nickolaisen) Biddle
[], geboren op vrijdag
24 november 1905 in North Point, Salt Lake, Utah, United States. Joseph
Lawrence Ellis Nickolaisen is overleden op maandag 4 april 1966, 60 jaar oud.
2 Howard Lee Nickolaisen (Howard Lee
Nickolaisen) Biddle
[], geboren op maandag
14 augustus 1916 in Bancroft, Bannock, Idaho, United States. Howard Lee
Nickolaisen is overleden op zaterdag 30 juni 1945, 28 jaar oud.
Emma (Emma) Biddle
is geboren op vrijdag 20 juni 1845 in Walsall, Staffordshire, England, dochter
van Thomas (Thomas) Biddle (zie
en Harriet (Harriet) Westley. Emma is overleden op zondag 3 augustus 1913, 68
jaar oud. Emma trouwde, 19 jaar oud, op zondag 16 april 1865 met William Sidney (William Sidney) Stone.
Anne (Anne) Biddulph
is geboren omstreeks 1724 in Birdingbury, Warwickshire, England, dochter van
Edward (Edward) Biddulph (zie
en Anne (Anne) Birch. Zij is gedoopt in Sutton Coldfield, Warwick, England.
Anne is overleden, minstens 32 jaar oud. Zij is begraven na 1756. Anne begon
een relatie met James (James) Stafford.
James is geboren omstreeks 1720 in Penkridge, Staffordshire.
John (John) Biddulph
is geboren omstreeks 1687 in Birdingbury, Warwickshire, zoon van Simon (Simon)
Biddulph (zie
en Jane (Jane) Birch. Hij is gedoopt op dinsdag 30 december 1687 in
Birdingbury, Warwickshire. John is overleden in 1772, ongeveer 85 jaar oud. Hij
is begraven op woensdag 22 april 1772 in Cannock, Staffordshire, England.
Notitie bij John: John married his 1st cousin
trouwde, ongeveer 36 jaar oud, in 1723 in Birdingbury , Warwickshire, England
met Jane (Jane) Birch, ongeveer 40 jaar oud.
Notitie bij het huwelijk van John en Jane: Jane married her 1st cousin
is geboren omstreeks 1683 in Birdingbury , Warwickshire, England, dochter van
Thomas (Thomas) Birch. Jane is overleden in 1729 in Cannock, Staffordshire,
England, ongeveer 46 jaar oud. Zij is begraven op maandag 14 november 1729 in
Cannock, Staffordshire, England.
Susanna (Susanna) Biddulph is geboren in 1690 in Birdingbury , Warwickshire,
England, dochter van Simon (Simon) Biddulph (zie
en Jane (Jane) Birch. Zij is gedoopt op donderdag 14 september 1690 in
Birdingbury, Warwickshire, England. Susanna is overleden, 77 of 78 jaar oud.
Zij is begraven op vrijdag 12 februari 1768 in Birdingbury, Warwickshire,
England. Susanna trouwde met Edward (Sir) (Edward)
Littleton. Edward is geboren omstreeks 1685 in Pillaton hall,
Staffordshire. Edward is overleden omstreeks 1714, ongeveer 29 jaar oud.
Notitie bij Edward: 1a Edward; MP Staffs 1685–87, Sheriff 1680–81; m Jan 1670/1
Susannah (d 25 Aug 1722), dau of Sir Theophilus Biddulph, 1st Bt (see 1949
edn), and dvp 24 Jan 1704, having had, with another s (d unm):
1b Sir EDWARD LITTLETON, 3rd Bt; Sheriff Staffs 1712–13; m
Mary (d 18 April 1761), only dau of Sir Richard Hoare, MP, and dsp 2 Jan 1741/2
2b Fisher, of Pipe Ridware, Staffs; barrister; m Frances,
est dau and coheir of James Whitehall, of Pipe Ridware, and d May 1740, having
had issue:
1c Sir EDWARD LITTLETON, 4th and last Bt; moved from
Pillaton Hall to Teddesley, Staffs; Sheriff Staffs 1762–63, MP 1784–1808; m
Frances, est dau of Christopher Horton, of Catton, Derby, and dsp 18 May 1812,
when the btcy expired
2c Fisher; barrister; m Mary, only dau and heir of Thomas
Seace, of Northrepps, Norfolk, and dsp
1c FRANCES Littleton; m (by licence) 28 July 1760 Moreton
WALHOUSE, of Hatherton, Staffs, and had issue
van Susanna en Edward:
1 Catherine (Catherine) Littleton
[], geboren omstreeks 1710.
2 Edward (Edward) Littleton [],
geboren omstreeks 1710.
3 Theophilus (Theophilus) Littleton
[], geboren omstreeks 1710.
4 Fisher (Fisher) Littleton
[], geboren omstreeks 1710.
5 Susan (Susan) Littleton
[], geboren omstreeks 1710.
6 Mary (Mary) Littleton
[], geboren omstreeks 1710.
7 Elizabeth (Elizabeth) Littleton
[], geboren omstreeks 1710.
8 Jane (Jane) Littleton
[], geboren omstreeks 1710.
Michael (Michael) Biddulph is geboren in 1693 in Lichfield ,Elmhurst,
Staffordshire, zoon van Simon (Simon) Biddulph (zie
en Jane (Jane) Birch. Hij is gedoopt op zaterdag 23 mei 1693 in Birdingbury,
Warwickshire, England. Michael is overleden, 33 of 34 jaar oud. Hij is begraven
op dinsdag 2 september 1727 in Cannock, Staffordshire, England.
Reverend |
trouwde met Elizabeth (Elizabeth) Stillingfleet.
Elizabeth is een dochter van James (James) Stillingfleet en Dorothy (Dorothy)
Wylde. Zij is gedoopt op woensdag 6 oktober 1700 in Cathedral, Worcester.
Notitie bij Elizabeth: Vermoedelijk trouwt Elsabeth weer met Stephen Locker, na de dood
van Michael. Als dat zo is dan komt er een reeks nakomelingen voor (archief).
van Michael en Elizabeth:
1 Jane (Jane) Biddulph, geboren in 1725
in Lichfield ,Elmhurst, Staffordshire. Volgt
Jane (Jane) Biddulph
is geboren in 1725 in Lichfield ,Elmhurst, Staffordshire, dochter van Michael
(Michael) Biddulph (zie
en Elizabeth (Elizabeth) Stillingfleet. Jane is overleden op vrijdag 14
augustus 1818 in Birdingbury , Warwickshire, England, 92 of 93 jaar oud. Jane
trouwde, 22 of 23 jaar oud, in 1748 in Blockley, Lichfield, Warwick, England
met Theophilus (Sir) (Theophilus) Biddulph,
28 of 29 jaar oud. Zie
voor persoonsgegevens van Theophilus.
van Jane uit onbekende relatie:
1 John (John) Biddulph
2 Susannah (Susannah) Biddulph
[], geboren omstreeks 1682, dochter
van Michael (Sir) (Michael) Biddulph (zie
en Henrietta Maria (Henrietta) Whitley.
van Jane en Theophilus: zie
Charles (Charles) Biddulph is geboren in 1697 in London, England, zoon van Simon
(Simon) Biddulph (zie
en Jane (Jane) Birch. Hij is gedoopt op vrijdag 6 december 1697 in Birdingbury,
Warwickshire, England. Charles is overleden in Birdingbury , Warwickshire,
England, 54 of 55 jaar oud. Hij is begraven op donderdag 9 november 1752 in
Birdingbury, Warwickshire, England. Charles trouwde, 22 of 23 jaar oud, in 1720
in Birdingbury , Warwickshire, England met Judith
(Judith) NB, ongeveer 20 jaar oud. Judith is geboren omstreeks 1700.
Judith is overleden omstreeks 1748, ongeveer 48 jaar oud.
Rachel (Rachel) Biddulph is geboren omstreeks 1703 in Birdingbury ,
Warwickshire, England, dochter van Simon (Simon) Biddulph (zie
en Jane (Jane) Birch. Rachel trouwde met William
(William) Basett.
Walter (Walter) Biddulph is geboren in 1705 in Barton Under Needwood,
Staffordshire, England, zoon van Simon (Simon) Biddulph (zie
en Jane (Jane) Birch. Hij is gedoopt op dinsdag 18 augustus 1705 in
Birdingbury, Warwickshire, England. Walter is overleden in 1775, 69 of 70 jaar
oud. Hij is begraven op zondag 20 augustus 1775 in Barton Under Needlewood,
Staffordshire, England. Walter trouwde, 39 of 40 jaar oud, op vrijdag 24
september 1745 in Radford, Nottinghamshire met Mary
(Mary) Adcock. Mary is geboren in Shenstone, Staffordshire, England.
Mary is overleden in 1779. Zij is begraven op maandag 21 juni 1779.
van Walter en Mary:
1 Margaret (Margaret) Biddulph, geboren op
dinsdag 30 oktober 1753 in Staffordshire. Volgt
2 Susanna (Susanna) Biddulph, geboren omstreeks
1755 in Staffordshire. Volgt
3 Simon (Simon) Biddulph, geboren in 1761. Volgt
Margaret (Margaret) Biddulph is geboren op dinsdag 30 oktober 1753 in
Staffordshire, dochter van Walter (Walter) Biddulph (zie
en Mary (Mary) Adcock. Zij is gedoopt op zondag 6 oktober 1754 in Armitage,
Staffordshire. Margaret is overleden op donderdag 2 februari 1786, 32 jaar oud.
Zij is begraven op woensdag 8 februari 1786 in Statfold, Staffordshire.
Margaret trouwde, 24 jaar oud, op donderdag 25 juni 1778 in Barton Under
Needlewood, Staffordshire met Samuel (Samuel)
Pipe-Wolferstan, 27 jaar oud. Samuel is geboren op vrijdag 5 februari
1751 in Tamworth, Staffordshire, zoon van Samuel (Samuel) Pipe en Dorothy
(Dorothy) Wolferstan. Hij is gedoopt op vrijdag 16 april 1751 in Tamworth,
Staffordshire. Samuel is overleden in 1820, 68 of 69 jaar oud.
van Margaret en Samuel:
1 Margaret (Margaret) Pipe-Wolferstan
[], geboren op zaterdag 27 maart
1779 in Statfold Hall, Staffordshire. Zij is gedoopt in Tamworth,
2 Stanley (Stanley) Pipe-Wolferstan
[], geboren op maandag 21 maart
1785 in Statfold Hall, Staffordshire. Hij is gedoopt op donderdag 9 juni 1785
in Tamworth, Staffordshire. Stanley is overleden op zaterdag 26 januari 1867,
81 jaar oud.
Susanna (Susanna) Biddulph is geboren omstreeks 1755 in Staffordshire, dochter
van Walter (Walter) Biddulph (zie
en Mary (Mary) Adcock. Zij is gedoopt in Barton Under Wood, Staffordshire.
Susanna trouwde, ongeveer 28 jaar oud, in december 1783 met George (George) Greaves.
Simon (Simon) Biddulph is geboren in 1761, zoon van Walter (Walter) Biddulph
en Mary (Mary) Adcock. Hij is gedoopt op zondag 17 mei 1761. Simon is overleden
op woensdag 5 januari 1842 in Cape Town, South Africa, 80 of 81 jaar oud.
1820 |
Africa (emigrated) |
trouwde, 23 of 24 jaar oud, op maandag 11 juli 1785 met Annie (Annie) Burnet, ongeveer 20 jaar oud. Annie is
geboren omstreeks 1765.
van Simon en Annie:
1 Gilbert Burnet (Gilbert Burnet) Biddulph
[], geboren in december 1788.
Hij is gedoopt op woensdag 24 maart 1790 in Halesowen, Worcester, England. Gilbert
Burnet is overleden op zaterdag 17 april 1790, 1 jaar oud.
2 Edward (Edward) Biddulph, geboren op
zaterdag 16 januari 1790. Volgt
3 John Burnet (John Burnet) Biddulph, geboren omstreeks
1797. Volgt
4 William Burnet (William Burnet) Biddulph
[]. Hij is gedoopt op woensdag
18 mei 1808 in Tamworth, Staffordshire, England.
5 Frances Maria (Frances Maria) Biddulph
[]. Zij is gedoopt op woensdag
18 mei 1808 in Tamworth, Staffordshire, England.
Edward (Edward) Biddulph is geboren op zaterdag 16 januari 1790, zoon van Simon
(Simon) Biddulph (zie
en Annie (Annie) Burnet. Edward is overleden op dinsdag 28 januari 1851 in
Hunter’s River, NSW, Australia, 61 jaar oud.
Notitie bij Edward: Brought out from England the first steamship to arrive in
Australian water. Captain Biddulph was owner and Captain on the Sophia Jane
RN |
trouwde, 31 jaar oud, op zaterdag 10 februari 1821 met Mary Stewart (Mary Stewart) Chase.
van Edward en Mary Stewart:
1 Walter John (Walter John) Biddulph, geboren op zondag
25 februari 1827 in Dalcorswyn,Wales (UK). Volgt
Walter John (Walter John) Biddulph is geboren op zondag 25 februari 1827 in
Dalcorswyn,Wales (UK), zoon van Edward (Edward) Biddulph (zie
en Mary Stewart (Mary Stewart) Chase. Walter John is overleden op dinsdag 27
juni 1905 in Springsure, Australia, 78 jaar oud. Hij is begraven in Springsure,
Australia. Walter John trouwde, 38 jaar oud, op dinsdag 13 juni 1865 in
Springsure, Queensland, Australia met Harriett
Sophia (Harriett Sophia) Foot, 25 jaar oud. Harriett Sophia is geboren
op zondag 22 september 1839 in Birtley, Springsure (Aus), dochter van
Theophilus (Theophilus) Foot en Helen (Helen). Harriett Sophia is overleden op
zondag 8 september 1940, 100 jaar oud. Zij is begraven in Springsure,
Notitie bij Harriett Sophia: Biddulph, Harriette Sophia (1839-1940)
Botanical collector, born at Durham, Hunter district of
New South Wales, in 1839, died at Birtley on 8 September 1940.
Harriette Sophia Biddulph, botanical collector and
grazier, was born at Durham in the Hunter district of New South Wales. She was
the eldest daughter of Theophilus Foot, grazier and graduate of Trinity
College, Dublin, and his wife, Ellen, nee Nesbitt, both Irish-born. After
completing her education at a Church of England school in Sydney, Harriette
trekked north from the Hunter in 1862 when the Foot family set out with their
stock for new pastures in Central Queensland. The family took up Moravia Downs
in the Springsure district, where in 1865 Harriette married Walter John Biddulph,
from another of the district’s pioneer pastoralist families.
Harriette and Walter Biddulph spent their early married
life at Boxvale station on the Dawson River and Windah in the Rockhampton
district, which Walter managed. At this time, most of their nine children were
born, seven of whom survived infancy. In 1878 the Biddulphs moved west to their
own property, Mount Playfair, east of Tambo. It was during their 27 years at
Mount Playfair that Harriette earnt her reputation as a plant collector, gathering
many of her specimens in the nearby Carnarvon Range. From 1890 she sent these
to the Government Botanist of Victoria, Ferdinand Mueller, who named the
plants, Hemigenia biddulphiana and Astrotriche biddulphiana, for her. The
frequency of her despatches, which continued until Mueller’s death in 1896, is
shown by her note of 1891 accompanying a specimen of Leptospermum lamellatum:
’I don’t know if I have sent you this shrub before; ’tis a good sized shrub
white flower...’ Mueller, in turn, acknowledged her ’generous support’ of his
researches in an autographed copy of his book, Select Extra-tropical Plants
(etc.) of 1888, and made her gifts of garden seeds, as he did for other
In 1903 Harriette and Walter Biddulph moved to Birtley
station, west of Springsure, where Harriette tended a large vegetable garden.
She remained at Birtley following Walter’s death in 1905 and the station was
then managed on her behalf by her son, Francis (later Sir Francis after
succeeding to the baronetcy of Biddulph). A cultured woman of proud and upright
bearing, ’Old Lady Biddulph’ remained active until her death at Birtley on 8
September 1940, just. weeks before her 101st birthday. Her interest in plants
was maintained by Muriel Margaret Biddulph, wife of a grandson, who from 1956
to 1966 sent many more specimens from Mount Playfair to the Queensland
Source: Judith McKay in Brilliant Careers, Queensland
Museum, 1997
van Walter John en Harriett Sophia:
1 Walter Edward (Walter Edward) Biddulph [],
geboren op vrijdag 16 maart 1866 in Springsure, Australia. Walter Edward is
overleden op dinsdag 12 maart 1867, 11 maanden oud.
2 Mary Ellen (Mary Ellen) Biddulph, geboren op
dinsdag 23 juli 1867 in Springsure, Queensland, Australia. Volgt
3 Theophilus Burnet (Theophilus Burnet)
[], geboren op dinsdag 19
oktober 1869 in Springsure, Australia. Theophilus Burnet is overleden op
donderdag 8 oktober 1896, 26 jaar oud.
4 Anna Sophia (Anna Sophia) Biddulph, geboren op
dinsdag 1 augustus 1871. Volgt
5 Alice Caroline (Alice Caroline) Biddulph, geboren op
zaterdag 27 december 1873. Volgt
6 Lucy Maud (Lucy Maud) Biddulph, geboren op
vrijdag 29 september 1876. Volgt
7 Florence Frances (Florence Frances)
[], geboren op zaterdag 8
februari 1879. Florence Frances is overleden op dinsdag 5 mei 1964, 85 jaar
8 Ethel (Ethel) Biddulph
[], geboren op maandag 22
november 1880. Ethel is overleden op zaterdag 27 november 1880, 5 dagen oud.
9 Francis Henry (Sir) (Francis Henry)
geboren op donderdag 8 juni 1882 in Mt. Playfair, Westcombe, Greenwich, Kent,
England. Volgt
Mary Ellen (Mary Ellen) Biddulph is geboren op dinsdag 23 juli 1867 in
Springsure, Queensland, Australia, dochter van Walter John (Walter John)
Biddulph (zie
en Harriett Sophia (Harriett Sophia) Foot. Zij is gedoopt in september 1868.
Mary Ellen is overleden op maandag 22 juli 1957 in Springsure, Queensland,
Australia, 89 jaar oud.
Notitie bij Mary Ellen: getrouwd en 5 kinderen
Ellen trouwde, 36 jaar oud, op dinsdag 10 november 1903 in Springsure,
Queensland, Australia met Henry John (Henry John)
Bredhauer, ongeveer 41 jaar oud. Henry John is geboren omstreeks 1862.
Henry John is overleden na 1893 in Springsure, Queensland, Australia, minstens
31 jaar oud.
Anna Sophia (Anna Sophia) Biddulph is geboren op dinsdag 1 augustus 1871,
dochter van Walter John (Walter John) Biddulph (zie
en Harriett Sophia (Harriett Sophia) Foot. Zij is gedoopt in oktober 1871 in
Rockhampton. Anna Sophia is overleden op donderdag 16 juli 1964, 92 jaar oud.
Notitie bij Anna Sophia: getrouwd en 5 kinderen
Sophia trouwde, 27 jaar oud, op woensdag 3 augustus 1898 met John Cunningham (John Cunningham) Wells, ongeveer
32 jaar oud. John Cunningham is geboren omstreeks 1866. John Cunningham is
overleden in 1935, ongeveer 69 jaar oud.
Alice Caroline (Alice Caroline) Biddulph is geboren op zaterdag 27 december 1873,
dochter van Walter John (Walter John) Biddulph (zie
en Harriett Sophia (Harriett Sophia) Foot. Zij is gedoopt in januari 1874.
Alice Caroline is overleden op zaterdag 25 september 1971, 97 jaar oud.
Notitie bij Alice Caroline: Getrouwd en 2 dochters
Caroline trouwde, 30 jaar oud, op vrijdag 22 april 1904 met Edward Dunbar (Edward Dunbar) Wells, ongeveer 36
jaar oud. Edward Dunbar is geboren omstreeks 1868. Edward Dunbar is overleden
in 1954, ongeveer 86 jaar oud.
Lucy Maud (Lucy Maud) Biddulph is geboren op vrijdag 29 september 1876,
dochter van Walter John (Walter John) Biddulph (zie
en Harriett Sophia (Harriett Sophia) Foot. Zij is gedoopt in november 1876. Lucy
Maud is overleden op zondag 24 juni 1923, 46 jaar oud.
Notitie bij Lucy Maud: Getrouwd en6 kinderen
Maud trouwde, 25 jaar oud, op maandag 23 juni 1902 met James henry (James henry) Wells, ongeveer 31 jaar
oud. James henry is geboren omstreeks 1871. James henry is overleden op vrijdag
31 januari 1941, ongeveer 70 jaar oud.
Francis Henry (Sir) (Francis Henry) Biddulph is geboren op donderdag 8 juni 1882
in Mt. Playfair, Westcombe, Greenwich, Kent, England, zoon van Walter John
(Walter John) Biddulph (zie
en Harriett Sophia (Harriett Sophia) Foot.
Notitie bij Francis Henry: 9th Bt
baronet |
Henry trouwde, 24 jaar oud, op dinsdag 5 maart 1907 met Janet (Janet) Hannah, ongeveer 20 jaar oud. Janet
is geboren omstreeks 1887 in Brisbane, Australia. Janet is overleden op donderdag
19 juli 1956, ongeveer 69 jaar oud.
van Francis Henry en Janet:
1 Stuart Royden (Sir) (Stuart Royden)
geboren op woensdag 24 juni 1908 in Brisbane, Australia. Volgt
2 Malcolm Francis (Malcolm Francis)
geboren op vrijdag 13 mei 1910 in Brisbane, Australia. Volgt
3 Anita lillian (Anita lillian) Biddulph
[], geboren op zondag 1
oktober 1911. Anita lillian is overleden op donderdag 23 maart 1961, 49 jaar
Stuart Royden (Sir) (Stuart Royden) Biddulph is geboren op woensdag 24 juni 1908
in Brisbane, Australia, zoon van Francis Henry (Sir) (Francis Henry) Biddulph
en Janet (Janet) Hannah. Stuart Royden is overleden in 1986, 77 of 78 jaar oud.
Stuart Royden trouwde, 30 jaar oud, op donderdag 18 mei 1939 met Muriel Margaret (Muriel Margaret) Harkness,
ongeveer 20 jaar oud. Muriel Margaret is geboren omstreeks 1919 in Hamley
Bridge, South Australia. Muriel Margaret is overleden in 1995, ongeveer 76 jaar
van Stuart Royden en Muriel Margaret:
1 Ian Jack D’Olier (Sir) (Jack) Biddulph. Volgt
2 Wendy Margaret (Wendy Margaret) Biddulph
3 Mary Estelle (Mary Estelle) Biddulph [].
Ian Jack D’Olier (Sir) (Jack) Biddulph, zoon van Stuart Royden (Sir) (Stuart
Royden) Biddulph (zie
en Muriel Margaret (Muriel Margaret) Harkness. Jack trouwde met Margaret Eleanor (Margaret Eleanor) Gablonski.
van Jack en Margaret Eleanor:
1 Paul Williams (Paul Williams) Biddulph
2 Julie Denise (Julie Denise) Biddulph
3 Roslyn Mary (Roslyn Mary) Biddulph
Malcolm Francis (Malcolm Francis) Biddulph is geboren op vrijdag 13 mei 1910
in Brisbane, Australia, zoon van Francis Henry (Sir) (Francis Henry) Biddulph
en Janet (Janet) Hannah. Malcolm Francis is overleden in 1993, 82 of 83 jaar
oud. Malcolm Francis trouwde met Inez Margaret
(Inez Margaret) Donnelly.
van Malcolm Francis en Inez Margaret:
1 Janice Claire (Janice Claire) Biddulph
2 Peter Michael Biddulph. Volgt
3 David Francis (David Francis) Biddulph. Volgt
Peter Michael Biddulph, zoon van Malcolm Francis (Malcolm Francis) Biddulph
en Inez Margaret (Inez Margaret) Donnelly. Peter trouwde met Beverly Marie (Beverly Marie) Story. Beverly Marie
is overleden in 1987.
van Peter en Beverly Marie:
1 Michael Andrew (Michael Andrew) Biddulph. Volgt
2 Sean Gregory (Sean Gregory) Biddulph
3 Anne Marie (Anne Marie) Biddulph
4 Craig (Craig) Biddulph
5 Mark Sterling (Mark Sterling) Biddulph
Michael Andrew (Michael Andrew) Biddulph, zoon van Peter Michael Biddulph (zie
en Beverly Marie (Beverly Marie) Story. Michael Andrew trouwde met Tamara (Tamara) Kelly.
David Francis (David Francis) Biddulph, zoon van Malcolm Francis (Malcolm
Francis) Biddulph (zie
en Inez Margaret (Inez Margaret) Donnelly. David Francis trouwde met Doreen (Doreen) Power.
van David Francis en Doreen:
1 Sally (Sally) Biddulph
2 Dennis (Dennis) Biddulph
John Burnet (John Burnet) Biddulph is geboren omstreeks 1797, zoon van Simon
(Simon) Biddulph (zie
en Annie (Annie) Burnet. John Burnet is overleden op vrijdag 3 maart 1837,
ongeveer 40 jaar oud. John Burnet trouwde, ongeveer 25 jaar oud, in 1822 met Wilhelmina Theodora Elizabeth (Wilhelmina Theodora
Elizabeth) Walstrand, ongeveer 20 jaar oud. Wilhelmina Theodora
Elizabeth is geboren omstreeks 1802 in Cape Of Good Hope, South Africa.
van John Burnet en Wilhelmina Theodora Elizabeth:
1 James henry (James henry) Biddulph
[], geboren omstreeks 1823 in
Cape Of Good Hope, South Africa.
2 Biddulph
[], geboren omstreeks 1825 in
Cape Of Good Hope, South Africa.
3 T.J. (T.J.) Biddulph
[], geboren omstreeks 1826 in
Cape Of Good Hope, South Africa.
4 Biddulph
[], geboren omstreeks 1828 in
Cape Of Good Hope, South Africa.
5 John Edward (John Edward) Biddulph, geboren op zondag
15 november 1829 in Bathurst, Cape Of Good Hope, South Africa. Volgt
John Edward (John Edward) Biddulph is geboren op zondag 15 november 1829 in
Bathurst, Cape Of Good Hope, South Africa, zoon van John Burnet (John Burnet)
Biddulph (zie
en Wilhelmina Theodora Elizabeth (Wilhelmina Theodora Elizabeth) Walstrand.
John Edward trouwde, 22 of 23 jaar oud, in 1852 in Port Elizabeth, Cape of good
hope, South Africa met Fanny (Fanny) Tunbridge.
Anthony (Anthony) Biddulph is geboren in 1584 in Stowe, Staffordshire, England,
zoon van Symon (Symon) Biddulph (zie en
Joyce (Joyce) Floyer. Hij is gedoopt op woensdag 11 januari 1584 in St Mary’s
Lichfield, Stowe, Staffordshire, England. Anthony is overleden in 1651, 66 of
67 jaar oud. Anthony trouwde, 38 of 39 jaar oud, in 1623 met Elizabeth Palmer, 34 of 35 jaar oud. Elizabeth is
geboren in 1588 in Londen, dochter van Robert (Robert) Palmer en Mary (Mary)
van Anthony en Elizabeth:
1 Stephen (Stephen) Biddulph
[], geboren in 1621.
2 Robert (Robert) Biddulph, geboren in 1624
in London. Volgt
3 Michael (Michael) Biddulph, geboren in 1626
in Polesworth, Warwickshire. Volgt
4 Elizabeth (Elizabeth) Biddulph
[], geboren in 1628 in London.
5 Joyce (Joyce) Biddulph [],
geboren in 1630 in Londen.
6 Sarah (Sarah) Biddulph
[], geboren in 1632.
7 Mary (Mary) Biddulph
[], geboren in 1634 in Londen.
Robert (Robert) Biddulph is geboren in 1624 in London, zoon van Anthony
(Anthony) Biddulph (zie
en Elizabeth Palmer. Robert is overleden in 1678, 53 of 54 jaar oud.
Notitie bij overlijden van Robert: Robert overleden in 1678 of 1670?
Notitie bij Robert: Basis info van Robert en Mary uit het boekje van familie,
internet geeft andere data!
trouwde, 25 of 26 jaar oud, in 1650 met Mary (Mary)
Cullen, 14 of 15 jaar oud. Mary is geboren in 1635 in Polesworth,
Warwickshire, dochter van Abraham (Abraham) Cullen. Mary is overleden in 1686,
50 of 51 jaar oud.
van Robert en Mary:
1 Robert (Robert) Biddulph [].
2 Robert (Robert) Biddulph
[], geboren in 1653.
3 William (William) Biddulph
[], geboren in 1658.
4 Anthony (Anthony) Biddulph, geboren in 1659 in
Ledbury, Herefordshire, England. Volgt
Anthony (Anthony) Biddulph is geboren in 1659 in Ledbury, Herefordshire, England,
zoon van Robert (Robert) Biddulph (zie en
Mary (Mary) Cullen. Anthony is overleden op dinsdag 10 mei 1718 in Ledbury,
Herefordshire, England, 58 of 59 jaar oud.
Notitie bij Anthony: Er waren meer kinderen, maar niet meer leesbaar
1694 |
Sheriff Herefordshire |
trouwde, 20 of 21 jaar oud, op woensdag 15 mei 1680 in Ledbury [bron: England: - Marriage Licences Issued by the Faculty Office,
1632-1714] met Constance (Constance) Hall,
29 of 30 jaar oud. Constance is geboren in 1650, dochter van Francis (Francis) Hall
en Constance (Constance) Skynner. Zij is gedoopt op zondag 25 december 1650 in
Ledbury, Hereford, England. Constance is overleden op dinsdag 28 december 1706
in Ledbury, Hereford, England, 55 of 56 jaar oud.
van Anthony en Constance:
1 Anthony (Anthony) Biddulph
[], geboren in 1681. Hij is gedoopt op
maandag 30 juni 1681 in Ledbury. Anthony is overleden op dinsdag 20 december
1689, 7 of 8 jaar oud.
2 Robert (Robert) Biddulph, geboren in 1682
in Ledbury, Hereford, England. Volgt
3 Francis Biddulph, geboren in 1683
in Ledbury. Volgt
4 Michael (Michael) Biddulph
[], geboren in 1685 in Ledbury. Hij is
gedoopt op maandag 20 augustus 1685 in Ledbury. Michael is overleden in 1758,
72 of 73 jaar oud.
Robert (Robert) Biddulph is geboren in 1682 in Ledbury, Hereford, England, zoon
van Anthony (Anthony) Biddulph (zie
en Constance (Constance) Hall. Hij is gedoopt in oktober 1682. Robert is
overleden op dinsdag 10 maart 1772 in Ledbury, Hereford, England, 89 of 90 jaar
oud. Robert trouwde, 32 of 33 jaar oud, in 1715 in Cofton met Anne (Anne) Jolliffe, 24 of 25 jaar oud. Anne is
geboren op donderdag 7 september 1690 in Corton Hackett, Worcestershire,
dochter van Benjamin (Benjamin) Jolliffe en Mary (Mary) Jolliffe. Anne is
overleden in 1760, 69 of 70 jaar oud.
van Robert en Anne:
1 Anthony (Anthony) Biddulph
[], geboren in 1717. Hij is gedoopt
op zondag 25 april 1717 in Ledbury.
2 Robert (Robert) Biddulph
[], geboren in 1718. Hij is gedoopt
op zondag 20 februari 1718 in Ledbury.
3 Thomas (Thomas) Biddulph
[], geboren in 1720. Hij is gedoopt
op zondag 22 september 1720 in Ledbury.
4 Michael (Michael) Biddulph, geboren op
vrijdag 21 januari 1724 in Ledbury and Cofton Hall. Volgt
5 Benjamin (Benjamin) Biddulph, geboren in 1727
in Burghill, Herefordshire, England. Volgt
6 Mary (Mary) Biddulph
[], geboren in 1731. Zij is gedoopt
op vrijdag 28 september 1731 in Ledbury.
7 Francis (Francis) Biddulph
[], geboren in 1733 in Ledbury,
Hereford, England. Hij is gedoopt op dinsdag 3 maart 1733 in Ledbury, Hereford,
England. Francis is overleden in 1800 in Ledbury, Hereford, England, 66 of 67
jaar oud.
Charing Cross |
Michael (Michael) Biddulph is geboren op vrijdag 21 januari 1724 in Ledbury and
Cofton Hall, zoon van Robert (Robert) Biddulph (zie
en Anne (Anne) Jolliffe. Hij is gedoopt op maandag 24 januari 1724 in Ledbury,
Hereford, England. Michael is overleden op zaterdag 6 december 1800 in Ledbury,
Hereford, England, 76 jaar oud. Hij is begraven op zaterdag 13 december 1800 in
Ledbury, Hereford, England.
Esquire |
trouwde, 33 jaar oud, op woensdag 14 september 1757 in Great Malvern, Worcs met
Penelope (Penelope) Dandrigde, 22 of 23 jaar
oud. Penelope is geboren in 1734 in Balden’s Green, Malvern, Worcestershire,
dochter van John (John) Dandrigde. Zij is gedoopt op vrijdag 12 februari 1734
in Saint Helen, Worcester. Penelope is overleden op donderdag 19 februari 1818,
83 of 84 jaar oud. Zij is begraven op vrijdag 27 februari 1818 in Ledbury.
van Michael en Penelope:
1 Penelope (Penelope) Biddulph, geboren in 1759. Volgt
2 Thomas (Thomas) Biddulph
[], geboren in 1759. Hij is
gedoopt op vrijdag 14 december 1759 in ST JAMES THE GREAT, Colwall,
3 Robert (Robert) Biddulph, geboren in 1761
in Ledbury, Hereford, England. Volgt
4 Michael (Michael) Biddulph
[], geboren in 1762. Hij is
gedoopt op zondag 7 november 1762 in Colwall.
5 Richard (Richard) Biddulph
[]. Hij is gedoopt op zondag 7
november 1762 in ST JAMES THE GREAT, Colwall, Herefordshire.
6 Penelope (Penelope) Biddulph, geboren op
vrijdag 11 mei 1764 in Colwall. Volgt
7 Francis (Francis) Biddulph
[], geboren in 1766. Hij is
gedoopt op dinsdag 28 januari 1766 in ST JAMES THE GREAT, Colwall,
8 John (John) Biddulph, geboren in maart
1768 in Ledbury, Hereford, England. Volgt
9 Mary Anne (Mary) Biddulph, geboren op
dinsdag 15 augustus 1769 in Colwall. Volgt
10 Anne (Anne) Biddulph, geboren op
zaterdag 29 februari 1772 in Worcester. Volgt
11 Harriet (Harriet) Biddulph, geboren op
donderdag 20 april 1775 in Worcester. Volgt
Penelope (Penelope) Biddulph is geboren in 1759, dochter van Michael
(Michael) Biddulph (zie
en Penelope (Penelope) Dandrigde. Zij is gedoopt op maandag 8 januari 1759 in
ST JAMES THE GREAT, Colwall, Herefordshire. Penelope trouwde met Adam (Adam) Gorden. Adam is geboren in 1758 in
Londen. Adam is overleden op woensdag 28 mei 1800, 41 of 42 jaar oud.
Notitie bij Adam: 1 kind
Robert (Robert) Biddulph is geboren in 1761 in Ledbury, Hereford, England, zoon
van Michael (Michael) Biddulph (zie
en Penelope (Penelope) Dandrigde. Hij is gedoopt op zondag 29 maart 1761 in ST
JAMES THE GREAT, Colwall, Herefordshire. Robert is overleden op dinsdag 30
augustus 1814 in Cheltenham, Gloucestershire, England, 52 of 53 jaar oud.
Notitie bij Robert: Robert assumed the additional name and arms of Myddleton bij
Royal License 1801
Esq of Ledbury, and Cofton Hall
trouwde, 39 of 40 jaar oud, op donderdag 24 december 1801 met Charlotte (Charlotte) Myddleton, 30 of 31 jaar
oud. Charlotte is geboren in 1770 in Chirck Castle, Chirck, Denbighshire,
Wales, dochter van Richard (Richard) Myddleton en Elizabeth (Elizabeth)
van Robert en Charlotte:
1 Charlotte Elisabeth Myddelton (Charlotte)
geboren in 1801 in Ledbury, Hereford, England. Volgt
2 Robert Myddelton (Robert) Biddulph, geboren op
donderdag 20 juni 1805 in Chirk Castle, Denbighshire, and Burghill,
Herefordshire. Volgt
3 Thomas Myddleton (Sir) (Thomas) Biddulph, geboren op
zaterdag 29 juli 1809 in Ledbury, Hereford, England. Volgt
Charlotte Elisabeth Myddelton (Charlotte) Biddulph is geboren in 1801
in Ledbury, Hereford, England, dochter van Robert (Robert) Biddulph (zie
en Charlotte (Charlotte) Myddleton. Charlotte is overleden op vrijdag 6 oktober
1871, 69 of 70 jaar oud.
Notitie bij Charlotte: 1c Charles William Muade (Rev); Rector Munden Magna, Herts; b 2
Oct 1816; m 25 Sept 1849 Charlotte (d 6 Oct 1871), dau of Robert Myddleton
Biddulph, of Chirk Castle, and d 22 March 1888, having had:
1d Charles Thomas; b May 1851; d 2 Oct 1892
2d Robert John; Maj Rifle Bde; b 14 Jan 1853; m 28 Dec
1893 Susan Alexandrina (d 1944), widow of Rev E Blomfield and dau of Gen Sir
Frank Turner, KCB, and d 25 Nov 1906, leaving:
1e Thomas Raymond; b 23 June 1898; d 28 Feb 1834
1e Charlotte Mary; b 13 May 1896; d 30 June 1910
2e Margaret Frances; b 4 Nov 1899; d unm 1943
trouwde, 47 of 48 jaar oud, op dinsdag 25 september 1849 met Charles (Charles) Maude, 32 jaar oud. Charles is
geboren op woensdag 2 oktober 1816 in Great Munden, Hertfordshire, England.
Charles is overleden op donderdag 22 maart 1888, 71 jaar oud.
Robert Myddelton (Robert) Biddulph is geboren op donderdag 20 juni 1805 in
Chirk Castle, Denbighshire, and Burghill, Herefordshire, zoon van Robert
(Robert) Biddulph (zie
en Charlotte (Charlotte) Myddleton. Robert is overleden in 1872, 66 of 67 jaar
for Denbighshire |
Colonel |
trouwde, 26 jaar oud, op donderdag 31 mei 1832 met Fanny
(Fanny) Mostyn-Owen. Fanny is geboren in Woodhouse, Shropshire.
van Robert en Fanny:
1 Gilbert Hugh Myddelton (Gilbert Hugh)
[], geboren in Chirck Castle,
Chirck, Denbighshire, Wales. Gilbert Hugh is overleden in 1877.
2 Fanny Charlotte Myddelton (Fanny
Charlotte) Biddulph
[], geboren in Chirck Castle,
Chirck, Denbighshire, Wales. Fanny Charlotte is overleden op donderdag 22
februari 1900.
3 Mary Caroline Myddelton (Mary Caroline)
geboren in Chirck Castle, Chirck, Denbighshire, Wales. Volgt
4 Richard Myddelton (Richard) Biddulph, geboren op
maandag 13 februari 1837 in Chirk Castle, Denbighshire. Volgt
5 Alice Myddelton (Alice) Biddulph
[], geboren in 1839 in Chirck
Castle, Chirck, Denbighshire, Wales. Alice is overleden in 1897, 57 of 58 jaar
6 Robert (Robert) Biddulph
[], geboren op maandag 25
september 1843. Robert is overleden op vrijdag 4 september 1863, 19 jaar oud.
Mary Caroline Myddelton (Mary Caroline) Biddulph is geboren in
Chirck Castle, Chirck, Denbighshire, Wales, dochter van Robert Myddelton
(Robert) Biddulph (zie
en Fanny (Fanny) Mostyn-Owen. Mary Caroline is overleden op zaterdag 20
september 1890. Mary Caroline trouwde op dinsdag 23 september 1862 met Adolphus Ulick (Adolphus Ulick) Wombwell, 28 jaar
oud. Adolphus Ulick is geboren op zaterdag 17 mei 1834 in Denbighshire, Wales.
Adolphus Ulick is overleden op maandag 21 juni 1886, 52 jaar oud.
Notitie bij Adolphus Ulick: Lt-Col, 12 th Lancers
2nd son of Sir George Wombwell, 3rd Baronet
Yorks, MBE (1977) [Sir George Wombwell Bt, Newburgh Priory, Coxwold, York YO6
4AS]; b 21 May 1949; s f 1977; educ Repton; m 31 Aug 1974 •(Hermione) Jane, er
dau of T S Wrightson, of Ulshaw Grange, Middleham, Yorks, and has:
1a +STEPHEN PHILIP HENRY; b 12 May 1977
1a •Sarah Georgina; b 1980
Lineage: GEORGE WOMBWELL, of Wombwell, Yorks; m Hannah,
dau of William Waugh, and had:
1a William; m 1696 Elizabeth, est dau of Sir Michael
Wentworth, of Wolley, Yorks, and d 1682, leaving:
1b William; b 1700; m Margaret, dau of Sir Thomas
Standish, 2nd Bt, and had:
1c Margaret; m 1761 Anthony St Leger, who thus acquired
Wombwell, and dsp 1776
2c Elizabeth; m Sir Charles Turner, 1st Bt, of
Kirkleatham, York
2b George; Vicar Norton; d unm 1756
3b Michael, of Wakefield; d 1742
2a John; b 1672; m Elizabeth, dau of Richard Nottingham,
and had, with other issue:
1b George; b 1701; Br Consul Alicante; m Anne, dau and
heiress of John Nottingham, and had:
1c John; b 1748
1c Anne; m 14 Nov 1770 Ven John Strachey, LLD, FSA,
Archdeacon Suffolk (see 1970 edn STRACHIE, B), and had issue
3a Thomas; d 1740
ROGER WOMBWELL, of Barnsley, Yorks; b 31 May 1708; m Mary,
dau of Francis Chadwick, and d at sea 1740 en route to Gibraltar, leaving, with
a yr s (John, of Alicante, merchant, m 1st 24 Oct 1783 Elizabeth, est dau of
Joshua Grigsby, MP Suffolk, m 2nd Frances, dau of Richard Baker, and by her had
Sir George Wombwell, 1st Bt (GB), so cr 26 Aug 1778; bapt
11 June 1734; bought back the Wombwell estate; MP Huntingdon 1774–80, Chm HEIC;
m 4 June 1765 Susannah (d 27 Sept 1816), only dau of Sir Thomas Rawlinson,
Alderman City London and Ld Mayor 1746, and d 2 Nov 1780, leaving, with other
Sir George Wombwell, 2nd Bt; b 14 March 1769; educ Trin
Coll Cambridge (MA); Sheriff Yorks 1809–10; m 1st 19 July 1791 Lady Anne
Belasyse (d 7 July 1808), dau and coheir of 2nd and last Earl Fauconberg of
Newborough, and had, with other issue:
1a GEORGE (Sir), 3rd Bt
2a Henry Walter; b 24 May 1795; d 17 Feb 1835
Sir George m 2nd 1813 Eliza (d 21 March 1856), yst dau of
T E Little, of Hampstead, and by her had, with other issue:
3a Charles Orby; b 3 April 1813; Offr 10th Hus; m 1st 21
May 1836 Charlotte, dau of Orby Hunter, of Crowland Abbey, Lincs, and had:
1b Frances Charlotte; m 20 Sept 1864 Lt-Col Clifton
Gascoigne, Gren Gds (d 27 Sept 1903), and d 6 March 1920, leaving issue
3a (cont.) Charles Wombwell m 2nd 7 Sept 1865 Frances Jane
(d 11 Aug 1876), est dau of David Baillie, and d 14 Sept 1898, leaving by her:
1b Arthur Charles; b 4 July 1866; Lt Gren Gds; m 23 Nov
1898 Violet Bridget Heron (d 5 Sept 1929), only dau of Capt John Heron
Maxwell-Heron (see HERON-MAXWELL, Bt), and d 18 Feb 1921, leaving:
1c Claude Ronald; b 27 Feb 1900; educ Harrow and RMC
Sandhurst; Maj Seaforth Highrs; m 9 July 1936 Eva Mabel (d 1988), only dau of
Lt-Col Gerald Hugh Charles Madden, Irish Gds (see 1970 edn MACPHERSON-GRANT,
Bt), and d 5 July 1959, leaving:
1d +Gerald Arthur [Gerald Wombwell Esq, 40 Quarrendon St,
London SW6 3SU]; b 24 Dec 1937; educ Wellington; m 6 March 1968 •Elizabeth Ann,
SRN, RSCN, er dau of John Victor Gent, of Thika, Kenya, and has:
1e +Richard Brian; b 3 Aug 1973
1e •Camilla Susan; b 4 Oct 1970
2c Michael Henry; b 2 June 1907; educ Harrow and Trin Coll
Cambridge (BA 1929); m 1st 19 July 1932 Joy Evelyn Georgina (d 23 April 1954),
dau of Algernon Seymour Bernard Oakley, of Chadlington, Oxon; m 2nd 6 Oct 1962
Grace Margaret (d 30 Dec 1976) dau of David Willis, of Headley, Surrey, and d 1
March 1977
1a Louisa; m Aug 1840 as his 2nd w Henry William Beauclerk
(see SAINT ALBANS, D) and d 28 Dec 1882
Sir GEORGE d 28 Oct 1846; his est s,
Sir George Wombwell, 3rd Bt; b 13 April 1792; m 23 June
1824 Georgiana (d 10 May 1875), 2nd dau of Thomas Orby Hunter, of Crowland
Abbey, Lincs, and d 14 Jan 1855, leaving:
1a Sir George Orby Wombwell, 4th Bt, JP, DL N R Yorks; b
23 Nov 1832; Lt 17th Lancers Crimean War, High Sheriff Yorks 1861; m 3 Sept
1861 Julia Sarah Alice (d 24 Oct 1921), er dau of 6th Earl of Jersey (qv), and
d 16 Oct 1913, having had:
1b George; b 1 Nov 1865; Lt KRRC; dvp unm 16 Jan 1889
2b Stephen Frederick; b 19 Feb 1867; educ Trin Hall,
Cambridge (BA); Lt Yorks Hus Yeo Cav, Capt Imp Yeo Boer; das & vp of
enteric fever Vryburg, S Africa, 1 Feb 1901
1b Julia Georgiana Sarah; m 1st 29 Aug 1882 2nd Earl of
Dartrey (see 1933 edn) and had issue; m 2nd 29 April 1933 2nd Baron Saint Levan
(qv) and d 7 Feb 1938
2b Mabel Caroline; m 31 July 1897 Henry Robert Hohler (d 7
June 1906), est s of Henry Booth Hohler, of Fawkham Manor, Kent, and dsp 19 Dec
3b Cecilia Clementina; m 28 July 1890 William Dudgeon
Graham Menzies (d 24 Oct 1944), of Hallyburton, Coupar, Angus, Perthshire, and
d 20 Jan 1948, leaving issue